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1、启用前2005 年入学管理类专业学位联考英语试卷考生需知1.选择题的需用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上,其它笔填涂的或做在试卷或其它类型答题卡上的无效。2.其它题一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上按规定要求作答,凡做在试卷上或未做在制定位置的无效。3.交卷时,请配合监考验收,并请监考在准考证相应位置签字(作由考生自负。为考生交卷的凭据)。否则,所产生的一切SectionVocabulary (10 poDirections:s)There are 20plete sentenhis section For each sentence thee are four choimarkedA,B,C

2、and D. Choose the onet best completes the sentence and mark your angers on ANSWERs)SHEET 1 wipencil ( 10 po1. Advertises often aim theirns at young people as theyC. energye considerable spending .D. abilityA.erB. force2. Weve bought some chairs for the garden sot they are easy toawayA. adaptingB. ad

3、justingC. bindingD. folding3. The new speed restrictions were a debated ie,A. heavilyB. hotlyC. deeplynew challenge in lifeC. presentedD. profoundly4. His change of job has him wiA.roducedB. initiatedD. led5. No youreA. mattergry if youent eaten since yesterdayB. surpriseC. wonderD. problem6. Thanis

4、t played beautifully, showing a real for the musicA. feelingB. understandingC. appretionD. sense7. Theso a rage and started shouting at Robert to do as he was toldA. flewB. chargedC. rushedD. burst8. Politins should never lose of the needs of the people they representA. viewB. sightC. regardD. prosp

5、ect sD. communication9. The employees tried to settle the dispute by direct with theA, negotiationB. connectionC. assotion10. YouA. dashent heard all the facts so dont tosB. jumpC. muchD. fly11. I am aware of the need to obey the vales of the competitionA.tlyB. farC. muchD. well12. The manager has a

6、lways attended to the of important business himselfA. tranionB. solutionC. translationD. stimulation13. As is known to all a country gets a (an) from taxesAI4, TheA. feeeernmenB. revenueC. RindD. payments decided to reduce on all imports.B. charge l proviB. links to create deB. containC. tariffD. tu

7、itionThe need for financonnectsThe ability of bmount.not only to producers but also to consumersC .assotesD. relatesits is determined by the ratio of liouid assets which they.C. remainD. maain17 .TheA. otherserious prospect of a cure for Aidsa treatment which delays its effects ha emergednB. rathern

8、C. morenD. lessn18. His parents died when he was young, so he was by his grandmaA. bred 19.The JapaA. let inB. broughtC. fedD. growndollar-buying makes traders eager todollars in fear of anotherernmenterB. let outC. let go ofD. let off20. The local people could hardly think of any good way to the di

9、saster of the warA. shake offB. get offC. put offD. take offSection cloze (15 pos)Directions: For each numbered blhe following passage, there are four choimarked A, B,C and D choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET 1wipencil.A few decades ago, the world bing community invented n

10、ew Electronic Funds Transfer FT)systems to move money more efficiently across countries and around the globe. The 21 benefit ofsuch systems was to22the float of capitalt was unavailable for _23_checks were beingcleared through bing 24. Today, we understandt the benefits of electronic bing26 revoluti

11、onized. It is 27 more efficient and faster, but also more global. And now_28thee-trade.ernet, EFT systems are increasingly _29with the new world ofmerce and_30_1997 and 2003, EFT value 31_from lessn $50 trillion to nearly $400 trillion, moren the _32econmic product of all the countries and territori

12、es of the entire world. Thesesistics _33 should emphasize the importance of transnational EFT, salite, wireless, andcabased electronic fund transfers 34_the hub of global entrise. Such electronic cash is 35 central to the idea of an emerging “worldwide mind”. Without the salite and fiberinfrastructu

13、re to support the flow of electronic funds ,the world economy would grind to a halt.21. A. hidingB. gettingB. reduceC. drivingC. produceC. whileC. proceduresC. profoundC. has beenC. justC. forC. controlledC. FormC. elevatedC. combinedC. onlyC. reserveD. givingD. increaseD. whereD. systemsD. greatD.

14、had beenD. not onlyD. onD. joinedD. AmongD. soaredD. collectiveD. merelyD. comprehend22. A.roduceA. whichA. mechanicsA. extensiveA. isA. farA. withA. linkedB.tB. methodsB.ensiveB. hasB. evenB. byB.B. Inegrated30. A. BetnA decreasedA. grossA. lonelyA. presentB. raisedB. acceleratedB. aloneB. represen

15、t35. A. so B. nevertheless C. thereafter D. thereforeSection Reading Comprehen(40 pos)Directions: There are 4 passageshis part. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished sements. For each of them there are four choimarked A, B, C and D. You shoulddecide on the best choice and blacken t

16、he corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET 1 wi pencil.Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Working at nonstandard times-evenings, nights, orkends-is taking its toll on Americanfamis. One-fifth of all employed Americans work variable or roing shifts, and one-third workkends, accord

17、ing to Harried B. Presser, sociology professor at the University of Maryland. Theresult is stress on familial relationships, which is likely to continue in coming decades.The consequenof working irregular hours vary according to gender, economic level, andwhether or not children are involved. Single

18、 mothers are more likely to work nights andkendsn married mothers. Women in clerical, sales, or other loying jobs participatedisproportionay in working late and graveyard shifts.Married-couple households with children are increasinglying dual-earner households,generating more split-shift couples. Sc

19、hool-aged children, however, may benefit from parentsnonstandard work schedules because of the greater likelihoodt a parent will be home before ofafter school. On the other hand, a correlation exists betn nonstandard work schedules and bothmarital instability and a declinehe quality of marriages.Non

20、standard working hours mean famis spend less time together for dinner but more timetogether for breakfast. One-on-oneeraction betn parents and children varies, however, basedon parent, shift, and age of children. There is also a greater reliance on child care by relatives and byprofesal providers.Wo

21、rking nonstandard hours is less a choice of employees and more a mandate of employers.Presser bevest the need for swing shifts andkend work will continue to risehe comingdecades. She reportst in some European countries there are substantial salary premiums foremployees working irregular hours-someti

22、mes as much as 50% higher. The convenience ofingserviavailable 24 hours a day continues to drive this trend.Unfortunay, says Presser, the ie is virtually absent from public discourse, She emphasizesthe need for focused studies on costs and benefits of working odd hours, the physical and emotionalhea

23、lth of people working nights andkends, and the reasons behind the nesity for workingthese hours. “Nonstandard work schedules not only ard highly prevalent among American famisbut also generate a level of complexity in family functioningt needs greater attention,” she says .36. Which of the following

24、 demonstratest working at nonstandard times is taking its toll onAmerican famis?A. Stress on familial relationships.B. roing shifts.C. Evenings, night, orkends.D. Its consequen.37. Which of the following is affected most by working irregular hours?A. Children.B. MarriageC. Single mothersD. Working w

25、omen38. Who would be in favor of the practice of working nonstandard hours?A. ChildrenB. ParentsC. EmployeesD. Profesal child providers39. It is impdt the consequenB. absentof nonstandard work schedules areA. emphasizedC. neglectedD. prevalent40. What is the authors attitude towards working irregula

26、r hours?A.itiveB. NegativeC. IndifferentD. ObjectiveQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Most human beinglized expert, orually decide before they think. When any human being-executive,spehe street-encounters a complex ie and forms an opinion, oftenwithin a matter of seconds, how tho

27、roughly has he or she explored the implications of the variouscourses of action? Answer: not very thoroughly. Very few people, no matter howelligent ores, side effects,experienced, can take inventory of the many branchingsibilities,sibleand undesired consequenof a policy or a course of actionatter o

28、f seconds. Yet, those whopride themselves on being decisive often try to do justt. And once their brains lock onto anopinion, most of their thinking thereafter consists of finding support for it. (fr)A very serioue effect of argumenive decimaking can be a lack of support for thechosen course of acti

29、on on the part of the “losing” faction. When one faction wins the meeting andthe others see themselves as losing, the battle often doesnt end when the meeting ends. Anger,resentment, and jealousy may lead them to sabotage the decimeetings.later, or to reopen the debateaterThere is a better way. As p

30、hilosopher Aldous Huxley said, “It isnt who is right, but what is right,t counts.”The structured-inquiry method offers a better alternative to argumenive decimaking byn experts anddebate. With the help of theernet and wireless computer technology, the gap betexecutives is now being dramatically clos

31、ed. By actually putting the brakes on the thinking pros,slowing it down, andanizing the flow of logic, itssible to create a level of clarityt sheerargumenion can never match.The structured-inquiry prosrodua level of conceptual clarity byanizing thecontributions of the experts, then brings the expert

32、s and the decimakers closer together.Although it isntsible or nesary for aor prime minister to listen in on everys may somewhat resemble a marketing focuselligenceysis as to its meaning. This progroup; its simple, remarkably clever way to bring decimakers closer to the source of the expertinformatio

33、n and opinions on which they must base their decis.41. From theparagraph we can learnt .A. executive, spelized expert, are no more clevernhe streetB. very few people decide before they thinkC. those who pride themselves on being decisive often fail to do soD. People tend to consider carefully before

34、 making decis42. Judging from the context, what does the word “them” (line 4, paragraph 2) refer to?A. DecimakersB. the “losing” factionC. Anger, resentment, and jealousyD. Otheople43. Aldous Huxleys remark (paragraph 3) impst .A. there is a subtle difference betn right and wrongB. we cannotl who is

35、 right and what is wrongC. what is rights is more importantn who is rightD. what is right accounts for the question who is right44. According to the author, the function of the structured-inquiry method is .A. to make deciby debateB. to apply theernet and wireless computer technologyC. to brake on t

36、he thinking pros, slowing it downD. to create a level of conceptual clarity45. The structured-inquiry pros can be useful for .A. decimakersB.elligenceysis meetingC. the experts informationD. marketing focus groupsQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:Sport is heading for an indissolu

37、ble marriage witheviand the passive specor will enjoyaudience)a private paradise. All of this will behe future of sport. The specor (theeviwill be the priority(优先)and profesal clubs willnew reality: sport as a business.e to readjust their structures to adapt to theThe new technologies will meant spe

38、cor will no longere to wait for broadcasts by theconventional channels. They will be the ones who decide what to see. And they wille to pay forit.he United Ses the system of the future has already started: pay-as-you-view. Everything willbe offered byeviand the specor will onlye to choose. The revie

39、w Sports Illustratedrecently published a full profile of the life of the supporter at homehe middle of the next century.It explainedt the consumers would be able to select their view of the match on a gig, flatscreen occupying the whole ofall, with images of a clarity which cannot be foreseen at pre

40、sent;they could watch from the trainers bench, from the stands just behind the batter in a game ofbaseball or from the helmet of the star player in an American football game. And at their disalwill be the same options the producer of the recorded programme has: to select replays, to choose which cam

41、era to use and to decide on the soundwhether to hear the public, the players, the trainer and so on.Many sports executives, largely too old and too conservative to feel at home with the newtechnologies, will bevet sport must control the expanofevicoverage in order tosurvive and ensuret specors atten

42、d matches. They do not even accept the evidence whichcontradicts their view: while there is more basketballn ever onevi, for example, it is alsocertahat basketball is more popularn ever.It is also the argument of these sports executivesteviis harming the modest teams.e reached their ceiling. It is t

43、rue,This is true, but the future of those teams is also modest. Theybut the future of those teams is also modest. Theye reached their ceiling. It is the law of themarket. The great evens continually attract larger audienThe world is being constructed on new technologies so.t people can make the utmo

44、st use ofsible range of recreational activities.their time and,heir home,e acs to the greatestSport wille to adapt itself to the new world.The most viary executives go further. Their philosophy is: rathern seeevitakeover sport, why nove sports taken overevi?46. What does the writer mean by the use o

45、f the phrase “an indissoluble marriage”paragraph?heA. Sport is combined withevi.B. Sport controlsevi.C.evidices sport.D. Sport andeviwill go their own ways.47. What does “they” in line 2, paragraph 2stand for?A. broadcastsC. specorsB. channelsD. technologiesHow do many sports executives feel with th

46、e new technologies?They are too old to do anythingThey feel ill at ease.C. They feel compley at home.D. Technologies can go hand in hand with sports49. What is going to be discussedhe following paragraphs?A. The philosophy of viary executives.B. The pros ofevitakiner sport.C.evicoverage expan.D. An

47、example to show how spors taken overevi.What might be the appropriate title of this passage?The arguments of sports executives.B. The philosophy of viary executives.he 21 century.C. Sport andeviD. Sport: a business.Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:Convenience food helps companie

48、s by creating growth; but what is its effect on people? For people who think cooking was the foundation of civilization, the microwave is the last enemy. Thecommunion (共享) of eating together is easily broken by a devicet liberates household citizensfrom waiting for mealtimes. Thegreat revolutionhe h

49、istory of food is in danger of beingundone. The companionship of the campfire, cooking pot and common table, whiche helped tobond humans in collaborative living foreast 150 000 years, could be destroyed.Mealse certainly suffered from the rise of convenience food. The only meals regularly takentogeth

50、er in Britahese days are at thekend, among rich famis struggling to retain somethingof the old symbol of togetherness., the daysmeal has all but disappeared.he 21stbreakfast is vanishing altogether, a victim of the quick cup of coffee in Starbucks and the cereal bar.Convenience food has also made pe

51、ople fet how to cook. One of the apparent paradoxes ofmodern food ist, while the amount of time spent cooking meals has fallen from 60 minutes a dayin 1980 to 13 minutes a day in 2002, the number of books andeviprogrammes on cooking hasmultipd. But perhaps this isnt paradox. Maybe it is because peop

52、le cant cooking has multipd.But perhaps this isnt paradox. Maybe it is because people cant cook any more. So they need to betold how to. Or maybe it is because peopuy books about hobbiesgolf, yachtingnotabohores. Cooking has ceased to be a chore and hase a hobby.Although everybody liveshe kitchen, i

53、ts facilities are increasingly for display rathern foruse. Mr. Silversteins new book, “Trading Up”, looks at mid-range consumers willingness to splashout. He sayst industrial-style Viking cookt, with nearly twice the heat output of other ranges,e helped to push the “kitchen as theatre” trend in home

54、 goods. They cost from 1 000 to 9 000.Some 75% of them are never used.Convenience also has an impact on the healthiness, or otherwise, Of course, there is nothing badabout ready-to eat food itself. You dont get much healthiern an apple, and all supermarketla better-for-you range of ready-meals. But

55、there is a limit to the number of apples people want to eat;and these days it is easier for people to eat the kind of foodt makes them fat.The three Harvard economistsheir pr “Whye Americanse more obese?” pot took time andoutt,he past, if people wanted to eat fatty hot food, they had cook it.energya

56、 good chip needs fryinice, once to cook the poo and once to get it crispy(脆)which discouraged consumption oft sort or food. Mass preparation of food took awaytconstra. Nobody has to cut and double-cook their own fries these days. Who has the time?51. What might the previous paragraphs deal with?A. T

57、he relationship betn meals and convenience food.The importance of convenience food in peoples life.The rise of convenience food.The history of food industry.52. What is the paradoxhe third paragraph?A. People dont know how to cook.B. The facilitiesC. People arehe kitchen are not totally used.ing mor

58、e obese, thus unhealthy.D. Convenience food actually does not save people time.What does the passage mainly discuss?The bad effects of convenience food.Mr. Silersteins new bookPeoples new hobby.Disappearance of the old symbol of togetherness.54. Whye Americanse more obese?Because of eating chips.Bec

59、ause of being busy.Because of being lazy.Both B and C.55. Which of the following might the author most likely agree with?A. There is nothing bad aboonvenience food.Convenience food makes people lazy.Convenience food helps companies grow.Convenience food is a revolution in cooking.Section IV Translat

60、ion (15pos)Directions:his section there issage in English. Translate the five underlined sentenoChiand write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET2.People in business can use foresight to identify new products and servi, as well as markets forthose products and servi. An increaseinority populations i


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