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1、 2022年环境科学专业留学申请书 在国外学习专业选择很多样化。这有两层含义,一是国外大学开设的专业特别广泛,很多专业在国内还是空白,或者国内同等专业不被国外普遍承认,典范的囊括临床医学和法律专业。这里给大家分享一些2022年环境科学专业留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022年环境科学专业留学申请书 Dear _, There was never any doubt that I would pick Environmental Science. Studying at sixth form has made me realise that my favourite parts of each su

2、bject are based on the processes and sustainability of the environment. For my Product Design coursework, I was redesigning manufactured goods to be greener; making a lamp that was 80% more efficient and could also be broken down to be recycled. I prevailed in the organic module of AS Chemistry in w

3、hich I learnt about the use of fossil fuels and pollutants. And in Maths, I concluded that the statistics module was the most rewarding because it showed me how the subject is integrated into almost everything; I was using methods from my statistics class to help me with my Geography coursework, in

4、which I surveyed a river environment and how humans influence it I took pleasure in wading through a river and the great sense of fulfilment to draw a conclusion from information I had gathered and processed myself. I feel that this course will satisfy my curiosity about the world around us, and hop

5、e it will lead me to a career that aims to find ways to use the worlds resources in a sustainable way. I have not missed an opportunity to get involved with extra-curricular activities; as I was walking through school to head home after some particular activities, I was often greeted by teachers mak

6、ing statements such as, Are you still here? but I kept coming back. Being part of every girls team available, and captaining some select games, meant that I set aside a lot of time to the cause; but this was no chore, I love the social side of sports because everyone involved has so much enthusiasm,

7、 which they portray in such an energetic manner. I joined clubs out of school, representing the South Bucks hockey team in the Thames Valley games and playing in an under sixteens netball club let me meet many new people that I shared a common interest with. I also became part of a non-competitive h

8、ockey club for older hockey players, where the training was more vigorous and my team mates were a lot wiser I often had to decline invitations to the pub, purely because I was too young - but the harder training routines improved my self discipline that lead me to having new skills. For games such

9、as netball and rounders it is essential to cooperate and follow instructions; you have to play your part in the game, doing this has not only taught me how to be part of a team, but how to lead one too. I am now part of the sports council, representing the sixth-form, we are currently working to enc

10、ourage younger pupils to attend after school sports clubs and are organising a sports day for year seven. I also represent sixth form in the school council where we discuss how to make school a better environment for everybody; the latest proposal was to introduce paper recycling. My school holds a

11、summer awards evening every year for the lower school, I acquired awards for my work in various subjects and one for service, these made me feel like quite the specialist and encouraged me to put more effort in and lend a hand to others. I was made a prefect in year eleven and am now a senior studen

12、t, I was very eager to help in the smooth running of the school to give back a little of what I have been given in extra-curricular time and resources. Last year I helped out in a year nine maths class once a week, I felt a sense of satisfaction when students were able to use concepts that I had exp

13、lained to them. Also last year, when GCSEs were over, I started to teach myself guitar. Starting off, it took self-motivation to keep on learning as things got harder, and fingerprints started to wear off, but now I am part of a band and I know that it was undoubtedly worth the effort. I have always

14、 loved learning new fields of knowledge and I am looking forward to exploring them in more depth at a higher level. I see university as an opportunity to utilise better facilities and expertise, and I understand that I must contribute all I can and rise to all the challenges put to me. Yours sincere

15、ly, 留学澳大利亚行李准备清单 一、行李准备 1.基本的东西就不要带了 像一些沐浴露,牙膏啊等等,这些基本的东西完全是可以到了以后再买的。当然,这也不是绝对的,我只是说,一定不要过度打包,行李太多会造成很多不便。当然,可以带一些简单的旅行套装还是可以的。 2.要带一双舒服的鞋 如果你只带着一双鞋,那也一定要带穿着最舒服的鞋!尽管听起来像是你 妈妈重复说的话,但这是真理,到了你就会知道有多重要。 3.不要打包太多季节性的衣服 不要觉得澳洲只有夏季,所以行李箱都装满了短裤T恤!你要为一切的天气可能做好准备,同时要记得,澳洲的季节和国内是相反的,澳洲也是有冬天的! 4.要在随身行李中带换的衣服和必

16、需品 以防出现意外情况,所以,在随身行李中准备充分。 5.不要让重要物品离开你的视线 一些重要物品,例如护照,机票,信用卡,现金,通知书等,都要放在随身行李中。最糟糕的事情就是,你到达了机场,却找不到自己托运行李,所以,不要把重要物品放在托运行李中。我一般都会把重要的文件和钱包封闭袋子中,永远不要让重要物品离开你的视线。 6.不要直接把衣服都扔在行李箱 合理安排好行李箱空间有一百种方式,可以卷起来,可以叠起来,可以用最节省空间的方式。 7.要带几件国内的小礼物 尤其是,你选择寄宿家庭的方式。他们收到这些礼物会非常高兴,当你离开也会赠送你当地的礼物。 8.不要带太多的舒适物品 你最喜欢的小物品?

17、可以!家人朋友的照片?可以!舒服的小毯子?可以!但是,一定不要太狂热,把所有熟悉的东西都塞进行李箱就不太合适了。你是去国外开始一段新的,完全不一样的经历的,创作新经历也很重要。 二、带多少现金 1.澳元是澳大利亚的法定货币。 澳元硬币全部是5元以下的面额,20的硬币就是20分。具体来说:澳元有纸币和硬币两种形式,纸币面值有 5(紫色)、10(蓝色)、20(橙色)、50(黄色)和 100元(绿色)。5元以下的面额由于使用频繁容易磨损全部为硬币,5 澳分、10 澳分、20 澳分、50 澳分,以及金色的 1 澳元和 2 澳元。澳元是澳大利亚的法定货币。 2.第一次去澳大利亚留学,身上带多少现金合适?

18、 澳大利亚海关规定,入境者携带数量为10000或以上澳币或是等量的其他货币时必须申报,因此不要偷偷将学费以现金的形式装在包中带到澳大利亚,以免在海关遭到处罚。近年来,国人喜欢随身携带大量现金的习惯,也使得中国留学生很容易成为犯罪分子的攻击目标。 澳大利亚是一个金融业相当发达的国家,有为数众多的国际联网信用卡和借记卡服务网点,并且大多数商店和超市都可以刷卡消费,现金以外的金融产品使用也特别方便,所以完全没必要随身携带太多现金。从很多老留学生的个人经历来看,一般建议现金携带不超过1000澳元,可以选择旅行支票、汇票和银行卡的组合方式作为现金的有效补充。 三、需要带的文件 获取经过认证的学习成绩单英文翻译件; 获取与课程相关的工作经验证明英文翻译件(用于申请减免学分或申请在选定的领域内从事兼职工作); 去澳洲留学,向澳大利亚使领馆查询自己携带的药品是否可以合法进入澳大利亚,从医生那里得到信件,由医生解释您的健康状况; 从医生那里获取药物处方及药物成分的英文翻译件; 如果需要,去看牙医或眼科医生(“海外学生医疗保险OSHC”不包含看牙医或眼科医生的费用,所以,在澳大利亚看牙医或眼科医生要比国内贵); 对换澳币,以备到达澳洲时使用。开具到达澳洲后可以兑付的澳币汇票或旅行支票,保证有资金可以使用; 向开户银行了解到达澳洲之前,是


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