1、. .24/24物流英语课文容精讲串讲笔记课文容精讲Unit 1General Introduction to LogisticsModern logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information that are of vital importance to customers and clients in various sectors of the economic society,which may include but by no means is limited
2、to:packaging,warehousing,material handling,inventory,transport,forecasting,strategic planning and customer service.现代物流与物资与信息的与时有效流动相关,而物资和信息的与时有效流动对经济社会的不同领域的顾客和客户有着极其重要的意义。现代物流包括但不限于下列方面:包装,仓储,材料搬运,存货,运输,预测,战略规划,客户服务。Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans,implements and cont
3、rols the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers requirements.物流是供应链的一部分,计划、执行和控制产品、服务与相关信息从原产地到消费地的与时有效流动和存储以满足客户要求。课文容精讲Unit 2An Important FactorIt is universally acknowledged that produc
4、ts are of two kinds, products for customers and products for industrial use.就产品而言,普遍认为有两类,一类是消费类产品,另一类是工业用途产品。Consumer products are those that are directed to ultimate consumers.According to the three different ways in which consumers select goods and services and where they buy them, consumer produ
5、cts can be put into three categories:convenience products, shopping products, and specialty products.消费类产品是指直接面对终端消费者的产品。根据消费者挑选产品和服务的三种不同方式以与从哪里购买这些产品,消费品可分为便利型产品,购买型产品和特殊产品三种。Convenience products are those goods and services that consumers purchase frequently, immediately, and with little comparat
6、ive shopping.便利型产品是指消费者需要经常、与时购买并且不十分需要比较差价的产品和服务。Shopping products are those for which consumers are willing to seek and compare: comparing in many locations the price, quality, and performance, and making a purchase only after careful deliberation.购买型产品是消费者愿意到处寻寻觅觅,比较价格、质量和性能,三思之后才作出购买决定的产品。Specia
7、lty products are those for which buyers are willing to expend a substantial effort and often to wait a significant amount of time in order to acquire them.特殊产品是指买家愿意花费大量精力并为了获得它们可以忍受很长的等待时间的产品。The 80/20 concept is derived from the fact that the bulk of the sales are generated from relatively few pro
8、ducts in the product line. This simply means 80 percent of a firms sales are generated by 20 percent of the product line items. An exact 8020 ratio is rarely observed, but the disproportionality between sales and the number of items is generally true.8020概念是说销售量中的大部分来自生产线上种类相对少的产品。也就是说,公司销售量的80%是由20
9、%的产品实现的。精确的8020比例是很难达到的,但是销售量和产品种类数目间的不一致一般是存在的。It is reasonably expected that the volumes of cargo flow in any given firm vary depending on how successful their sales are. At any point in time, there exists a product phenomenon called the 8020 curve, a particularly valuable concept for logistics pl
10、anning.任何公司的货物流量都应该根据销售量的大小来决定,这是合理的。在任何时候,产品都存在着8020曲线现象,这是物流计划中非常有价值的概念。课文容精讲Unit 3TransportationTransportation is a vital component in the design and management of logistics systems. It may account for onethird to twothirds of total logistics costs. The choices available to the users typically in
11、clude the five major transport modes (air, truck, rail, water, and pipe) and their combinations. Users may hire the services or own the means of transportation.运输是物流系统设计和管理的一个重要部分,可能占整个物流成本的1/3到2/3。用户一般可以选择五大运输模式(飞机、汽车、铁路、水路和管道运输),也可以互相结合运用。用户可以租用运输服务或者使用自有的运输工具。Rates are based primarily on three fa
12、ctorsdistance, shipment size, and competition.费率主要由三方面决定运输距离、每票货物的大小以与市场竞争。Cost allocation is one of the factors that affect pricing. The shippers perspective about it is important, though it is chiefly something that the carriers should pay attention to.成本分配是影响定价的诸多因素之一。虽然这主要是承运人应当注意的事情,但托运人的看法也很重要
13、。JIT:justintime,准时制,是实现零库存(zero inventory)的一种途径。JIT service can help to reduce inventory cost.准时制服务可以节省库存开销。课文容精讲Unit 4Logistics StrategyInventory is viewed as playing a role in the valueadded process. This does not mean the more you have in the form of inventory, the richer you are.在增值过程中库存被人们认为起着重
14、要作用,这并不意味着以库存的形式存放的货物越多,你就越富。On the one hand, capital cost increases with the lot size. On the other hand, the interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory, which is, in many cases, computed according to the prime interest rate or a specified rate pegged to the prime interest.一
15、方面本金随着批量大小而改变;另一方面,利息随着投资在存货上的本金的多少而增减,而大多数情况下,存货是根据主要利息率或指定利息率计算的。The lot sizing concept balances the cost of maintaining inventories against the cost of ordering. The key to understanding the relationship is to remember that average inventory is equal to onehalf the order quantity. The larger the
16、order quantity, the fewer orders required per planning period and, consequently, the lower the total ordering cost. Lot quantity formulations identify the precise quantities at which the annual combined total cost of ordering and maintenance is lowest for a given sales volume.批量大小的概念平衡了维持库存的成本和降低订购成
17、本的矛盾,理解他们的关系的关键是要记住平均库存数等于订购数量的二分之一。每次订购的量越大,每个订购计划周期订购次数就越少。因此整个订购成本就越少。批量公式指明在给定销售额下,年综合定购成本和维持库存的最低点。课文容精讲Unit 5PackagingPackaging can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging. Generally speaking, consumer packaging, which mainly aims at containing the goods, promoting the sale
18、 of it and facilitating use of it, is of little value to logistics operation. But industrial packaging has a significant impact on the cost and productivity of logistics.包装可分成工业性包装和消费性包装两大类。一般来说,消费性包装主要为了盛装商品,促进商品销售,方便顾客使用,而对物流运作价值不大。但是工业性包装却对物流成本与物流生产力有很大的影响。The functions of Industrial packaging in
19、clude:工业性包装的功能包括:First, it should protect the goods from damage during handling, storing and transportation.第一,它必须防止商品在搬运、存储和运输过程中受损坏。Second, it should promote logistical efficiency.第二,包装应能促进物流效率。The third important logistical packaging function is communication or information transfer.物流包装的第三个重要的功能
20、就是通讯或信息传播。To identify package contents for receiving, order selection and shipment verification, etc., is the most obvious communication role of packaging. Typical information includes manufacturer, product, container type, count, and Universal Product Code (UPC) number.包装最显著的信息传播作用就是收货入库时查验包货物、分拣和每
21、票货物的查验。典型的包装信息包括生产商、产品、容器型号、数量以与通用商品代码(UPC)。课文容精讲Unit 6PurchasingFor most organizations, supply management means purchasing. In many firms,purchasing has been seen as a clerical activity. However, the emergence of the supply chain management concept has enlightened many managers about the strategic
22、role played by purchasing.对于大多数企业组织来说,供应链管理意味着采购,在许多公司里,采购一直被视为职员的行为。然而供应链管理概念的出现使许多管理人员从采购所起到的战略性作用中受到启发。Purchasing contributes to the firms efficiency and effectiveness in many ways. First, it helps to determine a firms cost structure.采购的许多方面有利于提高公司的工作效率和工作效果。首先,采购有助于决定公司的成本结构。Second, good purchas
23、ing practices avoid operational problems.第二,良好的采购实践避免了营运上的问题。Without effective purchasing practices, operations in a firm may be disrupted, customer service levels may fall, and longterm customer relationship may be damaged. Before any product can be manufactured, supplies meeting certain conditions
24、 must be available. Fortunately, progressive managers have recognized these potential contributions of purchasing and have taken the necessary steps to ensure results.缺乏富有成效的采购,公司的运作就会陷入混乱,客户服务水平也会下降,长期的客户关系就会受损。任何产品在生产之前,符合相关条件的各种供应物必须到位。幸运的是,先进的管理人员已认识到采购所起到的潜在的推动作用,并采取了必要的措施确保其取得良好的效果。课文容精讲Unit 7
25、InformationInformation is crucial to the performance of a supply chain because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions. Without information, a manager will not know what customers want, how much inventory is in stock and when more products should be produced and shippe
26、d. In short, without information, a manager can only make decisions blindly.信息对于供应链的绩效至关重要,因为它提供信息给供应链管理者,供其做出决策。没有信息,管理者就不知道顾客想要什么、有多少库存与何时需要制造出更多产品并进行运输。总而言之,没有信息,管理者就只能盲目地做出决策。Supply chain managers use information to make many important decisions relating to each of the supply chain drivers.供应链管理
27、者使用信息来做出很多重要的决策,这些决策与供应链每个环节都息息相关。Managers must understand how information is gathered and analyzed. This is where information technology comes into play.管理者必须要知道怎样收集信息和分析信息。这一点就是信息技术发挥作用的地方。Information technology (IT) consists of the hardware and software used throughout a supply chain to gather an
28、d analyze information. IT serves as the eyes and ears of management in a supply chain, capturing and delivering the information necessary to make a good decision.信息技术(IT)包括了在整个供应链中收集和分析信息的软件与硬件设备。信息技术系统在供应链中相当于管理方的眼睛与耳朵,它能捕捉和传送必要的信息,利于做出正确的决定。课文容精讲Unit 8Supply ChainSupply chain is defined as a netwo
29、rk composed of factories, suppliers, retailers, etc. that supply to each other raw material, components, products and service.供应链的定义是一个网络,它包含了工厂、供应商、零售商等等,它们互相给对方提供原材料、零部件、产品和服务。Supply chain management means the design, planning and control of the information flow, movements of goods and money with
30、a view to strengthening competitiveness.供应链管理指为了增强竞争力而对信息流通、货物移动和货币的流通进行设计、策划和控制。Ford Motor Company is a case in point. Henry Ford envisaged a totally selfsufficient industrial empire.福特汽车公司是一个很好的例子。亨利福特设想建立一个自给自足的工业帝国。Fords objective was control. To achieve this goal, he set out to develop the worl
31、ds first complex vertically integrated firm.福特的目标就是要控制。要达到这一目的,他开始发展世界上首家机构复杂、垂直一体化的综合性公司。At the peak of Fords vertical extension the firm faced economic, regulatory, and labor union barriers that eventually required products and services to be provided by a network of independent suppliers. The key
32、 to effective marketing was finally found by developing a strong network of independent dealers. As time passed, Ford discovered that specialized firms could perform most essential work as well as or better than his own bureaucracy. In fact, these specialists often outperformed Fords own units with
33、respect to quality and cost. Entrepreneurial firms soon became contributors to Fords network. Over time, the Ford strategy shifted from ownershipbased control to one of orchestrating channel relationships. The financial resources at Ford were shifted to developing and maintaining core manufacturing
34、competencies. Ford found out that in the final analysis, no firm can be selfsufficient.在福特公司的垂直延伸的顶端,公司面临着经济障碍、法规的限制和工会的阻力,各方面最后都要求产品和服务应该通过独立的供应商来提供。有效市场营销的关键最后是要通过建立由一个个独立供应商组成的有力网络实现。随着时间的推移,福特发现专业公司在开展大部分的必要工作时做得和自己的企业一样好,或者更出色。事实上,这些专业公司常常在质量和成本上胜过福特自己的公司。承包工厂很快为福特的网络作出了贡献。随着时间的流逝,福特的战略从以所有制为基础
35、的控制转变为对物流渠道各方相互关系的协调控制。而福特的经济资源也转到了发展和保持核心制造力上。福特分析发现,说到底,没有任何公司能够自给自足。课文容精讲Unit 9Maritime TransportationMaritime shipping is an important link in international logistics service.海上运输是国际物流服务中的一个重要环节。When you need to send cargo to a buyer overseas according to a sales contract, you must book space on
36、 a ship either by yourself or via a freight forwarder.当你需要根据销售合同向海外的买方发货的时候,你必须自己或是通过货运代理来向船方订舱。Then, when the shipping company accepts your spacebooking, you will receive a Container Load Plan in due course.然后,如果船公司接受了订舱,到时候你就会收到装箱单。At the same time, the shipping company will make out a stowage pla
37、n for the ship.与此同时,船公司将做出整艘船的积载图。When your cargo is stuffed into a container, it is hauled to the container yard to be loaded on board the ship according to the stowage plan. When it is done, the First Mate would sign a Mates Receipt. 货物装箱后,集装箱就被运往堆场,按照积载图来进行装船。装好之后,大副要在大副收据上签字。You can now take the
38、 Bill of Lading together with all the documents required to the negotiating bank to exchange for money from the buyer.现在你就可以拿着提单连同信用证要求的所有单证去议付行换取买方的货款。课文容精讲Unit 10ThirdParty LogisticsSupply chain management is the process that integrates coordinates and controls the movements of materials, finished
39、 inventory and related information from suppliers through companies to meet consumer requirement.供应链管理是一个整合、协调和控制原料运输、制成品存货和来自供应商的相关信息以满足消费者需求的过程。The objectives of supply chain management are to reduce overall costs, minimize lead time, minimize inventory levels and cost, improve service level and s
40、treamline goods and information flows.供应链管理的目标是降低总成本,使前置期达到最短,使存货水平和存货成本最小化,提高服务水平并使货物和信息的流通畅通。The TPL conducts supply chain management by adopting sophisticated technology, providing value adding service, tailoring their service according to the specific needs and providing local service.第三方物流通过采取各
41、项尖端的技术、提供增值服务、根据具体要求提供服务以与本地服务来作用于供应链管理。Supply chain management has great potentiality for further development but also has a long way to go before reaping a greater success.供应链管理具有进一步发展的巨大潜力,但也还要走很长的路才能收获更大的成功。物流名词总汇物流名词总汇logistics 物流warehousing 仓库,仓储inventory 库存procurement 获取,获得packaging 包装coordin
42、ation 协调strategic planning 战略规划customer service 客户服务material handling 材料搬运storage 库存,存储accessibility 可得性availability 可用性,实用性category 种类,类别outlet 出口,出路patronage 赞助,光顾product line 生产线pattern 式样,模式preference 偏爱,优先选择convenience 便利,方便brand 品牌furnishing 设备strategy 策略transportation 运输competition 竞争broker 经
43、纪人component 部件,配件carrier 承运人 expense 费用,代价freight forwarder 货运代理fund 基金liability 责任,义务,倾向,债务middleman 中间人performance 履行 shipper 发货人,托运人assembly 装配manufacturer 制造商delivery 交付 replacement 替代containerization集装箱化运输infrastructure 基础设施terminal港口,终点站 intermodal transportation 协调联运maintenance cost 养护费用,维修费用
44、 heavy industry 重工业light industry 轻工业productivity gain 提高生产率;增大产量deterioration 变坏,退化,堕落balance 平衡lot 批量JIT=just in time 准时制model 样式,型号workshop 工厂,车间discount 折扣minimum 最小值stockpile 积蓄,库存yard 堆场overstock 库存过量holding inventory 库存保管stockout 脱销,缺货obsolescence 损耗capital cost 本金storage cost 储存成本conveyor 传送
45、带,传送机lean manufacturing 精细生产facilitate 促进,帮助disposal 处理checkpoint 检查站,检查点franchise 保险免赔额,特许经营(权)trash废物,垃圾carton 纸板箱documentation 文件pallet 托盘verification 查证,检查,证实frequency 频率assembly packaging集合包装average inventory平均存货bonded warehouse保税仓库cargo freight 货物general cargo 一般货物freight container 货物集装箱 mater
46、ials handling 物料搬运packaged cargo 包装货物packaging 包装 pictorial marking for handling 货运标识storage存储transit inventory 中转存货 truck terminal卡车货运站 WMS(Warehouse Management System)仓储管理系统WCS(Warehouse Control System) 仓储控制系统authority 权威,威信elevation 提高,提升dishonor 拒付deferred payment 延期付款progressive payment 分期付款pay
47、ment on terms 定期付款pay order 支付凭证payment by banker 银行支付payment by remittance 汇拨支付payment in part 部分付款payment in full 全部付讫payment respite 延期付款payment at maturity 到期付款Cash With Order (CWO) 随订单付现Cash On Delivery (COD) 交货付现Cash Against Documents (CAD) 凭单付现pay on delivery (POD) 货到付款at.days (months)after s
48、ight 付款人见票后若干天(月)付款at sight 即期,见票即付at.days sight 付款人见票后若干天即付款at.days after date 出票后若干天付款at.days after B/L 提单签发后若干天付款Demand Draft (D/D) 票汇Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 电汇 Documents against Payment (D/P) 付款交单Documents against Payment at Sight (D/P Sight) 即期付款交单Documents against Payment after Sight (D/P S
49、ight) 远期付款交单Documents against Acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证 form of credit 信用证形式Terms of validity 信用证效期L/C amount 信用证金额 L/C number 信用证Sight L/C 即期信用证Expiry Date 效期 Date of Issue 开证日期Legal Department 法律室shipment 装运、装船charter (the chartered ship) 租船time of delivery 交货时间FCL=full conta
50、iner load 整箱货voyage charter 定程租船LCL=less than a container load 拼箱货time of shipment 装运期限time charter 定期租船shipper, consignor 托运人(一般指出口商)TEU/teu=twentyfoot equivalent unit 标箱consignee 收货人bar code 条形码regular shipping liner 班轮lighter 驳船shipping space 舱位tanker 油轮Customs Declaration 报关cargo receipt 陆运收据to
51、take delivery of goods 提货airway bill 空运提单original bill 正本提单optional port 选择港(任意港)optional charges 选港费steamship(缩写S.S.) 轮船optional charges to be borne by the buyers 或 optional charges for buyers account 选港费由买方负担shipment during January 或 January shipment 一月份装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipmen
52、t on or before Jan.31st. 一月底装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment 一/二月份装船shipment during.in two lots 在(时间)分两批装船shipment during.in two equal lots 在(时间)平均分两批装船in three monthly shipments 分三个月装运in three equal monthly shipments 分三个月,每月平均装运immediate shipments 立即装运prompt shipments 即期装运shipments w
53、ithin 30 days after receipt of L/C 收到信用证后30天装运partial shipment allowed/permitted 允许分批装船agency 代理公司shelf 架子 mileage 英里数,英里里程mission 使命,任务,代表团trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权
54、获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人First Mate/Chief Mate/Chief Officer 大副 indemnity 保证,补偿Letter of Credit 信用证Bill of Lading 提单insurance policy 保险单maritime association 海事协会CY=container yard 集装箱堆场loading and unloading 装卸stacking 堆码cold chain 冷链containerization 集
55、装箱化provider 供应者,供给者TPL=thirdparty logistics 第三方物流enterprise 企业venture 冒险,风险,投机shipment 装船,出货potentiality 潜力,潜能visibility 能见度consignment 发货component parts 零部件material handling 物料搬运point of origin 原产地point of consumption 消费地capital flow 资金流动物流常用语大全物流常用语大全1.a comprehensive package of services全面的一揽子服务2.
56、a designated manned ship一艘特定的配备船员的船3.abbreviation缩写/缩写词4.adjustment factors调整因素5.advisory bodies咨询机构6.air freight空运货物7.Airline cooperation航空公司协作8.amendment修改9.arrival notice到货通知10.as per按照11.assembly plant装配厂12.bale or grain capacity包装或散装容积13.BALTIME form波尔的姆格式14.bank draft银行汇票15.bareboat chartering
57、光船租船16.BARECON form贝尔康格式17.bargaining strength讨价还价的能力18.bill of entry报关单19.bill of lading提单20.BIMCO波罗的海国际航运协会21.blank bill of lading不记名提单22.block style齐头式23.body of the letter书信正文24.break bulk cargo杂货,普通货物25.breakage of packing risks包装破裂险26.bunker adjustment factor (BAF)燃油价格调整因素;燃油附加费27.business cor
58、respondence商务通信28.call at a port挂靠,停靠29.cargo transportation货物运输30.carriage of goods by sea海上货物运输31.carriage of goods by road公路货物运输32.carrier承运人33.carrying capacity运载能力34.certificate of registry登记证书35.CFR (Cost and Freight)成本加运费36.chargeable weight计费重量37.charter party租船合同38.check list核查单39.CIF (Cost
59、, Insurance and Freight)成本、保险费加运费40.CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To)运费、保险费付至41.crash and breakage risks碰损、破碎险42.class rates等级运价43.clean bill of lading清洁提单44.clear the goods for export办理货物出口清关手续45 bined transport合并运输46 mission agent委托代理人47 mon carrier公共承运人48 mon practices一般做法49 plimentary close结尾
60、敬语,结尾客套语50.conference liner班轮公会运输51.consignee收货人52.consolidated shipment集运货物53.consolidation services合并运输服务54.constructive total loss推定全损55.container cargo集装箱货物56.containerization集装箱化57.contract of affreightment (COA)包运合同58.contract of carriage货物运输合同59.copy notations抄送60.copyright infringement侵犯著作权6
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