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1、省姜堰市九年级英语总复习 单项选择100题5 牛津译林版1.You look rather tired, _stop to have a rest?All right. But Ill have to work for_minutes.A .Dont you; much more B. Why not; a few more C. Why not to; a little more D. What about; a few many2.His hobby is_taking photos_collecting stamps. Its growing flowers. A. either ; o

2、r B. both ; and C. not only; but also D. neither ; nor3.So far we_more than two thousand English words A1earn B1earned C. have learned Dwill learn -4.Do you know when? Athe party will start Bwill the party start Cthe party starts Ddoes the party start 5.Our headmaster looks seriousDoes he have_ to t

3、ell us at the meeting? Aimportant something Bimportant anything Cnothing important Danything important6.-Our country _a lot these years -YesI hope it will be even_Achanged,better Bhas changed,better Chas changed,well Dchanged,good7.Uncle Tom is a shy man,_hes not afraid of anything or anyone Aand Bb

4、ut Cthen Dso8.Its very kind _you _and see me Aof, come Bfor, come Cof, to come Dfor, to come9. Theres no difference between _and _ Ahe,she Bme,your Chis,her Dyou,them10. 一You came here by bus,didnt you? _I came _a taxi ANo,by BNo,in CYes, by DYes,in11.Mary has just finished writing a _article Anine-

5、hundred-word Bnine-hundred-words Cnine-hurdreds-word Dnine-hundreds-words12.He worked_,but he felt _ Ahard,happy Bhardly, happily Chard,happily D. hardly, happy13. Please tell me where the next Olympic Games _ Awill hold Bwill be held Cis held Dholds14_we had at the party! AHow wonderful time BWhat

6、wonderful time CHow a wonderful time DWhat a wonderful time15-_I have another cake,Mum? -一Of course,you_ ACould,can B. Could,could CCan,can DCan,could16. I like the film very much. It _ me _ the happiest days when I was young.A. reminds; of B. reminds; to C. thinks; of D. helps; with17. Would you mi

7、nd _ the window? Ill turn on the air conditioner(空调). Of course not. I feel hot, too.A. open B. opening C. not open D. not to open 18. Dont worry, sir. Im sure your son is _ to come up with a good idea. A. clever enoughB. enough cleverC. too clever D. so clever 19. He thinks _ of others than of hims

8、elf. Thats why many people say he is selfish. A. much B. more C. little D. less 20. What are you going to do after you finish high school? I hope I can be lucky enough to go to _.A. college B. colleges C. the college D. some colleges21.The boss of that factory makes the workers _ for fourteen hours

9、every day. A. workingB. to workC. workD. worked22.The exam is over and all the students are handing _ their papers. A. outB. in C. intoD. off23 Can you please _ me _ to do next? A. to tell; howB. to tell; whatC. tell; howD. tell; what24 Look! The lights in our classroom are still on. But I remembere

10、d _.A. to turn off them B. to turn them offC. turning off themD. turning them off25 Look! _ beautiful building! Yes, and _ tall it is! A. What a; how a B. What a; how C. How a; what a D. How a; what26. He is _ unusual writer and he wrote _ useful book.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD, an; a27. You can stay

11、 at home alone or go shopping with me, Jim. What do you prefer?Well, I prefer _ at home to _ shopping, Mum.A. staying; goB. staying; goingC. stay; goD. stay; going28. We think white looks good _ you, but people with black skins dont look good _ white.A. on, on B. in, in C. on, in D. in, on29. _ of t

12、he students has finished the exam, so _ has come out of the classroom.A. None, no one B. Nobody, none C. No one, nobody D. None, not anyone30. Its very kind _ you to help me carry the boxes since it is difficult _ a person like you to carry so heavy things. A. of, ofB. of, forC. for, ofD. for, for31

13、. I didnt know _. Can you tell me?A. who to speak to B. who speak to C. who to speak D. who spoke32. _ did you spend _ painting?A. How long; on B. How often; inC. How soon; on D. How much; in33. Ann was _ a good mood and kept _ jokes to us.A. in, to tell B. in, telling C. on, to tell D. on, telling3

14、4. It is important for students to get _.A. enough sleepy B. enough sleepC. sleep enough D. sleepy enough35. Her red sweater matches well _ the white trousers.A. inB. withC. onD. for36. I would like _ to the park tomorrow. Why not _ with me?A. to go; to goB. to go; goC. go; to goD. go; go37. Simon t

15、hinks art is _ interesting of all his subjects and he hates it.A. lessB. moreC. the leastD. the most38. A: Im sorry to trouble you. B: _.A. Its a good idea.B. Its very kind of you.C. Thank you.D. Its OK.39. _ seven _ eight in the morning, we usually watch TV at home.A. From, andB. At, andC. From, to

16、D. At, to40. Its very nice_me the newspapers and magazines. A. of you to bring B. for you to bring C. for you bringing D. of you bringing41Im too busy. Could you do_to help me? Of course. I can do_for you if you want me to. A. anything; something B. something; anything C. anything; anything D. somet

17、hing; something42. Simon is_enough to buy gifts for all of us. A. generous B. energetic C. patient D. confident43.Mr Wu spends a lot of time_things to us. He is very patient. A. explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explains44.Mum, can I have _ to eat? Im hungry. -Sorry, there is _ in the fridge. B

18、ut I think we can go out for dinner now.A. anything; nothing B. something; none C. something; nothing D. anything; none 45.Since David is so hard-working, he would not mind_extra work for the Students Union.A. to do B. doing C. does D. done 46. When I came here just now, I saw your son_with a black

19、and white dog in the garden.A. play B. to play C. played D. playing 47.The doctor told the old man to_smoking at once because it was bad for his health.A. look up B. give up C. keep up D. come up 48. Id like to_David as the new chairperson of the students Union . A. recommend B. realize C. remind D.

20、 remember49.He wore _ few clothes_ he caught a cold. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; that D. very; then50.People would rather_colours like orange and yellow to make them feel warm if they live in cold climates. A. to use B. used C. use D. using 51. Wearing red makes it easier for you_action. This

21、can help when you are having difficulty_a decision. A. to take; to make B. taking; making C. to take; making D. taking; to make 52 Would you please_him the pictures when he_back tomorrow? With pleasure. A. give; comes B. to give; will come C. gave; will come D. giving; comes53. Many students need to

22、 learn how to achieve a balance_work_ play.A. both; and B. between; and C. either; or D. only; but54. Liu Xiang became famous_ he got the first place. A. before B. after C. while D. until55. You can play computer games_ 8 to 10 tonight. A. as B. from C. while D. between56.I wont go to bed_ you tell

23、me to do that. A. until B. while C. after D. as57. Which is_ to learn , fishing or swimming? A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. more easily58How many students watched the teacher carefully enough ? _.Nobody B. None C. Someone D. Some one 59_your history teacher_ you ? Does, strict with B. Does ; st

24、rict in C. Is ,strict with D. Is ; strict in 60What would you like to drink ? It doesnt matter. _will do . A. Nothing B. None C. Something D. Anything 61.It is very kind _ you to help me with my lessons. It is difficult _me to learn them well. A. of , of B. for , of C. of , for D. for , for 62.The f

25、ilm for five minutes when she got there. A. has begun B. has been on C .had begun D. had been on63. _useful advice it was ! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a64.This pair of jeans looks nice_ Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue.A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in65.You shouldnt worry about _

26、breakfast then. A. not have B. not having C. not to have D. dont have 66.The interviewer asked him _ the murderer had used a gun.A. what B. who C if D. that67.Choose the correct structure of the sentence“Millie gave Amy a book . A. S + V + O B. S + V + DOC. S + V + IO + DO D. S + V + DO + OC68. Woul

27、d you mind lending me your bike ? _. A. Yes, I would B. No, thanks C. Not at all D. Yes, you can 69.The number of speaking Chinese _ larger than _ of those speaking English in the world . A are, that B. are, one C. is , that D. is ,those70.Sandy talked so much about herself _others didnt have any ti

28、me to speak at the meeting. A. that B. as C. because D. than 71. Mary devoted all her money she owned _ people in need.A to help B helping C helped D to helping72.The little boy was heard_ in the street when night fell down yesterday . A. cry B .cries C. cried D. crying 73.- Do you want else? - No,

29、else. Thank youA. something, anything B. anything, nothing C. everything, anything D. anything, something74.If Jim feels to watch TV by then, hell be fine after the game. A. enough well B. enough good C. well enough D. good enough75.Chatting on line makes it easier for us more friends.A. to make B.

30、make C. made D. makes76. Its silly you not to forgive your friend of his faults. It is unnecessary you to agree him.A. of, of, with B. for, for, to C. of, for, about D. of, for, with77. I dont think you look good yellow.A. in B. on C. with D. at78. Millie is businesslike. She never forgets .A. what

31、to do B. how to do C. what to it D. how will she do79. We wish we fly like birds.A. can B. will C. could D. are able to80.At last, they in getting to the top of the mountain.A. succeeded B. achieved C. interested D. focused81.The number of chairs in the room ten.Im afraid a number of chairs in the r

32、oom lost.A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are82. Eddie was sleeping deeply Millie was watching TV.A. when B after C. before D. while83.Liming is _ a popular singer, _ a beautiful actress. A. not only, but alsoB. between, and C. as, asD. not only, as well84. She remembers Susan left _ a very c

33、old morning of January. A. inB. onC. atD. from85. I was so _ at that time that I_ quickly.A. asleep; was sleepy B. sleepy; fell asleep C. asleep; fell asleep D. sleepy; was sleepy86. John said that he _ sending e-mails to _ letters.A. preferred; writing B. preferred; write C. prefers; writing D pref

34、ers; write87. We couldnt buy anything because _ of the shops was open at that time.A. no one B. none C. not one D. nothing88. Dr Zhang is _ to look after his patients well.A. impatient enough B. too patient C. enough patient D. patient enough89. Its _here. We cant work long hours here.A. very much c

35、old B. much cold C. much too cold D. too much cold90. Tell me who _ the factory together.A. will you ask to go to B. youll ask going C. to ask to go to D. youll ask to go 91. Remember this, children, _ careful you are, _ mistakes youll make.A. the more; the fewer B. the more; the less C. the less; the more D. the less; fewer92 When will you arrive here the day after tomorrow?-Im not sure. Maybe _2:30 p.m. _ 3:00 p.m.A. from; to B. at; at C. during; in D. between; and93. We feel _ is generous _ you t


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