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1、.单句语法填空1As for the winner of the game, the two boys made bet.:a2I found the scene Percy pro:where/in which3I spent almost an hour to persuade him and:patienceed to Olive very moving.ast I lost (patient)4Classical music achieves a simplicity it is too complex.:tot only a genius can create, contrary p

2、opular beft5I (wander) along the pavement yesterday when some strangers came up and asked me the way tothesion.:was wanderingThey cannot leave the country without (permit):permisIt is very important to teach their children how to deal with others kindness and (rude):rudenessPeter was spotted (drive)

3、 the motorbike through the city center.:driving9Thes keeps finding fault my work; for some reason hes been getting at me all day.:with 10You may:whenever.阅读理解e free passage across our territory you require it.(2016南宁第二次适应性测试)o, Im Jan from Mrs. Lakes class. My class wants to work together to helpthe

4、 public. We think wee found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways nearour town. We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litteralong the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all students in our school to

5、johighway.he program and adopt aAdopting a highway is not like adoptingt. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared forby a group of people. The group agrees to work everyk to kets part of the highway clean. Each group getsits own signs the name of the group pred on it. The sign i

6、s put up at the side of the road. This sign letsdrivers know who is kengt area of the road clean.The Adopt-a-Highway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, theernment doesnove to send out many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder tokee

7、p the roads clean if they see people, espelly teenagers like us, cleaning them up.We will need helpers to care for our adopted highways. If you want to feel great and keep our roads clean, pleasecome with your parents to the meeting nextk. We will meetrs. Lakes room on Wednesday at 6 PM. Atthe meeti

8、ng, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of peoples unkind acts. Then well try to pick an area to adopt and clean.I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads clean!【解题导语】 本文号召参加Adopt-a-Highway Program, 以使高速公路保持干净整洁。1What is the Adopt-a-Highway Progr

9、am about? AGiving names to the highways.BDrawing pictures of the highways. CPicking up litter along the roads.DPutting up signs near the roads.: 细节理解题。 根据第一段中的“We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This programCbrings people together to pickup litter along the roads.” 可知, 这一项目是把人们集结起来沿着道路捡,

10、即 C 项正确。2What should the students doif they want to joheprogram?APick a spot to care for.BCall Mrs.Lake nextk.CWrite a letter to their parents.DGo to a meeting on next Wednesday.D:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“If you want to feel greatand keep our roads clean, pleasecome with your parents to themeeting nextk. We

11、will meetrs. Lakes room onWednesday at 6PM.” 可知,正确。要想参加这一项目, 首先要于下周三下午六点在 Mrs. Lake 的房间开会, 即D 项3What is the pure of this speech?ATo encourage students to johe program.BToroduce the traffic system.CTo show drivers how to drive safely.DTol a story about adoptingt.: 写作意图题。 根据最后一段“I look forward to seei

12、ng you atAthe meeting. Remember to keepour roads clean!” 可知, 作者是在鼓励参加这一项目, 即 A 项正确。4Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AThe Adopt-t ProgramThe Adopt-a-Highway ProgramWays to Protect the EnvironmentVoteers on Roads: 标题归纳题。 综合全文可知, 本文旨在号召积极参加“Adopt-a-Highway Program”,B以使高速公路保

13、持清洁, 因此 B 项正确。.完形填空(2016山东日照市检测)Every Wednesday, I go to Cana Adult Life Servi with my classmates to do community service., a local retirement community,Our visits last about an hour, playing board games and cards with the residents 1 were there.You can watch all the movies and TV shows you want abo

14、ut “life back then”, but nothing 2 with talking tothe people who were actually there. Just hearing their stories has 3 me in a way I never thoughtsible.Whether it was talking to 98-year-old “Hurricane Hilda” about herdays 4 a roller skater or chattingwith Lou about the times she danced wiresidents w

15、anted to share with me.famouor, I was compley impressed by every single 5 theEven the residents who donve 6 memories make the experience fulfilling. I remember visiting Mrs.Robinson. She couldnt 7 much about hast, but she told me shed 8 fet how kind I was just tot make life worth living.listen to he

16、r “rambling(漫谈)” . It made me realizesomething I wont 10 anytime.t its the 9 thingstsIf theres one thing Ive realizedy three years of visiting Cana, its 11just being theret meansmorethemn anything to many of the residents.And despite how 12 our lives are, theres always time to make.For me, it feels

17、great to be a 13 of happiness, a son a bad day or a(n) 14 for old memories. And atof the day,ts allt 15.Its easy to feel like you donts not true at all.ve much in common with the 16espelly when youre a(n) 17. ButI hate to make much comment here, but age really is just a(n) 18.As young adults, its im

18、portant for us to realize this sooner 19 later. We can learn a lot from the elderly, and they can often 20 from teenagers,too.【解题导语】 作者讲述了和一起去一个老年社区做社区服务的经历。 这段经历让作者明白很多,同时也让作者从老年人身上学到很多的东西。1A.untilCwhileBunlessDbefore:的拜访大约持续一个小时,在那里时, 和居民下棋。 while 意为“在期间,C当时候”。2BcompetesparesCcombinesDconnectsA: 你

19、可以所有你想看的关于“那时的生活” 的和电视, 但是没有什么可以和真正在那儿生活过的人交流相比。compare with“和相比”, 符合语境。compete 意为“竞争”; combine意为“联合,3A.touched Ccaptured(使)结合”;connect 意为“联系”。Breached Ddisgusted: 只是听他们的故事就打动了“我”, 以前从没有过这种可能。 touch 意为“接触, 触摸, 感A动”; reach 意为“到达, 延伸”; capture 意为“捕获, 捕捉”; disgust 意为“使厌恶, 使作呕”。根据语境可知 A 项正确。4A.likeCabou

20、tBas Dtowards此处表示“作为一个滚轴溜冰者” , 故用介词 as。:根据语境可知,B5A.imaginationCpictureBtruth Dmemory的每一份回忆都给“我” 留下了深深的印象。 imagination 意为“想: 居民想要和“我”D象力” ; truth 意为“真理, 事实” ; picture 意为“, 图画” ; memory 意为“回忆” 。 根据语境可知选 D 项。第五段第一句中的“memories” 也是提示。6A.boringCamazingBdepressingDlonging: 甚至那些没有惊人回忆的居民也使这次经历让人感觉有意义。 borin

21、g 意为“无聊的, 令人厌C烦的” ; depressing 意为“令人消沉的, 令人沮丧的” ; amazing 意为“令人惊奇的” ; longing 意为“渴望的” 。 根据语境可知选 C 项。7A.concernCrecallBgrasp Dmention此处表示“她无法回忆起太多关于她过去的事” , recall 意为“回忆起, 记: 根据语境可知,C起” , 符合语境。 concern 意为“涉及, 让()担忧” ; grasp 意为“理解, 领会” ; mention 意为“说到, 提到” 。8A.everCevenBalways Dnever她决不会忘记“我” 的友好。 根据语

22、境可知, 应选 never。:但是她告诉“我” ,D9A.importantCmajorBlittleDst: 这使“我”正是这些小事使得生活更有价值。 important 意为“重要的” ; little 意为B“小的” ; major 意为“主要的,重要的” ; st 意为“甜的, 悦耳的” 。 根据语境可知选 B 项。10A.careCbeveBskipDfet:那是“我”任何时候都不会忘记的事。 根据语境可知, D 项 fet“忘记” , 符合语境。D11A.presenceCunderstandingBappearanceDprotection: 根据空格后的“just being

23、there” 可知, A 项 presence“存在, 出现, 在场” , 符合语境。Aappearance 意为“外貌,演出,公开露面” ; understanding 意为“理解, 体谅” ; protection 意为“保护” 。12A.messyCeasyB Dbusy的生活有多忙碌, 总会有时间使他们: 不管。 根据语境可知, 应选 D 项, busy“忙D碌的” 。13A.trend CsourceBchanceDcause: trend 意为“趋势, 倾向” ; chance 意为“机会” ; source 意为“来源,根源” ; cause 意为“原C因, 起因”。此处表示“对

24、于我来说, 成为的根源感觉很棒” , 故选 C 项。14A.mindBearCtongueDheartB聆听居民们对过去的回忆的事, 故此处用 ear。 BfavorsDexists这个收获是最重要的事。 matter 意为“事关紧要, 要紧” , 符合语境。:上文讲述了“我”15A.mattersCdiffers: 一天结束时,A16A.friendlyClonelyBlivelyDelderly: 很容易认为你和老年人没有很多共同之处尤其是当你是一个青少年时。 friendly 意为“友D好的” ; lively 意为“精力充沛的, 生气勃勃的” ; lonely 意为“寂寞的, 孤独的”

25、 ; elderly 意为“上了年纪的, 年纪较大的” 。 根据语境可知选D 项。 此处是“the形容词”, 表示一类人。 文章最后一句中的“We can learn a lot from the elderly” 也是提示。17A.adultCresidentBteenager Dchild本文最后一句中的“teenagers” 也是提示。: 参见上题。B18A.amountBdifferenceCadvantageDnumberD: “我”不想在此多作评论, 但是的确只是一个数字。 根据语境可知, 选D 项,number“数字”19A.or else。BrathernCothernDexc

26、ept for: 作为年轻人,更早地这一点很重要, 而不是更迟。 or else 意为“否则, 不B然” ; rathern 意为“而不是” ; othern 意为“除之外” ; except for 意为“除了之外” 。根据语境可知选 B 项。20A.hearCjudgeBdiffer Dbenefit可以从老年人身上学到很多, 他们也可以从青少年身上获益。 benefit from“得益于”,:D符合语境。.短文改错(2016省高考适应性测试)This morning, when I was walking on the streets, I sawt two travelers werereading a map, looked puzzled. It seemedt they were lost. I we


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