



1、 2022年传媒类专业大学留学申请书 留学时大家在递交申请的时候准备的文件,也需要将原件带好,在办理入学的时候,很有可能会进行抽查,如果没有的话可能会带来麻烦。这里给大家分享一些2022年传媒类专业大学留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022年传媒类专业大学留学申请书 Dear _, I am hoping to read for a communications, media and culture degree. I find it remarkable, inspiring and a little bit frightening how the media exercise control o

2、ver our lives, whilst offering rich cultural rewards. I am fascinated by the action and effects of human communications of all kinds and am keen to extend the insight I have gained so far. My interest in the subject began through my GCSE Media Studies and my knowledge of the subject area has expande

3、d at A-level where I am acquiring analytical skills, helping me unpack and contextualise a wider variety of media forms. My other A-levels are English Language, Sociology, Critical Thinking and Philosophy &Ethics, and these are giving me a broad overview of life and human communications and culture.

4、 An example of how these subjects support each other would be studying the marxist concept of hegemony and applying it to religion, media ownership, the high culturelow culture debate in sociology and even the bourgeois emphasis on Standard English. Ive slowly been gaining practical experience along

5、side my academic learning. Two years ago, I was lucky enough to get work experience with a television crew on location as a runner. I learnt the value of working as a member of the team in a stressful environment and I gained an understanding of the processes of TV production. I have also been invol

6、ved in several other media projects, some as coursework and others undertaken independently.Coursework projects have included a magazine for young male teenagers; designing a product and advertising campaign; and producing, directing and presenting a documentary for sixth formers and their parents o

7、n the EMA system. As extra-curricular activities, I designed a poster and Internet campaign for one of the school plays and in the absence of any existing school publication, I launched a bimonthly newsletter, aimed at Angleys students. These projects have provided great learning experiences, enabli

8、ng me to develop print software skills in a creative way. Other school activities have included, the lead male role in South Pacific and significant roles in Oliver and West Side Story as well as assisting the Performing Arts A-level group perform their comedy show. By playing roles on stage, my con

9、fidence has increased and I have learnt to appreciate and learn from the talents of others. I am also a school prefect, which I find satisfying and a great privilege. In my leisure time I enjoy making films - mostly parodies of various genres. I then edit the films using a programme called Magix Mov

10、ie Edit Pro. I have also edited on Final Cut Express, which has made an interesting comparison. My next project is to learn Final Cut Pro, and to develop a more effects-driven style. I also like to read, for example, I was inspired by Naomi Kleins book No Logo on the effects of globalization, the co

11、mmoditisation of our culture and public spaces and how powerful brands have become. I am currently reading Graeme Burtons Media & Society to gain some additional perspective on my A2 media and to prepare myself for my degree. So far I have enjoyed myself in my studies and hopefully have developed so

12、me of the skills and qualities for success in degree-level communications, media and culture studies. Yours sincerely, 留学俄罗斯各类大学介绍 一、国立型的大学 国立的大学大家应该都没少听说,俄罗斯也有很多国立性质的大学,但国立性质的大学到底是怎样的呢? 简单来说,它其实也算是公立的一种,就是代表着这些学校是属于国家的。学校都是由这个国家中央的政府来建立,也由国家的教育部进行管理,学校的管理者囊括老师这些岗位的人员在内都是由国家来任命的,需要用到的钱也是国家来负责,需要使用的资

13、金由国家来拨款,总之就是什么活动都是由国家来负责管理。 到今年为止,俄罗斯的政府一共认证和设立了近21所国立的大学了,而且这21所大学在全世界范畴内的排名都是前五百名之列。一般国立的大学在很多方面都会有独特的一些优势,比如政策方面。 二、联邦型大学 从统计出来的数据来看,俄罗斯有九所联邦制的大学,那联邦制又是怎样一种学校呢? 这类的大学和别的类型的院校对比,的不同之处在于它有完整的一套自治的系统,这是为什么呢?因为这类大学是国家的总统建立,而不是由国家设立的,这点要分清楚。这类院校的存在歧视是为了达到优化教育的构成,以及加强当地教育的机构的目的,然后去建立了一个独特的教学体系,这就是联邦型的院

14、校的实质。 而这种大学在俄罗斯的地位是比较的了,一般它们会开设有研究所,也有大学。在学科上这些大学也更偏于联合性和综合性,也就是它们开设的专业波及到了各个领域,特别的广泛。也因为这样它们成为了俄罗斯教育的体系里一个很重要的存在。 三、艺术类大学 从名字上也能看得出这类学校的实质了。艺术大学是指专门从事艺术类的教学的一种院校,比如说美术、音乐和舞蹈这类。可能有些对于艺术没什么了解的同学不知道,其实俄罗斯在艺术方面有着很高的成绩,甚至不比法国和意大利这种艺术之国差多少,当然了,俄罗斯关于艺术领域的大学也是很多的。但它的这些艺术院校中,还是音乐类的学校比较有实力。 留学俄罗斯乘机小常识 一、提前值机

15、 大家要看准飞机起飞的时间,如果行李比较多的话,至少要提前两个小时抵达机场进行值机,将自己的行李托运好,登机牌换好,然后再等待登机,可以比较悠闲的面对突发事件。 但是对新生来说,要杜绝所有可能会出现的意外,大家可以提前四个小时前往机场,因为开学季一般也是高峰期,人会比较多,早点办好手续以后,大家还可以去周边逛一逛。 二、准备肩枕 从国内飞往俄罗斯,一般需要八个小时左右,这段时间大家大部分时间都要坐在座位上,还是比较辛苦的,如果有一个U型枕可以枕着,大家可以程度上放松,甚至睡一觉也会比较舒适。 并且还可以垫在腰的后面,让腰可以进行放松,类似的东西不要太多,大家准备一个可以让行程更舒适,当然在平稳飞行的时候,大家可以站起身来走动走动。 三、带上拖鞋 八个小时的航程,如果将自己的脚憋在鞋子里的话,其实还是比较辛苦的,但是脱了鞋子有不雅观,飞机是不会提供拖鞋的,大家可以考虑自己带一双一次性拖鞋换着穿。 这样既能够放松


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