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1、 2022年人类学个人留学申请书 有一些希望改变现状的人,是对自己目前的工作不满意,希望通过留学获得一个相关的海外学位后转行到自己喜欢的行业去发展,这也是可行的。这里给大家分享一些2022年人类学个人留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022年人类学个人留学申请书 Dear _, As a double major in Anthropology and Psychology at the University of Rhode Island, I have gained a strong background in both fields. My background is especially st

2、rong in physical anthropology, my primary field of interest. Physical anthropology consumes my life; I do not study it because I find it somewhat interesting but because I am devoted to it; I want to make it my life. In addition to maintaining a high GPA throughout my college career, and making the

3、Deans list several times, I have also worked hard as a supervisor at Brooks Pharmacy for the past five years. Working my own way through college not only demonstrates my determination to gaining a high quality education and the seriousness with which I treat academics, but also attests to my leaders

4、hip ability, maturity, and responsibility, both as a supervisor and as a student at the University of Rhode Island. My primary goal in applying to your graduate program is to prepare myself for a career in forensic anthropology. Interested in furthering the current body of research and in improving

5、techniques used in the identification of human remains, I am very committed to pursuing forensic anthropology and believe your graduate program in anthropology will provide me with an excellent foundation in the area of physical and forensic anthropology. With a Masters degree and Ph.D., I will be w

6、ell prepared to lead a very promising career. While I have no doubt that the program will push me to my limits, I am confident that I can face the rigorous challenges posed by graduate study and thrive under the demanding environment that advanced studies entail. From my transcripts, you will see th

7、at not only am I a well-balanced student, I actually thrive in rigorous, upper level courses, courses akin to graduate-level courses. Armed with the confidence that I can excel at difficult courses, I believe I can achieve the highest level of success and satisfaction by taking the most demanding gr

8、aduate program available. In addition to my ability to excel in the classroom, I have demonstrated a proficiency in all aspects of conducting research. Research has become a fundamental part of my college career, and I hope it will become the primary component of my future. As a sophomore at the Uni

9、versity of Rhode Island, I designed a research project entitled Grooming and Affiliative Behavior in Three Species of Non-Human Primates under the guidance of Dr. Su Boatright Horowitz in the Psychology Department at URI. My research proposal gained approval from the Institutional Care and Use Commi

10、ttee at URI and at the Roger William Park and Zoo where the three species of non-human primates (Gibbons, Sakis, and Lemurs) included in my study are kept. In addition to writing a successful research proposal, I also wrote and received a small funds grant from the University of Rhode Island in orde

11、r to conduct my research. By being intimately involved in every aspect of research, from proposal and grant writing to data collection and analysis, I have learned what it takes to be a researcher, but more than that, I have learned how fulfilling and interesting research can be. In the spring of 20

12、22, I will be presenting my results at a poster presentation at the University of Rhode Island, and am planning to eventually publish my findings. Not only has this experience shown me that I am capable of excelling in conducting research, but it has also allowed me to develop a love for the hands o

13、n learning that is so crucial to successful research. In my final semester at URI, I will be participating in an ongoing research project concerning brain function and attention span under the direction of Dr. Dominic Valentino, a professor in the psychology department at URI. This project will undo

14、ubtedly further advance my academic skills and reinforce my passion for research. Physical anthropology is more than just my primary area of education; it has also become my hobby and lifestyle. The questions posed and answered via the study of physical anthropology have fascinated me for a very lon

15、g time and have stimulated me to ask and seek to answer further questions. With my mind set on the very specific goal of preparing myself as excellently as possible for a future in the field of forensic anthropology, I am fully confident that, with the ability to pursue my education at the Universit

16、y of Massachusetts Amherst, I will not only be able to fulfill my dream, but to contribute substantially to the university as well. Yours sincerely, 申请芬兰留学好的大学一览 1、奥卢大学 位于芬兰的北部,在自然环境上会相对严苛一些,但是政府给予了较高的补助,为需诶奥提供了比较好的硬件设施,可以保证学生的基础要求。 这是一所比较年轻的大学,所以在教学上也展现出比较高的活力,在校学生超过1.5万人,规模可以说是比较大的,学校以改进教学制度为己任。 2

17、、坦佩雷大学 学校的前身是一所师范学院,在经受了政府的资金注入以后,逐渐扩展为现在的大学,其在教育方面的发展也是最为出色的,所以未来有志从事教育行业的学生可以申请这所大学。 3、图尔库大学 这里拥有比较高的生活水平,城市提供的基础服务会让留学生更加有生活的感觉,而学校的规模也相对较大,大家可以更具自己的需求,申请学校的宿舍。 作为重要的高校联盟Coimbra Group的一员,他也共享着另外38所欧洲大学的教学资源,帮助啊学习接触到其他院校的优质资源,这里的商科和政府发展最为出色。 4、赫尔辛基大学 位于首都的,正式成立于1640年,是一所综合实力很轻的综合性大学,拥有世界一流的硬件设施和软件

18、实力,还有一大批优秀的教学人才。 跻身于世界百强的行列,在法律和哲学专业上有着特别高的成就,理论物理和生命科学的研究也于世界,医学也备受其他国家的关注,处于领头羊的地位。 芬兰留学国家优势盘点 1.教育质量高 芬兰有近50所大学和高等理工学院,且均为国立院校,教育质量高。65%国民受过高等教育,英语在芬兰被广泛使用。九年义务教育全免费,学费、书本、文具、午餐全部由国家负担,囊括各种保险医疗等等外国学生亦享受同等待遇。高等教育免收学费,对非欧盟学生也是免学费,众多英文授课项目可供选择,并且学历文凭含金量高也被中国教育部所认证。 2.环境优美,宜人居住 森林覆盖率69%,居世界第二。全国18万多湖泊,素有“千湖之国”的美称,空气纯净,最适宜居住,并且芬兰是世界上犯罪率最低的国家十分的安全,芬兰被评为世界上最安全


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