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1、办公室安全Office SafetyTo adjust your mobile phone closed or shake status please ,so as to our training not be disturbed when our conversation.Thanks for you!为了使我们的培训不被打扰,请将您的手机关闭或调整为震动提示状态。谢谢!Remind 友情提示:General safety 基本安全Fire safety 消防安全Smoking 吸烟Electrical Safety电气安全Lockout/Tagout 挂牌上锁制度Chemical Safe

2、ty化学品安全Hallways and Aisles 通道和走廊Stair 楼梯Furniture Safety:办公家具安全Office Equipment Safeguarding 办公设备安全防护Material Handling: 物品搬运Housekeeping 清扫Ergonomics / Body Mechanics 人机工程Report injuries & “near-misses”报告伤害及未遂事件Emergency Response应急响应Content Agenda 课程内容Office Employees are part of the plant Safety &

3、Health plan.办公室员工也是公司安全健康计划中的一部分General safety普遍性的安全问题What are some of the hazards we encounter in offices?我们在办公室中会遇到什么危险?General safety普遍性的安全问题谈谈你的观点Give Your opinion头脑风暴BrainstormingWhat are some of the hazards we encounter in offices?我们在办公室中会遇到什么危险?人机工程问题 Ergonomic issues;火灾和疏散 Fire & evacuation;

4、电线和电器 Electrical cords & equipment;热源 Heat-generating sources;手持工具和设备 Hand & powered tools & equipment;General safety普遍性的安全问题Office machines (copiers, paper cutters, shredders, jammed machines);Office chemicals;Slips, trips, falls;Housekeeping;What are some of the hazards we encounter in offices?我们在

5、办公室中会遇到什么危险?办公设备(复印机、切纸机、碎纸机、卡住的机器)办公室化学品滑倒、绊倒、坠落清洁General safety普遍性的安全问题Avoid open-toed shoes and sandals, whenever possible. 尽可能避免穿露脚尖的鞋和拖鞋Wear comfortable footwear with a low heel to reduce leg and back strain & to help prevent slips and falls.穿低跟鞋以降低腿和背部的负担并有助于避免滑倒和绊倒General safety普遍性的安全问题Use th

6、e handrail on stairs.使用楼梯的扶手Keep aisles clear.保持过道通畅General safety普遍性的安全问题Hold onto chair seats/arms when attempting to sit.坐下时抓住椅子Approved step stools & ladders only.只使用批准的踏步和梯子General safety普遍性的安全问题Wipe up spills. 及时擦干湿滑地面General safety普遍性的安全问题Walk, dont run.走,不要跑Mind the step.当心台阶General safety普遍

7、性的安全问题Struck by or between what? 被什么撞击Doors, 门Office machines & equipment dropped on feet; 办公机械或设备砸到脚上Falling objects (from cabinets & storage locations); 坠落物品Copy machines; 复印机Paper cutters. 切纸机General safety普遍性的安全问题General safety普遍性的安全问题Mind the glass door当心玻璃门Fire safety 消防安全Candles or other open

8、 flame devices are not to be used。蜡烛或其他明火不能在办公室使用。All exits must be marked and unobstructed.所有的安全出口必须被标识且畅通无阻。Fire safety 消防安全Evacuation routes must be up to date and clearly posted.逃生线路必须是最新的、有效的,且张贴在醒目的位置Extinguishers must be placed along normal paths of travel and are to be used by ERT or other t

9、rained personnel. 灭火器必须放置在通道旁,以方便应急小组和受过培训的人员在紧急状况下使用Smoking 吸烟吸烟不仅有害健康而且易引发火灾事故。Smoking is harmful and easy to result in fire.公司办公室场所都是“无烟工作区域”,包括卫生间、公司餐厅、会议室等等。No-smoking in office areas, including toilet ,canteen ,meeting room and so on .只能在限定的区域吸烟。Only appointed place is permitted for somking.El

10、ectrical Safety:电气安全Shut off electrical equipment not in use!Properly equipped with grounding prongs.Electrical cords should be visually inspected on a periodic basis to identify frayed and worn cords. Maintain electrical cords in areas out of walkways and passageways. Avoid extension cords in offic

11、e areas.Dont overload outlets!关闭不用的电器正确使用接地线电线应定期进行目视检查,以确认是否有磨损及破旧的电线保持电线远离过道在办公区域避免临时接线不要超负荷使用插座遵守挂牌/上锁制度In accordance with Lockout/Tagout policy & procedures.Office equipment has the potential to cause harm & is included in the Lockout/ Tagout program.办公设备也有可能造成伤害,也在挂牌/上锁制度的范围内In order to clear a

12、 jam of electrically-powered office equipment, power must be turned “off” and disconnected from the power supply. 在处理卡住的电动办公设备时,电源应处于“关”的状态,并将能源脱离Copiers that become jammed should be cleared in accordance with manufacturers instructions. 处理复印机卡纸时应遵从制造商的指导Chemical Safety化学品安全Read the label & hazard w

13、arnings. 仔细阅读标签及警告标志Read the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 阅读MSDSHandle & store the material properly, in accordance with the MSDS. 按照MSDS的指导正确使用和储存化学品Hallways and Aisles 通道和走廊Keep eyes on path while walking.行走时要始终留意脚下Open doors slowly and do not push doors open with back or shoulder.慢慢的开门,切勿用背或

14、肩膀推门Stay to the right whenever walking down hallways.行走时,请靠通道右侧Stair 楼梯Always use the handrails.上下楼梯时,请始终使用扶手Use the right side of the stairs to improve traffic flow.请靠楼梯的右侧行走。Never carry objects that prevent you from using the handrail or block your view of the stairs. 不要携带物品妨碍你使用扶手或阻碍你视线Do not tak

15、e more than one step at a time.一次不要跨越多个楼梯Stair 楼梯Do not stop to talk on the stairwell and cause others to have to release the handrail to get around you.不要在楼梯上逗留,以免使得他人不得不松开扶手绕开你Do not place or store materials on the stairs at anytime.任何时候都不要放置或储存物品在楼梯上Do not stand or kneel on any office furniture.不

16、要站立或跪在任何办公家具上Close all desk and file cabinet drawers when not being accessed.不使用时合上所有的桌子和文件柜的抽屉Do not open more than one drawer at a time.不要一次打开多个抽屉Furniture Safety办公家具安全Report all broken/damaged furniture by contacting Office Dept. Label broken chairs for disposal or repair so that no one else will

17、 inadvertently use them.及时向办公室报告破损的办公家具,在等待修理或处理的家具做好标识,防止其他人无意中使用他们。Do not lean back in non-adjustable chairs.不要斜靠躺 在一张不能调节的椅子上Keep hands free and use armrests to stabilize chair when taking a seat.开始坐下时用手扶住椅子Furniture Safety:办公家具安全:Open drawers slowly and carefully. 开抽屉时应缓慢小心Avoid overloading fili

18、ng cabinets, and distribute the weight of materials stored in cabinet to avoid tipping. 避免文件柜超载,均匀分布文件柜中物品的重量 避免其倾斜Furniture should be maintained without sharp edges, points, or burrs. 家具应没有尖锐边沿、点或毛刺Furniture Safety:办公家具安全:Office Equipment Safeguarding办公设备安全防护Paper Cutter guarding to avoid contact w

19、ith the cutting blade by the opposing hand (hand holding the paper). 切纸机的防护罩可避免刀刃伤害拿纸的手When cutters are not in use, cutter should be down and the blade secured. 切纸机不用时应将其放下并将刀刃固定Office Equipment Safeguarding办公设备安全防护Storage of sharp tools should be appropriate to avoid tools rolling and falling off o

20、f desk surfaces. 尖锐工具在储存时应避免其滚动或从桌面坠落 笔筒内的铅笔、圆珠笔、剪刀等尖锐物品必须朝下放置Material Handling: 物品搬运No lifting over 25kg on an occasional basis. 不要单独搬运超过25kg的重物Obtain assistance 寻求帮助Avoid lifting objects that are too heavy for you! 避免搬运对您太重的物品Plan the lift.Stand with your feet apart, alongside the object to be lif

21、ted.Use the “sit down” position, maintaining the natural arch of the spine.Tuck your chin. Get a good grip on the object. Keep the object close. Center the weight over your feet. Avoid twisting. 准备好搬运沿准备搬运物品两侧,两脚分开站立使用坐下的姿势,保持脊椎的自然曲线缩起下巴抓好物品尽可能靠近物品让重心位于两腿之间避免扭转Material Handling: 物品搬运“Housekeeping”清洁

22、Do not storage or placement of objects in aisles, 不要在过道上储存或放置物品Overflowing, heavy wastebaskets. 避免过满的废纸蒌Maintaining good condition of office equipment and work area. 保持办公设备和工作区域的良好状态Orderly arrangement in all areas, especially storage. 有序安排所有区域特别是储存区域Storage must be 50cm or more below sprinkler head

23、s. 存放物品必须低于喷淋头50cm 以上“Housekeeping”清洁Good posture is essential to your health & safety!良好的姿势对您的健康和安全十分重要!3 natural curves.3个自然曲线Seated posture puts lots of strain on your body!坐姿使您的身体很容易疲劳Exaggerated curves are bad.夸张的曲线是有害的Stretch frequently.经常舒展身体Maintain or build strength.健身Ergonomics / Body Mech

24、anics人机工程Easy Reach 容易获得Items to think about moving into the “easy reach” zone下列物品应放在“容易获得”区域内Keyboard 键盘Mouse 鼠标Telephone 电话Ergonomics / Body Mechanics人机工程Some adjustments to check out应检查下列可调整部位Seat height, depth, angle/tilt, 坐垫的高度,深度和倾斜角度Back height, adjustability, and angle/tilt, 靠背的高度,可调整性和倾斜角度Lumbar support,背靠Arm rest height, 扶手的高度Swivel.旋转性Ergonomics / Body Mechanics人机工程Your Health & Safety Requires Stretching/Exercise “Breaks”!您的健康和安全需要伸展和休息!Two


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