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1、2019-2020学年度上学期高一英语期末复习备考必修 1 Unit 3 Travel journal单元基础梳理一、词汇局部:1、认读单词词义速记(l)flow VI.(2)fare n.(3)detail n.(4)pace viJ n.(5)source n.(6)altitude n.(7)insurance n.(8)journal n.flame n.(lO)emple n.A日记;杂志;定期刊物B海拔高度;高处C缓慢而行;踱步D保险E费用F细节;详情G来源;水源H流动;流出I庙宇,寺庙J火焰;光芒【答案】1)H 2)E3)F4)C 5)G 6)B 7)D 8)A 9)J 10)1

2、2、核心单词重点记忆序号重点词汇及拓展1prep .在下面2n. &比.预测;预报3n. 态度;看法4n.时间表;进度表以为某事安排时间5.最后;终于6可.更喜欢)_ .更喜欢7可.说服;劝说。力,有说服力的一n.说服8M决定;确定;下定决心一.坚决的;一坚定;坚决9n.风景;视野;观n.电视观看石;观众10n.运送;运输运输;运送一n.运输11n.不利条件;不便之处一_(反义词).优势;有利条件12泣毕业加大学毕业生一n.毕业请记住时间会改变一切。Please that time will change everything.【答案】bear/keep in mind他一旦作出决定,就不会改

3、变主意。Once he makes a decision, he.【答案】 will never change his mind12. give in投降;屈服;让步【归纳拓展】give in to. 向投降/屈服/让步give up放弃;认输give out分配;分发;用光;筋疲力尽 give away泄露;赠送give off放出;发出(光、热、气味等)【巩固练习】单句语法填空The teacher gave the examination papers before the bell rang.【答案】outShe gave all her money to the poor.【答案】a

4、wayThe rotting bananas are giving a bad smell.【答案】offYoud better give smoking.Its bad for your health.【答案】upMy brother is a determined boy and never gives to difficulties【答案】in二、语法概要:现在进行时表将来现在进行时表示将来,主要用于表示按计划或安排要发生的动作。常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义。 这种现在进行时比拟生动,给人一种期待感。它常表最近或较近的将来,所用动词多是位移动词。表将 来的现在进行时除用于位移动词

5、外,亦可用于某些非位移动词。能这样用的动词常用的有:arrive, come, do, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, spend, start, stay, wear, work 等。 例如:Im leaving tomorrow. 我明天走。They9re getting married next month.他们卜个月结婚。Are you meeting Bill this evening?你今晚将和比尔见面吗?come, go, stay, arrive, leave等词的现在进行时经常用来表示将来确切的计划。2)表示交通方

6、式、行程安排的动词,例如fly, walk, ride, drive, take(a bus, a taxi)等的现在进行时也经 常用于表示将来。但偶尔也表示较远的将来。如:When I grow up, Um joining the anny.我长大了要参军。3)表将来的现在进行时有时含有“决心”的意思,多用在否认结构中。例如:Fm not going.我不走 了。Im not waiting any longer.我不再等 了。有时也用在肯定结构中。例如:Fm backing out.我要打退堂鼓了。4)用这种现在进行时与对方讲话时可变成命令,不过语气比拟温和。例如:You are sta

7、ying.你留下吧。Dont forget: you are taking part too.不要忘记:你也要参加。5)现在进行时也可在时间、条件或原因状语从句中表示将来。例如:When you are passing my way, please drop in.你什么时候路过我们家,请进来坐。(用于时间状语从句)If they are not doing it, what I am I to do?如果他们不干,那我该怎么办?(用于条件状语从句)She is going to the dentist tomorrow because she is having a tooth filled

8、.(用于原因状语从句)6)表示将来的现在进行时也可用在间接引语中,表示说话人相信它将是事实。例如:He said he is going tomorrow.他说他明天走。表将来的现在进行时有时附属于将来时态。例如:On election night well be telling you whafs happening in various places in this country.到了选举的夜晚,我们将把全国各地的情况告诉大家。When I have time, Til come down to the school to see how youre both doing.我有空时,会来

9、学校看你们 俩的学习情况。【即时练习】用所给动词的适当形式填空Betty(leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3 this afternoon. Her brother Bob(see) her off. Its half past one now. They(wait) for a taxi outside the school gate.【答案】is leaving, is seeing, are waitingThe Browns(go) to the North China by train next week. They(stay) in Beijing

10、 for a week. They(go) to Xian. They(get) there by air.【答案】are going, are staying, are going, are gettingSome friends(come) to Annes birthday party this evening. Annes mother(be) busy (get) ready for the birthday dinner. Anne(help) her mother now.【答案】 are coming, is. getting, is helping单元应用体验【限时练习在60

11、分钟内完成】一、单词拼写Could you complete the task ahead of(时 I旬表)?【答案】scheduleWhen are you going to start out your driving(旅彳亍)to Dali?【答案】journeyOur teachers thought the party was well(组织)and everything went well.【答案】organizedThe(坚定)expression on his face suggested that the boy wouldnt change his mind.【答案】de

12、terminedLeager is a(可靠的)man; if he says he will do the job, he will spare no efforst to finish it.【答案】reliableWhich sports do you(比拟喜欢),running or rock jumping?【答案】preferAfter a long talk, they finally(说月艮)my stubborn grandfather to give up smoking.【答案】persuadedAfter(毕业)from university in 2016, Wang

13、 Tao went to New York for further study.【答案】graduatingTraffic in cities is becoming heavier and heavier. People should be encouraged to use public(交 通工具).【答案】transportTian Xing has a good(态度)towards her schoolwork and always finishes her homework ahead of time.【答案】attitude二、单句语法填空Living in a big cit

14、y has many(advantage), such as air pollution.【答案】disadvantages【解析】考查名词的用法。空格前面有形容词many,后应接可数名词复数形式,根据后半句意思,这 里要用其反义词disadvantagesoIt is three years since he(graduate) from Tsinghua University.【答案】graduated【解析】考查谓语动词。根据句意,毕业三年了,说明毕业是过去发生的动作,要用一般过去时。在 句型“It is/has been +时间段+ since+主语+一般过去时中,since+过去时间

15、/一般过去时句子。A teacher should not show(prefer) for any one of his pupils.【答案】preference【解析】考查名词作宾语的用法。句子中有主语和谓语,缺宾语,这里用动词prefer的名词形式 preference(偏爱)作show的宾语。My teachers talk woke me up, and I was(determine) to study harder.【答案】determined【解析】考查非谓语动词。后半句有主谓,这里用非谓语动词,be determined to do sth吓定决心做某事” 是固定词组。.

16、They insisted on(organize) an English Speech Contest.【答案】organizing【解析】考查非谓语动词。句子有主谓,缺宾语,此处要用动名词organizing作介词on的宾语。They talked about it for hours.(final), they decided not to go.【答案】Finally【解析】考查副词作状语的用法。空格后面用逗号隔开,用所给形容词填空,都是将形容词转换成副 词,在此处作状语修饰整句。I found him an honest and(rely) man.【答案】reliable【解析】考

17、查形容词修饰名词的用法。空格后面是名词,空格前面有and连接了 honest形容词,所以 此处用形容词reliable与honest成一个并列定语。When you write, it is important to use words(proper).【答案】properly【解析】考查副词的用法。此处用properly作动词use的状语。Her attitude learning English has changed.【答案】to/towards【解析】考查介词的用法。动词attutude常与to/towards连用,表示“对的态度(dress) in a new dress, she

18、looks more beautiful.【答案】Dressed【解析】考查非谓语动词。句子两局部前面没有连词,此处要用非谓语动词。因为dress与主语she是被动关系,所以用过去分词Dressed。Dont give to difficulties, and you will succeed.【答案】in【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:“不要向困难屈服,你就会成功。give in屈服,是固定词组。It was my mother put forward a good solution to the problem.【答案】that/who【解析】考查强调句型。It is/was+被强调局部+t

19、hat/who+其余局部。强调句的特点是去掉It is/was和 that/who之后,剩余局部能够组成一个意义完整的句子。He was about to close the window a beautiful flower caught his eye.【答案】when【解析】考查连词的用法。Be about to do sth.+when,”正要做,这时/突然所以此处用when填空。Ever since 1990, the Greens(live) a peaceful life in this village.【答案】have lived【解析】考查谓语动词的时态。Ever since

20、常与现在完成时连用,所以此处用现在完成时填空。. She insisted we(keep) pace with society.【答案】(should) keep【解析】考查谓语动词。insist表“坚决要求”之意时,后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词要用“(should) +动词原形”的结构。三、单句改错The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car.【答案】drive改为driving【解析】考查非谓语动词。动词短语preferto结构中,to是介词,在介词后用动名词driving。To her gr

21、eat pleasure, it will be less than one year when her son graduates from Beijing University.【答案】when改为before【解析】考查连词的用法。句意:“令她非常高兴的是,不到一年了她儿子就要从北京大学毕业I dont care the price, so long as the car is in good condition.【答案】care后加about【解析】考查动词与介词的搭配。句意:我不在乎价格,只要汽车状况良好就行。careabout关心,在 乎,是固定搭配。The mother insi

22、sted that he finished his homework first, which made his son very angry.【答案】finished改为finish【解析】考查谓语动词。insist表“坚决要求”之意时,后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词要用“(should)+动词原形”的结构。That you will succeed in doing the work depends on your attitude to it.【答案】That改为Whether【解析】考查连词的用法。句意:你能否成功地做这项工作取决于你对它的态度。当名词性从句中不 缺句子主干局部,也不缺意

23、思时,用that引导,缺乏意思时,用whether。四、阅读理解Whenever the word hero comes to mej immediately think of three Hs:honourable,hard-working,and happy.When I think more about this word,! picture someone who has accomplished good things for people and tries to do the right thing.Hattie Elizabeth Alexander is one person

24、 whom I find to be very heroic.Hattie w-as born in Baltimore,Maryland on April 5,1901.During her time at College she earned her Bachelors Degree in Bacteriology and Physiology.These were just the first steps towards what she was finally going to be remembered for.After college Hattie attended the Jo

25、hns Hopkins School of Medicine and rec.eived her medical degree.After her education,she pursued her career,and after much time and hard work,she drastically reduced the number of infants (幼儿)dying from meningitis (脑月莫炎).Hattie was very dedicated to her work and helped as many locations as she could.

26、Spending substantial (大量的)time in the labouratory,Hattie successfully developed a cure against the disease,which decreased the death rate to 20 per cent.At the same time,she was also a teacher working with Columbia University.She was a caring lady interested in other peoples lives.When she was teach

27、ing at Columbia University,other members would talk to her about students that were failing their classes,and somehow Hattie could always find convincing reasons as to why they should not be driven away.Later,Hattie became an instructor in Pediatrics at. New York Citys Babies Hospital.After many hon

28、ours,she became the first woman president of the American Pediatric Society in 1965.This was her last major achievement,for soon after,Hattie died of cancer on June 24,1968.Hattie is my hero because her positive attitude and strength helped her accomplish great things for others.She gave them her st

29、rength by developing medicines against diseases,which,by doing so,made them stronger.This. is what makes Hattie Elizabeth Alexander my hero.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了“我心目中的英雄Hattie Elizabeth AlexanderoHattie is considered to be a hero by the author in that.A.she was an honourable,hard-working and happy pe

30、rsonB.she was a very dedicated woman doctor with many honoursC.she was a caring lady who helped many students finish collegeD.she was the first woman president of APS【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据题干中的关键词considered to be a hero定位到文章第一段第一句Whenever the word hero, comes to me,I immediately think of three Hs:honourab

31、le,hard-working5and happy.”及最后段的 内容可知,作者之所以认为她是名英雄是因为她是一个受人尊敬、勤奋和幸福的人。应选A项。2.What does the underlined word drastically“ in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Slightly.B.Hardly.C. Greatly.D.Totally.【答案】c【解析】词义猜想题。根据题干中的in Paragraph 3定位到文章第三段第一句.after much time and hard work,she drastically reduced the numbe

32、r of infants (幼儿)dying from meningitis (脑膜炎)可知,应该是大大减少 了死于脑膜炎的幼儿的数量。可知C项符合题意。3. According to the passage,Hattie Elizabeth Alexander.A.received her Bachelors Degree in Johns Hopkins SchoolB.spent all her time in the labouratory developing cures for illnessesC.cared a lot about others, private livesD.

33、always tried her best to help prevent students from dropping out of college【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“When she was teaching.were failing their classes.could always find convincing reasons as to why they should not be driven away.”可矢口,Hattie Elizabeth Alexander 总是尽 最大努力防止学生退学。应选D项。4.Which of the follow

34、ing would be the most proper title for the text?A.An honourable womanB.A woman accomplishing great thingsC.My hero-Hattie Elizabeth AlexanderD.The first woman president of the APS【答案】C【解析】主旨大意题。根据题干中的the most proper title可知此题为概括文章主旨大意标题。第一段第一句Whenever the word hero comes to me,I immediately think of

35、 three Hs:honourable,hard-working,andhappy.”和最后段第句“Hattie is my hero because her positive attitude and strength helped her accomplish great things for others.可知 C 项My hero-Hattie Elizabeth Alexander”为最正确标题。五、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Is Fresh Air Really Good for You?2019 年全国卷 I We al

36、l grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.”36 According to recent studies, the answer is a big YES, if the air quality in your camping area is good.If the air youre breathing is clean-which it would be if youre away from the smog of cities-thenthe air is filled with life-giv

37、ing, energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors, your body will learn to breathe more deeply, allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain.Recently, people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈).In these places patients can go to be ne

38、ar nature during their recovery. It turns out that just lookingat green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients Who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patient

39、s who see buildings or sky instead.39 It gives us a great feeling of peace.40 While the suns rays can age and harm our skin, they also give is beneficial Vitamin D. To make sureyou get enough Vitamin D一but still protect your skin- put on sunscreen right as you head outside. It takes sunscreen about

40、fifteen minutes to start working, and thats plenty of time for your skin to absorb a days worth of Vitamin D.Fresh air cleans our lungs.So what are you waiting for?Being in nature refreshes us.Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight.But is fresh air really as good for you as your mothe

41、r always said?Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care.All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了新鲜空气的好处:新鲜空气中的氧气,阳光对人们的身心健康 均有好处。人们已经开始利用大自然和治愈疾病的关系,建造“康复花园”,治疗病人了。【36题答案】E【36题详解】根据下一句中的“the answer isabig YES”可知,该空应该是一个一般疑问

42、句,选项中只有E选 项是一般疑问句。应选E:但是新鲜空气真得像你母亲说的那样对你有好处吗?空前的people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air”和选项中的your mother always said”亦是呼应。【37题答案】A37 题详解】根据下一句中提到的If the air youre breathing is clean.the air is filled with life-giving, energizing oxygen”可知,新鲜空气充满赋予人生命的,充满活力的氧气。下文中“breathe more deeply, allowi

43、ng more oxygen to get to your muscles and your brain”是对前文的递进:在户外,更多的氧气进入你的肌 肉和大脑。根据前面的分析可以推知,该空应该提到新鲜空气的基本作用,根据常识,我们知道吸入的空 气首先进入的是肺部,然后才会使我们的肌肉和大脑受益,故该空应选A选项:新鲜空气清洁我们的肺部。【38题答案】G38题详解】根据下一句中提到的“these places”可以推知,该空应该提到表示地点的复数名词。选项中只 有G选项提到该类名词,应选项G:在全国,康复中心已经开始建造“康复花园。these places就是指Healing Gardens

44、o【39题答案】C39题详解】前文介绍的是“康复花园”中的绿色植物对于病人康复的好的作用:绿色的正在成长的植物可 以减轻压力,降低血压,使人情绪良好。空后提到“它给我们一种平和感该空起承上启下的作用,仍然要 提到处于“康复花园这种自然环境中的好处,空后的it也要指代这种情况。故C选项切题:身处大自然可 以使人精神焕发。【40题答案】D40题详解】根据下文中提到的“the suns rays.give us beneficial Vitamin D”可知,该段介绍的阳光的好处。 故该选项应该提到阳光。选项中只有D选项涉及阳光。应选D:获得新鲜空气的另一个好处是阳光。六、短文语法填空In toda

45、y*s world of mobile payment, all we really need 1.(survive) is a smartphone.But one company is hoping to make traditional wallets cool again, by 2.(bring) them into the digital age.American firm Vblterman smart wallet takes security to a new level.Its fitted with different technologies, such as 3.al

46、arm, a GPS tracker, and even a camera.If your phone and wallet become separated, the alarm will warn you 4.you dont leave it behind.And if your wallet 5.(lose) or stolen, the GPS tracker can help you reach it.Even 6.(interesting) is the front-facing camera.If someone dares to open your wallet 7.perm

47、ission, a little camera inside 8.(take) a picture and send it to your mobile phone.You will find it 9.(easy) by receiving a picture of the thief, “Azat Tovmasyan, Voltermanfs founder,said.The high-tech wallet will be released later this year and will come in three 10.(model), with the cheapest expec

48、ted to cost $179.【答案】to survive【解析】考查非谓语动词。Sb+needtodosth结构中,need后要用动词不定式做宾语。.【答案】bringing【解析】考查非谓语动词。介词(by)后要用动名词做宾语。.【答案】an【解析】考查冠词的用法。单数名词不能单独使用,在文章中第一次出现单数名词时,名词前用不定冠词, 第二次出现这个名词时,前面要用定冠词。.【答案】so【解析】考查连词的用法。空格前的句子与空格后的句子是因果关系,故此处用so表结果。.【答案】is lost【解析】考查动词的时态。空格后的动词为过去分词,连词and, or并列同类词、同形词,if从句没

49、有谓语 动词,主语wallet与lose、steal是被动关系,所以用被动语态is lost填空。.【答案】more interesting【解析】考查形容词的用法。形容词前面为副词even, much等时,形容词常用比拟级。.【答案】without【解析】考查介词的用法。句意:如果有人擅自翻开你的钱包。意为未经允许翻开你的钱包,所以用without 表示“没有.【答案】will take【解析】考查动词的时态。在状语从句中,主从句表将来,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时(主将 从现)。.【答案】easily【解析】考查副词的用法。此处用副词作状语,修饰动词find。.【答案】models【

50、解析】考查名词的单复数。空格前面有数词three,所以名词用复数形式。13应.骑自行车自行车一骑自行车的人一n.骑自行车运动14证组织;成立一n.组织一九.组织者15力.可信赖的;可靠的.可靠地一龙.相信;依赖【答案】1. beneath 2.forecast 3.attitude 4.schedule 5.finally 6.prefer; preference 7.persuade; persuasive ; persuasion 8 . determine ; determined ; determination 9.view ; viewerlO.transport ;transpor

51、tation 11 .disadvantage ; advantage 12.graduate ; graduation 13.cycle ; cyclist ; cycling 14. organize; organization; organizer 15.reliable; reliably; rely3、短语收集精准记忆【答案】 1.since 2.of 3.about 4,mind 5.up 6.in 7.as 8. up 9.at lO.about/of 11.on 12.in1.ever从那以后2. be fond喜爱;喜欢3.care关心;忧虑;惦念4. change one!

52、s _改变主意5.make ones mind 下决心; 决定6. give投降;屈服;让步7._ usual照常8 , put一张贴;搭建9._ midnight在午夜10. dream _梦想11 insistdoing sth.坚持做某事12. _detail详细地二、句型局部:典句重现,熟练背诵(那是我的姐姐)first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.【答案】 It was my sister who【解析】It waswho为强调句型,

53、其中who可换为thato fromto“从到”,后面均是由where引导的宾语从句。仿写: we went to visit the science museum.就是在昨天上午我们去参观了科学博物馆。【答案】It was yesterday morning that. Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places , she insisted that (她把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美).【答案】she organize the trip properly【解析】表示“坚持要,坚持要求时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词用

54、“should+动词原形”, should可以省略。仿写: The government insisted that plans(make) to help people out of work.政府坚持认为应该制定计划来帮助人们解决失业问题。【答案】(should)be madeWhen I told her(将难以呼吸空气)and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.【答案】the air would be hard to breathe【解析】the air would be hard

55、 to breathe是“主语+ be+M/. +不定式”结构,其中the air是breathe的逻 辑宾语,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。使用此结构应注意:1 常用形容词有:difficult, hard, easy, comfortable, pleasant, interesting, exciting 等。2不定式和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系;假设不定式为不及物动词,其后必须要加相应的介 I司。仿写 Todays homework, so Mike finished it quickly and went out to play.今天的作业很容易做,所以迈克很快就做完了,出去

56、玩了。【答案】was easy to do(她旦下定了决心、),nothing can change it.【答案 1 Once she has made up her mind【解析】once“一旦”引导条件状语从句、时间状语从句。Make up ones mind下定决心。仿写: , you can*t get rid of it.一旦你染上了一个坏习惯,你就难以摆脱它了。【答案】Once you get into a bad habitWe(迫不及待地想见)them!【答案】can hardly wait to see【解析】hardly是否认副词,意为“简直不”,常用于can/coul

57、d之后,动词之前,强调做某事很难,意 思上相当于 noto can hardly wait to do sth.( = can*t wait to do sth.)迫不及待地想做某事。仿写:The students the result of the exam.学生们迫不急待地想知道考试的结果。答案couldnt wait to know/could hardly wait to know单元重点讲解一、词汇精讲prefer比.更喜欢;喜欢多于【归纳拓展】prefer sth.to sth.喜欢而不喜欢prefer to do sth.更喜欢做prefer doing sth.to doing

58、 sth.宁愿做而不愿做prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.=would rather do sth.than do sth. 宁可也不prefer that.should do sth. 宁愿have a preference for 对偏爱【巩固练习】完成句子/单句语法填空He preferred at home rather than out on Sunday.星期天他宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。【答案】to stay ; goNowadays many children prefer(surf) the Internet at home to(take

59、) exercise outdoors.【答案】surfing; takingId prefer you(start) early.【答案】to startShe preferred that nobody(come) to see her.【答案】(should) comeLucys father preferred her(go) abroad to study.【答案】to gopersuade 说服;劝说【归纳拓展】persuade sb.to do sth. = persuade o doing sth. 说月艮某人做某事persuade sb.not to do sth.persu

60、ade sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事try to persuade sb.to do sth. advise sb.to do sth.尽力说服某人做某事 persuade sb.of sth./that.使某人相信【巩固练习】单句语法填空/完成句子How can I persuade you my plan?【答案】ofFinally, she persuaded her sister(marry) the young man.【答案】to marryI my brother camping with me.我说服了我哥哥和我一起去野营。【答案】persuaded


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