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1、Unit 12 MY FA VORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE. (The 2 nd period Section A 1a 2d) Teaching aims:(教学目标)1. Learn to talk about ss favorite subjects and give reasons. (学会谈论喜爱的学科并给出理由。) 2. Learn to talk about ss favorite things and give reasons. (学会谈论喜爱的其他东西并给出理由。) Language points(语言点 ) 1. 要求掌握以下句式:(1)- What s

2、 your favorite (subject, color, city )? - My favorite is (2)- Why do you like ? - Because it s (3) - Who is your teacher ? - Mr / Miss 1.要求掌握以下词汇:city, mom ,dad Teaching steps (教学步骤 ): 1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)Daily greeting and revision. T: How are you today? S: I am fine. T: How many su

3、bjects do you have today? S: Seven. 教师设计各种学生身边的问T: What are they? S: They are Chinese/math/English . T: What s your favorite subject? S: My favorite subject is . T: Why do you like it? S: Because its . 2. Game ( 语言运用 ) - Grammar focus (语法点 P72) 题目的是让学生复习学科名 词和上一课时的知识点。做游戏是对 Grammar focus 知识点的展示和综合巩固

4、。T: I think games are interesting. Let s play a guessing game. A (给学生 A 看 事先准备好come here and have a look at a note in the box. Then ask others 的小纸条,上面写比questions: What s Mary s favorite subject? Why does she like it? 如 Mary s math- Others try to find the answer by guessing like this: Is her interest

5、ing 由 A 学生发问:favorite subject? Is her favorite subject ? A: What s Mary” s favorite subject? S1: Is Chinese her favorite subject? What s Mary s favorite subject? 其他学生猜 问 Is her favorite subject?或A: No, it isn . tIs her favorite subject ?,AS2: Is English her favorite subject? 答用 yes 或 no 回答。猜对后,A: No

6、, it isn t. A 再问 Why does she like math?其他学生猜问 Because S: Is math her favorite subject? A: Yes, it is. Why does she like it? S: Because it is relaxing? it is ?A 答 yes或 no 直到猜 对答案为止。 )在游戏中复习学科单词和描写学科的形容A: No, it isn t. 词,并且复习 her, his 等形容词性物主代词。S: Because it is interesting? A: Yes, it is. 4 Presentat

7、ion(呈现新知识)T: What s your favorite subject? S: My favorite subject is (math)? T: Why do you like (math)? S: Because it is (interesting). T: I m your English teacher. Who is your math teacher? 在教师的引导下, 学生由两人 对话过渡到三人一组的链式S: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss is my math teacher. 操练T: Ask your friend about his /her favorite

8、subject and teacher, please. S1: What s your favorite subject? S2: My . S1: Who s your teacher? S2: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss is my math teacher./ My teacher is . S1: What s S3s favorite subject? S2: 3a 中的女孩子的图片) Now 给学生一分钟时间准备S3:让学生以对话的形式来对答3. Work on 3a (完成 P73 3 a)案T: How about this girl? (出示课文中complete the

9、conversation. You can use the words in the box. Then tell me something about the girl. S1: What is your favorite subject? S2: My favorite subject is art. S1: Who is your art teacher? S2: My art teacher is Mrs Jones. 最后让学生以第三人称来说, 培养说简短的语篇的能力。T: Now tell me something about the girl. What and who is t

10、he teacher? s her favorite subject S: The girl s favorite subject is art. Her art teacher is Mrs Jones. 4. Work on 3b (完成 P73 3b) T: How about your partner? Do you know want to know about your 为了让学生能更多的机会重classmates? Now ask your classmates about his/her questions and 复使用形容词, 可适当增加表complete the char

11、t, then give a report. Description of 格栏目内容Name: Favorite Reasoteacher subject n teacher I: S1: S2: Report: My name is _. My favorite subject is _ because it is _. My _ teacher is _. 在学生调查后, 让一两个学生 来做简短的报告, 其中可以适 时地穿插问其他学生报告中 的内容在最后一个学生报告 完毕后 ,继续问问题I like her/him very much. She/He is really _. _ s f

12、avorite subject is_. _ _ _ 5. Pairwork. 在最后一个学生报告完毕后,通过问他一个问题来引出同 学谈论喜欢的东西, 如:food, color, sports, songs, movies 。学生两人一组相互 问答。先让三到四对同学表演 对话,最后让个别同学以语篇 的形式说出自己和同伴的最 喜爱的东西T: I know your favorite subject is . But what s your favorite city? Is Linhai / Hangzhou / Shanghai your favorite city? S: My favor

13、ite city is S1: S2: T: Now I d like you to talk about your favorite things in pairs. 6. Survey (完成 P73 4) T: Now we know a lot about our classmates. But do you know anything about your mom and dad? Complete the chart with their favorite things. Then talk about them with your classmates. Favorite Fav

14、orite Favorite Favorite 通过调查完成表格, 让两学生city food color TV show Mom 谈论父母亲的喜好, 其他学生Dad 听,并做报告。 这一步培养学(让两学生谈论父母亲的喜好,其他学生听,做报告)生听说写的综合能力。S1: What s your mother s favorite city? S2: Her favorite city is Report like this: S: _ s moms favorite city is _. Her favorite food is _._ _ But her/his dad s favorite is _, _ _ _ 7. Homework Oral homework: a) Read 3a and recite it.(朗读背诵中 3a 的对话)b) Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.(朗读 Grammar Focus


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