(8)Unit 4 Looking good feeling good 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)_第1页
(8)Unit 4 Looking good feeling good 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)_第2页
(8)Unit 4 Looking good feeling good 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)_第3页
(8)Unit 4 Looking good feeling good 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)_第4页
(8)Unit 4 Looking good feeling good 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)_第5页
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1、(8)Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A I love winter birds and I love photographing them in the snow. I admit that Im a fair-weather birder. Worse, Im a lazy, fair-weather birder. I dont like weather extremes, so when its

2、 very hot or really cold, it is hard to get me to leave the comfort of home. In summer, I only photograph hummingbirds (蜂鸟) in my yard, and in winter, I try to only go out on relatively mild days. Most of my bird photography is done within an hours drive from my hometown. So its all about finding a

3、balance that works. Winter is a great time for snowy owls (雪鸮) here in Woolwich Township. One day in early March, I was on my way home from work when I noticed a beautiful snowy owl sitting in a tree right at the crossing. I pulled over to admire him, and then kept heading home unwillingly. Two hund

4、red meters or so down the road, there were two more snowy owls in a field by a fence, and in the next field, another on top of a fence post. I couldnt find words to express my feelings at that moment. Thus I rushed home, grabbed my camera and went right back to get some pictures. It is one of the mo

5、st magical local birding moments Ive everexperienced. When Im looking for excellent opportunities to photograph snowy owls and other birds without spending dozens of hours searching for them, I head to the Canadian Raptor Conservancy or the Mountsberg Raptor Center. Ive attended so many photo sessio

6、ns at each of these fantastic facilities (场所) that Ive lost count of them.1.What factor has the biggest effect on whether the author goes out to photograph birds or not?A.Road conditions.B.Personal emotions.C.Weather conditions.D.Time arrangements.2.How did the author feel when he saw the snowy owls

7、 on the way home?A.Sad.B.Excited.C.Untouched.D.Proud.3.What does the underlined word them in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.Opportunities.B.Moments.C.Pictures.D.Birds.B12-year-old Gets Diabetes from Eating Fast Food Every Day A 12-year-old boy was diagnosed(诊断) with diabetes after he ate Western-style fast

8、food every day for three months in Southwest Chinas Chongqing municipality, reported on Nov 14, World Diabetes Day. The overweight boy, nicknamed Linlin, likes fast food but was kept on a strict diet by his mother, surnamed Deng. Starting in August, Linlin consumed fast food and carbonated beverages

9、(饮料) every day as Deng was on a business trip. Three months later, Linlin put on more than five kilograms of weight, felt thirsty all day and went to the toilet several times every night. Yang Zhencheng, doctor at the Daping Hospital in Chongqing municipality, said the number of cases of child diabe

10、tes has been rising in recent years. The hospital receives 4,500 diabetes patients every month, 10 percent of whom are teenagers. Yang pointed out that the main reason for the high incidence of diabetes is too much high-sugar, high-fat food and lack of exercise. Parents should set an example for chi

11、ldren in eating healthy food, and provide a healthy and balanced diet for children, especially controlling the intake of fast food and saying no to carbonated beverages. Children with a mother suffering from gestation (怀孕) diabetes mellitus (糖尿病) are likely to acquire Type-2 diabetes. The prevention

12、 of child diabetes should start from pregnancy(怀孕) by controlling weight and doing exercise regularly, Yang added. Statistics show that China had as many as 114 million diabetes patients last year, accounting for about one third of the patients in the world, according to China National Radio.1.Accor

13、ding to the passage, Linlin suffered from diabetes because he _.A.didnt exercise regularlyB.was overweightC.was on a strict dietD.ate too much fast food2.Which of the following is NOT a reason for diabetes?A.Lack of exercise.B.Too much high-sugar food.C.High-fat food.D.A balanced diet.3.The underlin

14、ed word acquire in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _.A.getB.removeC.provideD.control4.From what Yang Zhencheng said, we know that _.A.Daping Hospital receives 4,500 diabetes patients every yearB.preventing child diabetes should begin after their birthC.healthy eating and regular exercise are us

15、eful to prevent diabetesD.consuming carbonated beverages has nothing to do with diabetesC Many schools now serve breakfast as well as lunch. A lot of kids who take part can end up eating two breakfasts one at home and one at school. People are concerned that these kids may become overweight. In fact

16、, Marlene Schwartz, a psychologist who studies the phenomenon(现象)of overweight, notes thats not what her data has shown in her new study. Her group studied some 600 middle school students. Over three years, students in fifth, sixth and seventh grades were asked about their breakfast. Throughout the

17、study about 34 to 44 percent of all students said they regularly ate breakfast at home. Up to 17 percent or almost one in every six kids regularly ate breakfast at school. Overall, about one in every 10 kids reported having breakfast both at home and at school. And eating habits changed somewhat as

18、the kids got older. Surprisingly, at every age, kids who ate breakfast were less likely to be overweight. This was true even for those who ate breakfast at home and at school. Indeed, the study found no evidence of greater weight gain among student who ate double breakfasts. Rather, it found that st

19、udents who skipped breakfast were those most likely to be overweight. Skipping breakfast may set people to be over-hungry later in the clay. Then someone may eat more food than their body needs. It might take the brain longer to realize you have enough food and can stop eating now. If true, skipping

20、 breakfast may actually lead a person to consume too many calories(卡路里) over the rest of the day. Earlier studies have shown this to be the case. The total calories taken in 24 hours are less when you eat a good breakfast, says Diana Cutts, who works at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Ea

21、ting healthily in the morning is really what you need to have energy. Skipping breakfast is not good for your body and brain.1.Which is true according to Marlene Schwartzs study?A.One in every ten kids had breakfast at school.B.Eating habits didnt change as kids got older.C.Kids having breakfast wer

22、e more likely to be overweight.D.Having double breakfasts doesnt mean gaining greater weight.2.What may cause overweight in children who skip breakfast?A.The poor function of the body.B.Eating too much later in the day.C.Eating too much unhealthy food.D.Lack of calorie-burning exercise.3.What do Dia

23、na Cutts words tell us?A.The importance of energy.B.The harm of calorie intake.C.The harm of light breakfast.D.The importance of breakfast.4.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.Causes of childhood overweight.B.Ways to keep a healthy weight.C.Skipping breakfast may lead to overweight.D.Eating d

24、ouble breakfasts is healthier.D Brushing your teeth regularly could help to prevent bowel (肠) cancer, a study suggests. This is because the mouth bacteria that cause bleeding gums(牙龈) can travel via the blood to the bowel where they could result in cancer or worsen existing tumours(肿瘤). The bug fuso

25、baclerium(梭杆菌) has been found to be hundreds of times more common in cancerous tumours than in normal cells. Now researchers have found that the bacteria can make pre-cancerous growths in the bowel turn cancerous. They can also make any existingtumours in the bowel grow larger. Scientists are doing

26、research on how the bacteria make their way to the bowel through the bloodstream. One theory is that it may happen if a person has bleeding gums. The researchers found that the bacteria have a protein that allows them to stick to sugar molecules attached to friendly growths called polyps(息肉) as well

27、 as cancer tumours in the bowel. The bacteria are anaerobicthey do not breathe oxygenso are well suited to live in the bowel. After sticking to the polypes or tumours, the presence of the bacteria promotes their growth, according to the research published in Cell Growth and Microbe. By targeting thi

28、s process, the researchers believe that it may lead to new drugs to treat bowel cancer which around one in twenty of us will develop in our lifetimes. Co-author Wendy Garrett, a professor at Harvard University said a greater understanding of the mechanism (机理) may help stop people developing cancero

29、us tumours. She added, More importantly, our findings suggest that the new drugs could potentially prevent these bacteria from worsening bowel cancer. As well as worsening cancer, the bacteria have also been found to worsen the bowel condition ulcerative colitis(溃疡性结肠炎), which in turn is also linked

30、 to cancer. So, the researchers warn that mouth health may be an indicator of other lifestyle factors linked to cancer.1.From the first paragraph, we can learn _.A.bowel cancer may be cured by brushing teeth regularlyB.scientists have found the reason for bowel cancerC.brushing teeth regularly helps

31、 you fight bad breathD.good mouth health has a good effect on preventing bowel cancer2.According to the researchers, if a person suffers from bleeding gums, _.A.bacteria may enter the bowel with blood and increase the risk of cancerB.the bug fusobacterium may decrease in the cellsC.measures must be

32、taken to prevent blood flowing into bowelD.he should go to the dentist to have the teeth pulled out3.Chances are that _ through this research.A.people will get rid of the symptoms of bleeding gumsB.people will never suffer from bowel cancerC.scientists will develop more effective drugs to deal with

33、bowel cancerD.scientists will find ways to stop gums worsening fusobacterium4.Whats the authors purpose in writing this passage?A.To tell people not to worry about bowel cancer.B.To warn people of the danger of bowel cancer.C.To educate people about the ways to stop bleeding gums.D.To make people un

34、derstand the importance of brushing teeth regularly.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways to improve your mental health in 2020 Looking on the bright side of life really is beneficial. Optimists have a less chance of having a heart attack or stroke, a bigger chance

35、of a healthy and long life. However, being an optimist doesnt mean you ignore the stress of daily life. _. How to do that? Practice optimism Faced with a challenge, optimists more often see it as temporary or even positive, allowing themselves to learn and grow. _. Imagining yourself with all of you

36、r problems solved in a future may work. _ It is in giving that we receive. Studies have shown putting the well-being of others before our own without expecting anything in return is useful. Even if you have little time to offer, just the act of giving has been shown to improve our health, possibly b

37、y temporarily reducing our sense of pain. Be grateful Being thankful protects us against anxiety and depression and boosts optimism. _. Before going to bed, jot down(匆匆记下) any positive experience you had that day, however small. Improve your social connections Good relationships keep us happier and

38、healthier. _. Instead, its the quality of the relationship that matters. High-conflict marriages, for example, without much affection, turn out to be bad for our health, perhaps worse than getting divorced, though its not right to make light of divorce.A.Start volunteeringB.Find your religionC.And y

39、ou dont have to have scores of friends to get this benefitD.One of the best ways to make it a part of your life is to keep a daily journalE.It simply means when unpleasant things happen, dont blame yourself unnecessarilyF.People who are more socially connected to family, to friends, or to community,

40、 are happierG.They also believe they have control over their fate and can create opportunities for good things to happen第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of f

41、ire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with h

42、appiness. Yellow is the color of 5 . People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in 6 .People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people 7 two groups of colors; warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and 8

43、 .Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be 9 . Those who like to be with 10 like red. The cool colors are 11 and blue. Where there are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to 12 more slowly in a room with warm colors. They sug

44、gest that a warm color is a good 13 for a living room or a 14 . People who are having a restor are eating do not want time to pass quickly. 15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.1.A.sadnessB.angerC.administrationD.smile2.A.roadsB.waysC.dangerD.pl

45、aces3.A.landB.leavesC.grassD.mountains4.A.livelyB.darkC.noisyD.frightening5.A.moonlightB.lightC.sunlightD.stars6.A.summerB.springC.autumnD.winter7.A.speakB.sayC.talkaboutD.tell8.A.greenB.yellowC.whiteD.gray9.A.calmB.sleepyC.activeD.helpful10.A.the otherB.anotherC.other oneD.others11.A.redB.greenC.go

46、ldenD.yellow12.A.go aroundB.go byC.go offD.go along13.A.oneB.wayC.factD.matter14.A.factoryB.classroomC.restaurantD.hospital15.A.DifferentB.CoolC.WarmD.All第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Plastic surgery _(become) more and more popular these days. Plastic surgery might help p

47、eople feel good about themselves sometimes, but its negative consequences outweigh its _(beneficial). First of all, people do not always get _(satisfy) results from plastic surgery. Nowadays more and more people have to go back under the knife because the first surgery was not_ they want. No one can

48、 make sure that the result of the surgery will be _(exact) what the patient expected. In addition, plastic surgery can be _(danger). Some people suffer terrible pain and have serious health problems after the operation. People shouldnt risk their health to change their appearance. The problem is oft

49、en the negative self-image in their mind,_ than anything wrong with their body. Instead of surgery, they should first try safer methods _(improve) their body image, such as having a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, people may get addicted to plastic surgery. People have plastic surgery because they wa

50、nt to improve appearance. However, there is no _(perfect). People who undergo plastic surgery once have a tendency to get more to change other parts of their bodies afterwards. Considering all these factors, people should never try plastic surgery. If they want to improve their confidence in their a

51、ppearance, they are supposed to think of other methods_ are less risky, such as exercise.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter非常喜欢中 国饮食,来信希望你能给他做相关介绍。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括: 1.中国饮食的特点; 2.中国饮食的影响; 3.欢迎来中国体验饮食文化。注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为1

52、50左右。 I grew up in a small town where elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house and in an age, not so long ago, when we children could go home for lunch and find our mothers waiting. At the time, I didnt consider this to be so important, although today it certainly would be. Actually, ou

53、r lunch time together in the past years had had a great influence on my life before I realized it. Our lunch time when I was in the third grade will stay with me always. I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had painstakingly practiced my lines with me. But

54、 no matter how easily I delivered them at home, as soon as I stepped on stage, every word disappeared from my head. Finally, my teacher took me aside. She explained patiently that she needed a narrator and had written a narrators part to the play, and asked me to switch roles. Her words, kindly deli

55、vered, still hurt me especially when I saw my part go to another girl. I didnt tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day. But she sensed my unease, and instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard. It was a lovely spring day and the

56、 rose vine(藤) was turning green. Under the huge trees, we could see yellow dandelions(蒲公英) appearing unexpectedly through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with small amounts of gold. I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the bushes. I think Im going to dig u

57、p all these weeds, she said, pulling a blossom up by all its roots. From now on, well have only roses in this garden. I immediately protested, But I like dandelions. All flowers are beautifuleven dandelions.Paragraph 1:Do you mean that every flower has its own beauty? asked my mother thoughtfully. _

58、Paragraph 2:But you will be a beautiful narrator, Mum said. _ _答案以及解析第一部分 阅读理解第一节A答案:1-3.CBD解析:1.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的I dont like weather extremes, so when its very hot or really cold, it is hard to get me to leave the comfort of home可知,作者不喜欢极端天气。因此,天气状况对作者是否外出拍鸟的影响最大。故选C项。2.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的I couldnt find wo

59、rds to express my feelings at that moment. Thus I rushed home, grabbed my camera and went right back to get some pictures可以判断出,作者看到雪鸮时很兴奋。故选B。3.考查代词指代。根据第四段中的When Im looking for excellent opportunities to photograph snowy owls and other birds without spending dozens of hours searching for them可知,作者在

60、寻找拍摄雪鸮和其他鸟的绝佳机会时,不会花上几十个小时去寻找它们。由此可知,them指代上文提到的snowy owls and other birds,故选D项。 B答案:1-4.DDAC解析:1.细节理解题。【关键句】A 12-year-old boy was diagnosed with diabetes after he ate Western-style fast food every day for three months in Southwest Chinas Chongqing municipality, reported on Nov 14, World Diabetes Da


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