外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2 That is a yellow cat(教案)_第1页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2 That is a yellow cat(教案)_第2页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2 That is a yellow cat(教案)_第3页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2 That is a yellow cat(教案)_第4页




1、英语(新标准)(一年级起点)一年级上册Module 5 Unit 2 That i s a ye I low cat.本套教材注重学生语言运用能力的培养,教学内容紧密联系学生的生活实际,本课是 第五模块,共分为两个单元,主要话题是Classroom,功能是Describing a place第一单元 主要学习了用This is.介绍人物和场所;第二单元课文情景是Ms. Smart和Amy教两岁的 Tom识别事物,这里学习This is新的语用功能,用于向他人介绍他们不认识的近处物品, 同时学习使用That is.介绍远处的事物。通过学习能使用This/That is这样的句型介绍近处 或远处的

2、事物,使学生能够乐于向他人介绍信息。本课是在第一单元语言知识储备的基础 上,对学生语言运用能力和学生学习策略的一个巩固和提高。二、学情分析一年级学生刚进入学校学习一个多月的时间,大部分学生在知识方面学会了简单的问 候、指令、颜色词和少许简单的名词,在本模块第一单元学会了使用This is介绍人物和场 所。在英语口语表达、听力等方面还存在一定的不足,语言输出能力较差,通过单词回答 问题的现象很普遍,良好的听说读的习惯还没有完全形成,需要教师在课堂上通过情境创 设、言语引导、肢体动作等形式进行指导。一年级学生的优点是课堂上活泼好动,喜欢参与 游戏,表现欲强,积极发言。因此在本课教学设计上,我主要采

3、用情境教学法、任务型教 学法等,为学生创造轻松愉快的学习氛围。三、教学目标L语言技能(1)听:全体学生能听懂 This is a white cat. That is a black dog.(2)说:全体学生能说 This is a white cat. That is a black dog.(3)读:全体学生能初步整体感知that,能够读懂课文大意,能够正确朗读课文内容。(4)写:全体学生能初步视觉感知this, that.语言知识(1)功能:介绍场所、人物和物品(2)语法:全体学生能初步运用 This is a white cat. That is a black dog.(3)词汇:

4、全体学生能理解that, bag(4)语音:初步感知this/that”中的“th”发音,进一步感知英语的节奏.情感态度乐于向他人介绍,与他人分享信息。.学习策略通过学习韵句进一步强化对英语的兴趣;乐于向他人介绍场所、任务和物品.文化意识进一步了解英语的节奏 四、教学重、难点1.重点认读单词that, bag,能听懂,会说会运用句型This/That is.介绍事物。 2 .难点字母组合出的发音,This叮hat is.介绍近处和远处事物的区分。 五、教学准备单词卡片、PPT、磁条、奖励卡片、实物等六、教学过程(一)复习导入 Revision and lead -in (5 分钟) 操作方式:

5、l.GreetingT: Stand up! Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Sit down, please.T: Hello boy, whats your name?Ss: Im.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. How are you?T: Fm fine, too.2.Listen to music: I can sing a rainbow.T: Look children, this is a beautiful song. Lets sing toge

6、ther, ok?Ss: Listen and clap.I can sing a rainbow. Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow too!(通过歌曲,复习颜色词)3. Revision GameT: Look, what is it?SI: Bag.T: Yes, this is a bag. Follow me, bag.Show me your hand, two fingers, ae ae,

7、bag.利用手指帮助准确发音Ss: ae ae,bag.T: Go close to students with the bag.Ss: Point to the bag and say “This is a bag. ”T: Yes, what colour is it? Is it yellow?Ss: No, its white.T: Yes. This is a white bag.Ss: Read one by one “ This is a white bag. ”There are many things in it. Please take out one and tell u

8、s whats it? This is a red chair.Ss: Choose one from the bag and say This is充分复习 This is.T: Look! Whats that? Thats a bag.Ss: Thals a bag.T: Teach new words,thaf,.T: What?s that? Thats a.Ss: Thats a desk.T: Whafs that?Ss: That,s a cat.感知chant中的语句,学生尝试,模仿着说T: Youre very good. Now lets see the bag, des

9、k and cat. Please listen to a chant.T: Do you like it? Lets chant together.Ss: Chant and do the action.【设计意图】开课师生通过问候,沟通感情,复习以前所学;欣赏歌曲,复习提取旧 知颜色词的同时创造轻松愉悦的学习氛围。通过实物小游戏,学习新词bag”,回顾已学句型“This is.”小chant初步感知“that”读音,为课文学习做准备。(二)任务呈现 Task presentation ( 1 分钟)操作方式:Good job! Today, we,re going to learn, mo

10、dule5 unit2. After learning, let introduce our classroom to friends. Before that, Ill divided you into two groups, yellow bag for group one, pink bag for group two, if you do well , youll get candies. The winner group will get real candies. Are you ready?【设计意图】教师明确本课的教学目标,通过任务的呈现,引导学生进行英语学习。(三)课文学习T

11、ext learning ( 14分钟)操作方式:Watch and answerT: Look at the picture, this is Amy, Ms. Smart and Tom. Tom sees two cats. What colour are they? Lets have a look.white cat 图 yellow cat 图 blue cat 图black cat I却This is a That is aSs: Choose on the blackboard.使用电子白板拖拽功能,学生进行选择,激发学生的学习兴趣。T: Lets check.Teacher

12、show Mrs. Smarts headwear “This is a white cat.”Ss: Follow Mrs. Smart.插入课文音频,学生跟读,进行语调模仿Teacher show Amys headwear 4kThat is a yellow cat.”Ss: Follow Amy.T: Thats right. Now Can you be Mrs. Smart and Amy? Practice in pairsSs: Practice and show in the class.Listen, repeat and answerT: Then, Tom sees

13、a dog. Its too far away. What colour is that dog?Lets listen, read and answer.Ss: Thats a dog.蓝色卡黑色卡A.blue B.black.使用电子白板拖拽功能,学生公布答案T: Who can read well?Ss: Read the sentences.T: Is that dog black? Lets go over there and see it clearly.This is a dog.Ss: This is a blue dog.3 Listen imitate and actT:

14、Now Tom knows cat and dog. Can you be Ms. Smart and Amy, teach him again. Lets listen, imitate and act.Ss: listen and imitateT: Tom is here, so Amy, Ms. Smart, dogs, and cats. Please practice in your group.Ss: Practice and show.(整体回顾全文,听音朗读注重地道的语音语调的培养。)【设计意图】采用整体阅读的课文教学模式,在整体感知课文的前提下,通过给问题找 答案发现本课的

15、重点句型,进行学习。在文本学习的语境下,运用感觉式教学方法等进行课 文的教学。带领学生初步整体感知课文-进一步分解课文-最后分角色朗诵,在大量的听读 训练过程中,让学生掌握this、that的相同用法,初步感知不同之处,为学生的语言输出做好 准备。(四)训练巩固Practice (12分钟)操作方式:T : Thank you children. Tom likes your show, He wants to come to our classroom. But he has to go through three doors. Lets help him open the doors, o

16、k? 与图片结合,帮助学生理解进入情境1. Listen, point and sayT: its a listening game. Play the video Ss: Listen and choose.T: Click the picture and show the sentence.Ss: Read together t4This is a panda. This is a desk. That is a panda. That is a desk.T: You open door one, lets go to door two. Its a choosing game.2.Ch

17、oosing GameT: Please take out your paper, discuss in pairs, choose “this or that” ,then say.Ss: Discuss in pairs, then show in the class.1.This,That_ is a desk.(图)2.is our classroom (图)3.is a window.(图)4._ is a black bag.(图)教师使用电子白板拖动复制功能,公布答案T: Very good! We get the key. lets open Door two. Oh, its

18、 colorful room. Lets Play saying Game and find the key to open door three.3.Look and sayT: Now, we open door two, lets go to door three. Its a saying game. Fang and Ming are in a classroom. Can you be them and introduce the room?Ss: Practice in pairs and show.T: Youre very great. Door 3 is opening.

19、Now Tom is in our classroom now. lets say hi to him.【设计意图】本环节创设了 Tom要来到教室中需要打开三道门的趣味情境来进行机械 操练,从音、形、义对重点词、句进行练习,让学生通过练习,感受This/That is的用法,为 任务完成做准备。(五)任务完成Task completion ( 7分钟)操作方式:Ss: Hello, Tom.Tom: Hello, boys and girls. Im new here. Can you introduce the classroom fbr me?T: Now, please introduce our classroom to Tom.Practice in groups, then show.T: Tom is so happy. What


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