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1、 Task Designing a poster Period 2desertificationDesertification-a growing problem! Fighting desertification-our duty! What does a poster look like? Title(标题)(标题) Content(内容)(内容) Pictures/format(设计设计)Three main elements:If we want to design a good poster,the title should be short, _,the content shoul

2、d be _,the picture should beand the format should be_. eye-catching, simpleHow to design a good poster? attractive, short, easy to understandcreative, clear, consistent(和谐的,一致的和谐的,一致的)colorful, beautiful, special7 Discussing fighting desertification & designing a posterQuestions Why is it import

3、ant to fight desertification? What can we do to fight desertification?You can use these expressions to help you introduce your point of view:I think / believe thatFrom my point of view it seems thatIt seems to me thatPersonally, I agree / disagree becauseYou can use these expressions to explain your

4、 point of view: because as a result of due to First, Second , Then Firstly,Secondly,Lastly(Next, Finally, )a posterTitleContentPictures/formata word/phrase/sentence about your topic details about your topicpictures about your topic/arrangement about your topicReasons for fighting desertificationWays

5、 to fight desertification11Show Time 海报评分细则海报评分细则1:创意创意(既然是海报既然是海报,首要的自然就是其创意首要的自然就是其创意,要吸引人要吸引人,引起观者的引起观者的兴趣兴趣,此项包括立意此项包括立意/构图构图/版式版式/表述方式表述方式/用色用色)2:文案文案(海报主要靠图来吸引人海报主要靠图来吸引人,文案是点睛之笔文案是点睛之笔,是对图的诠释和是对图的诠释和对海报所要宣传内容的直接表述对海报所要宣传内容的直接表述,好的文案是海报能否吸引人好的文案是海报能否吸引人/能否能否达到传达目的和抓住观者心理的关键所在达到传达目的和抓住观者心理的关键所在

6、)海报海报总得分总得分= =创意创意分分+ +文案分文案分+ +结构布局分结构布局分+ +色彩搭配分色彩搭配分+ +介绍分介绍分+ + 老师团的特别加分老师团的特别加分评分标评分标准准创意创意4040分分文案文案3 30 0分分结构布局结构布局1010分分色彩搭配色彩搭配1010分分介绍介绍1010分分总分总分100100分分海报一海报一海报二海报二海报三海报三海报四海报四海报五海报五评选出综合奖(最高奖)评选出综合奖(最高奖)1个、一等奖个、一等奖2个、二等奖个、二等奖2个,并颁奖个,并颁奖! Fighting desertification-our duty!HomeworkWrite a

7、 short passage about fighting desertification(about 120 words).Thank you for enjoyingDesertification is caused by people cutting down trees and digging up bushes.People should not keep on planting things on the same piece of land. The land needs to rest!Deserts form naturally. We shouldnt worry abou

8、t desertification. It will fix itself.We must stop building factories. They pollute the water and all the plants die. Then the land turns into desert.We need to learn how to use water better. If we are careful, well have enough water for people, animals and plants and then no deserts will form.Farme

9、rs should stop letting their animals eat all the grass. If there is no grass, a desert will form.Out-of-dated farming methods cause desertification.TitleExamples: 1. POLLUTION IS A DIRTY WORLD2. WE NEED PEACE3. TO SAVE THE EARTH IS TO SAVE OURSELVES1. facts/data 2. results and analysis 3. conclusionsContentTables; Charts; Pictures A brief written description Be brief(简明的)(简明的) and clear. Highlight(强调)强调): What you found, and its importance. The direction of future action.


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