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1、2009 Hisuntech Corp.pAs the phenomenon of superplasticity moves from the laboratory into the industrial arena, as in the case of a number of engineering metals, the need for quality and process control during superplastic forming becomes increasingly important. - - 1 1 - -Translation Skill Semantic

2、Extension (翻译技巧翻译技巧 常见多功能词的译法)常见多功能词的译法)as as的译法的译法;it it的译法的译法;thatthat的译法;的译法;whatwhat的译法。的译法。多功能词多功能词as,it,that,what在科技文章中广泛使用,在科技文章中广泛使用,出现频率很高,有必要提出来重点讨论。出现频率很高,有必要提出来重点讨论。- - 2 2 - -as as的译法的译法l as as 作为介词可引出主语补足语、宾语补足语、状语、同位语等,可译为“作为”、“为”、“以”、“是”、“当作”等。1.1.as as 作为介词的译法作为介词的译法lFire protection

3、 engineers define the term explosion Fire protection engineers define the term explosion as as an an “effecteffect” produced by a sudden violent expansion of gases. produced by a sudden violent expansion of gases. lWe take steel We take steel as as the leading engineering the leading engineering mat

4、erials. materials.译:消防工程师把爆炸定义译:消防工程师把爆炸定义为为气体瞬时剧烈膨胀的效应。气体瞬时剧烈膨胀的效应。译:我们把钢译:我们把钢作为作为主要的工程材料。主要的工程材料。- - 3 3 - -l as as 作为关系代词可以单独使用,也可以与such,the same等词搭配使用,引导定语从句。2.2.as as 作为关系代词的译法作为关系代词的译法l as as单独使用,引导定语从句或省略定语从句时,可译为单独使用,引导定语从句或省略定语从句时,可译为“正如正如”或或“这这”、“这样这样”等,有时等,有时as as可略去不译。可略去不译。lAsAs known

5、to us, inertia known to us, inertia( (惯性惯性) ) is an absolute quality is an absolute quality possessed by all bodies. possessed by all bodies. lAs As have been found there are more than a hundred elements. have been found there are more than a hundred elements. 译:译:正如正如我们所知,惯性是所有物体都具有的一种绝对属性。我们所知,惯性是

6、所有物体都具有的一种绝对属性。 译:已经发现,元素有一百多种。(略去不译)译:已经发现,元素有一百多种。(略去不译)- - 4 4 - -l such suchas as,such assuch as引出的定语从句,可译为引出的定语从句,可译为“像像这(这(那)样的那)样的”、“那样(中)的那样(中)的”、“像像之类的之类的”等。等。lFire deals with Fire deals with suchsuch ideas ideas as as substance, temperature, substance, temperature, explosion and combustion

7、. explosion and combustion. 2.2.as as 作为关系代词的译法作为关系代词的译法译:火灾涉及到译:火灾涉及到诸如诸如物质、温度、爆炸和燃烧之类的概念。物质、温度、爆炸和燃烧之类的概念。- - 5 5 - -l the same the sameas as,the same asthe same as引出的定语从句,可译为引出的定语从句,可译为“和和一样一样”、“与与相同相同”、“和和相等相等”等等。lThe weight of an object on the moon is not The weight of an object on the moon is

8、not the same asthe same as its its weight on the earth. weight on the earth. 2.2.as as 作为关系代词的译法作为关系代词的译法译:某一物体在月球上的重量与该物体在地球上的重量译:某一物体在月球上的重量与该物体在地球上的重量不一样不一样。- - 6 6 - -l as as 作为关系副词引导定语从句的译法,与作为关系代词引导定语从句的译法基本相同。3.3.as as 作为关系副词的译法作为关系副词的译法lA vector multiplied by a scalar quantity is a vector in

9、 A vector multiplied by a scalar quantity is a vector in the the samesame direction direction as as the original vector. the original vector. 译:乘以标量的矢量是一个与原矢量同向的矢量。译:乘以标量的矢量是一个与原矢量同向的矢量。- - 7 7 - -l as as 作为连词,可引导时间、原因、比较、让步等状语从句。不同的状语从句中的as有不同的译法,分述于后。4.4.as as 作为连词的译法作为连词的译法l as as引导时间状语从句,可译为引导时间

10、状语从句,可译为“(当)(当)时时” 、“随随着着”等。等。lthe force of gravitational attraction between two bodies the force of gravitational attraction between two bodies decrease decrease as as the distance between them increases. the distance between them increases. 译:两物体之间的引力译:两物体之间的引力随着随着两物体之间的距离增大而减小。两物体之间的距离增大而减小。- - 8

11、 8 - -l as as 作为连词,可引导时间、原因、比较、让步等状语从句。不同的状语从句中的as有不同的译法,分述于后。4.4.as as 作为连词的译法作为连词的译法l as as引导原因状语从句,可译为引导原因状语从句,可译为“由于由于”、 “因为因为所以所以”等。等。lAs As liquids and gases flow, they are called fluids. liquids and gases flow, they are called fluids. - - 9 9 - -译:译:由于由于液体和气体能流动,因此成为流体。液体和气体能流动,因此成为流体。l as as

12、 作为连词,可引导时间、原因、比较、让步等状语从句。不同的状语从句中的as有不同的译法,分述于后。4.4.as as 作为连词的译法作为连词的译法l as as引导比较状语从句时,引导比较状语从句时, as+形容词或副词形容词或副词+as可译为可译为“与与一样(同样)一样(同样)”、“又又又又” ”;not so+not so+形形容词或副词可译为容词或副词可译为 “不如(没有)不如(没有)(那样)(那样)”; as long as可译为可译为“多久多久.多久多久”。lThe wheel turns The wheel turns as fast asas fast as stable. st

13、able. lThe development stage lasts The development stage lasts as long asas long as it needs to. it needs to.译:这只轮子转得译:这只轮子转得又又快快又又稳。稳。译:研制阶段需要持续译:研制阶段需要持续多久多久,就持续,就持续多久多久。- - 1010 - -l as as 作为连词,可引导时间、原因、比较、让步等状语从句。不同的状语从句中的as有不同的译法,分述于后。4.4.as as 作为连词的译法作为连词的译法l as as引导让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句, 可译为可译为“虽然虽

14、然”、“尽管尽管”。lComplicated Complicated as as the problem is, it can be worked out in a the problem is, it can be worked out in a few minutes by a computer. few minutes by a computer. 译:译:尽管尽管那个问题很复杂,计算机能在几分钟内将它解出。那个问题很复杂,计算机能在几分钟内将它解出。- - 1111 - -l as as 作为连词,可引导时间、原因、比较、让步等状语从句。不同的状语从句中的as有不同的译法,分述于后。4

15、.4.as as 作为连词的译法作为连词的译法l as as引导方式状语从句,引导方式状语从句, 可译为可译为“正如正如一样一样”、“像像那那样样”、“正如正如”等等。lFriction, Friction, as as the term is understood in mechanics, is the the term is understood in mechanics, is the resistance to relative motion between two bodies in contact. resistance to relative motion between tw

16、o bodies in contact. 译:译:正如正如大家在力学中所知,摩擦就是两个相接触的物体产生相对运动大家在力学中所知,摩擦就是两个相接触的物体产生相对运动的阻力。的阻力。- - 1212 - -it it的译法的译法l it it 用作无人称主语,表示天气、时间、距离等;或用作先行主语、先行宾语,可略去不译。1.1.it it 的省略的省略lWe found We found it it necessary to use modern composite materials necessary to use modern composite materials for tall b

17、uildings.for tall buildings.。译:我们认为,采用现代复合材料建造高层建筑是必要的。译:我们认为,采用现代复合材料建造高层建筑是必要的。- - 1313 - -2.2.it it 引导强调句型的译法引导强调句型的译法it it的译法的译法l 无在这种句型上,it本身无词汇意义,但在被强调部分的前面加译“是”、“正是”、“只有”等字。lIt It is to reduce accidents that safety valves are designed.is to reduce accidents that safety valves are designed.译:正

18、是为了减少事故,才设计了安全阀。译:正是为了减少事故,才设计了安全阀。- - 1414 - -3.3.it it 作为人称代词的译法作为人称代词的译法l it it代替上文所提及的事物,一般可译成代替上文所提及的事物,一般可译成“它它”。lA new science, safety behavior, has emerged, and A new science, safety behavior, has emerged, and it it is very is very closely allied to management and psychology. closely allied

19、to management and psychology. 译:出现了一门新兴学科译:出现了一门新兴学科安全行为科学,安全行为科学,它它与心理学和管理学关系与心理学和管理学关系密切。密切。- - 1515 - -l 英语中的多数状语从句可位于主句之前或之后,因此指代英语中的多数状语从句可位于主句之前或之后,因此指代的某一事物在主句中可用名词也可用代词;但汉语中的状语从的某一事物在主句中可用名词也可用代词;但汉语中的状语从句一般位于主句之前,而指代某一事物总是先出现名词后使用句一般位于主句之前,而指代某一事物总是先出现名词后使用代词。基于上述情况代词。基于上述情况,it it往往译成所代替的名词

20、。往往译成所代替的名词。lThe light is slowed down as The light is slowed down as it it goes through the lens. goes through the lens. 3.3.it it 作为人称代词的译法作为人称代词的译法译:当译:当光线光线穿入透镜时,速度就减慢下来。穿入透镜时,速度就减慢下来。- - 1616 - -l it it往代替上文所提及的某件事或上面的整个句子时,可译往代替上文所提及的某件事或上面的整个句子时,可译成成“这这”、“这一点这一点”。lIs a structure safe when load

21、ed? Is a structure safe when loaded? It It is a problem to be is a problem to be studied. studied. 3.3.it it 作为人称代词的译法作为人称代词的译法译:结构受载后还安全吗?译:结构受载后还安全吗?这这是一个需要研究的问题。是一个需要研究的问题。- - 1717 - - - 1818 - -CHAPTER 4 PLASTIC FORMING PROCESSES AND DIES- - 1919 - - - 2020 - -CHAPTER 4 pThis section is a brief

22、introduction to the forging industry and its products in terms of their important role in our way of life, highlighting their technological and economic significance.p本节简要介绍了锻造业及其产品在我们的生活中的重要作用,本节简要介绍了锻造业及其产品在我们的生活中的重要作用,尤其突出其技术和经济意义。尤其突出其技术和经济意义。in terms of 在在方面方面,依据,按照,依据,按照highlighting 突出,使显著突出,使

23、显著- - 2121 - -CHAPTER 4 pIn earlier days forging was the process of shaping metal by heating and hammering. Today, metal is not always heated for forging and the work may be performed by several types of heavy machines which apply impact or squeeze pressure with swift precision.p早期,锻造是通过加热并锤打使金属成形的过

24、程。现在,早期,锻造是通过加热并锤打使金属成形的过程。现在,锻造并不总是加热金属,而且许多操作可以由重型的机锻造并不总是加热金属,而且许多操作可以由重型的机器来完成,它们能够施加器来完成,它们能够施加快速精密快速精密冲击力或挤压力冲击力或挤压力。hammering 在在方面方面,依据,按照,依据,按照squeeze 挤,挤压挤,挤压 swift 快的,快的, 迅速的迅速的precision 精密度,精确精密度,精确- - 2222 - -CHAPTER 4 p In today s forging industry the skill and seasoned judgment of the

25、forgeman is enhanced by the machines of modern technology to produce metal parts of unparalleled strength and utility.p在今天的锻造行业中,锻造者的技能和经验丰富的判断被现在今天的锻造行业中,锻造者的技能和经验丰富的判断被现代科技的机器放大,生产出很好的强度和实用性的金属部件。代科技的机器放大,生产出很好的强度和实用性的金属部件。seasoned 经验丰富的,老练的经验丰富的,老练的unparalleled 无比的,空前的无比的,空前的utility 效用,实用,功用效用,实用

26、,功用- - 2323 - -CHAPTER 4 pThe art of forging is being augmented by the science of forging at an increasingly rapid rate.p锻造工艺由于锻造科学而正在以越来越快的速度发展完善。锻造工艺由于锻造科学而正在以越来越快的速度发展完善。augment 增加,增大增加,增大- - 2424 - -CHAPTER 4 pThus, as service requirements for mechanical parts have become more severe, forging ha

27、s become more than the mere shaping of metal. Forging permits the structure of metals to be refined and controlled to provide improved mechanical properties. p因此,因此,随着随着机械零件的使用要求变得更加机械零件的使用要求变得更加苛刻苛刻,锻造已不仅,锻造已不仅仅是金属的成形。锻造能够改进和控制金属的结构,以提供仅是金属的成形。锻造能够改进和控制金属的结构,以提供更优良的力学性能。更优良的力学性能。service 服务服务severe

28、严格的,苛刻的严格的,苛刻的- - 2525 - -CHAPTER 4 pAlso, forging produces a continuous grain flow in the metal which can be oriented to follow the shape of the part and result in maximum strength efficiency of the material.p同时,锻造使金属中产生的连续的同时,锻造使金属中产生的连续的“晶粒流动晶粒流动”,它可以被,它可以被导向到跟随工件的形状,并导致该材料最大的强化效果。导向到跟随工件的形状,并导致该

29、材料最大的强化效果。orient 确定方向;导向;使适应确定方向;导向;使适应continuous 突出,使显著突出,使显著efficiency 效能;功效效能;功效- - 2626 - -CHAPTER 4 p Since virtually all metals can be forged-from aluminum to zirconium-extensive combinations of mechanical and physical properties are available to meet demanding space age application.p事实上,几乎所有的

30、金属是可以锻造的(从铝到锆),因此事实上,几乎所有的金属是可以锻造的(从铝到锆),因此可以得到力学和物理性能的广泛组合,以满足要求苛刻的航可以得到力学和物理性能的广泛组合,以满足要求苛刻的航空时代的应用。空时代的应用。 virtually 事实上,几乎;实质上事实上,几乎;实质上combination 联合联合- - 2727 - -CHAPTER 4 pTechnically, forging may be defined as the process of giving metal increased utility by shaping it, refining it, and impr

31、oving its mechanical properties through controlled plastic deformation under impact or pressure.p从技术上讲从技术上讲,锻造的定义是通过在冲击或者压力下进行可控锻造的定义是通过在冲击或者压力下进行可控的塑性变形,使金属成形,组织优化,力学性能改善,以改的塑性变形,使金属成形,组织优化,力学性能改善,以改善金属使用性能的工艺善金属使用性能的工艺 。- - 2828 - -CHAPTER 4 pBut the true meaning of forging can be more clearly rec

32、ognized by considering the variety of ways it serves mankind and the important characteristics forged parts offer those who design, purchase and use them.p但锻造的真正含义,可以但锻造的真正含义,可以通过通过以下方面以下方面来更清楚地认识,即来更清楚地认识,即考虑它服务人类各种方式,和锻件为它的设计者、消费者、考虑它服务人类各种方式,和锻件为它的设计者、消费者、使用者们提供的重要性能。使用者们提供的重要性能。- - 2929 - -CHAPT

33、ER 4 pForgings are commonly found in machines and conveyances at critical points of shock or stress-particularly where reliability and human safety are affected, and yet the great variety of shapes, sizes and properties available in forgings has extended the list of current applications and potentia

34、l future uses far beyond this point.p锻件通常用于位于冲击力或者应力临界点的机械和运输工具锻件通常用于位于冲击力或者应力临界点的机械和运输工具中,特别是在影响可靠性和人身安全的场合,但由于锻件大中,特别是在影响可靠性和人身安全的场合,但由于锻件大范围的形状,尺寸和性能,所以现有的应用领域和潜在的名范围的形状,尺寸和性能,所以现有的应用领域和潜在的名单已经远远超出了这些。单已经远远超出了这些。shock 打击;震动打击;震动conveyance 运输工具运输工具- - 3030 - -CHAPTER 4 pFrom the standpoint of size

35、, for example, forgings may range from tiny cash register parts weighting fractions of an ounce to massive structural components weighting several tons.p例如,从尺寸上来说,锻件可以从很小的重量只有一盎司的例如,从尺寸上来说,锻件可以从很小的重量只有一盎司的几分之一的收银机零件,到重达几吨的大型结构组件。几分之一的收银机零件,到重达几吨的大型结构组件。standpoint 观点,立场观点,立场 cash register 收银机收银机fract

36、ion 分数分数 component 组件组件 massive大量的大量的- - 3131 - -CHAPTER 4 pLikewise, forgings are available in shapes covering virtually every basic configuration useful to man. They serve in operating temperature ranging from cryogenic levels to over 3 000F and in environments as corrosive as nature can devise. p

37、同样,锻件在形状上涵盖几乎所有的对人类有用的基本外形。同样,锻件在形状上涵盖几乎所有的对人类有用的基本外形。他们的工作温度范围可以从低于零度到超过他们的工作温度范围可以从低于零度到超过3000F,可以,可以在自然界所有的腐蚀性环境中使用。在自然界所有的腐蚀性环境中使用。configuration 结构,外形结构,外形cryogenic 零下的零下的devise 设计,发明设计,发明- - 3232 - -CHAPTER 4 pForgings are economically competitive with other types of parts produced in correspon

38、ding materials.p相同材料的条件下,使用锻造生产零件比用其他方法更具有相同材料的条件下,使用锻造生产零件比用其他方法更具有经济性。经济性。corresponding 相当的,相应的相当的,相应的- - 3333 - -CHAPTER 4 pWhile the commercial forging industry is not huge in relation to the Gross National Product, it is a giant in its contribution to our standard of living and our national def

39、ense.p虽然商业锻压行业占国民生产总值所占的比重不是很大,但虽然商业锻压行业占国民生产总值所占的比重不是很大,但它对我们的生活水平和国防贡献巨大。它对我们的生活水平和国防贡献巨大。giant 巨人巨人in relation to 与与相比较相比较- - 3434 - -CHAPTER 4 pThe operating capabilities of most of today s machines and conveyances largely depend on the properties achievable in forged components. p目前的大多数机械和交通工具的

40、工作能力,在很大程度上取目前的大多数机械和交通工具的工作能力,在很大程度上取决于可以获得的锻造部件的性能。决于可以获得的锻造部件的性能。operating capabilities 工作能力工作能力- - 3535 - -CHAPTER 4 pWithout forgings and the performance characteristics they provide, autos, airplanes, trucks, farm implements, earthmoving machines, missiles, industrial engines and machines, and

41、 the implements of national defense, as we know them, would not be feasible.p如果没有锻件和它们所提供的性能特点,汽车,飞机,卡车,如果没有锻件和它们所提供的性能特点,汽车,飞机,卡车,农具,挖掘机,导弹,工业发动机和机械装置,以及国防装农具,挖掘机,导弹,工业发动机和机械装置,以及国防装备等,我们所能想到的,他们都是不可行的。备等,我们所能想到的,他们都是不可行的。performance characteristics 性能特点;运行特性性能特点;运行特性implement 工具,器具;手段工具,器具;手段feasi

42、ble 可行的;可能的可行的;可能的- - 3636 - -CHAPTER 4 pModern manufacturers are looking ahead-anticipating the future needs of industry and developing products and services to meet them. New markets are being identified; new technologies explored; new method and processes refined.p现代的生产者具有前瞻性现代的生产者具有前瞻性 -他们预测行业未来

43、的需求他们预测行业未来的需求,开发产开发产品和服务,以满足他们。新的市场正在确立品和服务,以满足他们。新的市场正在确立;新技术正在发新技术正在发展,新方法和工艺过程正在完善。展,新方法和工艺过程正在完善。anticipat 预期,期望预期,期望identify 识别;确定识别;确定- - 3737 - -CHAPTER 4 pAs efficient use of material becomes more necessary, the ability of forgings to provide strength with minimum weight becomes more attrac

44、tive.p随着有效地利用材料变得更加必要,锻件以最小的重量提供随着有效地利用材料变得更加必要,锻件以最小的重量提供足够强度的能力变得更有吸引力。足够强度的能力变得更有吸引力。in terms of 在在方面方面,依据,按照,依据,按照highlighting 突出,使显著突出,使显著- - 3838 - -CHAPTER 4 pAs more use is made of costly, difficult-to-machine alloys, the relative precision and dimensional uniformity of forged parts become m

45、ore desirable. The products of the forging process-as old as antiquity-are as new as tomorrow. p随着越来越多的使用由昂贵的,难切削的合金,锻件的相对随着越来越多的使用由昂贵的,难切削的合金,锻件的相对精度和尺寸均匀性变得更加需要。古老的锻造工艺产品又有精度和尺寸均匀性变得更加需要。古老的锻造工艺产品又有了新的挑战。了新的挑战。uniformity 一致;同样;均匀性一致;同样;均匀性antiquity 高龄;古物高龄;古物Translation Skill Semantic Extension (翻

46、译技巧(翻译技巧长句的译法)长句的译法) 化整为零,分译法;化整为零,分译法; 纲举目张,变序法;纲举目张,变序法; 逆流而上,逆序法;逆流而上,逆序法; 逆序而下,顺序法。逆序而下,顺序法。 长句常见的翻译方法主要有以下四种:长句常见的翻译方法主要有以下四种:化整为零,分译法 原句包含多层意思,而汉语习惯一个小句表达一层意原句包含多层意思,而汉语习惯一个小句表达一层意思。为了使行文简洁,将整个长句译成几个独立的句子,思。为了使行文简洁,将整个长句译成几个独立的句子,顺序基本不变,保持前后的连贯。顺序基本不变,保持前后的连贯。 Steel is usually made where the i

47、ron ore is smelted, so Steel is usually made where the iron ore is smelted, so that the modern steelworks forms a complete unity, taking in that the modern steelworks forms a complete unity, taking in raw materials and producing all types of cast iron and steel, raw materials and producing all types

48、 of cast iron and steel, both for sending to other works for further treatment, and as both for sending to other works for further treatment, and as finished products such as joists and other consumers.finished products such as joists and other consumers.初译初译 通常在炼铁的地方就炼钢,所以现代炼钢厂从运进原材料到通常在炼铁的地方就炼钢,所以

49、现代炼钢厂从运进原材料到生产供送往其他工厂进一步加工处理并制成如工字钢及其他商品钢材生产供送往其他工厂进一步加工处理并制成如工字钢及其他商品钢材的成品而形成一整套的联合企业。的成品而形成一整套的联合企业。改译改译 通常在炼铁的地方也炼钢。因此,现代炼钢厂是一个配套的通常在炼铁的地方也炼钢。因此,现代炼钢厂是一个配套的整体,从运进原料到生产各种类型的铸铁与钢材;有的送往其他工厂整体,从运进原料到生产各种类型的铸铁与钢材;有的送往其他工厂进一步加工处理,有的就制成成品,如工字钢及其他一些成材。进一步加工处理,有的就制成成品,如工字钢及其他一些成材。 The loads a structure is

50、 subjected to are divided into The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads, which include the weights of all the parts of the dead loads, which include the weights of all the parts of the structure, and live loads, which are due to the weights of structure, and live loads, whic

51、h are due to the weights of people, movable equipment, etc. people, movable equipment, etc. 初译初译 一个结构物受到的荷载可分为包括结构物各部分重量的静载一个结构物受到的荷载可分为包括结构物各部分重量的静载和由于人及可移动设备等的重量引起的活载。和由于人及可移动设备等的重量引起的活载。改译改译 一个结构物受到的荷载可分为静载与活载两类。静载包括该一个结构物受到的荷载可分为静载与活载两类。静载包括该结构物各部分的重量。活载则是由于人及可移动设备等的重量而引起结构物各部分的重量。活载则是由于人及可移动设备等

52、的重量而引起的荷载。的荷载。CHAPTER 4 PLASTIC FORMING PROCESSES AND DIES- - 4343 - - - 4444 - -CHAPTER 4 pThe production of closed-die forging in the titanium and nickel-based superalloys, which are specified for the most exacting aerospace applications, is a complex sequence of processes.p钛基和镍基超耐热合金是最严格的航空航天应用材料

53、,它们钛基和镍基超耐热合金是最严格的航空航天应用材料,它们的锻造生产是一个流程复杂的过程。的锻造生产是一个流程复杂的过程。exacting 严格的;苛求的严格的;苛求的sequence 序列;顺序序列;顺序- - 4545 - -CHAPTER 4 pAn essential requirement is close co-operation between the manufacturer of the billet material and the die forger responsible for shaping the material to the geometry, qualit

54、y,and engineering property requirement of the ultimate customer.p这样,一个基本要求就是原材料制造商和模具锻造厂通力合这样,一个基本要求就是原材料制造商和模具锻造厂通力合作,其中模具锻造厂负责最终客户所要求的材料的形状,质作,其中模具锻造厂负责最终客户所要求的材料的形状,质量和工程性能。量和工程性能。billet material 坯料,原材料坯料,原材料geometry 几何学几何学- - 4646 - -CHAPTER 4 pIn forging both superalloys and titanium alloys, st

55、rict disciplines must be followed to obtain the degree of temperature control and the deformation rate needed to produce a predictable as-forged structure of the type which will satisfactorily respond to the near-solvus temperature employed for the fine balancing of properties called for by current

56、specifications.p在超耐热合金和钛合金的锻造中,必须遵守严格的规范,以在超耐热合金和钛合金的锻造中,必须遵守严格的规范,以获得温度控制和所需的变形速率,这是获得预期的锻造组织获得温度控制和所需的变形速率,这是获得预期的锻造组织的必要条件,这种组织能够在近固溶温度下实现各种实际应的必要条件,这种组织能够在近固溶温度下实现各种实际应用需要的性能的协调。用需要的性能的协调。discipline 学科;纪律学科;纪律 specification 规格;详述;说明书规格;详述;说明书respond to 响应响应 - - 4747 - -CHAPTER 4 pThe main factor

57、s needing careful control in achieving an as-forged structure which is both predictable and reproducible in terms of residual strain/grain structure are:die perform geometry; die preheating temperature; lubrication/insulation ;kinetic energy input;continual monitoring of workpiece surface temperatur

58、e.p锻造组织在残余应力和晶粒结构方面具有预见性和可重复性,锻造组织在残余应力和晶粒结构方面具有预见性和可重复性,要获得这种组织,需要严格控制的因素有:模具几何形状,要获得这种组织,需要严格控制的因素有:模具几何形状,模具预热温度,润滑与隔离;动能输入模具预热温度,润滑与隔离;动能输入;工件表面温度的连工件表面温度的连续监测。续监测。residual 剩余的;残留的剩余的;残留的 lubrication 润滑润滑insulation 绝缘;隔离绝缘;隔离- - 4848 - -CHAPTER 4 pThe dies are preheated to the limit imposed by t

59、he strength of die material. Lubrication/insulation needs discrimination use if the workpiece is to be suitably deformed and application varies from 100% coverage, through partial coverage, to no lubrication.p模具被预热到由模具材料强度所决定的温度。根据工件是否模具被预热到由模具材料强度所决定的温度。根据工件是否要适当的变形,它的应用范围从要适当的变形,它的应用范围从100润滑,到部分润滑

60、,润滑,到部分润滑,再到无润滑。再到无润滑。impose 强加;以强加;以欺骗欺骗 discrimination 区别,辨别区别,辨别- - 4949 - -CHAPTER 4 pSeveral glasses of different melting points and viscosities have been investigated and are used for both superalloy and titanium forgings.p人们研究了几种不同的熔点和粘度材料人们研究了几种不同的熔点和粘度材料,并用于超耐热合金并用于超耐热合金和钛锻件。和钛锻件。in terms o


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