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1、2:Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals.中秋节是中国四大传统节日之一。 1:lunar August 15th(农历八月十五) Time:the other three ?春节The Spring Festival, 元宵节the Lantern Festival 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 第1页/共22页The Origin故事起源One of the four traditional Chinese festivals. The Spring Fe

2、stival, Tomb-sweeping Day, Dragon-boat FestivalThe 15th day of the eighth Chinas lunar monthEmperors prayed to Heaven for a prosperous year. Farmers were overwhelmed with joy when they had a harvest.中国四大传统节日之一,其它三个节日是春节,清明节,端午节,我们将之定期是中国农历八月十五日。旧社会时,在这一天,君王等统冶阶级祁求一年好运,农民等低层社会人们也庆祝第2页/共22页(历史背景)“中秋”一

3、词,最早见于周礼。根据我国古代历法,农历八月十五日,在一年秋季的八月中旬,故称“中秋”。中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一。History backgroundAutumn is, first seen in Rites. According to ancient Chinese calendar, the Lunar August 15, mid-year fall in August, so called autumn.Mid-Autumn Festival began in the prevalence of antiquity, has been pa

4、r with New Years Day has become one of Chinas major festivals.第3页/共22页中秋节传说中秋节传说第4页/共22页Hou Yi shoots down nine suns.后羿射日 According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when

5、 a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir(长生药) of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival. 第5页/共22

6、页Change flies to the moon.嫦娥奔月第6页/共22页Wu Gang cuts the laurel.吴刚伐桂第7页/共22页Wuyan worships the moon.无盐拜月第8页/共22页中秋诗句中秋诗句第9页/共22页The Poems但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。May the people live forever, and share the moon shine across vast distances together.第10页/共22页第11页/共22页The Poems As the moon rises above the sea, we shar

7、e the same time though we are far apart.第12页/共22页The Poems春江潮水连海平,春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。海上明月共潮生。In spring, the river rises as high as the sea. And with the rivers rise the moon uprises bright.第13页/共22页第14页/共22页On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of ones dear ones far away. 每逢佳节倍思亲每逢佳节倍思亲 第15页/共

8、22页Customs风俗第16页/共22页Eating Culture 中秋节这一天人们都要吃月饼以示“团圆”。月饼,又叫胡饼、宫饼、月团、丰收饼、团圆饼等,是古代中秋祭拜月神的供品。On the Mid-Autumn Festival , people have to eat moon cake to show Reunion. Moon cake, also known as Hu cake, pie palace, monthly group, harvest cake, reunion cake, are the offerings of ancient moon worship Moon.第17页/共22页Moon cakes第18页/共22页第19页/共22页第20页


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