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1、What shall we do today? 学习语法的目的和方法 英语10大词类 英语8大句子成分 从句: 名词性从句+定语从句+状语从句第1页/共41页学习语法的目的和方法 : 1)能懂:即,听、读英语时能分析句子的结构,以正确理解。 2)能用:即,说、写英语时能知道用合适的语法来表达。现在进行时(be doing)】 错误的方法: 正确的方法:第2页/共41页 1)死记规则 “现在进行时be doingbe doing 现在进行时” 2) 不马上使用,平时也不用 3)考试时,想规则,有人想起来,有人想不起来,有的人想起来了但不会用。 -翻译:汤姆正在读一本关于动物的书。 Tom rea

2、d a book about animals. Tom reads a book about animals. Tom be doing read a book about animals. Tom be reading a book about animals. Tom are reading a book about animals. 4) 考试后老师评讲 有的同学听懂了,改了过来;有的同学听不懂(因为评讲时老师一般讲得简略)。下次考试,有人做对了,有人还是做错;做错的被老师骂想努力追上有的追上了,有的还是听不懂慢慢不喜欢英语,认为自己永远学不好。 5) 典型症状 会背规则,有的会做题,但

3、是开口/提笔错误很多。 第3页/共41页正确的方法:懂用感知 1)读懂 “现在进行时的构成是be doingbe要随人称变化哦 这么回事” 2) 马上使用 I am studying English. My father am(“哦不对,应该是 is ”)is watching TV. My mother is cooking. They are not study (“哦不对,应该是 studying”) studying English. 3)考试时,用语感+语法知识做题 -翻译:汤姆正在读一本关于动物的书。 Tom is reading a book about animals. 4)

4、平时遇到需要用英语时,也能正确用. 5)长期如此,此人被称为“有语言天赋者”,“聪明,没有办法” 6) 使用正确方法的好处 懂规则,会做题,开口/提笔可能有小错,但基本正确,多开口说,多练笔后错误越来越少。第4页/共41页正确的学习方法(续) 学单词、词组也要这样 “懂-用-感知”。如: n. a state of danger Examples: The lifeboat went out to rescue a ship in distress. Send out a distress signal. The ship is sinking! (然后仿造例子造句) v. raise; li

5、ft up Examples: A lion suddenly reared its head from among the tall grass. The skyscraper rears above the neighboring buildings. (然后仿造例子造句)第5页/共41页英语10大词类 英语有两种词类:实词和虚词 注意:有的词可以兼类。如:fast(形、副) on(介、副)实词虚词代数名形副动(袋鼠明星互动)。介连冠叹(接连官贪)第6页/共41页1 主谓宾 Q老师喜欢数学。(主动句) Mr. Q likes math. Q老师不喜欢数学。(主动句) Mr. Q does

6、not like math. Q老师喜欢什么? What does Mr. Q like? 主谓宾句型 数学被Q老师喜欢。(被动句) Math is liked by Mr. Q . 数学被被Q老师喜欢。(被动句) Math is not liked by Mr. Q . 练习:划分句子成分 Q老师玩麻将。 Q老师玩什么? 麻将被Q老师玩。第7页/共41页2 主系表 Q老师是个好老师。他很好。他在楼顶。 Mr. Q is a good teacher. He is very good. He is on the roof. (be) 他可能变成坏老师。 He might become a ba

7、d teacher. (become, get, turn, grow) (因为)Q老师保持沉默。 (because) He keeps silent. (keep, stay, remain) 子曰:不在沉默中变坏,就在沉默中变态。 Q老师经证明已经变态。 Mr. Q proved BT-ed。(prove) Q老师看起来很善良。他的英语听起来不错。他的皮肤摸起来很粗糙。他的饭尝起来不错。 He looks kind. His English sounds nice. He smells bad. His skin feels rough. His food tastes good. 主系表

8、句型 记忆口诀:“(身材)经证明变了,保持起来呗(=be)” 注意:系动词后用形容词 He looks nice. (X) He looks nicely. His food tastes good. (X) His food tastes well.第8页/共41页3 修饰语(限制语):定语 修饰限制语的作用:缩小某概念的范围 Q老师喜欢数学 (不过) Q老师喜欢漂亮的女生too。 Mr. Q likes beautiful girls too. Q老师喜欢 教室里的 3个 年龄为31岁的 漂亮 女生。 Mr. Q likes 3 31-year-old beautiful girls in

9、 the classroom. Q老师喜欢 3个 教室里的 年龄为31岁的 漂亮 女生。(两种意思) Mr. Q likes 31-year-old beautiful girls in 3 classrooms. Mr. Q likes 3 31-year-old beautiful girls in the classroom. 注意:有时候句子本身会有模糊性,分析时要用常识,找出最符合逻辑和常理的意思。 定义:名词的修饰语叫定语。第9页/共41页修饰语(限制语):状语 Q老师很/十分喜欢女生。 Mr. Q likes beautiful girls very much/a a lot.

10、Q老师无可救药地喜欢女生。 Mr. Q likes beautiful girls hopelessly. Q老师无可救药地喜欢十分漂亮的女生。 Mr. Q likes very beautiful girls hopelessly. Q老师完全无可救药地喜欢十分漂亮的女生。 Mr. Q likes very beautiful girls completely hopelessl y. 定义:修饰“形副动”词的成分叫状语。 练习:请问划线部分是什么成分?英俊潇洒的 Q老师 于2004年 在西南财大的校园里 完全 无可救药地 爱上了一位 如仙女般 漂亮的 女生。第10页/共41页练习练习:请问

11、划线部分是什么成分? The handsome Mr. Q fell completely hopelessly in love with a girl, who was as beautiful as a princess, on the campus of SWUFE in 2004.Americas first black president plays basketball, which is a very active sport, extremely well.第11页/共41页4:补语 (首先)Q老师让她很高兴。 Mr. Q made her very happy. (然后)Q老

12、师让她(成为了)已婚妇女。 Mr. Q made her a married woman. 与此类似 Americans elected him President of America. 注意两个被动句 She was made very happy. She was made a married woman He was elected President of America. 定义:补充说明主语或宾语的成分叫补语。分别叫宾补和主补。第12页/共41页5:同位语 Q老师,一位人称风流倜傥英俊潇洒诚实可靠小郎君的小伙子,于2004年,一个大雪来的有点晚的年度,在西南财大,一所位坐落于天府之

13、国成都的高等学府,完全无可救药地地喜欢上了H小姐,一位肤若凝脂吹可破、貌如天仙美若玉的女生。 定义:说明前面的名词的身份、地位等的成分。可代替被修饰词做相应的句子成分。例如 一位人称风流倜傥英俊潇洒诚实可靠小郎君的小伙子,于一个大雪来的有点晚的年度,在一所位坐落于天府之国成都的高等学府,完全无可救药地地喜欢上了一位肤若凝脂吹可破、貌如天仙美若玉的女生。 练习:分析划线部分的成分。 Mr. Q, a handsome and reliable young man, fell in love with Miss H, a girl of great beauty, on the campus of

14、 SWUFE, a famous university in Chengdu, in 2004, a year with late snows.第13页/共41页注意以下两句的区别 1)Q老师,一位人称风流倜傥英俊潇洒诚实可靠小郎君的小伙子,于2004年,一个大雪来的有点晚的年度,在西南财大,一所位坐落于天府之国成都的高等学府,完全无可救药地地喜欢上了H小姐,一位肤若凝脂吹可破、貌如天仙美若玉的女生。 2)人称风流倜傥英俊潇洒诚实可靠小郎君的Q老师,于大雪来的有点晚的2004年,在坐落于天府之国成都的西南财大,完全无可救药地地喜欢上了肤若凝脂吹可破、貌如天仙美若玉的H小姐。 说明: 1)的划线

15、部分是同位语被修饰词后,说明其身份地位或内容; 2)的划线部分是定语在汉语中是在被修饰词前(英语中在其后),说明其特征。 例如:He is against the idea which was mentioned at the meeting. (定) He is against the idea that we should spend more money. (同) He is my teacher, who is very honest and kind. (定) He is my teacher, a man who is honest and kind. (同)第14页/共41页句子

16、成分总结及练习 主谓宾表 定状补同 练习:分析划线部分的成分 Q老师,一位人称风流倜傥英俊潇洒诚实可靠小郎君的小伙子,于2004年,一个大雪来的有点晚的年度,在西南财大,一所位坐落于天府之国成都的高等学府,完全 无可救药地喜欢上了H小姐,一位肤若凝脂吹可破、貌如天仙美若玉的女生。 Mr. Q, a handsome and reliable young man who is known as the man of supreme virtue, fell in love with Miss H, a girl of unparalleled beauty with a most delicat

17、e complexion, on the campus of SWUFE, a famous university situated in Chengdu, the famed Land of Heavenly Abundance, in 2004, a year when the snows came a bit too late.第15页/共41页5)从句: 主语从句 Q老师喜欢数学让我感到奇怪。That Mr. Q likes math surprises me. = It surprises me that Mr. Q likes math. Q老师喜欢数学是为大家所知的。That M

18、r. Q likes math is known to all. = It is known to all that Mr. Q likes math. 注意that 有没有意义?在从句中作不作成分? (无意义。不做成分) Q老师喜不喜欢数学(Q老师喜欢数学与否)不关我事。 Whether Mr. Q likes math does not interest me. = Whether or not Mr. Q likes math does not interest me. = Whether Mr. Q likes math or not does not interest me. = I

19、t does not interest me whether (or not) Mr. Q likes math (or not). = It does not interest me if Mr. Q likes math (or not) . 注意whether 有没有意义?在从句中作不作成分? (有意义。不做成分)第16页/共41页5)从句: 主语从句 Q老师喜欢什么不重要。 What Mr. Q likes is not important. Q老师喜欢哪位Q师娘很重要。 Which Mrs. Q Mr. Q likes is important. 谁喜欢Q老师不重要。 Who lik

20、es Mr. Q is not important. Q老师喜欢谁不重要。 Whom(who) Mr. Q likes is not important. Q老师喜欢谁的女朋友很重要。 Whose girlfriend Mr. Q likes is important. 注意着色词有没有意义?在从句中作不作成分? (有意义。作“主宾定”) 注意:引导词要提前,但从句是陈述语序。第17页/共41页5)从句: 主语从句 Q老师哪里遇到Q师娘不重要。 Where Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q is not important. Q老师何时遇到了Q师娘不重要。 When Mr. Q me

21、t with Mrs. Q is not important. Q老师怎样遇到了Q师娘不重要。 How Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q is not important. Q老师何时何地怎样遇到了Q师娘也不关我事。 When, where, and how Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q is not important. Q老师何时何地怎样遇到了哪位Q师娘很重要。When, where, how Mr. Q met with which Mrs. Q is important. 注意着色词有没有意义?在从句中作不作成分? (有意义。作状语) 注意:引导词要提前,但从句

22、是陈述语序。第18页/共41页主语从句总结 由下列词引导 that whether (二者经常用it作形式主语) what, which, who (whom), whose when, where, why ,how (含 how many/much/far/long 等 )第19页/共41页6 从句:宾语从句 我不知道Q老师喜欢数学。 I dont know that Mr. Q likes math. 我不知道Q老师喜不喜欢数学(Q老师喜欢数学与否)。 I dont know whether Mr. Q likes math 我不关心Q老师喜欢什么。 I dont care what M

23、r. Q likes 我不关心Q老师哪里遇到Q师娘。 I dont care where Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q 我不关心Q老师何时遇到了Q师娘。 I dont care when Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q 我不关心Q老师怎样遇到了Q师娘。 I dont care how Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q 我不关心Q老师何时何地怎样遇到了Q师娘。 I dont care when, where, and how Mr. Q met with Mrs. Q. 我不关心Q老师遇到了多少Q师娘。 I dont care how many Mrs. Qs

24、 Mr. Q met with.第20页/共41页宾语从句续The story implies(暗示) that love cannot be separated from responsibility. 这个故事表明,爱情和责任是不可分的。Scientists think that losing leaves help some trees to conserve water in the winter. 科学家们认为,落叶有助于树木在冬季保持水分。从句作双宾语中的直接宾语 She assured(让放心) me that everything would be all right. 她让我

25、放心,一切都不会有问题。 We persuaded him that it would be best to wait. 我们劝他最好等一下。 Nick told me when the contact would be effective. 尼克告诉我合同何时将生效。第21页/共41页宾语从句续It可作形式宾语 I thought it a false idea that old age brings wisdom. 我觉得年老会令人聪明是一种错误的看法。 He has made it clear that he wouldnt take over the job. 他已经明确表示不愿意接管

26、这项工作。He hasnt made it clear why he had failed. 他没有说清楚自己为什么失败了。第22页/共41页宾语从句续 以that 引导的从句作单宾语的动词有很多,常见的有:accept, acknowledge, admit, advise, agree, announce, answer, anticipate, argue, ask, assume, believe, boast, complain, conclude, confess, confirm, consider, decide, declare, deem, demand, demonstr

27、ate, deny, emphasize, estimate, imply, insist, judge, maintain, notice, promise等等第23页/共41页宾语从句总结 由下列词引导 that whether what, which, who (whom), whose when, where, why, how (含 how many/much/far/long 等 ) (可用it作形式主语)第24页/共41页7 从句:表语从句 实际情况是他和他的学生们都筋疲力尽了。 The fact is that both he and his students are exha

28、usted. 我的印象是他赞成这个计划。 My impression is that he is in favor of the plan. 问题是谁付款。 The problem is who will pay. 我感兴趣的事情是他们是否订婚了。 What I am interested in is whether they have been engaged to each other. 使他们伤脑筋的事情是到哪儿找向导。 What was troubling them was where they could find a guide.第25页/共41页表语从句:The place is

29、 no longer what it was ten years ago. 这个地方已经不是十年前的样子了。 I am who you are looking for. 我就是你所找的人。 The car is where you parked it . 汽车在你原先停放的地方。 This is why I returned their invitation. 这就是我谢绝他们邀请的理由。第26页/共41页表语从句:as if /as though 以及 as /because I felt as though my head were splitting. 我觉得头好像要裂开似的。 The

30、milk smells as if it is sour. 这牛奶闻起来好像酸了。Things are not as they seem to be. 事物并不像它们表面上看起来那样。 It may be because he is too young. 这可能是因为他太年轻了第27页/共41页8 从句:同位语从句我们必须面对我们已经把所有的钱都花完了这一事实。We must face the fact that we have spent all our money.情况会有好转的设想是没有根据的。The assumption(设想) that things will improve is

31、groundless. 与同位语从句同位的名词是一些具有一定内容含义的抽象名词,常见的有: answer, belief, conclusion, decision, discovery, fact, hint, hope, idea, information, impression, news, report, opinion, order, possibility, problem, promise, question, rumor, sign, statement, truth等。例如:The impression that English is very difficult is co

32、mpletely wrong. 第28页/共41页同位语从句续2. 2. 疑问词引导的同位语从句 The question, why you are so interested in music, has not been answered yet. 你还没有回答“你为什么对音乐这么感兴趣?”这个问题。 My problem that is ,whether I should invite him was solved when I received news of his illness. 我的问题 我是否应该邀请他 在我得到他生病的消息后就解决了。 第29页/共41页总结:名词性从句 主语

33、、宾语、表语、同位语从句在大句子中, 像名词一样,分别做主语、宾语、表语、同位语,所以统称为名词性从句。 I dont know English. I dont know who will come tomorrow. 由下列词引导 that (无意义,在从句中不做成分) whether (有意义,在从句中不做成分) what, which, who (whom), whose when, where, why, how (含 how many/much/far/long 等 ) 有时可用it作形式主语或形式宾语。第30页/共41页定语从句 一位男生站在教室里面。 这位男生看起来很帅。 一位看

34、起来很帅的男生站在教室里面。 那位站在教室里面的男生看起来很帅。 两句分别着重表达什么?这样合二为一的好处是什么? 注意区别 一位站在教室里面的男生看起来很帅。第31页/共41页定语从句 翻译: 一位男生站在教室里面。 A boy is standing in the classroom. 这位男生看起来很帅。 The boy looks very handsome. 一位看起来很帅的男生站在教室里面。 A boy who/that looks very handsome is standing in the classroom. 那位站在教室里面的男生看起来很帅。 The boy who/t

35、hat is standing in the classroom looks very handsome.第32页/共41页定语从句 翻译 一位美女站在教室里面。 A beautiful girl is standing in the classroom. 我喜欢这位美女。 I like this beautiful girl. 我喜欢这位站在教室里的美女。 I like the beautiful girl who/that is standing in the classroom. 我喜欢的这位美女站在教室里面。 The girl whom/who/that I like is stand

36、ing in the classroom. he woman who/whom I wanted to see was away on holiday. 请问 标红的词在从句中作什么成分? 宾语(可以省略)第33页/共41页定语从句 合句 The woman-she lives next door-is a doctor - The woman who lives next door is a doctor. we know a lot of people-they live in London - We know a lot of people who live in London. Exe

37、rcise : find the relative clause(定语从句). * An architect is someone who designs buildings. * What was the name of the man who lent you the money? * Anyone who wants to do the exam must enter before next Friday. 第34页/共41页定语从句relative clause B: When we are talking about things, we use that or which in a

38、 relative clause。 * I dont like stories that have unhappy endings. (or . stories which have .) * Barbara works for a company that makes washing machines. (or . a company which makes.) * The machine that broke down has now been repaired. (or The machine which broke down .) 第35页/共41页定语从句relative claus

39、e Have you found the keys that you lost? The dress that Ann bought doesnt fit her very well. Is there anything that I can do? 请问 标红的词在从句中作什么成分? 宾语(可以省略)第36页/共41页定语从句relative clause 注意介词的位置 do you know the woman?-Tom is talking to her - Do you know the woman (who/that) Tom is talking to? - Do you kno

40、w the woman to whom Tom is talking the bed-I slept in it last night - wasnt very comfortable - The bed (that/which) I slept in last night wasnt very comfortable. - The bed in which I slept last night wasnt very comfortable. * The woman (who/that) he fell in love with left him after a few weeks. The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks. * The man (who/t


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