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1、Internal ColonialismFemale Education in Patriarchal power System问题引入:问题引入:您如何看待当下的您如何看待当下的“男女平等男女平等”?平等:平等:1、表现、表现2、原因、原因不平等:不平等:1、表现、表现2、原因、原因3、措施、措施既平等又不平等既平等又不平等:1、表现、表现2、原因、原因3、改善措施、改善措施 “The first division of labor is that between man and woman for child breeding. The first class antagonism in

2、history begins with the development of the antagonism between man and woman in individual marriage, and the first class oppression is that of women by men. The individual marriage is the cell of civilized society in which we can study the antagonism and contradictions which develop fully in the soci

3、ety.”劳动性别分工劳动性别分工 : 依照性别分配劳动是依照性别分配劳动是人类最早的劳动分工方式人类最早的劳动分工方式,它是,它是人类寻找到的最有效的组织社会生活的方法。劳动性别分人类寻找到的最有效的组织社会生活的方法。劳动性别分工以自然秩序的形式工以自然秩序的形式表现出来,即表现出来,即女性女性负责与人的再生产负责与人的再生产有关的劳动,如生育、抚育和家务劳动;有关的劳动,如生育、抚育和家务劳动;男性男性负责与生产负责与生产有关的劳动,如养殖、农耕等有关的劳动,如养殖、农耕等 ,等级化劳动性别分工的,等级化劳动性别分工的建构。建构。 1 1、建构了劳动性别分工的信仰。、建构了劳动性别分工的

4、信仰。所谓的意识形态是一种所谓的意识形态是一种信仰,相信公私分化的性别分工是合理和合法的。事实上,信仰,相信公私分化的性别分工是合理和合法的。事实上,女性并非永远是在家庭中的,男也并非没有家庭领域的活女性并非永远是在家庭中的,男也并非没有家庭领域的活动。女性的社会角色被有意识地、历史性地动。女性的社会角色被有意识地、历史性地“划归为划归为”家家庭领域,这样妇女即使能够进入公共领域也只能居于次要庭领域,这样妇女即使能够进入公共领域也只能居于次要地位。地位。 2 2、建构了性别角色意识;、建构了性别角色意识; 3 3、建构了将女性劳动视为情感劳动的信仰。、建构了将女性劳动视为情感劳动的信仰。等级化

5、劳动性别分工的社会后果等级化劳动性别分工的社会后果 : (一)掩盖了两性合作劳动的历史(一)掩盖了两性合作劳动的历史 。 (二)被严重低估了的家务劳动的价值。(二)被严重低估了的家务劳动的价值。有一项研究推测,有一项研究推测,与男性相比,英国女性因为在家育儿的持续责任而损失了与男性相比,英国女性因为在家育儿的持续责任而损失了其一生可能收入的一半左右。时至今日,我们根本无法统其一生可能收入的一半左右。时至今日,我们根本无法统计出女性家务劳动到底创造了多大的价值。据估计,家务计出女性家务劳动到底创造了多大的价值。据估计,家务劳动占工业化国家所创造财富劳动占工业化国家所创造财富25%-40%25%-

6、40%。 目前有两种方法估算家务劳动。目前有两种方法估算家务劳动。 一是机会成本法。一是机会成本法。以同样时间内外出工作可能在劳动力以同样时间内外出工作可能在劳动力市场上得到的工资回报估计家务劳动的价值。市场上得到的工资回报估计家务劳动的价值。 二是家庭食品法。二是家庭食品法。以家庭不开伙做饭而是吃饭馆和方便以家庭不开伙做饭而是吃饭馆和方便食品的方法解决平时的一日三餐,消费成本等食品的方法解决平时的一日三餐,消费成本等美国男女不平等的表现:美国男女不平等的表现: receive less education than men are paid less for the same work ar

7、e normally relegated to unpaid labor outside the money economy or to the least prestigious positions in the occupational structure. are virtually excluded from positions of power or responsibility in business, government, and education. are denied equal protection of the laws, not only in marriage a

8、nd family codes but in employment, athletics, and criminal and education law as wellare told all this is right and proper. never change.美国男女不平等的结果:美国男女不平等的结果:a colonial relationship A colonial relationship involves the domination of one group by another and that the primary process by which this rel

9、ationship is perpetuated, once it is established in the legal and institutional framework of society, is through the colonization of the females identity. The educational system plays an important role in this process.The colonial education process:The colonized group is assumed to be intellectually

10、, morally, and physically inferior;The colonial education system is controlled by the dominant group and is detached from the culture of the colonized and colonizer as well;Colonial education constitutes a fundamental assault on the identity of the identity of the colonized group;The substance of th

11、e colonial education is different from that given the colonizer.A plausible outcome of the colonial situation is that the colonized began to identify with their oppressor to assume the superiority of his values and knowledge, finally to depend on the colonizer for a definition of the situation, “pro

12、tection”, and other resources.从三个方面阐述三种观点:从三个方面阐述三种观点:(1) the general process by which human knowledge is Socially structured;(2) The status of women as Students and teachers in public Elementary and secondary Schools today;(3) Review the present status Of women as students and Faculty in institutio

13、ns of higher Education.(1) Human knowledge has been molded and fitted to the ends of males;(2) When education opportunities were granted to women it was for the purpose of preparing them for clearly subordinate societal roles that served the interests of men ;(3) Today the education system is struct

14、ured in such a way that women still have less access than men, are the victims of many forms of discrimination both subtle and overt, intellectual and physical.Colonization of knowledge A general colonial process: human knowledge, and particularly that dealing with women, has been molded and fitted

15、to the ends of males.An example: brain size was related to level of intelligence. Women have, on the average, a smaller ratio of brain tissue to body weight was repeatedly emphasized. beyond a minimum size complexity and not weight was the decisive variable. The brain size of women almost disappeare

16、d as a subject of scientific discussion.The ideas and values of a male-dominated society are transmitted as valid human knowledge to each new generation.Sex-biased schools Before public school: sex-role socialization usually has already occurred. Entrance into the Public Elementary School: the begin

17、ning the pattern of interaction that emerge between teachers and students in the classroom vary according to sex. Teachers sex-role ideas and consistently reinforce these sex biases in the classroom. 讨论问题:老师课堂上哪些表现带有性别偏见?讨论问题:老师课堂上哪些表现带有性别偏见? The transition to high school striving for mediocrity(平庸)

18、(平庸) “in light of the social expectation about women, it is not surprising that women end up where society expects them to; the surprise is that little girls dont get the message that they are supposed to be stupid until they get into high school.” The teen years are the perfect time for learning to

19、 be womanit is time to practice the feminine role of the woman pursued by the man. 例:例:the girls role is to sit there and look pretty, waiting for the athletic star to come pick her. She must cultivate her looks, be vivacious and attractive , wear the right clothes, but the wait-until the football p

20、layer whose status is determined by his specific achievements comes along to choose her.Colonization of the physical self The colonization of women in family socialization and the formal educational processes affects not only the mind but the body (body control, physical coordination, self-confidenc

21、e) as well. At home and in school young women are informed that they are physically inferior when compared with their male peers. (but parents always say,” dont play, you might get hurt,” or “dont play, you might get dirty”) In books on physical education, both sexes are informed that women are phys

22、ical inferior in weight, height, muscle mass, reaction time, metabolism(新陈新陈代谢代谢), energy level, pain threshold, etc. (but boys and girls are separated during physical activity at school.)Women in the university Undergraduate women: we are all for women, but Yale must produce a thousand male leaders

23、 every year. Yale alumnus, 1970 there are many barriers erected in front of women who wish to attend college. once source estimates that “from 75 to 90 percent of the well-qualified students who do not go to college are women.” they fail to matriculate(录取)(录取) because they have come to believe that

24、they do not belong in college and because administrators, for a variety of reasons, do not admit them. Women in graduate school: too many young women are casually enrolling in graduate schools across the country without having seriously considered the obligation which they are assuming by requesting

25、 that such expenditures be made for them. And they are not alone to blame. Equally at fault are two groups of faculty-undergraduate instructors who encourage their women students to apply to graduate schools without also helping them consider the commitment that such an act implies, and graduate adm

26、ission counselors who admit girls with impressive academic records without looking for other evidence that the applicant has made a sincere commitment to graduate study. a greater proportion of women than men enroll in terminal M.A. programs. But academic profession has been dominated by men, women

27、have been considered outsiders who do not or cannot share in the common norms of the profession.Conclusion: three tasksTo demonstrate the extent and persistence of inequalities in educational opportunities that exist between men and women; to show that female education differs from that provided for

28、 males in content and quality; and to point out that there are serious ways in which women receive hostile and humiliating treatment at the hands of those who operate our educational institutions;To suggest the way in which basic sexual socialization, both in childhood and later, molds and shapes th

29、e attitudes, aspirations, and expectations of women concerning the kinds of education they should receive;To spell out the formal and informal mechanisms that operate through our educational institutions to reinforce and perpetuate those culturally induced values. women are a colonized group and that the educational system is one of the primary means by which this situation is created and maintained.补充和反馈补充和反馈: : Not systematically explored the question of how womens educational opportunities are linked to the class system and the economy.经济基础决定上层建筑经济基础决定上层建筑. .男女不平等的根源及平等的愿景男女不平等的根源及平等的愿景


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