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1、会计学1译林版英语四年级下册译林版英语四年级下册U7WhatsthematterGame rules: 尽可能多的说出同一类别的单词。尽可能多的说出同一类别的单词。比一比,哪个小组最厉害!比一比,哪个小组最厉害!Food Im hungry.DrinksIm thirsty.thirty 口渴的口渴的 Have some water.Whats the matter?你怎么了?你怎么了?Whats the matter with Taotao?A.He is hungry.B.He is thirsty.C.He is tired.Watch and choose.Tips: Tips: 认真

2、看,仔细听,用心记。认真看,仔细听,用心记。Whats the matter with Taotao?A.He is hungry.B.He is thirsty.C.He is tired.Watch and choose.( (爸爸为涛涛做了什么?爸爸为涛涛做了什么?) )1. What does Dad do for Taotao?2. What is Taotaos response?( (Taotao是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )Reading kips: Reading in groups and try to answer。 小组略读并回答。小组略读并回答。1. What d

3、oes Dad do for Taotao?( (爸爸为涛涛做了什么?爸爸为涛涛做了什么?) )Come and have a pie, Taotao.Thanks, Dad, but Im not hungry. Im thirsty.2. What is Taotaos response?( (Taotao是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )( (妈妈为涛涛做了什么?妈妈为涛涛做了什么?) )1. What does Mum do for Taotao?2. What is Taotaos response?( (Taotao是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )Reading kips: Re

4、ading in groups and try to answer。 小组略读并回答。小组略读并回答。1. What does Mum do for Taotao?( (妈妈为刘涛做了什么?妈妈为刘涛做了什么?) )2. What is Taotaos response?( (Taotao是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )Whats the matter, Taotao?Are you ill?ill 生病的No, but Im tired.I want to go to bed.want to表示想要做某事,后面接动词短表示想要做某事,后面接动词短语语What, what, whats th

5、e matter?Hungry, hungry, Im hungry.What, what, whats the matter?Thirsty, thirsty, Im thirsty.What, what, whats the matter? Ill, ill, Im ill.What, what, whats the matter? Tired, tired, Im tired.Tips: 读出节奏,问句读出关心的语气,答句读出有气无力等语气( (涛涛怎样寻求帮助?涛涛怎样寻求帮助?) )1. How does Taotao ask for help?2. What is Mums res

6、ponse?( (妈妈妈妈是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )Reading kips: Reading by yourselves and try to answer。 自己读并回答。自己读并回答。1. How does Taotao ask for help?( (涛涛怎样寻求帮助?涛涛怎样寻求帮助?) )2. What is Mums response?( (妈妈妈妈是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )Can I have some water,Mum?Here you are.Thank you, Mum.Listen and imitate.Tips: Tips: 仔细听,模仿语音语调。

7、仔细听,模仿语音语调。Read together.Enjoy the story.Tips: Tips: 选择你喜欢的方式读课文。选择你喜欢的方式读课文。和同伴分角色读和同伴分角色读自己朗读自己朗读小组内齐读小组内齐读Act the story.Tips: 1. 眼神交流眼神交流。2. 声音洪亮声音洪亮。3. 面带表情面带表情。4. 适当动作适当动作。三人一组试着表演吧!三人一组试着表演吧!Lets help others(帮助他人)(帮助他人).TomBenJim可用句型一:可用句型一:A: Are you ?B: No, Im not. I want to.可用句型二:可用句型二:A: W

8、hats the matter?B: Im(hungry/thirsty/ill/tired).A: Come and have a/an/someB: Thank you. We wish everyone can give his hand, when the others are in trouble.当别人有困难时,愿人人都能伸出援助之手当别人有困难时,愿人人都能伸出援助之手. .Just for you.I can talk about feelings.I can use “Whats the matter?”I can understand and act story.组内互评组

9、内互评:能正确流利地谈论自己感觉的得:能正确流利地谈论自己感觉的得 能流利使用句型关心他人的得能流利使用句型关心他人的得 能够熟读并会表演课文的得能够熟读并会表演课文的得 有些小错误或不熟练的得有些小错误或不熟练的得 仍然需要好好努力的得仍然需要好好努力的得 Enjoy a song.Homework1.听录音,有感情地朗读课文不 少于三遍。 2.继续和同伴演一演课文。3.抄写形容感觉的单词两遍。Game rules: 尽可能多的说出同一类别的单词。尽可能多的说出同一类别的单词。比一比,哪个小组最厉害!比一比,哪个小组最厉害!Whats the matter?你怎么了?你怎么了?( (妈妈为涛涛做了什么?妈妈为涛涛做了什么?) )1. What does Mum do for Taotao?2. What is Taotaos response?( (Taotao是怎样回答的?是怎样回答的?) )Reading kips: Reading in groups and try to answer。 小组略读并回答。小组略读并回答。Read together.I can talk about feelings.I can use “Whats the matter?”I can unde


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