1、单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑副标题单击此处编辑标题正文局部样例A正文局部样例B正文局部样例C正文局部样例D正文局部样例I正文局部样例II正文局部样例III单击此处编辑标题正文局部样例A正文局部样例B正文局部样例C正文局部样例D正文局部样例I正文局部样例II正文局部样例III正文标题第一级第二级 第三级第四级第五级正文标题第一级第二级 第三级第四级第五级样例文本AGemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单欢送大家欣赏和下载样例文本AGemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单欢送大家欣赏和下载样例文本BThe article about sender rewriting contai
2、ns technical background info about the early SMTP history and source routing before RFC 1123.Sendmail was one of the first (if not the first) mail transfer agents to implement SMTP.citation needed Some other popular SMTP server programs include Postfix, qmail, Novell GroupWise, Exim, Novell NetMail,
3、 Microsoft Exchange Server, Sun Java System Messaging Server.Message submission (RFC 2476) and SMTP-AUTH (RFC 2554) were introduced in 1998 and 1999, both describing new trends in e-mail delivery. Originally, SMTP servers were typically internal to an organization, receiving mail for the organizatio
4、n from the outside, and relaying messages from the organization to the outside. But as time went on, SMTP servers (Mail transfer agents), in practice, were expanding their roles to become message submission agents for Mail user agents, some of which were now relaying mail from the outside of an orga
5、nization. (e.g. a company executive wishes to send e-mail while on a trip using the corporate SMTP server.) This issue, a consequence of the rapid expansion and popularity of the World Wide Web, meant that SMTP had to include specific rules and methods for relaying mail and authenticating users to p
6、revent abuses such as relaying of unsolicited e-mail (spam).样例文本BThe article about sender rewriting contains technical background info about the early SMTP history and source routing before RFC 1123.Sendmail was one of the first (if not the first) mail transfer agents to implement SMTP.citation need
7、ed Some other popular SMTP server programs include Postfix, qmail, Novell GroupWise, Exim, Novell NetMail, Microsoft Exchange Server, Sun Java System Messaging Server.Message submission (RFC 2476) and SMTP-AUTH (RFC 2554) were introduced in 1998 and 1999, both describing new trends in e-mail deliver
8、y. Originally, SMTP servers were typically internal to an organization, receiving mail for the organization from the outside, and relaying messages from the organization to the outside. But as time went on, SMTP servers (Mail transfer agents), in practice, were expanding their roles to become messag
9、e submission agents for Mail user agents, some of which were now relaying mail from the outside of an organization. (e.g. a company executive wishes to send e-mail while on a trip using the corporate SMTP server.) This issue, a consequence of the rapid expansion and popularity of the World Wide Web,
10、 meant that SMTP had to include specific rules and methods for relaying mail and authenticating users to prevent abuses such as relaying of unsolicited e-mail (spam).样例文本CSendmail是最早实现SMTP的邮件传输代理之一。到2001年至少有50个程序将SMTP实现为一个客户端消息的发送者或一个效劳器消息的接收者。一些其他的流行的SMTP效劳器程序包括了Philip Hazel的exim,IBM的Postfix, D. J.
11、 Bernstein的Qmail,以及Microsoft Exchange Server。由于这个协议开始是基于纯ASCII文本的,它在二进制文件上处理得并不好。诸如MIME的标准被开发来编码二进制文件以使其通过SMTP来传输。今天,大多数SMTP效劳器都支持8位MIME扩展,它使二进制文件的传输变得几乎和纯文本一样简单。SMTP是一个“推的协议,它不允许根据需要从远程效劳器上“拉来消息。要做到这点,邮件客户端必须使用POP3或IMAP。另一个SMTP效劳器可以使用ETRN在SMTP上触发一个发送。样例文本CSendmail是最早实现SMTP的邮件传输代理之一。到2001年至少有50个程序将S
12、MTP实现为一个客户端消息的发送者或一个效劳器消息的接收者。一些其他的流行的SMTP效劳器程序包括了Philip Hazel的exim,IBM的Postfix, D. J. Bernstein的Qmail,以及Microsoft Exchange Server。由于这个协议开始是基于纯ASCII文本的,它在二进制文件上处理得并不好。诸如MIME的标准被开发来编码二进制文件以使其通过SMTP来传输。今天,大多数SMTP效劳器都支持8位MIME扩展,它使二进制文件的传输变得几乎和纯文本一样简单。SMTP是一个“推的协议,它不允许根据需要从远程效劳器上“拉来消息。要做到这点,邮件客户端必须使用POP
13、3或IMAP。另一个SMTP效劳器可以使用ETRN在SMTP上触发一个发送。内 容 概 览标题1标题2标题3标题4标题5内 容 概 览标题1标题2标题3标题4标题5内 容 概 览第一节第二节第三节第四节第五节内容公 司 发 展2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2000200120022003公司发展2001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX交 互 图AFBCED中间饼 图50%24%10%16%50%24%16%10%AAADDDBBBCCC项 目 AB工程A工程B工程内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX工程内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX状 态 图内容 C内容 B内容 A关 系 图A结点D结点C结点B结点ABCD关系概 念 图概念A概念D概念B概念C项 目 图AXXXXXXXX
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