1、, 实例分析:实例分析: A new blood-thinning drug could end the use of rat poison as the primary medical treatment to prevent stroke, it was claimed yesterday. For half of century, thousands of patients at risk of stoke have been given Warfarin to prevent blood clotting. 原译:原译:一种新的血液稀释药有可能结束使用灭鼠一种新的血液稀释药有可能结束使
2、用灭鼠药作为预防中风的主要治疗,这是昨天宣布的。药作为预防中风的主要治疗,这是昨天宣布的。半个世纪,成千上万有中风危险的病人一直都被半个世纪,成千上万有中风危险的病人一直都被使用华法林以预防血液凝结使用华法林以预防血液凝结, A new blood-thinning drug could end the use of rat poison as the primary medical treatment to prevent stroke, it was claimed yesterday. For half of century, thousands of patients at risk
3、of stoke have been given Warfarin to prevent blood clotting. 译文:译文:昨天有消息称,一种新型的血液稀释药物昨天有消息称,一种新型的血液稀释药物有可能结束将灭鼠药作为预防中风首选疗法的历有可能结束将灭鼠药作为预防中风首选疗法的历史。在过去的半个世纪中,成千上万的有中风危史。在过去的半个世纪中,成千上万的有中风危险的患者一直都在用华法林预防凝血。险的患者一直都在用华法林预防凝血。, 实训实训1讲解:讲解: 一、指出下面3句汉语句子属于正式语体、中性语体,还是非正式语体。然后把这些汉语句子以相同语体译成英语。 1、本人为该职位极佳应聘者
4、。因为本人曾从事、本人为该职位极佳应聘者。因为本人曾从事重要的文秘工作,具备良好的语言技能与组织意重要的文秘工作,具备良好的语言技能与组织意识。识。 语体语体:正式语体 参考译文参考译文:I am an excellent candidate for the job because of my significant secretarial experience, good language skills and sense of organization., 2、我想她适合这个工作。因为过去她干过这样的、我想她适合这个工作。因为过去她干过这样的活儿。文字能力很棒,组织能力也不得了。活儿。文字
5、能力很棒,组织能力也不得了。 语体语体:非正式语体 参考译文参考译文:I think shes good for that job because shes done stuff like it in the past, is good with words, and is incredibly well organized., 3、您知道,她从前在贵公司这个职位做过临时工、您知道,她从前在贵公司这个职位做过临时工。就这一点而论,她对这个职位不仅有经验,情。就这一点而论,她对这个职位不仅有经验,情况也了解,而且了解贵公司对这项工作的需求和况也了解,而且了解贵公司对这项工作的需求和要求。要求。
6、语体:语体:中性语体 参考译文:参考译文:As you are aware, she has worked as a temporary employee with your company in this position before. As such, she not only has experience and knowledge of this position, but also already understands the companys needs and requirements for this job., 掌握汉英语言新闻选词的一般规律和特殊情况; 熟悉新闻选词的民
7、族性与国别特征; 在新闻翻译中运用上述知识根据具体情况恰当选择词汇。, 新闻作为一种信息型文本在选词上与其他同类文本有一些共同特点共同特点,如: 所选词汇以信息为中心所选词汇以信息为中心 力求表述的事实和事件准确无误力求表述的事实和事件准确无误 遵守客观原则遵守客观原则 新闻文本与教科书、商业信函、文件等信息型文本还有一些不同的特点。, 原因:原因: 1 1、大众媒体的主要任务是向尽可能的受众传播信息; 2、在阅读能力较强的高端群体中也有很大一部分受众需要简明易懂的新闻语言。 虽然英语中拥有大量的双联同义词组(如build, construct),三联同义词组(如fire, flame, co
8、nflagration),甚至四联同义词组,但那些拼写简短的词汇多为一般新闻首选的高频词汇。, 英语双联英语双联/三联同义词三联同义词 新闻高频词新闻高频词 新闻低频词新闻低频词 ask/ question interrogate at once immediately bleeding(出血) hemorrhage body remains clear up/ clarify elucidate disaster catastrophe fast/firm secure end terminate use utilize, 新闻高频词新闻高频词 新闻低频词新闻低频词 Live inhabit
9、 Fire/ flame conflagration Fear/ terror trepidation Holy/ sacred consecrated Rise/ mount ascend Time/ age epoch Therefore consequently, 新闻选词不仅要保证易读性,还要确保简约性 选用简单词汇只实现了易读性,还需要在可供选择的简单词汇范围内进一步精选准确词汇,直至选到简短、常用、精确的词汇为止。 如果简单词中无法找到精准词汇,审慎选择少量正式词(大词)。, 如果用一个大词能准确表达出两三个简单词都无法表达清楚的意义,选择一个大词带来的效益明显大于由此而增加的阅读
10、难度。 尤其在新闻内容涉及某一专业领域时,使用精确词汇可取得一词抵数词的效果,甚至能够达到以一当十的高效。 以下两个例子分别选自印度快报和纽约时报新闻。前者用了heavy swell(狂涌)和(抛弃,动词)等航海专业词(组);后者用了myocardial ischemia(心肌缺血)和angina(心绞痛)等医学专业词(组)。, 例例1 原文:原文: Senior home ministry officials told The India Express that they were trying to verify whether the consignment had indeed lo
11、aded on to MV Eugenia. Officials are also cross-checking their claim about the “heavy swell” that forced them to jettison the containers. heavy swell表达的概念若是改用普通英语词至少要用8个词来表示,即:a broad and deep undulation of the ocean(海洋上宽而深的波动),比专业词多出6个词。, jettison用普通英语释义是:cast off as superfluous or encumbering(作为累赘
12、的或妨害而抛弃),比专业词多出5个词。 译文:译文:内政部的高级官员们告诉印度快报记者说,他们在设法核实那批托运的货物是否确实装上了“尤金妮娅”号货轮。官员们还多方核查了船员们声称所发生的“狂涌狂涌”。因为这是迫使他们抛弃抛弃那几个集装箱的原因。, Senior home ministry officials told The India Express that they were trying to verify whether the consignment had indeed loaded on to MV Eugenia. Officials are also cross-chec
13、king their claim about the “heavy swell” that forced them to jettison the containers. 译文:译文:内政部的高级官员们告诉印度快报记者说,他们在设法核实那批托运的货物是否确实装上了“尤金妮娅”号货轮。官员们还多方核查了船员们声称所发生的“狂涌狂涌”。因为这是迫使他们抛弃抛弃那几个集装箱的原因。, 例例2原文:原文: 日前的一个深夜,台金高速公路往台州方向34公里处,一辆广州本田车在高速上歪歪斜斜地开歪歪斜斜地开着着,忽然一头往护栏撞去,忽然又向另外一侧的超车道斜去,一辆刚好在超车道上行驶的小轿车紧急避让,本田车
14、如醉酒般“S”形行驶形行驶。 译文:译文:Late the other night a Taizhou bound Guangzhou Honda was careening down the lane at 34-kilometer section of Taizhou-Jinhua expressway, now heading to the guardrails, now turning to the overtaking lane on the other side. At that moment a car that happened to be pulling into the o
15、vertaking lane hurriedly swerved to avoid it. The Honda car zigzagged like drunk., 一般而言汉译英的字数会超出汉语原文,本译文所选词汇不仅拼写简短而且涵义丰富。 原句中“歪歪斜斜地开着”在译文中只用了一个动词“careen”意思就完全译出来了。 如果使用意义模糊而笼统的词汇这个词组就会成: go forward rapidly while making sudden movements from side to side 多达11个词。, 原文的词组“ S 形行驶形行驶”也译成一个意思准确而凝练的动词“zigza
16、g”。 如果也以笼统词来翻译就成了: move forward by going at an angle first to the right and then to the left, 数量达16个词。 无论英译汉还是汉译英,审慎地选择简短的、或意义精准的,或两者兼有的词汇都会有助于译文简约,节省报刊版面和播报时间,提高译文的效率。 尽可能找到最简约、最准确、最恰当的词语。尽可能找到最简约、最准确、最恰当的词语。, 新闻写作需人性化,需适当选择一些生动、活泼、有时代感的词汇。 新闻翻译也不例外,译者有责任利用目的语的优势在译文中尽可能再现原文的上述特征。 以下介绍要达到上述目标常用的一些手段
17、:, (一)使用形象词(一)使用形象词 生动形象的词汇不仅是为了唤起读者的阅读兴趣,而是为了将新闻清晰、准确地传达给读者。 例例3 原文:原文: American astronauts made six more journeys to the Moon, all successes, excepting the ill-starred Apollo 13. But public interest was flagging. A battle in the Cold War was won, people seemed to feel, so bring the boys home., 以上原
18、文中谈到美国阿波罗13号宇宙飞船执行任务失败时使用了ill-starred 这个形象生动的形容词,而没有使用 unlucky, unfortunate, ill-fated 等抽象形容词。 ill-starred 不仅在构词中含有星星星星这一具体形象,而且源于占星术,具有悠久的历史渊源,为广大普通民众所熟知,更容易引起读者的共鸣。 中国文化也有观星象占卜命运的传统,在细节上中西方占星术不同,其目的都是通过星象占卜吉凶与命运,译文尽可能保留原文的形象。, American astronauts made six more journeys to the Moon, all successes,
19、excepting the ill-starred Apollo 13. But public interest was flagging. A battle in the Cold War was won, people seemed to feel, so bring the boys home. 译文:译文: 美国航天员又进行了6次月球旅行。除了阿波罗13号时运不齐,灾星临头灾星临头,其余都获得成功。但此时公众的兴趣日衰。人们似乎觉得冷战中的这次较量获胜了,所以该让小伙子们打道回府了。, 例例4 原文:原文: Even so, Ms. Von Furstenberg has the ri
20、ght to be confident. At 62, she has seen her business skyrocket in the 1970s, crash in the 80s and, unpredictably, thrive today. In the 1990s, a new generation of women discovered her clingy print dresses in vintage shops, prompting the resurrection of the brand. 记者在描写所提到的企业突飞猛进的发展势头时用动词 skyrocket,
21、远比较抽象词组 rise quickly and suddenly 或或 move at great speed 效果要好。, 在描写该企业急转直下的情况时使用了动词 crash ,该词表现的是飞行器坠落时徒然下降的形象,如用 undergo a sudden and severe downturn 这类抽象词组来表达,读者难以产生上述联想,效果也大打折扣。 翻译时,skyrocket 最好不要保留冲天火箭冲天火箭的形象,因为20世纪50年代末全国各地浮夸风盛行时期,人们频繁使用“坐火箭”,“放卫星”的说法吹牛皮,虚报成绩,结果使得火箭的形象后来用作比喻时多少带有贬义。 新闻中形象词的翻译必须
22、考虑目的语国情。, Even so, Ms. Von Furstenberg has the right to be confident. At 62, she has seen her business skyrocket in the 1970s, crash in the 80s and, unpredictably, thrive today. In the 1990s, a new generation of women discovered her clingy print dresses in vintage shops, prompting the resurrection o
23、f the brand. 译文:译文:虽然如此,冯弗斯腾伯格女士还是有资格充满信心的。在62岁的时候,她看到20世纪70年代,她的企业如日中天如日中天;80年代一落千丈一落千丈;当今竟然再次兴盛。20世纪90年代的新一代女性在古旧时装店居然发现了她的紧身印花连衣裙,促使这一品牌死而复生。,例例5 原文:原文: The Marines in a recent “cultural awareness” class scribbled careful notes as the instructor coached them on dos and donts when talking to villa
24、gers in Afghanistan: Dont start by firing off questions, do break the ice by playing with the children, dont let your interpreter hijack the conversation. 用连续射击的形象fire off 作为questions 的谓语动词,表达“接二连三的提问题接二连三的提问题”之义。这显然比正常情况下所用的ask a series of questions 要生动得多,也恰当的多。, break a ice (破冰)表示“打破冷场局面打破冷场局面”; h
25、ijack (劫持)一词搭配conversation(谈话) 表示“抢话抢话”。 这种别致罕见的搭配用于形象化描写令人耳目一新,使枯燥的新闻显得非常生动活泼。, The Marines in a recent “cultural awareness” class scribbled careful notes as the instructor coached them on dos and donts when talking to villagers in Afghanistan: Dont start by firing off questions, do break the ice b
26、y playing with the children, dont let your interpreter hijack the conversation. 译文:译文:在最近一节“文化认知”课上,教官辅导海军陆战队员在与阿富汗村民交谈时哪些事可以做,哪些事不可以做,士兵们字迹潦草但态度认真地记下听课笔记:不要一开始就连珠炮似地提连珠炮似地提出问题出问题;先与小孩玩耍借以打开冷场局面打开冷场局面;不要让译员中间抢话抢话。, 以下这条新闻片段描写的是一群蒙面劫匪闯入扑克赛场时,赌客们仓皇逃窜、慌不择路的情景。 例例6 原文:原文: The six attackers wearing black
27、 balaclavas entered the Grand Hyatt Hotel, snatched a portion of BP 1 million prize money at Germanys biggest poker competition and fled. Gamblers were injured as they dived under tables and ran from the busy conference hall fearing for their lives., 记者用 dived under tables 词组描写了现场赌客的狼狈相,用词准确而生动。 英语中
28、 dive 一词的本义是 throw oneself head first into water, 就是潜水的意思,通俗说法为“扎猛子”。, The six attackers wearing black balaclavas entered the Grand Hyatt Hotel, snatched a portion of BP 1 million prize money at Germanys biggest poker competition and fled. Gamblers were injured as they dived under tables and ran fro
29、m the busy conference hall fearing for their lives. 译文:译文:6个戴着黑色巴拉克拉法绒帽的蒙面袭击者闯进君悦大酒店,把德国最大的一次扑克牌比赛的奖金抢走了一部分,然后逃之夭夭。奖金总额为100万英镑。一些参赌者一头扎到台子底下一头扎到台子底下结果受了伤。他们唯恐丢了身家性命,匆忙逃离了喧闹的会议大厅。, (二)使用比喻(二)使用比喻 古代希腊的亚里士多德(Aristotle)在其名著诗学(Poetics)中写道: “比喻就是把一个事物的名称用于另一事物。” 比喻是英语中最常用的辞格,一般来说,比喻的艺术价值与相异性成正比,与相似性成反比。
30、相似性越大,越乏味,越缺乏表现力;相异性越大,所构成的比喻越新鲜,越富有表现力。, 比喻具备4项要素: 1)本体本体:即所要表述、描绘的对象,是被比喻者。 2)喻体喻体:即用来表述、描绘本体的比喻者。 3)相似点相似点:即联想的依据。 4)相异点相异点:即本体与喻体之间在整体上的极不相同之处。, 例例7 原文:原文: The growing savings and loan scandal is a time bomb for President Bush that might not go off this year but could cause him serious political
31、 troubles by 1992. 此句讲的是1990年美国国内最轰动的事件- 一大批储蓄银行的倒闭。 该句使用了比喻的修辞手法,该比喻的 本体本体是scandal(丑闻) 喻体喻体是a time bomb(定时炸弹) 比喻词比喻词是is, 即: The Scandal is a time bomb.(该丑闻是一枚定时炸弹。) 相似点相似点是两者都具有爆炸性; 相异点相异点是分属两个范畴:一是社会事件,另一个是威慑武器。 使用比喻可使新闻语言鲜明、生动、有力。, The growing savings and loan scandal is a time bomb for President
32、 Bush that might not go off this year but could cause him serious political troubles by 1992. 译文:译文: 不断扩散的储蓄贷款业丑闻对布什总统来说是一枚定时炸弹一枚定时炸弹。这枚炸弹虽然不一定会在今年爆炸,却可能在1992年为布什总统带来重大的政治困扰。, 1、明喻(、明喻(simile) 明喻明喻是本体本体(被比事物)和喻体喻体(作比的事物)和比喻词比喻词(汉语的“像”、“似”、“若”、“如”等;英语的like, as等)三个要素齐全的比喻。 通过比喻词表明本体和喻体之间的相似属性。 以下通过实例说
33、明新闻中明喻的使用与翻译方法。, 例例7原文:原文: Described by one newspaper as an “elongated trumpet that makes a sound like a head of elephants approaching”, the vuvuzela, has become the biggest controversy at this summers Confederations Cup. Fans say it is an essential way to express their national identity. But player
34、s and TV commentators have called for it be banned at the World Cup., 明喻like a head of elephants approaching是用来描述非洲住民的一种吹奏乐器的声音的,具有实用功能,有助于没听过这种乐器的人对它有一个初步的了解,因此有必要译出。 直译出原文喻体所表示的形象和声音。, Described by one newspaper as an “elongated trumpet that makes a sound like a head of elephants approaching”, the
35、 vuvuzela, has become the biggest controversy at this summers Confederations Cup. 译文:译文: “呜呜祖拉”这种乐器被一家报纸描绘成一种“长长的小喇叭,能发出像一群大象走进时的像一群大象走进时的那种声音。”这种小喇叭已经成为今年夏天足球联合会杯赛上最有争议的话题。, Fans say it is an essential way to express their national identity. But players and TV commentators have called for it be ban
36、ned at the World Cup. 译文:译文: 球迷们说,那是他们表达民族认同的一种必不可少的方式。但是足球运动员和电视解说员已经要求禁止在世界杯赛上使用这种乐器。, 例例8原文:原文: They asked the girls their names but couldnt hear their replies. The names were “hippie-like ,” akin to Jasmine and Buttercup. The younger girl said she was in fourth grand, and her elder sister said s
37、he was in ninth grade. Asked where they went to school, they answered in unison “like-robots,” Jacobs said. “Were home-schooled.” 虽然在相同的汉语语境中人们并不常用“机器人”作比喻。但这个比喻非常形象、易懂,又不落俗套,直译成汉语非常妥帖。, They asked the girls their names but couldnt hear their replies. The names were “hippie-like ,” akin to Jasmine a
38、nd Buttercup. 译文:译文:他们询问了那几个女孩子的名字,但没能听清回答的是什么。名字是“嬉皮士之类”的,类似贾丝明(意为:茉莉花)、芭特卡普(意为:金凤花)什么的。 The younger girl said she was in fourth grand, and her elder sister said she was in ninth grade. 译文:译文:年纪小点的女孩说她们上四年级;她姐姐说上九年级。, Asked where they went to school, they answered in unison “like-robots,” Jacobs sa
39、id. “Were home-schooled.” 译文:译文:雅各布斯说,问到在哪儿上学时,她们像机器人似地异口同声地回答说:“我们在家里上学。”, 例例9原文:原文: Bernstein Research has said it sees “a growing risk of either appropriation of assets or the imposition of draconian taxes as Telefonica looks as attractive a cash cow to President Chavez as it does to European inv
40、estors.” Officials at Venezuelas Finance Ministry declined to comment., 明喻looks as attractive a cash cow 。汉语可直译成“看上去就像一头诱人的生财的母牛看上去就像一头诱人的生财的母牛”。以顺应原文的文化形象。 直译原文文化形象的先决条件是译文受众必须能够理解,否则宁可意译成目的语中形象不同但内涵相同的另一喻体。 此例中的cash cow 也可以译成汉语的“摇钱树摇钱树”形象。, Bernstein Research has said it sees “a growing risk of ei
41、ther appropriation of assets or the imposition of draconian taxes as Telefonica looks as attractive a cash cow to President Chavez as it does to European investors.” Officials at Venezuelas Finance Ministry declined to comment. 译文:译文:伯恩斯坦研究公司称,“西班牙电信公司在查韦斯总统眼里和在欧洲投资者眼里一样,看看上去就像一头诱人的生财的母牛,上去就像一头诱人的生财
42、的母牛,因此该公司认为(政府)抢占资产或强征苛捐杂税的危险与日俱增。” 委内瑞拉财政部官员对此拒绝发表评论。, 例例10原文:原文: The line-up seems to change as often as the cast of your average soap but somehow this comedy music panel game has endured. Since the shows inception in 1996, Mark Lamarr and Simon Amstell have had spells as presenter, and Sean Hughes and Bill Bailey have both taken the role of regular team captain. Only Phill Jupitus has lasted the distance. 明喻as often as the cast of your average soap 是用日常用品作喻体,没有理解障碍,直译成“像像扔掉一块普通的肥皂那样频繁扔掉一块普通的肥皂那样频繁”。, 实际上汉语中难以找到与这一语境十分契合的常见的比喻。 如果套用现成的
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