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1、工程硕士研究生英语基础教程电子科技大学外语学院1Table of Contents1. Text2. Exercise3. Part B: Grammar4. Part C2Text A: Engineering31 Engineering is the profession that puts scientific knowledge to practical use. Engineers use principles of science to design structures, machines, and products of all kinds. They look for bet

2、ter ways to use existing resources and often develop new materials. Engineers have had a direct role in the creation of most of modern technologythe tools, materials, techniques, and power sources that make our lives easier.41工程学是一门将科学知识适用于实践的专业工程师运用科学原理设计建筑物、机器以及各种各样的产品他们寻找更好的方法来使用理存的资源,同时也经常开发新材料在

3、大局部使我们生活得更加容易的现代科技的创新方面,比方:工具、材料、技术以及能源等,工程师都发挥了直接作用52 The field of engineering includes a wide variety of activities. For example, engineering projects range from the construction of huge dams to the design of tiny electronic circuits. Engineers may help produce guided missiles, industrial robots,

4、or artificial limbs for the physically handicapped. They develop complex scientific equipment to explore the reaches of outer space and the depths of the oceans. 62工程学领域包括有各种不同的活动,比方,工程工程涵盖内容可大到水坝的建设,小到细微的电子线路的设计。工程师可以帮助生产导弹、工业用机器人或为身体有残疾的人生产假肢。他们开发复杂的科学设备来勘探外层空间的范围和海洋的深度。72 Engineers also plan our

5、electric power and water supply systems, and do research to improve automobiles, television sets, and other consumer products. They may work to reduce environmental pollution, increase the worlds food supply, and make transportation faster and safer. 82 工程师还为我们规划电力和供水系统,研究改善汽车,电视机以及其他消费晶。他们致力于减少环境污染

6、,增加世界粮食的供给,以及使运输更加快捷和平安。93 The history of engineering is the record of human ingenuity through the ages. Even in prehistoric times, people adapted to basic engineering techniques from things that were available in nature. For example, sturdy sticks became levers to lift large rocks, and logs were us

7、ed as rollers to move heavy loads. The development of agriculture and the growth of civilization brought about a new wave of engineering efforts. 103工程学的历史即是人类世世代代独具匠心的记录甚至是在史前时期,人们就利用自然里可获得的事物作为原始的工程手段例如,结实的棍子用作撬起巨大岩石的杠杆,原木用作移动重物的滚筒。农业的开展和文明的进步带来了工程学研究的新浪潮113 People invented farming tools, designed

8、 elaborate irrigation networks, and built the first cities. The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500s B.C. was one of the greatest engineering feats of ancient times. In ancient Rome, engineers built large aqueducts and bridges and vast systems of roads. During the

9、200s B.C., the Chinese erected major sections of the monumental Great Wall of China. 123 人们创造了农具,设计了精巧的灌溉网络建造了初期的城市。公元前26世纪,在吉扎建造的巨大的埃及金宇塔是古代最伟大的工程奇迹之一在古罗马,工程师建造了巨大的水渠,桥梁和许许多多的公路系统。在公元前3世纪,中国人建立了雄伟的万里长城的主体局部。134 Early engineers used such simple machines as the inclined plane, wedge, and wheel and ax

10、le. During the Middle Ages, a period in European history that lasted from the A.D. 400s to the 1500s, inventors developed machines to harness water, wind, and animal power. The growing interest in new types of machines and new sources of power to drive them helped bring about the Industrial Revoluti

11、on of the 1700s and 1800s, during which, their role expanded rapidly. 144早期的工程师使用了有斜面的刨子、楔子和轮子和车轴这样闹单的机械。在中世纪(欧洲历史中,从公元5世纪到16世纪这段时期),创造者开发了利用水力、风力和动物之力的机械对新型机械和驱动这些机械的动力源不断增长的兴趣促使他们引发了18和19世纪的工业革命在工业革命时期,工程师的作用迅速扩展154 The practical steam engine developed by the Scottish engineer James Watt in the 17

12、60s revolutionized transportation and industry by providing a cheap, efficient source of power. New ironmaking techniques provided engineers with the material to improve machines and tools and to build bridges and ships. Many roads, railroads, and canals were constructed to link the growing industri

13、al cities. 164 由苏格兰的工程师詹姆斯瓦特在18世纪60年代开发的实用蒸汽发动机提供了廉价且有效的动力源,引发了运输和工业的革命。新的炼铁技术为工程师提供了改善机械与工具,以及建造轮船和桥梁所需的材料人们建造了很多道路,铁道和运河来连接不断开展的工业城市175 Distinct branches of engineering began to develop during the Industrial Revolution. The term civil engineer was first used about 1750 by John Smeaton, a British e

14、ngineer. Mechanical engineers emerged as specialists in industrial machinery, and mining and metallurgical engineers were needed to supply metals and fuels. 18 5在工业革命期间,工程学的不同分支开始出现1750年,英国工程师约翰斯密顿,首先使用土木工程师这一词汇机械工程师是指工业机械方面专家,而金属和燃料方面的供给那么需要有采矿和冶金工程师195 By the late 1800s, the development of electri

15、c power and advances in chemical processing had created the fields of electrical and chemical engineering. Professional schools began to be founded as the demand for engineers steadily increased.20 5 到19世纪末期,电力的发屉和化学加工的进步创立了电机和化学工程学由于对工程师的需求不断增加,人们开始建立职业学校。216 Since 1900, the number of engineers and

16、 of engineering specialties has expanded dramatically. Artificial hearts, airplanes, computers, lasers, nuclear energy, plastics, space travel, and television are only a few of the scientific and technological breakthroughs that engineers have helped bring about in this century. 226自从1900年以来,工程师以及工程

17、专业的数目大规模扩大人工心脏、飞机、计算机、激光、核能、塑料、太空旅行和电视等只是工程师在本世纪所进行的科学技术创新的一小局部236 Because science and technology are progressing and changing so rapidly, todays engineers must study throughout their careers to make sure that their knowledge and expertise do not become obsolete. They face the challenging task of ke

18、eping pace with the latest advances while working to shape the technology of the future.246 因为科学技术在飞速开展和变化,工程师在从事其事业的过程中必须不断学习以确保他们的知识和专门技能不过时。在致力于未来技术开展的同时,他们面临着跟上最新技术的挑战257 The field of engineering offers a broad range of job opportunities. Engineers may work in factories, offices, and government

19、laboratories or at construction sites. Some engineers are involved in the research and development (R&D) of new products. Others are responsible for turning plans and specifications for new structures, machines, or systems into reality. 267工程学领域提供了大量的工作时机。工程师可以在工厂、办公室、政府实验室,或者施工场地工作。有的工程师可能进行新产晶的研发有

20、的工程师可能负责将新结构、新机械和新系统的设计及说明书付诸于实施。277 Still others use their background and training to sell and service technical equipment. Many engineers work on projects in teams that include scientists, technicians, and other engineers, however, some engineers act as independent consultants who sell their servi

21、ces to people who need engineering assistance. Engineers may also hold teaching positions or move up into management positions in business.287 还有一些其他的工程师运用他们的知识背景和所受的训练来销售技术设备或进行技术设备维护。很多工程师与他人一起做工程,这个集体中包括科学家、技师和其他工程师等;但是,也有一些工程师是作为独立的参谋向那些需要技术支持的人出售他们的效劳。工程师还可能任教职,或者从事企业的管理工作。298 Certain abilities

22、 and traits help qualify a person for an engineering career. Engineers must have technical aptitude and skill in mathematics and the sciences. They should be curious about the how and why of natural and mechanical things and creative in finding new ways of doing things, able to analyze problems syst

23、ematically and logically and to communicate well both orally and in writing, and willing to work within strict budgets and meet tight deadlines. 308成为工程事业的合格人才应具备一定的能力和特征。工程师必须有数学和科学领域的天资与技能。他们要对自然事物和机械事物的“如何和“为什么等问题充谓好奇心,能够创造性地发现开展工作的新方法,能够有步骤地,逻辑地分析问题,善于口头上和书面上的沟通,能够接受紧缩的预算和较紧的工期。318 In addition,

24、skill in directing and supervising other workers is an important part of many engineering jobs.328 另外,对于很多工程任务,指挥和监督其他工作人员的技巧也是很重要的。331.principle1. 原那么;原理CI take this seriously. Its a matter of principle. 我对此很认真。这是原那么问题。2. (机器等的)原理;构造;工作方式CThe two machines work on the same principle. 这两部机器的工作原理是一样的。

25、principal1. 校长;社长;首长CThe school principal read the honor roll list. 长宣读优秀生名单。2. 主要的,首要的,最重要的BDrinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents.酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。Language Study 342.explore (search, examine)v.1.探测;探勘;在.探险 They explored this desert region in 1923. 一九二三年,他们在这荒漠地区探险。2. 探究,探索 The conference e

26、xplored the possibility of closer trade links. 大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性 exploration; explorer n. Language Study 353. adapt v. 1.使适应,使适合(+to) He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions. 他努力使自己适应新的情况。2.改编,改写(+for) The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧 Cf. adopt v.1

27、. 采取;采纳;吸收After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。2. 过继,收养(+as)Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收为养子。3. 正式通过,接受The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过Language Study 364.available a.1.可用的,在手边的;可利用的 (+for/to) The

28、 swimming pool is available only in summer. 这个游泳池只在夏天开放2.可得到的,可买到 TV sets are available in any department stores. 电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。3.有空的, 可与之联系的 The principal is available now. 现在校长可以接见你。availability n.Language Study 375. load v.1.装,装载 (+with) The dockers are loading the ship with coal. 码头工人正把煤装上船2

29、.把弹药装入(枪,炮);把胶卷装入(照相机) Dont forget to load your camera. 别忘了给你的相机装胶卷 n. C1.装载;担子 The load on that beam is more than it will bear. 那根梁上的载重超过了它所能承受的量2.(精神方面的)负担;重任 The good news has taken a load off my mind. 听了这个好消息我就放心了。3.工作量 Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctors. 业已采取措施

30、减轻医院医生的负担download, upload; workload Language Study 386.bring about 引起, 造成 Science has brought about many changes in our lives.科学为我们生活带来很大变化。Language Study 397.erect a. 1.直立的,垂直的,竖起的 Soldiers are trained to stand erect. 士兵们训练站得笔直1.使竖立,使竖直 He erected himself to full height. 他把身子挺直2.树立; 建立,设立 A monumen

31、t was erected in front of the town hall. 一座纪念碑在市政厅前建起。erection n.Language Study 408.revolutionize v.1.彻底改革,在.方面实现突破性大变革 Automation has revolutionized industry. 自动化使工业发生了彻底变革。 Informationize, modernize, industrialize, Informationization, modernization, industrializationRevolution, revolutionary base,

32、Language Study 419. civil a.1.市民的,国民的,公民的;民用的ZB Martin Luther King was the leader of the civil rights movement. 马丁路德金是民权运动的领袖2.彬彬有礼的,客气的;文明的 Its civil of you to say so. 你这样说是很有礼貌的。3.国内的 Patriotic soldiers appealed for the prevention of a civil war. 爱国的士兵呼吁防止发生内战Language Study 4210.qualify, qualified

33、, qualification v.1.使具有资格,使合格(+as/for)O2 I am a qualified doctor, who will not hurt you. 我是一个合格的医生,不会伤害你的。 Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion. 两年的资历使他有资格获得升迁。n.1.赋予(或取得)资格U She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格Language Study 4311.Direct

34、, direction v. 1.指路;指点(+to) Would you please direct me to the zoo? 请问去动物园怎么走?2.方向;方位CU He drove in the direction of the farm. 他向农场方向驶去。direction n. 指示;用法说明P(+for) Follow the directions that your doctor gives you. 请遵医嘱。director n.1.主管;署长;局长;处长;主任 the Director of the CIA (美国)中央情报局局长2.董事;经理 a board of

35、directors 董事会3.(电影等的)导演 Her husband is a film director. 她丈夫是电影导演。Directory1.姓名住址簿;工商名录;号码簿 a telephone dirctory 簿Language Study 44EXERCISESI. Reading ComprehensionII. Getting InformationIII. Vocabulary And Structure A B CIV. Translation A B CGrammarEx.1Ex.245READING COMPREHENSION1-5: ADDAB46GETTING

36、INFORMATIONOMITTED47VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: ANOUNVERBADJECTIVEChallengeChallengeChallengingSpecializationSpecializeSpecialExistenceExistExistingCuriousnessCuriousEmergencyEmergeEmergentQualityQualifyQualifiedpracticepracticepractical48VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: BBADABA49VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: Cr

37、angemonumentalloadpracticereduceexpandeddistinctprocesscareerspecification50Translation: A1.51Translation: Ba sturdy childto harness the riverin prehistoric timesto qualify him for an engineerto be curious about knowledgeto meet the deadline52Translation: CIts obvious that it is no use arguing with

38、him/He played the role of the old king in our school play.This photograph makes her look very young.He assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary.Please make sure that the house is locked up before you leave.53Grammar: Ex.11-5: DCBCA6-10: BBBBD11-15: BDADC54Grammar: Ex.2Translating this book

39、 is difficult.It is no use hurrying to the railway station. The train must have left.We know that he is very fond of collecting stamps.Smoking in the classroom is prohibited.Our task is increasing the production.55Grammar: Ex.26. They objected to delaying the meeting until next week.7. Do you mind m

40、y closing the window.8. He avoided giving a clear answer.9. Are you interested in going to an English play?10. His method of organizing the work is effective.56Part C57158159260261362363464465566567668669770771872873974975107610771178117911801181128212831384138514861487AssignmentPreview Unit 2886:ak















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