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1、Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习在道路上进行与交通有关活动的所有人员与车辆,在道路上进行与交通有关活动的所有人员与车辆,都必须遵守都必须遵守中华人民共和国道路交通安全法中华人民共和国道路交通安全法。该法由公安机关负责实施。该法由公安机关负责实施。Any vehicle and pedestrian must comply with the road traffic safety law of PRC. 车辆、行人必须遵守车辆、行人必须遵守右侧通行右侧通行的原则,而且应各行其的原则,而且应各行其道。借道通行的车辆或行人,应当让在本道内行驶的道。

2、借道通行的车辆或行人,应当让在本道内行驶的车辆、行人优先通行。车辆、行人优先通行。Vehicles and pedestrians must keep right to go and use your own lane only. Keep the vehicles or pedestrians in its own lane to go with priority any time.Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习车辆、行人应当按照交通信号通行;遇有交车辆、行人应当按照交通信号通行;遇有交通警察现场指挥时,应当按照交通警察的指通警察现场指挥

3、时,应当按照交通警察的指挥通行;在没有交通信号的道路上,应当在挥通行;在没有交通信号的道路上,应当在确保安全、畅通的原则下通行。确保安全、畅通的原则下通行。 Pass or go based on the communication signals; if there is a traffic police to direct, follow his/her directions; if there is no traffic signal on the road, ensure your safety firstly then pass.注意行人注意行人 Pedestrian attenti

4、on注意儿童注意儿童Children attention注意信号灯注意信号灯Signal lamp attention 事故易发路段事故易发路段Traffic accident blackspot ahead 慢行慢行 Slowly 注意危险注意危险Dangerous 警示标识警示标识Warning signalsWarning signalsTraffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习禁止通行禁止通行No through traffic禁止驶入禁止驶入No entry禁止机动车通行禁止机动车通行No motor vehicles 禁止行人通行禁止行人通

5、行No pedestrian禁止鸣喇叭禁止鸣喇叭No use of horn限制速度限制速度Maximum Speed机动车通道机动车通道Motor vehicle lane步步 行行Pedestrian only人行通道人行通道Pedestrian crossing环岛行驶环岛行驶Round-about ahead允许掉头允许掉头U-turn直直 行行Ahead only提示标识提示标识 Guidance signalsGuidance signals禁止标识禁止标识Order signalsOrder signalsTraffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事

6、故教训学习 Motorcycle safetyTraffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习 Motorcycle safety Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习 Motorcycle safety使用使用头盔头盔时必须系紧系带;时必须系紧系带;头盔不应妨碍视线头盔不应妨碍视线A safety helmet will not protect you in an accident unless it fits properly 头盔如果发生过一次较大撞击事故应停止使用或送工厂鉴定是否可继续使用头盔如果发生过

7、一次较大撞击事故应停止使用或送工厂鉴定是否可继续使用;Replace a helmet that has taken a hard knock or shows signs of damage. 注意保管,不要用有腐蚀性溶剂擦洗头盔外表,不要撞击头盔;注意保管,不要用有腐蚀性溶剂擦洗头盔外表,不要撞击头盔;Look after your helmet. It can be weakened by accidental knocks when not in use. 使用期限由工厂根据产品情况提出。使用期限由工厂根据产品情况提出。It is recommended that you replac

8、e a helmet after the recommended years use by manufacturer, as it becomes weathered and aged in that time, and cannot guarantee full protection in a crash. Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习骑自行车转弯前须减速慢行,向后了望,骑自行车转弯前须减速慢行,向后了望,伸手示意,不可突然猛拐。伸手示意,不可突然猛拐。Before you turn, you need to slow down, Ch

9、eck if it is safe to manoeuvre; look ahead and look behind. Signal what you intend to do, it is forbidden to turn suddenly.骑自行车不准扶身并行、互相追逐或曲折骑自行车不准扶身并行、互相追逐或曲折行驶。行驶。You must never be towed or hold on to a vehicle or tow another cyclist or other vehicle.Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习骑自行车通

10、过陡坡、横穿四条以上机动车道以骑自行车通过陡坡、横穿四条以上机动车道以及途中车闸失灵时,须下车推行,下车前须伸及途中车闸失灵时,须下车推行,下车前须伸手上下摆动示意,不能妨碍后面车辆的行驶。手上下摆动示意,不能妨碍后面车辆的行驶。When you go through the steep, the road with more than 4 motor vehicle roads and fail with your brake, you need to get down and walk with your bicycle by slowing down signal.骑自行车超越前车时,不

11、能妨碍被超车的行骑自行车超越前车时,不能妨碍被超车的行驶。驶。When you overtake a parked or slow-moving vehicle, do not interfere with the movement of the parked or slow-moving vehicle. Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习眼观六面眼观六面look ahead and look behind耳听八方耳听八方Listening from all ways走专用人行通道走专用人行通道Walking in pedestrian la

12、ne only完全求完全求生宝典生宝典较强的交通安全意识较强的交通安全意识Traffic safety awarenessTraffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习行人通过路口或者横过道路,如果有人行横道、过街行人通过路口或者横过道路,如果有人行横道、过街天桥或地道的等过街设施;必须走人行横道、过街天天桥或地道的等过街设施;必须走人行横道、过街天桥或地道的等过街设施。桥或地道的等过街设施。Where there is a pavement, footpath, pedestrian crossing, foot bridge or subway, pl

13、ease use it. Do not step onto, stand or walk on the roadway if at all possible. 行人通过路口或者横过道路,如果没有人行横道、过行人通过路口或者横过道路,如果没有人行横道、过街天桥或地道的等过街设施;必须在保证安全的前提街天桥或地道的等过街设施;必须在保证安全的前提下直行通行,不准在车辆临近时突然横穿。下直行通行,不准在车辆临近时突然横穿。Where there is not a pavement, footpath, pedestrian crossing, foot bridge or subway, pleas

14、e ensure you are safe to do before you go.Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习行人通过没有交通信号灯、人行横道的路口,或者行人通过没有交通信号灯、人行横道的路口,或者在没有过街设施的路段横过道路,应当在确认安全在没有过街设施的路段横过道路,应当在确认安全后通过。后通过。 When you cross intersection/junction of the pedestrian crossing, no traffic signals or the road no footbridge or subway

15、, ensure you are safe before you do so.行人通过有交通信号灯的人行横道,应当按照交通信号行人通过有交通信号灯的人行横道,应当按照交通信号灯指示通行;灯指示通行; 人行横道交通灯信号:红灯停、绿灯行人行横道交通灯信号:红灯停、绿灯行,当绿灯闪烁时,不准进行人行横道。,当绿灯闪烁时,不准进行人行横道。There is traffic signals along with pedestrian crossing, directed by the signals: A Green man light means that you may cross the roa

16、d if it is safe to do so. A Red man light means that you must not cross or start to cross the road. A flashing Green man light means you must not start to cross the road. Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习 危險!危險!Dangerous!Foot bridge天桥天桥Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习不准在禁止行人通行的道路上

17、通行。不准在禁止行人通行的道路上通行。Do not walk on the road for motor vehicles only.不准穿越、倚坐人行道、车行道或铁路交叉不准穿越、倚坐人行道、车行道或铁路交叉路口的护栏。路口的护栏。Do not cross/stride the road guard or sit on the road guard.Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习驾驶车辆时,必须保证车况良好、车容整洁。驾驶车辆时,必须保证车况良好、车容整洁。须携带须携带驾驶证、行驶证,驾驶证、行驶证,不准转借、涂改或伪造驾驶证。也不准转借

18、、涂改或伪造驾驶证。也不准将车辆交与无驾驶证的人驾驶。不准驾驶与准驾不准将车辆交与无驾驶证的人驾驶。不准驾驶与准驾车型不符的车辆。车型不符的车辆。Before you drive, check your car for good situation, take your driver license and car license. Do not lend your vehicle to others without driver license, do not drive a vehicle which does not match with your driver license.机动车行

19、经人行横道时,应当减速行驶;遇行人正在机动车行经人行横道时,应当减速行驶;遇行人正在通过人行横道,应当停车让行。通过人行横道,应当停车让行。机动车行经没有交通信号的道路时,遇行人横过道路机动车行经没有交通信号的道路时,遇行人横过道路,应当避让。,应当避让。Slow down while you are passing the pedestrian crossing; stop if there is pedestrian to being cross the pedestrian crossing. Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习机动车行驶

20、时,驾驶人、乘坐人员应当按规定使用安全带机动车行驶时,驾驶人、乘坐人员应当按规定使用安全带Seat belts are fitted for the safety of the cars occupants and must be used in accordance with current legislation. You must make sure that all your front seat passengers and for private cars, rear seat passengers as well, wear seat belts, if fitted.斜带应横过

21、你的肩膊中间,紧贴你的胸部至锁骨位置;带扣应垂于身旁斜带应横过你的肩膊中间,紧贴你的胸部至锁骨位置;带扣应垂于身旁而非身上;必要时,可调节安全带长度;确保安全带没有其他物件缠着而非身上;必要时,可调节安全带长度;确保安全带没有其他物件缠着或压着,并且没有扭曲,然后才扣紧。如有需要,可把安全带适当地尽或压着,并且没有扭曲,然后才扣紧。如有需要,可把安全带适当地尽量收紧。量收紧。 The diagonal strap should lie mid-way across your shoulder, staying in contact with your chest up to about you

22、r collar bone. See that the buckle is well down to your side and not lying on your body. You may have to change the length of the straps. Make sure the straps are not twisted or trapped and then fasten the buckle. If necessary tighten the belt - as tight as possible but allowing for comfort.不要使用夹子于安

23、全带上,因为这会令安全带的功能大大降低。不要使用夹子于安全带上,因为这会令安全带的功能大大降低。Do not put on clips onto the seat belt as this would seriously reduce the effectiveness of the seat belt.正确地使用安全带正确地使用安全带Wearing your seat belts correctly Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习在划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的道路上在划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的道路上,机动车在机动车道内行驶、

24、摩托车在机动车道,机动车在机动车道内行驶、摩托车在机动车道靠右侧行驶,非机动车、行人在非机动车道内通靠右侧行驶,非机动车、行人在非机动车道内通行。行。没有划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的,机没有划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的,机动车在道路中间通行,非机动车和行人在道路两动车在道路中间通行,非机动车和行人在道路两侧通行。侧通行。 Drive your car in the motor vehicle lane only.饮酒、或者患有妨碍安全驾驶机动车的疾病,或饮酒、或者患有妨碍安全驾驶机动车的疾病,或者过度疲劳时,不得驾驶车辆。者过度疲劳时,不得驾驶车辆。 驾驶车辆时不驾驶车辆时不准穿拖

25、鞋、吸烟、饮食、闲谈或其他有碍安全行准穿拖鞋、吸烟、饮食、闲谈或其他有碍安全行车的行为车的行为。Do not drive under the influence of alcohol, drug and medicine, illness which is not suitable for driving or overfatigue.Do not drive with slippers, do not chat, eat, smoke or do other activities which are potential to be dangerous for safe driving. Tr

26、affic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习检查、擦净挡风玻璃、灯具、后视镜和车窗。检查、擦净挡风玻璃、灯具、后视镜和车窗。Check and clean windscreens, lamps, rear mirrors and windows whenever you can.减速慢行,保持安全的行车距离。减速慢行,保持安全的行车距离。 Slow down and keep a safe distance看看 见见 及及 能能 被被 见见 - 应应 该该 亮亮 着着 车车 头头 灯灯 雾雾 灯灯 及及 车车 尾尾 灯灯 。 See and be seen

27、- you should use your headlamps or fog lamps, and rear lamps. In fog,注注 意意 行行 车车 速速 度度 , 你你 的的 车车 速速 可可 能能 偏偏 高高 , 但但 你你 未未 必必 自自 觉觉 。Watch your speed; you may be going much faster than you think. Do not speed up to escape a vehicle which is too close behind you. 路面湿滑,停车时要提前平稳制动。路面湿滑,停车时要提前平稳制动。You

28、should always be able to stop within your range of vision.严格遵守交通信号及标志,禁止超车。严格遵守交通信号及标志,禁止超车。Follow any traffic signal 由于雾的浓淡不均,会造成视觉错误,驾驶员对距离和车由于雾的浓淡不均,会造成视觉错误,驾驶员对距离和车速的判断都与实际情况相差较大,因此容易发生与前车相速的判断都与实际情况相差较大,因此容易发生与前车相撞事故。撞事故。Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习路面湿滑时,轮胎的附着力会减低,煞车距离便要增加,你应预路面湿滑

29、时,轮胎的附着力会减低,煞车距离便要增加,你应预留更大距离,以便减速和停车。留更大距离,以便减速和停车。煞车距离至少须较平时增加一倍煞车距离至少须较平时增加一倍。When roads are wet braking distances increase because tyre grip is reduced. Give yourself much more room for slowing down and stopping. Your allowance for braking distance should be at least doubled.下雨时,驾驶人的视会受影响。下雨时,驾驶

30、人的视会受影响。至于行人,视线也会受雨伞或雨至于行人,视线也会受雨伞或雨帽所阻,所以更难看见驶近的车辆。帽所阻,所以更难看见驶近的车辆。Not only is your visibility cut down when it rains, it is also more difficult for a pedestrian to see you if his vision is hampered by an umbrella or headwear. 滂沱大雨会使路面积水。即使性能良好的轮胎,也不能紧附着这滂沱大雨会使路面积水。即使性能良好的轮胎,也不能紧附着这样湿滑的路面,样湿滑的路面,车辆

31、的转向或煞车动作,可能完全失控车辆的转向或煞车动作,可能完全失控。 Rain can be so heavy that it forms a thin sheet of water on the roadway. Even good tyres cannot grip through this and you may have no control at all over steering or braking. Traffic Accident Learning 交通事故教训学习交通事故教训学习日间,日间,遇上大雨、烟、大雾及薄雾或任何类似的情况,以致视野模遇上大雨、烟、大雾及薄雾或任何类似的情况,以致视野模糊不清时,应亮着车头灯,糊不清时,应亮着车头灯,以便看清楚其他车辆,并让其他道路使以便看清楚其他车辆,并让其他道路使用者看见自己。用者看见自己。See and be seen


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