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1、根据所给词性和汉语意义写出英语单词1 n成就;功绩 _ vt.完成;达到2_adj. 特别的_ v. 专攻,专门从事_n.专家,专门工作者3 v连接;接通 n连接;关系adj._ 连接的,有关联的4 vt.组织 _ n组织_adj.有组织的_n.组织者5 v举动;表现 n行为6._vt. 观察,遵守 n观察者_n.观察7._n.孩子_n. 童年_adj.孩子气的8._vt./vi.争吵n.争吵_achievementachieveconnectionconnectorganizationorganizebehavebehaviourspecialspecialistspecializeconn

2、ectedorganizedorganizerobserveobservationobserverarguechildishchildhoodchildargument9._n款待;娱乐 vt.招待;使快乐10._v.鼓舞,激发adj._受到鼓舞的 adj._鼓舞人心的_n.灵感,鼓舞11._V.支持_n.支持者12._adj.有病的,恶心的_n.疾病,恶心13._vt. 决定,下定决心_n.决心,果断14._v,考虑,认为_adj. 考虑周到的_n. 考虑,体谅entertainmententertaininspirationinspireinspiringinspiredsicknesss

3、icksupportersupportdeterminationdetermineconsiderationconsiderateconsider1.connect. v. 连接connect A with B. 把A和B连接connection n. 关系,联接have/has a connection with/to 与与.有联系有联系(动动词词组)词词组)in connection with. 与与.相关联,关于相关联,关于.(介(介词词组)词词组)connected adj. 有关联的有关联的be connected with 与.有关的be related tohave someth

4、ing to do with2.campaign n.运动,战役 a campaign for/against 一场抗击.的运动/战役v. 作战 campaign for/against 参加抗击.的运动3.argue vt/vi 讨论,争论argue for/against. 赞成/反对.argue with sb. about/ over sth. 与某人就某事争吵 argue sb. into/out of doing sth.说服某人做说服某人做/ /不做某事不做某事核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理4behave vi. 行为;举止;守规矩行为;举止;守规矩behavior/behaviour

5、 n行为;举动行为;举动Some students behave _towards/to their teachers,but the others behave_.She is a _girl but she loves a _boy.You should behave_ (you) in public. Im sorry about last nightI behaved_ a child.badlylike/as ifbadly-behavedwell-behavedyourselfwell短语词汇总结:短语词汇总结:behave well/badly(to/towards sb. )(

6、 (对某人)对某人)举止良好举止良好/ /糟糕糟糕well-behaved/ badly-behaved adj.adj.举止良好的举止良好的/ /糟糕的糟糕的behave oneself 举止规矩举止规矩behave like/as if 表现的好像表现的好像. 5.shaden.树荫,凉阴处in the shade 在凉阴下v. 遮住光线She shaded her eyes _ the sun.她遮住眼睛避免阳光直射。shade.from / against.使免受的照射from/against6.值得做某事worthyworthwhilesth is worthy of being d

7、onesth is worthy to be doneIt is worthwhile doing sthIt is worthwhile to do sth worthsth is worth doing 主动表被动His suggestion is worth His suggestion is worthy It is worthwhile consideringof being consideredto be consideredto consider his suggestionconsidering his suggestion7.observeYou should observe

8、 the traffic rules.遵守I observed a stranger go/going into the office.observe sb. doing/ do sth. 观察到某人正在做/做了某事I observe that some students are sleeping in my class.8respect We deeply respect him for his courage.We work well together,and I respect him as a colleague.Give/Send/Offer my respects to your

9、parents. I cant agree with you in this respect.respect sb./sth.for.因尊重某人/ 某物respect sb.as.尊重(敬)某人为 give/send/offer sb.s respects to sb代.向.问好in all respects在各个方面inspire(P2)(1)vt.鼓舞;激发He inspired many young people to take up the sport.他鼓励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me.H

10、is encouraging remarks inspired me with confidence.他的一番鼓励激起了我的信心。归纳拓展(2)vt.启示;给予灵感The beauty of the West Lake inspired a lot of poets to write their great poetry.西湖美景给了许多诗人灵感而创作出他们伟大的诗篇。Inspired by his inspiring words,they went on climbing the snowy mountains.被他鼓舞人心的话所激励,他们又继续爬雪山。His words would mak

11、e you moved and inspired.他的话会让你感动和鼓舞。归纳拓展inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的inspired adj.能力卓越的;富于灵感的 即境活用12完成句子老师鼓励我们努力学习。The teacher_ _ _ _ _.他的第一本小说的灵感来自于对母亲的记忆。His first novel_ _ _the memory of his mother.昨天晚上我们听的歌曲非常鼓舞人心。The song we heard last night_ _ _.答案:inspired us to work hardwas inspired bywas most inspir

12、ingsupport(P2)(1)vt.支持;拥护I think its important to support local businesses.我认为支持地方企业是很重要的。We support the police in their work against crime.我们支持警察与犯罪行为作斗争。(2)vt.养活;资助Mark has two children to support from his first marriage.马克得供养他第一次婚姻生的两个孩子。(3)vt.支撑;承受She was sitting up in bed,supported by pillows.她

13、背靠枕头,坐在床上。(4)n.U支持;拥护I will ask my colleagues to join me in support of this plan.我将请求我的同事和我一起支持这个计划。归纳拓展(1)support sb.in sth.在某方面支持某人support oneself自立谋生support ones family养家糊口(2)gain /get /win strong support获得/ 赢得强有力的支持give / lend /offer support to sb.支持某人in support of sb./sth.支持某人/ 某事即境活用13完成句子那位受害

14、者在伦敦赢得了强有力的支持。The victim_ _ _in London.我父母一直都关爱我、支持我。My parents always_ _ _ _ _ _.只有几个人表示支持这一提议。Only a few people spoke_ _ _the proposal.答案:won strong supportgive me their love and supportin support of9.support n&vt. 支持;拥护支持;拥护 ( 1)give support to支持;支援支持;支援 (2)in support of支持支持 (3)support sb./st

15、h. (in sth.)支持;鼓励支持;鼓励 派生派生 (1) n支持者;护者支持者;护者 (2) adj.次要的;配角的次要的;配角的supporter supporting (5)他要养一大家人。他要养一大家人。(一句多译一句多译)_He has to support a large/big family.或或He has a large/big family to support.7intend vt. 想要;打算;意指想要;打算;意指 intend doing/to do打算做某事打算做某事 intend sb.to do打算要某人做某事打算要某人做某事 be intended for

16、 sb./sth.为为而而( (做、建等做、建等) );供供用、看等用、看等 (1)他没打算再呆一星期。他没打算再呆一星期。 He had not intended .staying for another week (2)我打算在我打算在5点后尽快赶到那里。点后尽快赶到那里。I _ as soon after 5 as I could.(3)我原本不想在画还没有完成时就让她看。我原本不想在画还没有完成时就让她看。I didn until it was finished.(4)这本书是专为第一年学英语的青年人用的。这本书是专为第一年学英语的青年人用的。The book _ young adul

17、ts in their first year of learning Eended to get there intend her to see the painting is intended for 联想联想 be meant for为为而而(做、建等做、建等);供;供用、用、看等看等2deliver v. 移交;传送;发言;释放;接生;移交;传送;发言;释放;接生;We can deliver goods to your door.我们把货物送到。我们把货物送到。 He delivered his speech effectively.他演说非常有力。他演说非常有力。

18、 deliver newspapers送报纸送报纸 deliver the criminal to the police把罪犯交给警察把罪犯交给警察 deliver a speech发表演讲发表演讲 deliver a report做报告做报告 deliver.from.把某人释放出来把某人释放出来(1)Well have the goods _(送到你家送到你家)(2)He (发表重要的演讲发表重要的演讲) this morning.(3)We must _从苦难中把他们解救出来从苦难中把他们解救出来delivered to your house delivered an important

19、 speech deliver them from suffering carry运送运送transport运输运输send发送发送(信号信号);送寄送寄transfer转移转移remove移开移开convey运送;运送;表达表达 load装载装载pack捆扎捆扎8.crowd n. 人群;观众人群;观众vtvt. .挤满;使拥挤挤满;使拥挤 a crowd of一群;一堆一群;一堆 in crowds成群,大群地成群,大群地 go with/follow the crowds随大流随大流 be crowded with满是满是 crowd in( (想法、问题等想法、问题等) )涌上心头;涌

20、入脑海涌上心头;涌入脑海 拓展拓展 (1)_ adj.crowded (2)球赛结束后,人群为胜利而欢呼。球赛结束后,人群为胜利而欢呼。After the football match,_ cheered the winning.(3)一大群人在那里围观。一大群人在那里围观。_ were looking on.(4)房间挤满了客人。房间挤满了客人。The house _.(5)他从来不随大流。他从来不随大流。He never _.(6)人群涌入拥挤的街道。人群涌入拥挤的街道。The _ into the _ stree.the crowd A crowd of people is crowde

21、d with guests follows the crowd crowd crowded 1.Yesterday,I _(偶然遇见)my former student in the street. We _(谈及)his past. At that time, he was _(被瞧不起)by others for his score. But after he _(离开)he changed himself and now he _(过着幸福的生活)重点短语例释重点短语例释1work out 计划,决定;弄清楚;算出;有计划,决定;弄清楚;算出;有结果结果 I cant work out

22、what he wants at all. 我搞不清楚他到底想要什么。我搞不清楚他到底想要什么。 I just dont know how the plan works out in practice. 我不知道计划在实践中实行起来会怎么样。我不知道计划在实践中实行起来会怎么样。 理解划线部分词语的含义理解划线部分词语的含义 (1)They have worked out the details of the plan. (2)The sum wont work out. (3)Things will work themselves out.答案答案:(1)搞清搞清(2)算出算出(3)有结果;

23、带来好结果有结果;带来好结果2the rest 剩余物,其余的人或物剩余物,其余的人或物 提示提示 the rest起代词作用,可以代表不可数名词、可数名词单起代词作用,可以代表不可数名词、可数名词单 数或复数,可单独使用,也可接数或复数,可单独使用,也可接of短语,不能直接跟名词。它短语,不能直接跟名词。它 做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由它所代表的名词的意义来做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由它所代表的名词的意义来 确定。确定。for the rest“至于其他,至于其余的至于其他,至于其余的”,作状语,作状语。 用适当的用适当的be动词形式填空动词形式填空 (1)John is from

24、England and the rest of us _ from China. (2)The rest of the apple _ still on the table. (3)The rest of the work _ to be finished tomorrow.are is is 3be of 具有具有,属于,属于 归纳归纳 (1)ofmuch/little/no/great/.抽象名词抽象名词(use,good, help,value,importance等等),相当于这些抽象名词相对应的,相当于这些抽象名词相对应的 形容词,在句中作表语或定语,说明前面名词的特性。形容词,在句

25、中作表语或定语,说明前面名词的特性。 (2)ofa/an/one/the same/different表示年龄、形状、大表示年龄、形状、大 小、样式、种类、组织、单位等的名词,在句中作表语或定小、样式、种类、组织、单位等的名词,在句中作表语或定 语,用来说明前面名词的属性或特征。语,用来说明前面名词的属性或特征。完成句子完成句子(1)This books is _(无用无用) to me.(2)Your advice is _(很有帮助很有帮助) to me.(3)_(没有价值的东西没有价值的东西) are not worth doing.(4)The two boys are _(中等身材中

26、等身材)(5)The two boys are _(年龄相同年龄相同)(6)The three rooms are _(不一样大不一样大)of no use of great help Things of no value of middle height of the same age of different sizes4.look down upon/on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起蔑视;轻视;瞧不起 (1)所有懂礼貌的人都会轻视像那样的行为。所有懂礼貌的人都会轻视像那样的行为。 All people with a sense of decency will _ such conduct as

27、that. (2)不要看不起别人。不要看不起别人。 Dont _.look down upon look down upon others联想联想 look up to尊敬;瞧得起尊敬;瞧得起look out for注意,当心,提防注意,当心,提防look through翻阅,看一遍翻阅,看一遍look on.as把把看作;认为看作;认为look into调查;了解调查;了解look forward to盼望,期待盼望,期待look like看起来像看起来像look back回顾回顾5.refer to 查阅;提到,谈到;打听查阅;提到,谈到;打听 Do your remarks refer

28、to us?你的话是指我们说的吗?你的话是指我们说的吗? 辨析辨析 look up/refer to都有都有“参考参考”“”“查询查询”的意思,但搭的意思,但搭 配不配不同。同。 (1)look up的宾语多为的宾语多为word,information等,不可以是等,不可以是book, dictionary,sb.等。等。 (2)refer to意思比较广泛,它既可作意思比较广泛,它既可作“查询查询”“”“查找查找”讲,又可讲,又可作作 “谈到谈到”“”“提及提及”讲。其宾语多为讲。其宾语多为book,dictionary,sb.等。等。用用look up/refer to填空填空(1)作演讲

29、的时候,她甚至不看笔记。作演讲的时候,她甚至不看笔记。She didnt even _ the notes when she made the speech.(2)当我遇到不认识的新单词时,我经常查词典。当我遇到不认识的新单词时,我经常查词典。When I meet new words I dont know,I often _ the dictionary.(3)我不知道我不知道“it”指什么。指什么。I dont know what “it” _.(4)如果你不知道这个单词的意思,你可以查一下词典。如果你不知道这个单词的意思,你可以查一下词典。You may _ the word in t

30、he dictionary if you dont know its meaning.refer to refer to refers to look up6by chance 碰巧;偶然,意外地碰巧;偶然,意外地(by accident) 反义反义 on purpose故意地故意地 联想联想 by any chance万一;也许万一;也许 by any means无论如何无论如何 by nature天性天性 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我恰巧在路上遇见了她。我恰巧在路上遇见了她。 I _ on the way. (2)我意外地发现了那件珠宝。我意外地发现了那件

31、珠宝。 I found the jewel _.met her by chance by chance7come across (偶然偶然) )遇见;碰见遇见;碰见 英释英释 meet,find,or discover,by chance 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我昨天偶然碰到一个老朋友。我昨天偶然碰到一个老朋友。 I yesterday. (2)她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 She in a drawer.came across an old friend came across some old photos8carry

32、on 继续继续(continue);坚持;坚持 Sorry to interrupt you.Please carry on. 很抱歉打断了你们,请继续。很抱歉打断了你们,请继续。 Carry on the good effort.继续努力。继续努力。 填入适当的介词或用所给词的适当形式填空填入适当的介词或用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)如果你继续那样驾驶,你会出事故的。如果你继续那样驾驶,你会出事故的。 Youll have an accident if you carry on _(drive) like that. (2)无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。 In an

33、y case,we should carry on _ our research. 比较比较 carry out实施;进行到底后常接实施;进行到底后常接(a promise/a plan/an order/an investigation/a survey)drivingwith9.fill in 填充;填满;填写填充;填满;填写 (1)别忘了填写你的登机卡。别忘了填写你的登机卡。 Dont forget to _ your boarding cards. (2)洞已填平。洞已填平。 The hole has _.fill inbeen filled in疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1Her wo

34、rk changed the way people think about chimps. 她的工作改变了人们对黑猩猩的看法。她的工作改变了人们对黑猩猩的看法。 点拨点拨 the way people think about chimps是是the way in which people think about chimps的省略。的省略。way常与介词常与介词in连用,有时连用,有时 in可省略;可省略;way后接定语从句时,常用后接定语从句时,常用in which或或that引导,且引导,且 引导词可省略。引导词可省略。完成句子完成句子(1)他们以前做这事不用我们现在的方式。他们以前做这事

35、不用我们现在的方式。They didnt do it (in) .(2)我不喜欢你那样嘲笑她。我不喜欢你那样嘲笑她。I dont like the way _ you laugh at her.(3)人们喜欢他的写作方式,于是他继续写了下去。人们喜欢他的写作方式,于是他继续写了下去。People liked _ and so he went on writing.the way (that) we do now (that/in which) the way he wrote2However,the evening makes it all worthwhile. 但是,到傍晚时分我们就觉得这

36、一切都是值得的。但是,到傍晚时分我们就觉得这一切都是值得的。 句型句型make宾语宾补宾语宾补 使使 翻译下列句子或完成句子翻译下列句子或完成句子 (1)电脑的使用使我们的工作更有效率。电脑的使用使我们的工作更有效率。 Using computers _. (2)运动使我们健康强壮。运动使我们健康强壮。 Taking sports _. (3)总理的到来使当地灾民非常感动。总理的到来使当地灾民非常感动。 The arrival of the premier_.makes our working more efficient makes us healthy and strong made th

37、e local victims very moved3Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chipms in laboratories. 我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室 的黑猩猩。的黑猩猩。 句型句型 once引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句 一旦一旦 说明说明 当从句与主句的主语一致时,可根据主语与谓语动词的当从句与主句的主语一致时,可根据主语与谓语动词的 主动或被动关系,采用主动或被动关系,采用“once现在分词现在分词”或或“once过

38、去分过去分词词” 形式形式。翻译或补充句子翻译或补充句子(1)一旦出版,这本书会非常畅销。一旦出版,这本书会非常畅销。_,this book will be very popular.(2)一到那里,我会跟你连络。一到那里,我会跟你连络。 ,Ill keep contact with you.(3)一旦你有了信心,在面试中你就能成功。一旦你有了信心,在面试中你就能成功。 youll be successful in the interview.Once (it is) printed Once arriving/Once you arrive here Once you have confid

39、ence 技巧六:注意习惯用语,熟记常见句型。技巧六:注意习惯用语,熟记常见句型。 答题时,对习惯用法、固定搭配和句子结构的分析,可以帮助答题时,对习惯用法、固定搭配和句子结构的分析,可以帮助我们选出正确选项。同学们平时要有意识地记忆一些常用的固定我们选出正确选项。同学们平时要有意识地记忆一些常用的固定搭配和习惯用法,并且要灵活运用它们。常见句型的掌握也很重搭配和习惯用法,并且要灵活运用它们。常见句型的掌握也很重要,经过反复使用的刺激后,大脑会对常见句型形成思维定势,要,经过反复使用的刺激后,大脑会对常见句型形成思维定势,这对确定题目答案很有帮助。这对确定题目答案很有帮助。Hurriedly,

40、they packed their belongings and set off 55 the direction of the river.(2009江西卷江西卷)1Afor Bto Cat Din 解析解析:in the direction of.意为意为“朝朝方向方向”,为固定搭配。,为固定搭配。 答案答案:D He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was 39 (hard) to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought

41、 about what he could do. There was no 40 . asking his parents,for he knew they had no money to 41 (spare). 40A.point Breason Cresult Dright 解析:解析:There is no point (in) doing sth.意为意为“做某事没有任何做某事没有任何 意义意义”,是个常见的句型。,是个常见的句型。 答案答案:A完成下列句子完成下列句子1.He _(一生致力于)(一生致力于)achieving world peace.2.Im _(决心赶上)(决心赶上

42、)the better students this term.3.She _(一直关心)(一直关心)improving social welfare in the poor regions.4.This dictionary is _(给小(给小孩用的)孩用的).5.I hope you _(不要看(不要看不起)不起)this kind of work.devoted (all) his life todetermined to catch up withhas been concerningintended for childrendont/wont look down upon6.Miss

43、ing this bus_(意味着(意味着走路回家)走路回家).7.This plan _(很值得一(很值得一试)试).8.The doctor spent about two hours _(给她接生)(给她接生).9._(只有在那时我们才)(只有在那时我们才)decide to answer violence with violence.10.One of the books is written in Chinese, and _(其余都用英语写(其余都用英语写的)的).means walking homeis well worth a try/tryingdelivering her

44、babyOnly then did wethe rest are in EnglishKey sentences:1.This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before.2.But the evening makes it all worthwhile.这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩睡觉的大树离开时黑猩猩睡觉的大树那个地方那个地方但到了晚上我们觉得这一切都是值得的但到了晚上我们觉得这一切都是值得的Key

45、 sentences:3.Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project.4.She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements,她的母亲头几个月来帮她的忙她的母亲头几个月来帮她的忙之后,之后,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。这才使她得以开始自己的计划。她她一直主张它们应留在野外生活,一直主张它们应留在野外生活,而不为娱乐和广告所利用。而不为娱乐和广告所利用。 5. It struck me like lightning how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so l


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