【最新—中考必备】吉林专版 新课标·rj2014中考英语复习方案自学反馈+重点突破+即时自测含13年试题课件:第18课时 units 9—10book 9_第1页
【最新—中考必备】吉林专版 新课标·rj2014中考英语复习方案自学反馈+重点突破+即时自测含13年试题课件:第18课时 units 9—10book 9_第2页
【最新—中考必备】吉林专版 新课标·rj2014中考英语复习方案自学反馈+重点突破+即时自测含13年试题课件:第18课时 units 9—10book 9_第3页
【最新—中考必备】吉林专版 新课标·rj2014中考英语复习方案自学反馈+重点突破+即时自测含13年试题课件:第18课时 units 9—10book 9_第4页
【最新—中考必备】吉林专版 新课标·rj2014中考英语复习方案自学反馈+重点突破+即时自测含13年试题课件:第18课时 units 9—10book 9_第5页
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1、第18课时Units 910,Book 9自 学 反 馈自 学 反 馈即 时 自 测即 时 自 测重 点 突 破重 点 突 破第18课时Units 910,Book 9自 学 反 馈类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1. invent(名词)发明物 _ (名词)发明者 _ 2ancient(反义词) _3produce(名词)产品 _4create(形容词) _ (名词)_5wood(形容词) _6beverage(同义词) _7popular(名词) _ invention inventor modern product creative creation wooden drink popularit

2、y 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9类别课标考点要求词汇拓展8. empty(反义词) _9farm(名词)农夫 _10thrill(形容词)令人兴奋的 _11embarrassed(形容词) _12end(名词) _ 13. please(名词)_ (形容词)感到愉悦的_ (形容词)令人愉悦的_ (反义词)令人不快的_full farmer thrilling embarrassing ending pleasure pleased pleasant/pleasing unpleasant 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9短

3、语归纳1. 用来做_2错误地_3偶然地;意外地 _4根据;按照 _5准时 _6的数量 _7由发明 _8落入; 掉入 _9用这种方法 _be used for by mistake by accident according to on time the number of be invented by fall into in this way 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9短语归纳10在二十世纪五十年代 _11与相撞 _12把分成 _13到时候;到之前_14发出响声 _ 15. 跑掉;迅速离开 _16准时 _17停止运转;出故障 _18出席;露面 _in

4、the 1950s knock into divide into by the time go off run off on time break down show up 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9短语归纳19激起;引起 _20结婚 _21一块;一片 _22卖完 _23返回到 _24穿衣服 _25让某人搭便车 _26成功做到;约定好 _27从逃走 _28全国 _ set off get married a piece of sell out return to/get back to get dressed give sb a ride make it

5、 flee from across/all over the country自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9句型再现1. 汽车是什么时候发明的? _ was _?2“它们是用来做什么的?”“它们是用来在黑暗中照明的。” What are they _? They are used for _ the dark.3人们认为历史上的第一次篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日 进行的。 _ on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played.4当她到达教室时, 老师已经开始讲课

6、了。 _, the teacher _When used for seeing in It is believed that the car invented When she got to class had already started teaching 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9句型再现5. 我上学从来没有迟到过, 但是昨天我却险些迟到。 Ive never _, _6. 韦尔斯是如此可信, 以至于数百人都相信这个故事 Welles was _ people believed the story7在愚人节那天戴夫发生了什么事? What _?8那

7、个电视明星既失去了他的女朋友也搞砸了他的演出。 The TV star lost _been late for school but yesterday I came very close so convincing that hundreds of happened to Dave on April Fools Day both his girlfriend and his show 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9语法结构1. 被动语态的用法。详见P92, 语法互动(十)2过去完成时的用法。详见P92, 语法互动(十) 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时U

8、nits 910,Book 9词 汇 点 睛1 remain v留下;被遗留;剩余;保持不变点拨 (1)remain表示“停留, 留下时,相当于stay。She remains in the house all these days.她这些天一直待在那栋房子里。They all wished us to remain.他们都希望我们留下来。注意:“待在那里可以说remain/stay there, 但“待在家里只能说stay (at) home。重 点 突 破自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9(2)remain表示“被遗留时,相当于be left, 主语往往是被

9、遗留的物体。Few houses remained after the earthquake.地震之后, 没剩下几栋房子。(3)remain作连系动词, 意为“保持(某种状态), 继续存在, 仍旧是, 后面接形容词、 名词、分词、不定式或介词短语。She remained sitting when they came in.他们进来时, 她仍然坐着(没有站起来)。Peter became a manager but John remained a worker.彼得当上了经理, 但约翰仍然是一个工人。This place remains cool all summer.这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。

10、自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9中考典例They had a wonderful time at the party. They ate and ate until no food remained on the table. 2021黄冈Areminded of Bwas leftCneeded DrememberedB解析 remain在此相当于be left。 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 92 divide v分开;划分His lecture is divided into three parts.他的演讲被分为三局部

11、。Lets divide ourselves into several groups.我们分成几个小组吧。常考搭配 be divided into 被划分为 divide into 把划分为自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 93 break down 停止运转;出故障点拨 (1)break down相当于不及物动词, 无被动结构, break的过去式和过去分词分别为broke, broken。His car broke down on the way home.他的汽车在回家的路上坏了。(2)break down还可指“(身体)垮掉。His fathers bod

12、y broke down because of hard work.他父亲的身体因艰苦的劳动而垮掉了。(3)相关短语:break off中断,突然中止;break out(战争、灾难等)突然发生,爆发;break into强行闯入。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 94 set off 激起;引起点拨 set off 为动词词组,它还有“出发, 动身之意, 与set out意思相同, 作不及物动词。Be careful with the fireworks, and the slightest spark could set them off.要小心烟火, 稍有火

13、星就会引起爆炸。They are setting off to hiking.他们正要动身去远足。5 show up 出席;露面Today we had a parents meeting, but some students parents didnt show up.今天我们开了家长会, 但有些学生的家长未出席。拓展 相关短语:show off炫燿;卖弄, show sb around 带着某人参观, show sb sth/show sth to sb把某物给某人看。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 96 marry v嫁;娶;与某人结婚Will you m

14、arry me?你愿意和我结婚吗?Jim and Jane got married in May.吉姆和简在5月份结婚了。点拨 (1)marry和get married均为非延续性动词, 句中有延续性时间状语时, 应用be married。(2)marry是及物动词, “与某人结婚 直接说marry sb 不可以说marry with sb。拓展 marriage n婚姻; married adj.已婚的常考搭配 marry sb 嫁/娶某人;与某人结婚 be/get married to sb 与某人结婚 marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人;为某人娶某人 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第

15、18课时Units 910,Book 97 go off 发出响声;变坏;熄灭点拨 (1)意为“发出响声。Listen! The alarm clock is going off.听!闹铃响了。(2)意为“(食物等)变坏。Meat goes off easily in hot weather.在热天, 肉容易变坏。(3)意为“(电、自来水、煤气等)供源被切断;停止供给, (电灯等)熄灭。Suddenly the lights went off. 灯突然熄灭了。常考搭配go after追求;追捕go ahead走在前面;继续前进 go away离去 go back回去 go by走过;过去 go

16、 over复习;(仔细)检查自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9巧 辨 异 同1 invent/discover/find/create(1)invent指“创造, 创造一件原先不存在的东西。Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生创造了电灯泡。(2)discover是指“发现原来就有而一直没被发现的东西(如发现电、煤、石油等矿藏及新星、星系或科学真理等)。Columbus discovered America in 1492.1492年哥伦布发现了美洲。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9(3)find的

17、意思是“寻找, 强调找的结果, 并不指发现。Ive tried to find another copy but couldnt find one.我试图再找一本, 但没能找到。(4)create指有目的地把原材料“制成新产品, 也指“创造出原来不存在的或与众不同的事物。Man creates himself. 人类创造了自己。A novelist creates characters and a plot.小说家塑造人物并设计情节。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9 forget/leave I have forgotten his address and t

18、elephone number.我忘了他的地址和 号码。After she had finished reading the magazine, she left it in her office. 看完杂志后, 她把它忘在办公室了。意义常见结构forget忘, 忘记forget sb/sth 忘记某人/某事forget to do sth 忘记干某事(未做)forget doing sth忘记曾干过某事(已做)forget 宾语从句 忘了某个事实leaveleave sth 地点状语 把某物忘在了某地自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9中考典例当他到达学校时,

19、他意识到他把背包忘在家了。(had left) 2021枣庄_He realized he had left his backpack at home when he got to school. 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 93 be used for/be used as/be used by (1)be used for 意为“被用来做, 介词for 表示用途, 后接名词或动词-ing形式, 同义短语是be used to do sth。The pencil is used for writing.The pencil is used to write

20、.铅笔是用来写字的。Wood is used to make paper.Wood is used for making paper.木材被用来造纸。(2)be used as 意为“被用作, 介词as表示“作为, 其后一般接名词。Coal is used as fuel. 煤被用作燃料。Curie is always used as a surname. 居里经常用于姓氏。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9(3)be used by 意为“被使用, 介词by后面接动作的执行者(宾语)。The recorder is used in class by teach

21、ers.录音机被老师们上课时使用。Piggy banks are used by children to save money in. 孩子们用猪形储钱罐存钱。中考典例Bamboo can _ paper. 2021兰州A. used to make B. be used makeC. be used to make D. be used to makingC解析 考查be used to do sth的结构。此句也可写成“Bamboo can be used for making paper.”。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 91 It is believe

22、d that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played.人们认 为历史上的第一次篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日进行的。句型 It is believed that意为“人们相信/认为, 相当于“People believe that, 其中it为形式主语, that从句是真正的主语。拓展 “It is过去分词that 从句是一个固定句型, 类似结构还有:It is said that据说;Its reported that据报道;Its known that众所周知Its said tha

23、t his son will go abroad next month.People say that his son will go abroad next month.据说, 他儿子下个月要出国。句 型 透 视自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9 Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story 韦尔斯是如此可信, 以至于数百人 都相信这个故事句型 (1)“so形容词或副词that从句意为“如此以至于, that 后跟结果状语从句。(2)so that 可用来引导目的状语从句

24、和结果状语从句, 结果状语从句中不用情态动词。He got up so late that he missed the early bus.他起床太晚了以至于错过了早班车。He visited London so that he could see his parents.为了能见到父母, 他来到了伦敦。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9拓展 suchthat与sothat都可引导结果状语从句, 要特别注意其结构:(1)soadj./adv.that从句(2)soadj.a/an单数名词that从句(3)sucha/anadj.单数名词that从句(4)such

25、adj.复数名词/不可数名词that从句The little girl is so lovely that we all like her.She is such a lovely little girl that we all like her.这个小女孩如此可爱, 以至于我们都喜欢她。自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9中考典例I hear your uncle loved English when he was young.Yes. He was _ _ (对英语很感兴趣以至于他从未放弃自学 ) in his spare time. 2021襄阳 so in

26、terested in English that he never gave up learning it by himself 自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 9. 单项选择 1. “Im a singer is _ an interesting TV show _ many people like watching it. A. so; that B. such; that C. so; as D. such; as2He _ for ten years. A. has been married B. married C. got married D. has marriedAB即 时 自 测自学反馈重点突破即时自测第18课时Units 910,Book 93. 2021吉林 Can you sing the English song? Yes, a little. It _ on the radio yesterday. A. taught B. is taught C. was taught 4. 2021青岛 My car _. Could you please give me


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