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1、L/O/G/OUnit 15 socializing Kitchenware Grater n. 擦菜板 Wok 锅,炒菜锅Kitchenware Braising pan 焖锅 Stew pan 炖锅 Colander klnd 滤器, 漏锅 Frying pan 煎锅, 长柄平锅 Non-stick panKitchenware Pressure cooker 压力锅 Sauce pan 酱汁炖锅 Stock pot (炖汤的)汤锅Kitchenware Egg beater Oven Blender / liquidizer Kitchenware Sieve siv Skimmer 撇

2、乳油器; 网漏勺Kitchenware Ladle ledl长柄勺 Spaghetti spoon 意大利面匙Kitchenware Rolling pin 擀面棍,擀面杖 Chopping board 砧板 二、 以烹制方法开头的翻译原则1、formula: 烹法+ 主料(名称/形状)烤乳猪 Roast Suckling Pig炒鳝片 Stir-fried Eel Slices Chinese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules二、 以烹制方法开头的翻译原则2、 formula : 烹法(动词过去式) + 主料(名称/形状)+ with

3、/in +汤汁红烧牛肉Braised Beef with Brown Sauce鱼香肉丝Fried Shredded Pork with Sweet and Sour SauceChinese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules三、 以形状或口感开头的翻译原则1、 formula : 形状(口感)+主料+(with)辅料 芝麻酥鸡 Crisp Chicken with Sesame陈皮兔丁 Diced Rabbit with Orange Peel时蔬鸡片 Sliced Chicken with Seasonal VegetablesCh

4、inese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules三、 以形状或口感开头的翻译原则2、 formula :形状(口感)+主料+(with)味汁茄汁鱼片 Sliced Fish with Tomato Sauce黄酒脆皮虾仁 Crisp Shrimps with Rice Wine Sauce Chinese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules四、 以人名或地名命名的菜肴翻译原则1、 formula : 人名(地名)+主料麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Tofu (Ma Po beancurd) (

5、Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)广东点心 Cantonese Dim Sum四川水饺 Sichuan Boiled Dumpling Chinese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules四、 以人名或地名命名的菜肴翻译原则2、 formula : 人名(地名)+烹法+主料东坡煨肘 Dong Po stewed pork joint北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck Chinese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules 五、五、 菜单英文译法中汉语拼音

6、的使用原则菜单英文译法中汉语拼音的使用原则 饺子 Jiaozi 豆腐 Tofu 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken 杂碎 Chop Suey 馄饨 Wonton 烧麦 Shaomai Chinese Restaurant Menu Translation Guide & Rules掌握原则多种译法掌握原则多种译法宫保鸡丁的不同译法1. Sauteed Chicken Cubes with Peanuts2. Kung Pao Chicken Cubes3. Diced Chicken with Chili and Peanuts In the RestaurantMaking

7、a reservation We would like to make a reservation for 5 people this Saturday night at 7. Could we have a table next to the window? We would like to sit in a booth. = we would like a separate room. Do you have a dress code? How long can you hold the table for me?Step into a restaurant Could we have a

8、 table for 6? A table for 4, please. I am William Lee, and I reserved a table for this evening. 称赞食品称赞食品 Yummy! This tastes good. This is very delicious. This dish smells good/terrific. Fried chicken nice and crispy Fruit juicy Bread fresh Meat tender 结账买单结账买单 Check, please. Please give me the bill. May I have the check please. Would you please bring us the check? Let me pay my share. Lets go Dutch. Separate checks, please. 结账买单结账买单 Can I pay by credit card? = Do you accept credit cards? May I have a receipt


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