五年级下册英语教案(表格式)Unit4 Seeing the doctor(Cartoon time_第1页
五年级下册英语教案(表格式)Unit4 Seeing the doctor(Cartoon time_第2页
五年级下册英语教案(表格式)Unit4 Seeing the doctor(Cartoon time_第3页
五年级下册英语教案(表格式)Unit4 Seeing the doctor(Cartoon time_第4页




1、.教学内容Unit4 Seeing the doctorCartoon time& Fun time执教时间教学目的1. Ss will be able to read and recognize the words:point at, giraffe 2. Ss will be able to understand and master: Whats wrong with ? should/ shouldnt3. Ss will be able to read and act out the cartoon4. Ss will know the importance of healthy a

2、nd show more respect to the doctors and nurses.教学重、难点Ss will be able to read and act out the cartoon.教学准备PPT & Cartoon headdress教学环节师生活动过程备注Step1:Warming up1. Enjoy a song: This is me!2. Greetings.3. Free talk.Day, date, weather揭题:Seeing the doctor.利用预备时间欣赏歌曲活泼一下气氛。Step2:Doctors memoT: Last class, y

3、ou told me that you want to be a doctor. Today, you are doctors. And as a doctor, you have a busy day and you should do a lot of things. Here is your Memo. Lets check it together. OK? Doctors MemoTask1: Finish Medical Record1. Check Time 根据story time内容问答2.T: Now you have to finish the Medical Record

4、 of Su Hai & Mikes, choose one to finish, can you?Model: She/ He has a _. She/ He cant _ She/ He should/ shouldnt _Task2: Outpatient serviceT: There are four patients here, please according to the checklist, work in pairs: Fun timeModel: A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have / Im/ I feelA: Let me check.

5、 You should You shouldntB: Oh, I see. Thank you, doctor.A: Youre welcome.以Doctor的工作为线索,将词句的练习有机结合,且又让学生充分发挥想象力。Step3:Cartoon timeTask3: Supervise Doctor BobbyT: You are good doctors! But do you know? Today Bobby is a doctor in the hospital too. Some animals come to see him. Who are they? Where do th

6、ey hurt?1. Watch and fillT: Who are they? Whats wrong with them? Lets watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks.WhoWhereMonkeyRabbitElephantGiraffeT: How do you know?teach: point at指向2. Read and fill其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记之后会“活用。不记住那些根底知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正进步学生的写作程度,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的

7、,必须从根底知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的成效。T: Bobby helps them, but how do they feel after the treatment? Please read and fill in the blanks.WhoWhere After the treatmentMonkeyarmRabbitearElephantnoseGiraffeneck3. Lets thinkT: What about

8、the Giraffe? Why does Bobby say No?Ss: Because Giraffe is too tall, Bobby is too short.T: Yes, so how to help Giraffe? Do you have any good ideas?Ss: Giraffe should sit down/ on the chair.Bobby should stand on the desk4. Read and imitate5. Show timeWork in groups, choose two pictures to perform out.


10、及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗读儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读才能进步很快。表格式能帮助学生有效梳理文本信息,理解故事梗概。鼓励学生想象长颈鹿的治疗方式既是适度的拓展,也是思维的发散。Step4:ConsolidationTask4: A special case: PangpangT: You did very well today. You have a special patient Pangpang. Pangpang has some trouble, and he needs your help. Show the pictures of P

11、angpangThen write a letter to him.Task5: Daily talkT: Todays topic is aboutHow to keep healthy?Ss: We shouldget up earlyWe shouldnt play too many gamesShow the advice Doctor Yue given:1. Form good habits2. Have a healthy diet3. Do some sportStep5:Homework1. Read and act out the cartoon.2. Finish your letter to Pangpang.Blackboard-designWhats wrong with you?I have / Im/ I feelLet me check. You should You shouldnt教学反思 这节课把Fun Time和Cartoon Time设计在一个让学生当医生的背景下完成。在开场的时候就直接告诉学生,作为医生他们今天需要完成的任务。设计的任务是由易到难,循序渐进,先根据Story的内容填写病历,然后出门诊给其他病人看病,再通过监视Bobby做医生学习Cartoon。接着解决一个小胖子的特殊病例,


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