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1、1 1 构成构成2 功能功能 3 时态时态4 语态语态5 复合结构复合结构6 名词化名词化动名词动名词第1页/共34页一一、动名词及动名词短语的构成动名词及动名词短语的构成1. 构成方式:构成方式:语态语态时态时态主动主动被动被动一般式一般式 doing being done完成式完成式 having done having been done 2.否定式:否定式:not +动名词动名词(doing)的各种形式的各种形式第2页/共34页3. 动名词的复合结构:动名词的复合结构:动名词前可以有自己的逻辑主语,作为该动词所表示的的发出者。如:动名词前可以有自己的逻辑主语,作为该动词所表示的的发出者

2、。如: their coming, my(me)making a suggestion, his daughters staying up late window being open第3页/共34页二、动名词的句法功能二、动名词的句法功能 (一)动名词作主语 (二)动名词作宾语 (三)动名词作表语 (四)动名词作定语第4页/共34页(一)动名词作主语动名词作主语多表示抽象的、一般性的动作。动名词作主语多表示抽象的、一般性的动作。1. Swimming has its advantage.2. Talking mends no holes.空谈无济于事。空谈无济于事。3. Learning w

3、ithout practice is no good.4. There is not telling what will happen. 无法无法预料会发生什么事。预料会发生什么事。第5页/共34页1. 名词作主语,有时句中使用形式主语名词作主语,有时句中使用形式主语it而将真正主语(动名词)放到句尾。常用而将真正主语(动名词)放到句尾。常用的结构有:的结构有:It is +n. + doing.It is + adj. + doingThere is (was) no doing(=It is possible to do). It is no use writing to him; he

4、never answers letters.It is good playing chess after supper.There is no holding back the wheel of history.注意注意第6页/共34页2. 适用于以上结构的名词(短语)有:适用于以上结构的名词(短语)有:no use, no good, fun, a waste (of time), a great pleasure, 等等形容词有:形容词有:useless, nice, good, interesting, worthwhile, foolish, dangerous 等。如:等。如:It

5、is no good learning without practice.It is a waste of time (worthwhile) discussing such matters.第7页/共34页1.-What do you think made Mary so upset?-_ her new bicycle. A.As she lostBLostCLosing Dto lose第8页/共34页(二)动名词作宾语动名词(短语)作宾语包括作谓语动词的宾语和作介词的宾语两个概念。1. 作介词的宾语。作介词的宾语。she left without saying goodbye to u

6、s. He insisted on watching the football game. They succeeded in getting over all the difficulties. They all objected to putting the meeting off.第9页/共34页注意注意 在一些动名词(短语)作介词在一些动名词(短语)作介词in的宾语的宾语 的结构中,介词的结构中,介词in 可以省略。这些结可以省略。这些结构有:构有:1. difficulty trouble S+have+ problem + (in) doing . a good/hard time

7、 fun2. There is no point (in) doing sth. 3. be busy S+ lose time + (in) doing. waste time 4. S + spend time / money (in) doing sth.第10页/共34页2. 与动词不定式相似,动名词作宾语也是由一与动词不定式相似,动名词作宾语也是由一些及物动词专门要求的。常要求作宾语的动些及物动词专门要求的。常要求作宾语的动词有:词有: admit承认,承认,anticipate预料,预料,appreciate感感谢,谢,avoid,cant help禁不住,禁不住,consider

8、思思考,考,delay耽搁,耽搁,deny否认,否认,dislike,dread惧怕,惧怕,enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy想象,想象,finish, forbid禁止禁止, forgive, imagine, pardon, permit, postpone延迟延迟, practice, prevent预防预防, propose提议,提议,recollect回忆,回忆,resent怨恨,怨恨,resist, risk冒险冒险, save, suggest建议,建议,understand 等。等。第11页/共34页注意注意在带有宾补的结构中,往往用在带有宾补的结构中,往

9、往用it作形式宾语而将真正宾语(动名词)放在句尾。作形式宾语而将真正宾语(动名词)放在句尾。1. I consider it a waste of time arguing about it.2. We found it useless discussing it again.3. I dont think it worthwhile doing it right now. think consider useless S + find + no use + doing feel like no good etc.第12页/共34页2.Our monitor suggested _a disc

10、ussion of this subject. Ato have Bshould have Chave Dhaving3.You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.-Well,now I regret _that. Ato do Bto be doing Cto have doneDhaving done第13页/共34页 5、She looks forward every spring to _the flower-lined garden Avisit Bpay a visit Cwalk in Dwalking in

11、6. The letter that I was looking forward to _ at last. A. coming B. came C. come D. being come7.What do you think of the book?-Oh,excellentIts worth _a second time Ato readBto be read CreadingDbeing read第14页/共34页(三)动名词作表语动名词动名词(短语短语)作表语用来表示主语的内容。作表语用来表示主语的内容。1. Her job is nursing patients.2. My favo

12、rite summer sport is swimming.第15页/共34页(四)动名词作定语 动名词作定语放在所修饰的名词之前,动名词作定语放在所修饰的名词之前,表示所修饰的名词的表示所修饰的名词的功能、作用功能、作用。1. These passages may be used as listening materials.2. Mr. Wang suffers from insomnia(失眠失眠), he has to take a sleeping tablets before going to bed.3. He is too old and has to walk with th

13、e help of a walking stick.第16页/共34页三、动名词的时态(一一)、一般式、一般式(doing)(二二)、完成式、完成式(having done)第17页/共34页(一一)、一般式、一般式(doing)动名词一般式所表示的动作通常与谓语动动名词一般式所表示的动作通常与谓语动词所表示的动作词所表示的动作同时同时发生或在谓语动作发生或在谓语动作之之后后发生。发生。1. By reviewing the old, you can learn something new.2. Some people are interested in singing.3. Children

14、 enjoy watching animated cartoon.某些动词后,动名词所表示的动作虽然发生在谓语动作之前,但仍用动名词的一般式。某些动词后,动名词所表示的动作虽然发生在谓语动作之前,但仍用动名词的一般式。I dont remember ever seeing her anywhere.He mentioned meeting the governor at the reception.第18页/共34页(二二)、完成式、完成式(having done)动名词的完成式所表示的动作在谓语动动名词的完成式所表示的动作在谓语动作作之前之前发生。发生。1. I regret having

15、been unable to write you earlier.2. He denied having taken any money from the cash register.3. I apologize for not having kept my promise.4. We have no ideas of their having done such a thing.第19页/共34页四、动名词的被动语态 (一)一般式 (being done) (二)完成式(having been done)第20页/共34页(一)一般式(being done)当一个动名词逻辑上的主语所表示的是

16、该动作的对象(即动名词所表示的动作与逻辑主语有动宾关系)时,动名词一般要用被动式。1. He came in without being asked.2. I dont mind being left home all by myself.3. He disliked being interrupted in his experiment.4. Tom avoided being punished because of his fathers absence.5. Before being used, the computer should be tested.第21页/共34页注意注意在在w

17、ant, need, deserve, require 等动词等动词及形容词及形容词worth后,总是用动名词的后,总是用动名词的主动主动形式表示被动意义形式表示被动意义,相当于,相当于“to be + +过过去分词去分词”。1. My watch needs repairing (=to be repaired).2. The house wants cleaning.3. The way deserves mentioning. 这个方法值得一提。这个方法值得一提。4. These young trees will require looking after carefully.5. Th

18、e Selected Poems is well worth reading. 第22页/共34页(二)完成式(having been done)如果动名词所表示的被动动作在谓语所表如果动名词所表示的被动动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,有时需要用动名词的示的动作之前发生,有时需要用动名词的完成被动式。完成被动式。但大多数情况下都避免使用但大多数情况下都避免使用这种完成被动式,而用一般被动式代替,这种完成被动式,而用一般被动式代替,以免句子显得累赘。以免句子显得累赘。1. I dont remember having ever been giving such a book.2. Without

19、 having been invited to the party, he felt sad.第23页/共34页1.While shopping,people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really needAto persuade Bpersuading Cbeing persuaded Dbe persuaded 2:Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party Ahaving not been invited Bnot having invited Chaving not

20、 invited Dnot having been invited第24页/共34页五、动名词的复合结构动名词具有动词的特征,因此它可有自己的逻辑主语。如果需要指出动名词动作的动名词具有动词的特征,因此它可有自己的逻辑主语。如果需要指出动名词动作的发出者,可在动名词前加一发出者,可在动名词前加一物主代词、名词所有格、名词物主代词、名词所有格、名词或或人称代词宾格人称代词宾格来修饰,来修饰,表示动名词逻辑上的主语这样就构成了表示动名词逻辑上的主语这样就构成了动名词的复合结构。1. Do you mind my(me) making a suggestion?2. Their coming to

21、help was a great encouragement to us.3. My daughters staying up so late worried me.4. I know nothing about the window being open.5. Are you disappointed at there not being more gifts?6. She was awakened by someone knocking at the door.第25页/共34页1. She apologised to me for _ to inform me of the change

22、 in the plan. A. her not being able B. her being not able C. not being able D. that shes not able to 2. I really appreciate(感激) _ help to me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself. A. you to offer B. that you offer C. your offering D. that you are offering 3. It was impolite of him _ without _ g

23、ood-bye. A. to leave; saying B. leaving; to say C. to leave; to say D. leaving; saying 第26页/共34页4. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean with in 15 days. A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed5. The competitor never dreamed of _ for him to win the first prize in the 100-met

24、re race. A. there was a chance B. there being a chance C. it being a chance D. it was a chance 6. _ made her parents worried a lot. A. Her not to come back B. Not her to come back C. Not her coming back D. Her not coming back 第27页/共34页六、名词性动名词有时一个动名词既不带宾语、状语也没有完成时态和被动语态,失去了动词的特征而有时一个动名词既不带宾语、状语也没有完成

25、时态和被动语态,失去了动词的特征而更多地具有了名词的特点,如动名词前可加不定冠词更多地具有了名词的特点,如动名词前可加不定冠词“a”, 词后加表示复数的词后加表示复数的“s”,可被形容词修饰。这种动名词称为可被形容词修饰。这种动名词称为。1. They are giving the room a good cleaning.2. His teaching still exert(施加)(施加) a strong influence.3. The building of socialism requires our concerted efforts. 建设社会主义需要我们齐心协力。建设社会主义

26、需要我们齐心协力。第28页/共34页1. Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A. having been fined B. to have been fined C. to be fined D. being fined 2. He gives people the impression _ many poems. A. of having written B. to have written C. of being written D. to write 3.The thief too

27、k away the womans wallet without_. A. being seen B. seeing C. him seeing D. seeing him 4.People appreciate _with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. have working 5.Ive enjoyed _ to talk with you. A. to be able B. being able C. to been able D. of being

28、 able 第29页/共34页6. No one can avoid _ by advertisements. A. to be influenced B. being influenced C. influencing D. having influence 7. They are considering _ before the prices go up. A. of buying the house B. with buying the house C. buying the house D. to buy the house 8. He thought that _. A. the e

29、ffort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the jobC. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job9. If I had remembered _ the door, the things would not have been stolen. A. to lock B. locking C. to have locked D. having locked

30、 10. Your shirt needs _. Youd better have it done today. A. iron (熨烫) B. to iron C. ironing D. being ironed 第30页/共34页11. You cant help _ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another. A. to hear B. to be heard C. hearing D. with hearing 12. It is

31、difficult to get used _ in a tent(帐篷) after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on. A. sleep B. to sleeping C. slept D. to sleep 13. It is no use _ me not to worry. A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to have told D. having told 14. He is very busy _ his papers. He is far too busy _ callers. A.

32、 to write.to receive B. writing.to receive C. writing.receiving D. to write.for receiving 15. The suspect(嫌疑犯) at last admitted _ stolen goods but denied _ them. A. receiving.selling B. to receive.to sell C. to receiving.to selling D. to have received.to have sold 第31页/共34页16. She apologized for _ to come. A. her not being able B. her being not able C. not being able D. that shes not able to 17. John regretted _ to the meeting last week. A. not going B. not to go


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