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1、Systems EngineeringFundamentals系统工程基本原理系统工程基本原理Parameter Design参数设计参数设计ToleranceDesign公差设计公差设计Global 8D全球全球8DFMEA失效模式后果与分析失效模式后果与分析ExperimentalDesign实验设计实验设计Reliability可靠性可靠性Applied Consumer Focus应用顾客的关注应用顾客的关注DV & PV设计验证设计验证&生产确认生产确认Statistical Engineering统计工程学统计工程学Course Structure课程结构Intro

2、duction to DV & PV对设计验证及生产确认的介绍Tools for DV & PV设计验证及生产确认的工具Vehicle Level DV整车级别的设计验证System/Sub-System Level DV系统/子系统级别的设计验证Component Level DV零部件级别的设计验证System/Sub-System Level PV系统/子系统级别的生产确认Component Level PV零部件级别的生产确认Summary总结Design Verification and Production Validation设计验证和生产确认Benefit to

3、 Ford Motor Company对福特汽车公司的益处Design Verification and Production Validation设计验证和生产确认 Design Verification: 设计验证 as designed, a product will function in the manner that the customer expects. 根据设计状态,一个产品的功能要符合顾客所期望的方式。 Production Validation: 生产确认 as manufactured, a product functions in the manner that t

4、he customer expects and can be manufactured at required volumes. 根据制造状态,一个产品的功能要符合顾客所期望的方式,而且能以所要求的产量进行生产。DV&PV Within Systems Engineering系统工程内的DV&PVVerification and Systemic Thinking验证和系统思想Customer Wants顾客的需要顾客的需要Engineering Targets工程目标工程目标Design Verification设计验证设计验证Requirements Cascade需求逐级

5、传递 Working in a Systems Engineering context supports systemic thinking. 系统工程中的工作支持系统的考虑 Opposite of Traditional approach to engineering. 与传统的工程方法相反Systems “V” Model系统V模型 DV&PV is a requirements driven process DV和PV 是一个需求驱动的过程 DV&PV is best conducted in a systems engineering context through t

6、he systems V. DV和PV在贯穿系统V模型的系统工程中得到最好的实施。 VehicleSystemSub-SystemComponentDefining Requirements定义需求 The requirements cascade down the left side. 需求的逐级传递如左侧 The cascade is an iterative process. 该逐级传递是一反复的过程 VehicleSystemSub-SystemComponentITERATIVE PLANNINGTop Down由上到下由上到下Verification Bottom-up验证自下至上

7、 Verification testing is implemented as a bottom-up sequential process. 验证试验是按照自下至上的顺序过程执行的 Verification may include a combination of Analytical and physical tests. 验证可能包括分析试验和物理试验的组合。 VehicleSystemSub-SystemComponentITERATIVE PLANNINGTop Down自上至下自上至下Bottom Up自下至上自下至上SEQUENTIAL DOING反复计划工作顺序DV &

8、 PV and PDSAPlanPlanPlan Plan计划计划 Do, Study, Act 做,研究,行动做,研究,行动 Do, Study, ActDo, Study, ActDo, Study, ActVehicle整车整车System系统系统Sub-System子系统子系统Component零部件零部件Lower Level Interactions较低级别的相互作用Systems Approach to Manufacturing进行制造的系统方法VehicleSystemSub-SystemComponentPlantAssemblyOperationMachineVehicl

9、e整车整车System系统系统Sub-System子系统子系统Component零部件零部件ManufacturingDesignPlant 工厂工厂Assembly 装配装配Operation 操作操作Machine机器机器设计设计制制 造造Note - S5/P5 TimingFPDS TimingFPDS时间Vehicle level,System level& Sub-sys level1DVP Created生成整车,系统&子系统的DVPSub-sys level 2& ComponentDVP Created生成子系统级别2&零部件DVPFull D

10、VP CreatedReqts & Targets Frozen生成完整的生成完整的DVP需求需求&目标冻结目标冻结Component testing complete零部件试验完成Sub-system and System testing complete子系统和系统试验完成Vehicle testing mostly complete:Prelim Eng Sign Off整车试验大部分完成:工程预签发Vehicle testing complete:Final Eng Sign Off整车试验完成:最整车试验完成:最终工程签发终工程签发DVP completeDVP完成完

11、成Design “V” and FPDS TimingDV&PV设计V形图及FPDS时间的DV&PVLow低低High高高ActivityLevel活动级别活动级别Time时间时间= Design Verification设计验证设计验证= Production & Process Validation生产生产&过程确认过程确认SISCPAPRCPLRJ1DV & PV and FPDS DV & PV are key requirements for sign off of a vehicle program DV和PV对于汽车项目的签发来说是

12、关键的需求 Key Sign off milestones are: 关键签发节点是: (CC) DV (LR) PV (LS) PVInputs Used in the Verification and Validation Processes在验证和确认过程中使用的输入DV Plan设计验证设计验证计划计划SDS RequirementsSDS的需求的需求LegalRequirements法规要求法规要求EngineeringSpecifications工程技术规范工程技术规范Concept and Design FMEAs概念和设计概念和设计FMEAReal World Usage Pr

13、ofile真正的顾客使用状况真正的顾客使用状况P-DiagramP图图Existing DVPs现有的现有的DVPGeneric DVMs一般一般DVMHistorical 8Ds历史上历史上8DKey Life Tests关键寿命试验关键寿命试验DV&PV as Part of the Product Creation Process DV 和PV作为产品创造过程的部分 DV and PV confirm that Components and system robustly meet customer requirements DV和PV确认零部件和系统殷实可靠地符合顾客的需求。

14、DV & PV testing is not exploratory DV和PV试验不是探险 Testing should be against expected results not to find out “what happens if” 试验应该是针对所预测的结果而不是去发现“如果会怎样” DV&PV comes after the design phase not during the design phase DV 和PV 要在设计以后而不是在设计阶段中进行Introduction of the FEAD ExampleFEAD举例介绍FEAD ExampleFE

15、AD范例 A single system the FEAD (Front End Accessory Drive) will be used to demonstrate DV & PV 使用一个单独的系统FEAD(前端附件驱动)来示范DV&PVThe Front End Accessory Drive (FEAD) How It WorksFEAD-它如何工作 The source of power in the vehicle is the engine. 汽车内动力的来源是发动机 Part of the rotational power output from the e

16、ngine needs to be transmitted to the FEAD accessories. 来自发动机转动动力输出的一部分需要被传输到FEAD附件上。 The FEAD transmits this energy FEAD传输该能量Design Verification at All Levels所有级别上的设计验证 Design Verification should occur at all levels with the emphasis being at the lower levels. 设计验证应该重点放在较低级别的情况下在所有级别上进行。Production V

17、alidation生产确认 It is important to verify the design 验证设计是重要的 It is equally important to validate that the production process used to manufacture the belt is able to produce belts to the design specification. 确认制造皮带所使用的生产过程能够生产出符合设计规范的皮带同等地重要。 For example, the belt as manufactured must be able to tran

18、smit the required amount of torque. 例如,所制造的皮带必须能转送所要求大小的扭矩。Confirming Robust and Reliable Design Robustness确认殷实及可靠的设计-殷实可靠性Methods Used in Efficient and Effective Verification在有效且高效的验证中使用的方法Some of the important methods used in efficient and effective verification and validation processes are 在有效且高效

19、的验证和确认过程中所使用的一些重要方法是 Robust Engineering Design Philosophy (RED) 殷实的工程设计基本定律 Ford Design Verification System (FDVS) 福特设计验证体系 Testing Methodologies, 试验方法学 Real World Usage Profiles and Duty Cycles 真正全球顾客使用的概况和工况 Accelerated Tests, 加速试验 Key Life Tests (KLT), 关键寿命试验 Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) 计算机辅

20、助工程 Design of Experiment (DoE). 实验设计Robust Engineering Design(RED)殷实的工程设计Robust Test Plans殷实可靠的试验计划Robust test plans in DV&PV incorporate Noise factors and their effects in order to ensure that the product will meet its design intent under all conditions. Noise factors can be grouped into five c

21、ategories: 为了确保该产品在所有条件下都符合其设计意图,DV和PV中殷实的试验计划合并了干扰因素及其他们的影响。干扰因素可以分成5类: Piece-to-Piece Variation 件与件间的变差 Changes Over Time 随着时间过去的变化 Customer Usage 顾客的使用 External Environment 外部环境 System Interactions 系统间的交互作用Noise Factor Management干扰因素的管理Test/TechnologyChange试验/技术更改Robust Designby ParameterDesign通过

22、参数设计的牢靠设计Robust Designby IncreasedStrength通过增加强度的牢靠的设计Remove orReduce Noise去除或减小干扰CompensationDevice补偿装置Disguise theProblem隐蔽问题InternalEnvironment(SystemInteractions)内部环境(系统交互作YesYesYesSystemFMEAYesSystemFMEAExternalEnvironment(Climate/RoadConditions)外部环境(气候/路况)YesYesYesNoPiece to PieceVariation件与件间

23、的差异YesYesYesSPCChanges Over Time(Wear Out)随着时间产生的变化(磨损)YesYesMaterialsEngineeringYesSystemFMEACustomer Usage顾客使用YesYesYesNoRobust Engineering Design殷实可靠的工程设计 Robust Engineering Design (RED) is primarily a design tool 殷实的工程设计主要是一种设计工具 RED must be considered in DV&PV as RED will drive the type of

24、DV&PV tests that need to be undertaken 在DV和PV中必须考虑到RED,因为RED将决定需要采取的DV&PV试验的类型。 RED focuses on identification and management of noise factors RED着重于干扰因素的识别和管理Robust Engineering Design殷实可靠的工程设计 RED is inherent in the systems V and runs through all phases of the V RED是系统V内固有的,并且贯穿系统V的所有阶段 RED

25、is a team based process RED是以小组为基础的过程 RED applies throughout Ford (Design and Manufacturing) and at suppliers RED应用于整个福特(设计和制造)以及供应商。Applying RED应用RED RED allows testing at the lowest possible level RED允许在最低可能性级别进行测试 Caution must be used 必须使用警示Red Applied to Vehicle Level Testing Red应用于整车级别的测试RED Ap

26、plied at Sub-System LevelRED应用于子系统级别 When developing Design Verification Methods at the system/sub-system or component level, it is important to ensure that the effects of System Interaction Noise factors that are present in the total vehicle environment are included. 当开发系统/子系统或零部件级别的设计验证方法时,重要的是确保要

27、包括整个汽车环境中出现的系统交互作用干扰因素的影响。RED Applied at Component LevelRED应用于零部件级别 At the component level testing is most efficent but interactions with other components are lost 零部件级别的试验是最有效的,但失去了与其他零件的交互作用 Test plans must compensate for this loss by reproducing the key stresses from the interactions 试验计划必须通过再制造来

28、自交互作用的关键应力弥补这一损失 Much component testing may be done at suppliers. 许多零部件试验可能在供应商处进行。 Suppliers must apply the same RED methodolgies 供应商必须应用相同的RED方法 To support this, Ford engineers need to cascade noise factors to the supplier 为了支持这个,福特工程师需要逐层传递干扰因素直到供应商RED in the Design Process设计过程中的RED Noise Factors

29、干扰因素Piece to Piece件与件件与件Aging/Wear老化老化/磨损磨损Customer Usage顾客使用顾客使用Environment环境环境Subsystem Interaction子系统交互作用子系统交互作用Sources that disrupt idealfunction that can not be controlled (e.g. column friction)不可控制的,破坏理想功能的来源(例如.转向柱磨擦)P-DiagramReliability Checklist 可靠性检查清单Reliability/RobustnessDemonstration Ma

30、trix 可靠性/殷实可靠性实证矩阵图Signal信号Energy put intothe systems tomake it work(e.g. Steeringwheel angle)能量进入系统使其工作(例如.方向盘转角)Control FactorsFeatures of the designthat can be controlled(e.g. Torsion bar rate)控制因素可以控制的设计特性(例如.扭杆比率)ErrorStates异常状态Undesirable outputor Failure Modes(e.g. Tire slip)不需要的输出或失效模式(例如.轮胎

31、打滑)Error States异常状态 NoiseFactors干扰因素 AvailableTests有用的试验DVP&RTest试验CriticalNoiseFactors关键干扰因素Failure mode totest traceability失效模式试验可追查性 Noise FactorsManagement StrategySystem(Steering System)系统(转向系统)IdealFunction理想功能Primary intendedfunction of the design设计的主要意图功能(e.g. Lateral accelerationof vehi

32、cle)(例如.车辆的横向加速度)FMEASDSWCRDOE(if necessary如果有必要)KLTWCRFailureMode失效模式DemonstratedResult论证的结果In scope范围内FDVSFDVSPrevention of Mistake Reoccurrence错误再次发生的预防Campaign Prevent 防召回Lessons Learned 吸取的教训Vigilance 警惕. . .干扰因素管理策略Ford Design Verification System福特设计验证系统Ford Design Verification System FDVS福特设计

33、验证系统-FDVSFDVS is a computer based system to create and manage requirements driven DV plans.FDVS是一计算机为基础的系统,生成并管理驱动DV计划的需求。FDVS includes a number of generic requirements and Design Verification Methods (DVMs)FDVS包括许多一般需求和设计验证方面(DVM)安全法规安全法规法人的要求法人的要求技术规范技术规范设计验证方法设计验证方法整车要求整车要求(项目专有)(项目专有)项目专有的设项目专有的

34、设计验证计划计验证计划系统要求系统要求(项目专有)(项目专有)DVM(项目专有)项目专有)Design Verification Method设计验证方法 Within FDVS requirements are verified using Design Verification Methods (DVMs) 在FDVS内,使用设计验证方法(DVM)验证需求 DVMs contain all the information required to conduct testing and record results DVM包括所有要求试验和记录结果的信息 Existing and Gener

35、ic DVMs can be used as a starting point to develop program DMVs, but they must be reviewed 现有的和一般的DVM能作为一个开始点用以开发项目的DMV,但是它们必须进行审核Testing Methodologies试验方法学Types of Test试验的类型 There are three general types of testing that can be implemented for either Design Verification or Production Validation: 有三种

36、可以在设计验证或生产确认中实施的一般试验类型 Testing to Bogey 标准测试 Testing to Failure 测试至失效 Testing Functional Degradation 测试功能退化Test to BogeyMinimum Acceptable Function最小可接受功能最小可接受功能Function功能功能Time/Cycles/Miles时间时间/循环循环/里程里程BogeyFailure HistogramPassFail失效柱状图失效柱状图Test to Failure测试至失效Failure Time DistributionMinimum Acc

37、eptable Function最小可接受功能最小可接受功能Function功能功能Time/Cycles/Miles时间时间/循环循环/里程里程失效时间分布图失效时间分布图Degradation Testing退化测试Minimum Acceptable Function最小可接受功能最小可接受功能Function功能功能Time/Cycles/Miles时间时间/循环循环/里程里程BogeyComplete DegradationHistoryExample: Functional Degradation of Three Design Alternatives范例:三种设计方案的功能退化

38、345678910025,00050,00075,000100,000125,000150,000Design ADesign BDesign CFunction(higher the better)MilesCBATest Level Comparison测试水平比较Bogey标准Failure 失效Information Quality信息质量信息质量Cost成本成本Higher较高较高Lower较低较低Higher较高较高Lower较低较低Degradation 退化Test Precision测试精度失效概率失效概率Statistical confidence for a given

39、reliability estimate is the probability that the true reliability of the population is equal to or greater than the estimate.对于特定的可靠性预测,统计可信度是一种总体真实可靠性等于或大于预测情况的概率Large Sample大样本大样本Reduced Sample减少的样本减少的样本Min: 1 sample/failure mode最小:1个样本/失效模式Severity/Acceleration of key noises in tests试验中关键干扰的严重度试验

40、中关键干扰的严重度/加速加速Knowledge of prior perform-ance under similar conditions相似条件下优先性相似条件下优先性能的知识能的知识Normal通常通常High高高High高高Low低低FailureSeverity & Occurrence失效严重度失效严重度&发生发生Test Level测试水平测试水平BogeyFailureDegradationReal World Usage Profiles真正顾客使用概况Types of Customer Usage顾客使用的类型Normal use一般使用Misuse误用Ab

41、use ?滥用?滥用?Normal Use一般使用Misuse误用Abuse滥用Data Sources数据来源Yourself自身自身Instrumentation仪器仪器Existing Data现有数据现有数据Observation观察观察Actual Customer Usage真正顾客使用5% Total95th Percentile use95th 百分点使用 Core Target Customer(Marketing) 核心目标顾客(市场)Stress受力状态受力状态Europe欧洲欧洲Usage Profile and Customer Duty Cycle使用概况及顾客工况

42、Usage Profile使用概况使用概况Duty Cycle工况工况How often the customer opens a window顾客开启窗户的频次如何Number of switch activations or motor running times for the window motor 开关的次数或窗户电机运转次数Climate or outside temperature ranges in which the vehicle operates车辆运转时的气候或外界温度的范围Air conditioning system frequency of operation

43、and load空调系统的运转频次和负荷Duty Cycle Example工况范例同步齿形带发动机工况同步齿形带发动机工况绿线:一般顾客绿线:一般顾客红线:苛刻顾客红线:苛刻顾客注:皮带负荷在低转注:皮带负荷在低转 速时更苛刻速时更苛刻Accelerated Testing加速测试Accelerated Testing加速测试Purpose:目的: Accumulate product stress history in a short period of time 在短时间内累积产品应力史 Shorten verification time & reduce development

44、 costs 缩短验证时间&减少开发成本Accelerated Testing Methods加速测试方法Load Frequency over a Specified Test Procedure 在指定的试验规程上加大加载频次在指定的试验规程上加大加载频次010020030040030%60%100%Percent Frequency of Occurrence发生频次的百分比发生频次的百分比Load载荷载荷Normal Load正常负载正常负载Increased Load加大负载加大负载Define Accelerated Test based on this portion o

45、f procedure with increased loads50 mph Freeway 50 mph高速公路高速公路Climbing hill in 1st gear一档爬山一档爬山以加大的载荷在这部分试验规程的基础上定以加大的载荷在这部分试验规程的基础上定义加速测试义加速测试Accelerated Testing Cautions加速测试警示Correlate acceleration to real world deterioration使其加速形式与真正顾客使用的退化情况相关联Prevent unrepresentative failure modes预防不具备代表性的失效模式No

46、t all failure modes can be accelerated不是所有的失效模式都可以加速的Key Life Tests关键寿命试验Key Life Tests关键寿命试验Key Life Tests focus on the key stress(es) which drive loss of function and/or failure mechanisms associated with real world usage.关键寿命试验着重于会促使真正顾客使用相关的功能损失关键寿命试验着重于会促使真正顾客使用相关的功能损失和和/或失效机理的关键应力或失效机理的关键应力Key

47、 Life Tests关键寿命试验 A Key Life Test: 一个关键寿命试验 Is based on the RWUP 是以RWUP为基础的 Provides a tool to evaluate product reliability 提供了一个工具以评估产品的可靠性 Allows comparison of designs with benchmarked competitive products so that the best design can be identified 使其与竞争产品进行设计的比较,从而可以确定最佳设计 Validates models and ass

48、umptions in the design process 在设计过程中确认模型和设想 Validates the design 确认设计Key Life Tests关键寿命试验IS是是IS Not否否Reliability and Robustness Demonstration Matrix可靠性和殷实可靠性实证矩阵图Reliability and Robustness Demonstration Matrix可靠性和殷实可靠性实证矩阵图 Reliability and Robustness Demonstration Matrix (RRDM) captures and display

49、s the key verification methods and all Critical Noise factors. RRDM吸取并显示了关键验证方法以及所有的关键干扰因素。Self Assessment自我评估Vehicle Level DV & PV整车级别的DV&PV Verification and Validation of Vehicle level requirements 整车级别的验证和确认的要求 Illustrated with an example around a real world problem Transit FEAD 穿插了一个真实问题

50、的范例Transit FEADProblem问题 Customers were experiencing problems after washing their vehicles or driving through water 顾客在洗车或开车涉水后出现问题Global 8D全球8D A Global 8D was conducted on the van jet spray washing problem that was looked at earlier and the root cause was identified as belt slip. 采取了全球8D方式来处理刚才看到的

51、喷雾式洗车的问题,确定根本原因为皮带打滑。Applying RED应用RED Having developed a fix for the problem the team needed to verify the change 针对问题制定出解决方案,该小组需要验证其更改 Verification is a key part of the 8D process, just as it is for the PDP 验证是8D过程中的一个关键部分,就象其相对于PDP一样。 To do this they need to apply RED principles to the verificat

52、ion 为了进行该工作,他们需要把RED的原理应用到验证上。Verifying Robustness验证殷实可靠性 Existing verification methods used as a starting point 使用现有的验证方法作为起点 From studying the data, the team new that the existing DVMs were insufficient 通过研究该数据,小组发现现有的DVM还不充分 New DVMs must include RED considerations 新的DVM必须包括RED需要考虑的事项Revised DVM修

53、正的DVM The DVMs were then modified. 于是对DVM进行修改FEAD子系统设计验证方法子系统设计验证方法目标:目标:验证验证FEAD系统存有水时性能的殷实可靠性系统存有水时性能的殷实可靠性试验描述:在试验描述:在10kph至至50kph之间每次增加之间每次增加5kph的车速,开车通过的车速,开车通过25,50,75以及以及100mm深的水洼深的水洼可测量的可测量的/观察:曲轴皮带轮和附件皮带轮之观察:曲轴皮带轮和附件皮带轮之间的差速间的差速验收标准:差速小于验收标准:差速小于5%需要的资源及试验设备:水洼,在已知的曲轴需要的资源及试验设备:水洼,在已知的曲轴/发动

54、机转速下对附件皮带轮转速的整车评估发动机转速下对附件皮带轮转速的整车评估Planning and Implementing Verification and Validation计划并实施验证和确认Planning occurs down the V plan the vehicle level first沿着V形方式向下作计划首先计划整车级别Verification and Validation occurs up the V Verify and Validate the vehicle last沿着V形方式向上进行验证和确认最后验证和确认整车Global 8D and DV&PV

55、全球8D和DV&PV Global 8D studies on previous similar products or processes help identify potential error states 对以前相似产品或过程的全球8D研究帮助识别潜在的异常状态 This is an important input to the design of verification methods for a new product or manufacturing process. 对于一个新产品或制造过程,这是验证方法设计中的一个重要的输入 Verification method

56、s must demonstrate that these error states do not recur in the new product or process. 验证方法必须证明这些异常状态不会在新的产品和过程中再次发生。Self Assessment自 评FEAD Sub-SystemFEAD子系统 A FEAD system is to be developed for a new vehicle program 为一新车项目开发一个FEAD系统Sub-System Level Design Verification子系统级别设计验证 Form a cross function

57、al team: 组成一个交叉功能的小组 Design设计 Testing试验 Manufacturing制造 Supplier供应商 CAE Quality质量 Reliability可靠性 Aim to verify at the lowest possible level on the V 瞄准V模形最低可能级别上进行验证FEAD Design Verification PlanFEAD设计验证计划DV PlanDV计划计划SDS RequirementsSDS要求要求LegalRequirements法规要求法规要求EngineeringSpecifications工程技术规范工程技术

58、规范Concept and Design FMEAs概念和设计概念和设计FMEAReal World Usage Profile真实顾客使用概况真实顾客使用概况P-DiagramP 图图Existing DVPs现有现有DVPGeneric DVMs一般一般DVMHistorical 8Ds历史上的历史上的8DKey Life Tests关键寿命试验关键寿命试验FEAD Function and OperationFEAD功能和运行 Ideal function of the FEAD is to transfer torque to the accessories FEAD的理想功能是把扭矩

59、传递给附件 Irregularity in rotation is a key noise 旋转不规则是一个关键的干扰 The tensioner compensates for the noise 张紧轮对该干扰进行补偿 The correct functioning of the tensioner is a priority for the FEAD team 张紧轮的正确机能对于前端驱动附件组是最首要的。Customer Requirements顾客需求 FEAD SDS Requirement FEAD SDS 要求 Belt span vibration does not exce

60、ed 10% of belt span and meets system clearance requirements to other components. Maximum tensioner amplitude leaves 10% of total travel clear to end stop in both directions. 相带宽度振动不超过相带宽度的10%,要符合与其它零部件间的系统间隙要求。最大张紧轮振幅要与两端止点留有总行程10%的间隙余量。 A DVM is required to verify this requirement 需要DVM来验证这一要求Existing DV Test现有的DV试验 There is an existing DVM for the requirement 对该要求有一现有的DVM The team need to assess if this DVM is appropriate 小组需要评估该DVM是否合


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