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1、精品文档就在这里各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有executive performance evaluation repor管理人员表现评估报告员工资料nameposition姓名: 职位:departmentappraisal for部门: 评估事由:ii . individaual appraisal 评估项目1 . knowledge of the job业务知识consider knowledge of methods,procedures, standars of job requirements.指所需达到的工作方法、工作程序和工作标准。一co

2、mplete grasp of all aspects.安全掌握各个方面。一good understanding of practically all.对各方面有很好的掌握。 一adequate.适当掌握一knows some parts only.仅仅了解其中一部分。一insufficient,needs constant coaching.不能胜任工作,需要经常接受培训。1.1 nter-personal skills人际交往技能consider dealing with superiors,peets,subordinate,guests and extemal contact.指同上级

3、、同级别的同事、下属,客人的相处和同处界的联系。一exceptional good human relation skills,exhibits tact and diplomacy,able to influence peers and superiors andcommands respect from subordinates.特别强的人际交往技能,体现出机灵和外交能力,在同级别的同事和上级中有影响力,并能博得下属的尊重。一cenerally good human relation skills and can influence others.总体上良好的人际交往能力,并对他人有影响力

4、。一sufficient human relations skills which sometimes falter when under pressure.足够的人际交往技能,但有时在压力下会觉得不自然。一needs improvement in dealings with some people and not always able to command respect from people.需要提高同部分人的相处能力,不能经常博得人们的尊重。一impersonal.lacks insight and unskillful in dealings with people.没有人情味,缺

5、乏洞察力和人际交往技能。3 .planninc and organisation ability计划和组织能力consider the ability to anticipate business needs, priority setting, and efficiency in planning own work and that of others.指预测生意需求的能力,主次分明,有效地/高效率地计划自己和他人的工作。一habitually able to anticpate, maintains very high effetiveness习惯性地作出预测,并在部门内保持高效率和有效性

6、。一very effective and maintains high lecel of efficiency within department.有效性高,并能在部门内保持高效率。一meets effective and maintains high level of efficiency within department.达到一定的效率和有效性。一efficiency and effectiveness sometimes fall short of job demands.有时效率和有效性不能满足工作需求。一total inefficient and ineffective.总体上缺乏

7、效率和有效性。4 .decision making决策能力一consider resourcefulness, ability to obtain/analyze facts and applysound judgment/recommendations including introduction of changes/new ideas.指能够随机应变,能够获得/分析事实和运用合理的判断/建议,包括引进一些革新的建议。一exceeptionally sond judgements, resourceful, innovative and has long-tem views.特别强的判断能

8、力,能随机应变,具有创新精神和远见。good judgement.口良好的判断能力。一generally correct in decision-making related to own department.总体上在处理部门内部事务时决策正确。一sometime make bad decisions.有时做出不正确的决定。一poor in decision making.决策能力差。5 .control控制能力一consider ability to meet targets, control of resources.指达到目标,控制资源的能力。一habitually meets tar

9、get set even under unfavorable climate, able to maximize utilization of resources.通常即使在不利的情势下也能达到预定的目标并能最大限度地利用资源。一always meets targets set and good control over utilization of resources.通常都能达到预定目标并很好控制资源的利用。一has difficulty in meeting some targets.大体上能达到预定目标并很好控制资源和利用。一always unable to meet targets

10、set.在达到某些目标时有困难。一always unable to meet targets.通常不能达到预定目标。6 .training& staff development培训和员工发展一consider extent of on-job training in department and owm involvement in staff development.指在部门广泛开展岗位培训,并致力于员工发展。一fully committed to training so thst on-job training in need areas is carded out.完全承担培训任

11、务,使岗位培训在相关的区域能够得以实施。一well committed to training and staff development.很好地承担起培训和员工发展的任务。一sufficient on-job training and staff development.部门内部开展足够的岗位培训。on-job training in department is occasionally lapsed.岗位培训偶尔在部门不能得以开展。一has no interest in training and staff development,on-job training is minimal.对培

12、训和员工发展没有兴趣,很少开展岗位培训。7 .delegation指派工作consider the ability to delegate without losing control.指在控制全局的情况下指派工作任务。一has a high trust in staff a capability, delegates as much as possible with good follow up.充分相信员工的能力,通常能尽量多地向员工指派工作任务并能很好地跟进。一delegates most work which can be handled by subordinates.向下属指派大多

13、数他们能完成的工作任务。一delegates sufficiently.能充分指派工作任务一occasionally prefers to do work can be delegated to subordinates.偶尔亲自完成能够指派给下属的工作任务。一has low trust in staff, handles all details personally.对员工的信任度很低,亲自处理所有的工作细节。8 .attitude态度consider the behavior towards work, superiors, hotel interests, and the ability

14、 to accept criticism,and change.指面对工作、上级、酒店利益所采取的态度,和接受批评意见和变化的能力。一always positive , willing to accept changes and take criticism well.总是积极向上,乐意接受各种变化和批评意见。一always positive even when under pressure.即使在有压力的情况下也总是能积极向上。一generally positive except when under pressure.除了有压力,在其他情况夏都能积极向上。一negative at time

15、.偶尔比较消极。一negative&irresponsible.消极,没有责任心。9 .setting examples.树立榜样conside personal attitude, attire,and work habit, motivation of staff and inspiration of team work.指个人态度、穿着、工作习惯,对员工的推动力和对团队工作的激励。一excellent seff-discipline, gains respect from all, inspires good teamwork. 精品 文档精品文档就在这里各类专业好文档,值得你下

16、载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有自律能力强,受到所有人的尊重,能有效激发团队的合作。一sets good example for staff and peers.在员工和同级别的同事中树立好的榜样。一meets standards required for the function.符合工作职责标准。一occasionally fails o meet standars required for the function.偶尔达不到工作职责标准。一sets bad example.树立不好的榜样。10 .attendance出勤consider punctuality and r

17、esponses positively when asked to put inextra time.指严格守时,并乐意接受加班。一always present, punctucal and responses positively when asked to put in extra time.当被要求加班时,总是准时到达,并且无任何怨言。一always present and punctual.通常都能准时出席。一rarely absent and late for work.工作中很少缺席和迟到。一occasionally absent and late for work.工作中经常缺席

18、和迟到。11 .additional responsiblitis额外的职责consider the present abilities of the incumbent and the rsadiness for additional sphere of work and responsibilities.指在现有职位上体现出的能力和为其他工作领域和职责范围所作的准备。一ready for promotion/extension of the field of responsibilities.可升职或赋予更大的工作责任。一yes, almost ready.差不多已作好准备。一in the

19、 right direction.有此趋势。一in three years maybe.大约3年后。not at all.不可能。12.commients评语is there any factor which may have influenced the executive's perfomance favorably or unfavorably during this periodof appraisal,if so, please describe.在评估期内,是否有影响评估的有利或不利的因素存在,如果有,请详述。total grade (1) attendance 出勤率(2

20、) misconduct record 过失,己录 (3) others 其它(4) recommendations 建议行动: satisfactory of employment试用期合格 unsatisfactory of employment 试用期不合格 probation to be extended for another months. 试用期延长多 月 termination of employment 终止雇佣 promotion 升职 contract be contionued 续签合同13.overall performance ratnig总体评估标准excelle

21、nt would almost never be given.it is a truly outstanding and exceptional perfor优秀 who performs constantly above hotel standards with no faults or supervision ever being required几乎没有人能够获得这一分数,能获得这一分数的是一个真正杰出和特别优秀的人,他/她各个方面的表现经常超过酒店的标准,没有任何缺点,也不需要任何监督和管理。very good civen to an executive who maintains a

22、 high standard and often performs above4e 常好shows consistent initiative and requirs little supervision and only occasional corrective training各个方面的表现都高于酒店的标准,显示一贯的积极主动性,很少需要监督管good given to an officer who normally performs to hotel expectation, needing oly 良好 occasional follow-up and corrective trai

23、ning.通常能达到酒店的期望,仅仅需要偶尔的跟进和培训。fair given to an employee needing close supervision and who performance is more 般 often than not below standard rather than at or above standard . employeesgiven this rating would normally receive an offi-cial written warning.需要严密管理,只有在严格的控制下才能达到标准,虽然表现通常不低于标准,但没有达到或超过标准

24、,获得这一分值的员工通常将被签书面警告。poor given to an employee who consistently performs below standards under极差 closesupervision.empl-oyees given this rating would normally be dismissed immediately.即使在严格的管理下,一贯表现都低于标准,获得这一分值的员工通常将被立即开除。appraisal made on time appraisal made by评估日期时间评估者signature of staffsignature of

25、ceneral manager员工签名总经理签名 3 、通过活动,使学生养成博览群书的好 *习惯。b比率分析法和比较分析法不能测算出各因素的影响程度。vc采用约当产量比例法,分配原材料费用与分配加工费用所用的完工率都是一致的。xc采用直接分配法分配辅助生产费用时,应考虑各辅助生产车间之间相互提供产品或劳务的情况。错c产品的实际生产成本包括废品损失和停工损失。vc成本报表是对外报告的会计报表。xc成本分析的首要程序是发现问题、分析原因。xc成本会计的对象是指成本核算。xc成本计算的辅助方法一般应与基本方法结合使用而不单独使用。vc成本计算方法中的最基本的方法是分步法。xd当车间生产多种产品时,“废品损失”、"停工损失”的借方余额,月末均直接记入该产品的产品成本中。xd定额法是为了简化成本计算而采用的一种成本计算方法。xf “废品损失”账户月末没有余额。vf废品损失是指在生产过程中发现和入库后发现的不可修复废品的生产成本和可修复废品的修复费用。xf分步法的一个重要特点是各步骤之间


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