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1、1目目 录录目录目录1中文摘要中文摘要2ABSTRACTABSTRACT2第第 1 1 章章 绪纶绪纶31 1 多轴加工应 31 2 多轴加工的设备 41 3 多轴加工的趋势 5第第 2 2 章章 普普通通钻钻床床改改为为多多轴轴钻钻床床 62 1 生产任务 622 普通立式钻的选型6第第 3 3 章章 多多轴轴齿齿轮轮传传动动箱箱的的设设计计 7 31 设计前的准备72第第 4 4 章章 多多轴轴箱箱的的结结构构设设计计与与零零部部件件图图的的绘绘制制14 41 箱盖、箱体和中间板结构14 42 多轴箱轴的设计. . . .14 43 轴坐标计算30第第 5 5 章章 导导向向装装置置的的设

2、设计计31第第 6 6 章章 接接杆杆刀刀具具31外外文文文文献献 31总总 结结36鸣鸣谢谢 37参参考考文文献献 37中文摘要中文摘要本设计是关于普通钻床改造为多轴钻床的设计。普通钻床为单轴机床,但安装上多轴箱就会成为多轴的钻床,改造成多轴钻床后,能大大地缩短加工时间,提高生产效率。因此本设计的重点是多轴箱的设计,设计内容包括齿轮分布与选用、轴的设计、多轴箱的选用、导向装置设计等。亲,由于某些原因,没有上传完整的毕业设计(完整的应包括毕业设计说明书、相关图纸CAD/PROE、中英文文献及翻译等) ,此文档也稍微删除了一部分内容(目录及某些关键内容)如需要的朋友,请联系我的Q&Q:2

3、215891151,数万篇现成设计及另有的高端团队绝对可满足您的需要关键词:关键词: 多轴钻床;生产效率;多轴箱3AbstractThe design is about reconstructing the ordinary drill to a multiple drill. The ordinary drill is a single drill. It will improve its productive efficiency, shorten its processing time if assembled a multiple spindle case on. That so ca

4、lls a multiple drill. Hereby, the keystone of this design paper is how to design a multiple spindle heads. The design subjects include the selection and distribution of gear wheel, the design of spindle, and the guiding equipment and selection of the multiple spindle heads, etc.Key words: multiple d

5、rill; productive efficiency; multiple spindle heads普通钻床该为多轴钻床专业:机械设计制造及其自动化, 学号:2000121316, 姓名:梁显垣指导教师:刘杰华,招惠玲,陈敏华 4第 1 章 绪论1.1 多轴加工应用据统计,一般在车间中普通机床的平均切削时间很少超过全部工作时间的 15%。其余时间是看图、装卸工件、调换刀具、操作机床、测量以及清除铁屑等等。使用数控机床虽然能提高 85%,但购置费用大。某些情况下,即使生产率高,但加工相同的零件,其成本不一定比普通机床低。故必须更多地缩短加工时间。不同的加工方法有不同的特点,就钻削加工而言,多轴

6、加工是一种通过少量投资来提高生产率的有效措施。1.1.1 多轴加工优势虽然不可调式多轴头在自动线中早有应用,但只局限于大批量生产。即使采用可调式多轴头扩大了使用范围,仍然远不能满足批量小、孔型复杂的要求。尤其随着工业的发展,大型复杂的多轴加工更是引人注目。例如原子能发电站中大型冷凝器水冷壁管板有 15000 个 20 孔,若以摇臂钻床加工,单单钻孔与锪沉头孔就要 842.5 小时,另外还要划线工时 151.1 小时。但若以数控八轴落地钻床加工,钻锪孔只要 171.6 小时,划线也简单,只要 1.9 小时。因此,利用数控控制的二个坐标轴,使刀具正确地对准加工位置,结合多轴加工不但可以扩大加工范围

7、,而且在提高精度的基础上还能大大地提高工效,迅速地制造出原来不易加工的零件。有人分析大型高速柴油机 30 种箱形与杆形零件的 2000 多个钻孔操作中,有 40%可以在自动更换主轴箱机床中用二轴、三轴或四轴多轴头加工,平均可减少 20%的加工时间。1975 年法国巴黎机床展览会也反映了多轴加工的使用愈来愈多这一趋势。1.2 多轴加工的设备多轴加工是在一次进给中同时加工许多孔或同时在许多相同或不同工件上各加工一个孔。这不仅缩短切削时间,提高精度,减少装夹或定位时间,并且在数控机床中不必计算坐标,减少字块数而简化编程。它可以采用以下一些设备进行加工:立钻或摇臂钻上装多轴头、多轴钻床、多轴组合机床心

8、及自动更换主轴箱机床。甚至可以通过二个能自动调节轴距的主轴或多轴箱,结合数控工作台纵横二个方向的运动,加工各种圆形或椭圆形孔组的一个或几个工序。现在就这方面的现状作一简介。1.2.1 多轴头从传动方式来说主要有齿轮传动与万向联轴节传动二种。这是大家所熟悉的。前者效率较高,结构简单,后者易于调整轴距。从结构来说有不可调式与可调式二种。前者轴距不能改变,多采用齿轮传动,仅适用于大批量生产。为了扩大其赞许适应性,发展了可调式多轴头,在一定范围内可调整轴距。它主要装在有万向.二种。 (1)万向轴式也有二种:具有对准装置的5主轴。主轴装在可调支架中,而可调支架能在壳体的 T 形槽中移动,并能在对准的位置

9、以螺栓固定。 (2)具有公差的圆柱形主轴套。主轴套固定在与式件孔型相同的模板中。前一种适用于批量小且孔组是规则分布的工件(如孔组分布在不同直径的圆周上) 。后一种适用于批量较大式中小批量的轮番生产中,刚性较好,孔距精度亦高,但不同孔型需要不同的模板。多轴头可以装在立钻式摇臂钻床上,按钻床本身所具有的各种功能进行工作。这种多轴加工方法,由于钻孔效率、加工范围及精度的关系,使用范围有限。1.2.2 多轴箱也象多轴头那样作为标准部件生产。美国 Secto 公司标准齿轮箱、多轴箱等设计的不可调式多轴箱。有 32 种规格,加工面积从 300300 毫米到 6001050 毫米,工作轴达 60 根,动力达

10、 22.5 千瓦。Romai 工厂生产的可调多轴箱调整方便,只要先把齿轮调整到接近孔型的位置,然后把与它联接的可调轴移动到正确的位置。因此,这种结构只要改变模板,就能在一定范围内容易地改变孔型,并且可以达到比普通多轴箱更小的孔距。根据成组加工原理使用多轴箱或多轴头的组合机床很适用于大中批量生产。为了在加工中获得良好的效果,必需考虑以下数点:(1)工件装夹简单,有足够的冷却液冲走铁屑。 (2)夹具刚性好,加工时不形变,分度定位正确。 (3)使用二组刀具的可能性,以便一组使用,另一组刃磨与调整,从而缩短换刀停机时间。 (4)使用优质刀具,监视刀具是否变钝,钻头要机磨。(5)尺寸超差时能立即发现。1

11、.2.3 多轴钻床这是一种能满足多轴加工要求的钻床。诸如导向、功率、进给、转速与加工范围等。巴黎展览会中展出的多轴钻床多具液压进给。其整个工作循坏如快进、工进与清除铁屑等都是自动进行。值得注意的是,多数具有单独的变速机构,这样可以适应某一组孔中不同孔径的加工需要。1.2.4 自动更换主轴箱机床为了中小批量生产合理化的需要,最近几年发展了自动更换主轴箱组合机床。(1) 自动更换主轴机床自动更换主轴机床顶部是回转式主轴箱库,挂有多个不可调主轴箱。纵横配线盘予先编好工作程序,使相应的主轴箱进入加工工位,定位紧并与动力联接,然后装有工件的工作台转动到主轴箱下面,向上移动进行加工。当变更加工对象时,只要

12、调换悬挂的主轴箱,就能适应不同孔型与不同工序的需要。(2) 多轴转塔机床转塔上装置多个不可调或万向联轴节主轴箱,转塔能自动转位,并对夹紧在回转工作台的6工件作进给运动。通过工作台回转,可以加工工件的多个面。因为转塔不宜过大,故它的工位数一般不超过 46 个。且主轴箱也不宜过大。当加工对象的工序较多、尺寸较大时,就不如自动更换主轴箱机床合适,但它的结构简单。(3) 自动更换主轴箱组合机床它由自动线或组合机床中的标准部件组成。不可调多轴箱与动力箱按置在水平底座上,主轴箱库转动时整个装置紧固在进给系统的溜板上。主轴箱库转动与进给动作都按标准子程序工作。换主轴箱时间为几秒钟。工件夹紧于液压分度回转工作

13、台,以便加工工件的各个面。好果回转工作台配以卸料装置,就能合流水生产自动化。在可变生产系统中采用这种装置,并配以相应的控制器可以获得完整的加工系统。(4) 数控八轴落地钻床大型冷凝器的水冷壁管板的孔多达 15000 个,它与支撑板联接在一起加工。孔径为 20 毫米,孔深 180 毫米。采用具有内冷却管道的麻花钻,57 巴压力的冷却液可直接进入切削区,有利于排屑。钻尖磨成 90供自动定心。它比普通麻花钻耐用,且进给量大。为了缩短加工时间,以 8 轴数控落地加工。13 多轴加工趋势多轴加工生产效率高,投资少,生产准备周期短,产品改型时设备损失少。而且随着我国数控技术的发展,多轴加工的范围一定会愈来

14、愈广,加工效率也会不断提高。 第 2 章 普通钻床改为多轴钻床2.1 生产任务在一批铸铁连接件上有同一个面上有多个孔加工。在普通立式钻床上进行孔加工,通常是一个孔一个孔的钻削,生产效率低,用非标设备,即组合机床加工,生产效率高,但设备投资大。7但把一批普通立式普通单轴钻床改造为立式多轴钻床,改造后的多轴钻床,可以同时完成多个孔的钻、扩、铰、等工序。设计程序介绍如下:2.2 普通立式钻床的选型2.2.1计算所需电机功率零件图如图 1 所示: 图 1 为工件零件图,材料:铸铁 HT200;料厚:5mm;硬度:HBS170-240HBS;年产量:1000 万此处省略 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

15、NNNNNNNN 字。如需要完整说明书和 CAD 图纸等.请联系 扣扣 二五一一三三四零八 另提供全套机械8设计地址。 轴承安全1)8102 推力球轴承校核P=Fa (表 3.8-54)jj P=4.091N=30000h(表 13-3) 文献 6 36091. 4105009606010hLhL轴承安全4.3轴坐标计算为方便在多轴箱上镗孔,因此进行轴坐标计算是十分重要的。建立如图 14 坐标系,多轴箱里尺寸如图示为 220 x180mm,在多轴箱中心安装主动轴,则主动轴坐标可知(110,90) ,则根据零件图,可算出其他各轴坐标,分别如图所示。第第 5 5 章章 导向装置的设计导向装置的设计

16、51 导向装置组成导向装置主要由导柱、导套、弹簧组成。导柱的上端与多轴箱中间板上的导套滑动配合,下端安装在夹具的钻模板上。9(1)选择弹簧 用四根弹簧支撑整个多轴箱,粗略估算多轴箱重量:NG9 .4978 . 9105058200240108 . 993每根弹簧负荷:F=124.5N选圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧(表 12) 文献 7 ,弹簧中径,节距,弹簧丝直径mmD0 .162mmt640. 6,工作圈数,自由高度.mmd8 . 130nmmHo140(1) 导柱、导套的选择导柱材料为直径 16mm,长 303mm,15rGc导套材料为 20 号钢。第第 6 6 章章 接杆刀具接杆刀具接杆一端为梯形螺

17、纹,与主动轴的内孔滑动配合,通过键传递扭矩。在梯形螺纹段并设计有斜面,以便调整接杆的延伸量来补偿刀具的磨损量。接杆另一端的莫氏锥孔与刀具的莫氏锥柄相配合。外外 文文 文文 献献ItIt isis thethe new-typenew-type injectinject byby shapingshaping technologytechnology1.inject by shaping altogether( inject shaping of at core layers) Adopt and inject shaping help and observe and make one uniq

18、ue structure altogether. first of plastic is injected and fill and enter some types first, then the plastic: second follow first inject person who enter one and keep initial to drive pressure field of flowing closely. At epidermis district and core the sizes of one, measure and publish first and the

19、 materials quantities of second according to correct proportionate relationship, Make one at first complete at second to make one parcel appearance core each. In addition, in cosmetics application, the material is put after second material injecting to have first of epidermis of the small part, So t

20、hat the epidermis of the part of the runner can be totally closed. Inject making one of shaping altogether with the resin of 2 kinds of different colors, form a piece of a layer of blocks of epidermis and core apt to distinguish (Realize inject shaping one as much as all have and have and one very m

21、uch important this core similar epidermis. )If there is not advanced detection technique, usually difficult to distinguish the epidermis - core area and boundary of layer. Inject shaping a new technology altogether. British ici company began to use this technology in the 1970s early, and had made th

22、e basic theory of including, Produce several patents, such as the products and machinery equipment,etc. Now similar to mould mould sandwiches what has been adopted generally ici production technologies,last outer the materials of the epidermis at moulds and in 10layers is material different on core

23、occasionally, So two a kind of material person who a certain one inclusives, and core require and have high radiations very, issue and steep shaping and retrieve performance of utilizing etc at 100% by layers of material. Should be fixed relatively by the excellent choice to select the material for

24、use. After injecting the shaping technology and come out in 15 altogether, can really just popularize and popularize . One a kind of adoptions inject the thick teeth of shaping fails and produces horizontal cross-section altogether. Material to pack nylon epidermis, and pearl material pack the nylon

25、 at - - glass layers of material core. A rate that shrinks material of pearl of glass is extremely low in core one, have good size stabilities. Nylon prevent pearl from grains of material easy problem of denuding that produces by epidermis person who give good and lubricated tooth tooth gear wheel.

26、Already developed several kinds and processed the method of improving new-typly at present on the basis of the basic theory of injecting shaping altogether. At however, in the mould and gas assist paint mould mould. Mould have and paint processing method to adopt low molecular weight polymers as the

27、 outer material, Gas assist mould mould shaping to adopt the nitrogen or another kind of gas as the core one( or core ones) material. Produce and process equipment constant to perfect and improve, satisfy of different use newly and the new technologies demands with product design, Inject technology

28、and will become the rich and potential industrialized extensive production technology method altogether.2.inject by - it compress shaping Inject and compress shaping move perpendicular on dividing into mould line direction by medium-sized s of walls at -. Adopt the method at the shaping, fill mould

29、stage and produce pressure drive melting body flow according to process, But this flowed the degree of depth of one melted variably. At flowing one deeply relatively, pressure drop relatively low, so that heavy areas make pieces of shaping excessive to pigeonhole melting body, And has prevented the

30、material in the twinkling of an eye from responding, these 2 kinds of factors will hinder the flow of the melting body equally. It injects forming process type make pieces of the 14%s of thickness finally by s of degree of depth, After the plastic has been packed 60% - 75% of the type roughly, stop

31、injecting, a of walls of mould is bulldozed at the same time , Until make the wall original shaping of one finally. The final size of making one is defined at this stage . If at mould wall at process fulling of more type before moving, this kind of technology is usually called and cast and press sha

32、ping. On the whole, cast and press shaping to adopt pressure that become to making one go on and protect and pigeonhole in one a piece of variable the type ones of volumeses. Cast and press stage to increase the stages of density, density and then in lying between and solid state plastic change melt

33、ing body. Adopt and cast and press way shaping pre- pressing discs, remaining stress degree of minimising, Make pieces of have remain stress produce and become phenomenon of refracting. It cast and press shaping improvement type activities types types for kinds of new technology in s of walls,inject

34、 its make. Already someone call outside gas to assist shaping law the method, actually these are a kind of misunderstanding, Because the gas has not influenced the melting body flow in type of plastic . During routine inject shaping, protecting and press is while a of volume of keeping type does not

35、 change , Under the function that the pressure flows, add and enter more plastics. Unite, Being emerged by the runner position of the high pressure and making a defect puters supplementary shaping11 Adopt computer assist project( cae) design and analyse and help and shorten design cycle and prevent

36、cost from expensive mechanical fault processing. Commercial emulations daily to indicate size on flowing one code, melt material flows in flowing dishes of system and type with balance, The figure of offeredding and put bestly and runner defining runner at the same time . Calculate pressure of injec

37、ting and shut mould want at different processing terms and material fix by tonnage. And warping rate combine initial to flow into too very accurate to estimate out person who shrink. What is important is and want and make the design tool help and analyse personnel process and go on the operation jud

38、ged while studying or in a certain plan of design skillfully. Understand at results and cant process in order that it is by research object /materials from prerequisite. After consider adopting this kind of method accurate data-in , can make enormous benefit . In addition, economic make design cycle

39、 not to be short and needs produce shorter time the analysis. The one that should point out is, commercial cae procedures usually cant be used directly. It fills and imitate and produce valuable experience but the result must rethink its limitation to estimate again . Use modern computers go on and

40、inject shaping simulated test and limited to pure viscidity fluids only( include the melting plastic of viscoplasticity ). One actual flow form measurable melting body person who flow intoes and performance announce etc. structure by speed, If can carry on the viscoplasticity analysis of high accura

41、cy . At present adopt any other to process way reach this advanced competences, And recent years, at emulation the industrial circle person who take the leads of equipment and the research groups of university already made good progress. Have several a of companies make great efforts and probe emula

42、tion technology, in order to be be able to be being explained moulding the sex instinct act and process the phenomenon of more reality correctly. For example, get together on the influence that the orientation of the possessive chain is distributed to some physics performance and performance . Proce

43、ssing physics is very complicated, but some viscoplasticity is embodied too alike to still totally understood , Perfect the rational processing way and taking shape slow at present even more. These stronger strong ways will be exceeded the production capacity that will be designed at present greatly

44、 .4.reversal inject shaping Comparatively speaking, it is that a relatively new inject shaping chooses parameters that the reversal is injected. The greatest difficult point of this technology is lain in when processing the condition suddenly changeses, To the thing that it will be known little abou

45、t what kind of change behavior plastic melting body will demonstrate . About the rudimentary knowledge of melting body rheology, is not merely the regular shear . Say exactly , the melting body responds( the viscidity and elastic behavior) the characteristic needing expressing, Not only common stabl

46、e state flow speed or shear speed and temperature, but also including pressure and flow the speed in the twinkling of an eye. These characteristics including a lot of content and very difficult to understand. However, if not in heterotypic materials inject respect make substantive progress, need and

47、 make and publish many kinds of different the concrete operational procedures of plasticses. Need and increase a in common use one tired to try on law is in order to getting ripe and accurate control method also another. During routine inject shaping, the type immobilizes in a of walls, some situati

48、ons are left, Still utilize and filling on the mould and protect and press and fall section and move the mould wall . Can adopt 2 kinds of different methods : Person who move s of perpendicular on dividing into mould line direction wall; Rotate a of walls of the slipping type . Fill stage rotatory t

49、ype cores with increasing mould. Through this kind of processing technology, the crooked performance and other mechanical performance of making one has 12gotten great improvement. Polyphenyl drink the water and polypropylene syringe adopt cup the processing method get great to change and break throu

50、gh the ground 2 a piece of products just by second.新型注射成型技术新型注射成型技术1.1. 共注射成型(芯层注射成型)共注射成型(芯层注射成型) 采用共注射成型有助于观察到制件中独特的结构。塑料“甲”先注射充入部分型腔,然后塑料:“乙”紧跟着“甲”注射进入型腔并保持初始推动流动压力场。根据表皮区和芯层的尺寸大小,按正确的比例关系计量出“甲”和“乙”的用料量,可制得 1 个内芯层为“甲”外表完全由“乙”包裹的制件。 另外,在化妆品应用方面,有小部分的表皮“甲”料放在“乙”料之后注射,以使浇口部分的表皮能完全闭合。用 2 种不同颜色的树脂进行共注

51、射成型的制件,形成一个容易区分的表皮和芯层区间(认识到所有的注射成型件中存在有类似的表皮和芯层这一点非常重要。)如果没有先进的检测技术,通常难以区分表皮芯层的区域及其分界面。 共注射成型并非一门新的工艺技术。英国 ici 公司早在 70 年代就开始应用这一技术,并取得了包括基础理论,生产产品及机器设备等几项专利。现普遍采用的ici 生产工艺类似“三明治模塑”,由于模塑外层表皮的材料与中间或芯层的材料不同,因此两种材料必须有一定的相容性,并且芯层材料要求具有可高度辐射、发泡成型和 100%回收利用等性能。选用材料应经多种选择比较而定。 共注射成型工艺问世 15 年后,才真正得以普及推广。一种采用

52、共注射成型的厚齿输制作横截面。 表皮材料是非填充尼龙,而芯层材料是玻璃-珠料-填充尼龙。芯层中玻璃珠粒料收缩率极低,具有良好的尺寸稳定性。尼龙表皮赋予齿轮齿牙良好的润滑性并避免了珠粒料容易产生的磨蚀问题。 基于共注射成型的基础理论目前已开发出几种新型加工改进方法。例如,模内“上漆”和气体辅助模塑成型扩大了采用这种工艺的范围。模内上漆加工方法是采用低分子量聚合物作为外层材料,而气体辅助模塑成型是采用氮气或另一种气体作为芯层(或部分芯层)材料。随着产品设计与生产加工设备的不断完善改进,将满足各种新应用和新技术的需求,共注射技术必将成为富有潜力的工业化大规模生产工艺方法。2.2. 注射注射压缩成型压

53、缩成型 注射压缩成型中型腔壁移动方向垂直于分模线。采用这种方法成型时,在充模阶段,按工序产生压力驱熔体流动,但这一个流道的深度是可变化的。在较深的13流道中,压力下降得较低,以使大面积的制件成型中熔体没有过度受压,并避免了瞬间的材料响应,这 2 种因素同样会阻碍熔体的流动。注射成型过程中,型腔深度可能是最终制件厚度的 14%,在塑料填充了大致 60%75%的型腔后,停止注射,模腔壁周围同时受到推压,直至最终制件的壁原成型为止。制件的最终尺寸在这阶段确定。 如果在模壁按工序移动之前充满了型腔,该种工艺通常称为铸压成型。大体上,铸压成型是在一个可变体积的型腔内采用不变的压力对制件进行保压。铸压阶段

54、是增加密度的阶段,密度紧接着在介于熔体和固态塑料之间起变化。采用铸压方式成型致密圆盘,可把残留应力减至最低程度,制件上的残留应力可产生变折射现象。 铸压成型的改进型活动式型腔壁是一种新技术,其由注射全体制件固化阶段通过多孔的金属型腔壁以“保压”制件。这种方法已有人称为外部气体辅助成型法,其实这是一种误解,因为气体并没有影响塑料熔体在型腔内的流动。在常规的注射成型当中,保压就是在保持型腔体积不变的同时,在压力流的作用下,添加入更多的塑料。 联同在型腔内的保压流形成了不均匀的压力分布,有可能在受高压的浇口位置产生制件缺陷。3.3. 计算机辅助成型计算机辅助成型 采用计算机辅助工程(cae)对加工设

55、计及分析有助于缩短设计周期并可避免代价昂贵的机械失误。商业性仿真代码常用于流道上标明尺寸,以平衡熔料在流道系统及型腔内的流动,同时确定浇口的最佳开设置和浇口的数目。计算注射压力和合模吨位要根据不同的加工条件和材料而定。收缩率及翘曲率结合初始流向也可准确估算出来。重要的是要使得这种设计工具帮助熟练分析人员在某个设计方案或加工研究时进行判断的操作。结果必须理解为以研究对象和加工/材料为前提。当考虑采用这种方法准确输入数据后,可取得巨大的效益。另外,这种分析经济性可使设计周期更短和所需的生产时间更短。 应该提醒注意的是,商业性的 cae 程序通常是不可直接使用的。充模仿真可产生有价值的见识,但结果必须重新对其局限性进行重新考虑估计。应用现代计算机进行注射成型模拟试验,仅限于纯粘性流体(不包括粘弹性的熔融塑料)。可预测熔体流入型腔的实际流动速率组成结构和性能公布等,如可进行高精度的粘弹性分析。目前所采用的任何其它加工方式都不可能达到这种先进水平,并且最近几年来,由仿真设备的工业界带头者和大学里的研究小组已取得了良好的进展。有几家公司正在努力探索仿真技术,以求能正确地解释更多现实的塑性行为和加工现象。例如,聚合物主链的取向对局部的物理性能和


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