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1、大学英语综合2课后习题大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。大学英语是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。下面是大学英语综合2课后试题,欢迎参考阅读!一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(    )1、A. left             B. right         C. lost(    )2、A. read  

2、;         B. take         C. listen(    )3、A. near          B. behind        C. beside(    )10、A. Im listening to music.   B. Im talking to my friend.   C. Im reading a book about China

3、.三、听录音,判断句子的对错。(    )1. I like playing basketball.(    )2.T He likes swimming.(    )3. Shes watching TV.(    )4. Go straight on and turn left.(    )4、A. running       B. listening       C. reading(    )5、A. tak

4、e pictures  B. watch TV     C. read  books二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(    )1、A. Go straight on.          B. Turn left.C. Turn right.(    )2、A.Im on your left .          B. Im on your right.C. Im behind the tree.(   &

5、#160;)3、A. Its up the hill.          B. Its down the hill.C. Its near the hill.(    )4、A. Its near the house .      B. Its at the station.C. Its on the lake.(    )5、A. I like playing football.    B. I like playing basketball.C. I

6、like playing table tennis.(    )6、A. He likes swimming.      B. He likes runningC. He likes reading.(    )7、A. Shes watching TV.      B. Shes reading a book.C. Shes playing with a toy train.(    )8、A. Shes taking pictures .    B.

7、Hes watching TV.C. Shes flying a kite.(    )9、A. Theyre riding a bike.    B. Theyre flying a kite.C. Theyre swimming.)5. Its down the hill.笔试部分(70)一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。101.A.left        B. right         C. girl2.A.read       B. li

8、stening     C. watch3.A.cinema     B. train        C. bike4.A.reading     B. talk         C. swimming5.A.make       B. noodles     C. play二、选择正确的词组,将序号写在前面的括号里。1. go straight on        

9、        A.照相2. talk to my friend               B.向左转3. turn left                      C.放风筝4. fly a kite                         D

10、.和我的朋友交谈5.take pictures                     E.直着走6. read a book                F.打太极拳7. drink soya milk                 G.快餐8. listen to music        

11、        H.划龙舟9. do Taijiquan                     I.读书10. row a  dragon boat         J.听音乐三、单项选择题。()1. Im _ your right .A. at   B. on   C. in(   )2. Look        the pictur

12、es.A. at   B. on    C. up(   )3. Its       the cinema.A. near   B. beside   C. next to(   )4. Its _the park.A. in    B. on   C. up(   )5. He     playing football.A. likes    B. like    C. liking( 

13、0; )6.I_ listening to music.A. are         B. am     C. is(   )7.She _ watching TV.A. am         B .is        C. are(   ) 8.We _ running .A. am           B .is         C. are(

14、   ) 9.Im   _ to my friendA . talking   B .talk  C.talks(   )10. Im writing a  _ .A.letters          B.letter           C.lettering四、读一读,画一画。1) Go straight on.        2) Turn left.      

15、;  3) Turn right.4) Go up the hill.         5) Go down the hill.五、情景选择。(  )1.  当别人对你说“Happy birthday !”时,你应说:_A. Thank  you .   B.  Thats OK .(    ) 2.  当你向别人问路时,应该说:_A. Excuse me .   B.  sorry .(    ) 3.  当你跟别

16、人说“看公园里的人们”时,你应说:_A. Look the people in the park. B. Look at the people in the people (    )4.  当你问对方正在做什么时,你应说:_A.  What  are  you ?   B. What  are  you  doing?(   ) 5.  当你想告诉别人“芳芳正在和朋友打电话聊天时,你可以对她说:_A. Fangfang is playing with her friend

17、.  B.Fangfang is talking to her friend.六、情景选择。(   ) 1. Thank you.A. Shes running (   )2. Wheres the trainB. Hes watching TV. (   )3. What are you doing?C. Im reading a book. (   )4. What is he doing?D.You are welcome.  (   )5. What is she doing?E. Its up the hill.七

18、、判断正误。正确的画“T”,错误的画“F”。There are three people  in  my  family : my  father ,my  mother  and  I . My  father  is  a  doctor . My  fathers  birthday  is  in  April My  mother is  a  teacher .  My  mothers  birthday  is  in  September . I am  a 


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