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1、1仔细阅读:篇章词汇填空Passage 1Here I want to try to give you an an swer to the questi on: What pers onal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no twopeople would draw up exactly similar lists, but I thi nk the followi ng would be gen erally accepted.First, the teachers pers on ality should be_1_a nd

2、 attractive. This does not _2_people who are physically pla in, or even ugly,because many such have great pers onal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, melancholy frigid,sarcastic,cynical, frustrated,and overbearing.I would say too, that it excludes all of dull or purely_3_

3、 pers on ality. I still stick to _4_Isaid in my earlier book: school childre n probably suffer more bores tha n brutes.Secon dly, it is not merely desirable, but esse ntial for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympatyi n the _5_ meaningof that word, a capacity to tune in to the minds and fee

4、li ngs of other peoplesiespemiaillyteachers are school teachers,_6_ the mindsand feeli ngs of childre n. Closely relawidh this is the capacity to be tolera nt, not_7_ what is wrong, but of frailty and immaturity ofhuman nature which induce people and again especially childre n, to make mistakes.Thir

5、dly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean_8_ a saint. It meansthat he will be aware of his intellectual strengths and 9 and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by whichhis life should be guided. There is no _10_

6、in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the technique of teach ing.A) limitati onsI) sadB) rule outJ) whatC)deepK)toD) in cludeL) rangeE) positiveM) literalF) beingN)ofG) n egativeO) pleasa ntH) con tradict ionPassage 1 答案1.O.形容词辨义题。由空格前be推断此处应当填名词或形容词,而空格后a

7、nd attractive 说明此处应当选择与attractive意思相同或相近的词。故备选项pleasant 符合题意,教师的性格应当是令人愉快且富有吸引力的”。2.B.动词辨义题。由空格前“this”和空格后“ people 可以推断空格处缺少动词。前一句指出教师 的性格应当富有吸引力,而后面的句子指出相貌平庸甚至丑陋的人也有其人格魅力,由此判断,这样的人也应当包含在优秀教师中。根据“This does not可以推断,此处动词应当表示“排除 ”的意思,故备选项“ rule out符合题意。3.G.形容词辨义题。由空格前“dull or purely ”和空格后“personality 可

8、以推断空格处缺少和“dull”词义相近或相同的形容词。再根据第二段对教师性格的描述,可以推断备选项“negative(消极的)”2符合题意。4.丄连词辨义题。由空格前“stick to可知空格后是名词性从句,故空格处缺少连词。再根据空格后名词性从句中“ I said可知缺少一个宾语。选项中只有“what”可以连接名词性宾语从句,并做从句的宾语,故备选项“what”符合题意。5.M.形容词辨义题。由空格前“ the 和空格后“ meaning可以推断空格处缺少形容词。备选项中能 够和“ meaning搭配的形容词有“ deep和“literal。由空格前“ capacity for sympat

9、hy(有同情心) 和空格后和可知此处指“字面义”,故备选项“ literal 符合题意。6.K.介词辨义题。根据空格前“capacity to tune in to the mi nds and feeli ngs .” 和空格后“ the mindsand feelings of children,可以推断这是两个并列的内容,从而确定备选项“to符合题意。7.N.介词辨义题。由空格前后“not, but,和可以推断此处应当是个并列结构,再由空格前“tolerant” 的用法“ betolerant of 可以断定备选项“ of 符合题意。&F.动词辨义题。由空格前“mean和空格后“

10、 a saint 推断此处缺少动词的动名词形式,故备选项“ being ”符合题意,“我认为做教师最重要的一点是诚实,但这并不意味着要做圣人”。9.A.名词辨义题。由空格前“his intellectual strengths and可以推断此处缺少名词。而连词“and又表明此处应当是可以和“strengths并列的词,比较名词备选项“limitations(局限性)”,“ con tradictio n(反驳)和“ran ge(范围)”,可知备选项“ 1irnjtatio ns符合题意,“这表明他应明 白自己的长处和能力所限”。10 . H.名词辨义题。由空格前“There i s no可以

11、推断空格处缺少名词,备选项名词只剩下“ contradiction ”和“ range,比较两词可知“ contradiction ”符合题意,即“我得说,教师也得会些表演,这与我前面讲的并不矛盾”。Passage 23Readi ng in volves look ing at graphic symbols and formulat ing men tally the sounds and ideas they represe nt. Con cepts ofreadi ng have cha nged _1_over the cen turies. During the 1950s an

12、d 1960s espieeiad atte nti on has bee n devoted to definingand describing the reading process. _2 specialists agree that reading _.3_ a complex organization of higher mental functions, theydisagree about the exact nature of the process. Some experts regard Ianguage primarily as a code using symbols

13、t represe nt sounds, readi ng as simply the decodi ng of symbols into the sounds that they sta nd for.These authorities _4_ that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught in depe nden tly of the decod ing process.Others maintain that reading is 5 related to thinking, and that a child wh

14、o pronounces sounds without their meaning is not trulyreading. The reader, according to some authorities, is not just a person with a theoretical ability to read but one who _6_ reads.Many adults, although they have the ability to read, have n ever read a book in its _7_. By some experts they would

15、not beclassified as readers. Clearly, the philosophy, objectives, methods and materials of reading will depend on the definition one use. Bythe most _8_ and satisfactory definition, reading is the ability to uniock the sound-symbols code of the Ianguage, to interpretmeaning for various _9_ at variou

16、s rates, and at various levels of difficulty, and to do so widely and en thusiastically. _10_ readi ngis the in terpretati on of ideas through the use of symbols represe nti ng sounds and ideas.A) conten d(s)I) in clusiveB) con clusiveJ) en tityC) in volve(s)K) substa ntiallyD) actuallyL) in explica

17、blyE) in cli nableM) By the wayF) en tiretyN) In shortG) AlthoughO) So farH) purposesPassage 2 答案1.K.副词辨义题。由空格前“changed”和空格后时间状语可以推断此处缺少副词。备选项中的副词“substantially(大量地),“inexplicably(无法说明的)”,“actually(事实上地)”中,只有“ substantially 符合题意,说明“经过几个世纪,阅读的概念已经改变了很多”。2.G.连词辨义题。由空格所在句子中的“agree和“ disagree可以推断此处缺少表示转

18、折的连词,故备选项“ Although 符合题意。3.C.动词辨义题。空格所在句子是“agree的宾语从句,再由空格前“reading和空格后“ a complexorganization可以推断此处缺少动词作宾语从句中的谓语。在动词备选项“ involve(包括)和“contend(争论)中,只有“ involve”符合题意,“专家们认为,阅读涉及到复杂的更高层次的脑力活动”。Passage 244.A.动词辨义题。由空格前“authorities 和空格后“that 引导的完整的句子可以推断此处缺少及物动词作谓语。故备选项“ contend(争论)”符合题意,“这些权威人士争论说,”。5.

19、L.副词辨义题。由空格前“ is“和空格后“related. ”可以推断此空格处缺少副词,再根据第二段第一句 “这些权威人士认为,与思维相关的意义必须独立于解码过程”,及第二句“其他人认为”可以推断此处意思与第一句相反,故备选项“inexplicably符合题意,“其他人认为阅读不可解释地与思考联系在5起。6. D畐恫辨义题。由空格所在句子结构完整可以推断此处缺少副词修饰“reads。备选项只剩下副词actually,“有人认为读者并非一个理论上有能力阅读的人,而是指一个真正阅读的人”。7F.名词辨义题。由空格前“ its 可以推断空格处缺少名词。名词备选项有“entirety(整体),“en

20、tity(实体),“purposes(目的)。故备选项“ entirety 符合题意,“in its entirety表示“整体地、全面地”。8 . B.形容词辨义题。由空格前“the most和空格后“ and satisfactory可以推断此处缺少形容词和“satisfactory共同修饰“ defi nition。 形容词备选项中, “ conclusive(确定的),“ inclusive(包括的)”, “inclinable(倾向于)”,故“ conclusive 符合题意。9.H.名词辨义题。由空格前“various 可以推断空格处缺少名词。比较剩余名词备选项,可以推断“purp

21、oses”符合题意,“ for various purposes表示“为了各种各样的原因10.N.短语词辨义题。由空格所在句子结构完整可以推断空格处缺少副词。再根据原文内容,此处要作 总结,故备选项“ in short(总之)符合题意。Passage 36There are more tha n 40 uni versities in Britai n early twice as many as in I960.During the 1960s eight completely new ones were foun ded, and ten other new ones were creat

22、ed_1_c onverting old colleges of tech no logy into uni versities. In the same period the _2_of stude nt more tha n doubled, from70,000 to more than 200,000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged from 18 _3_were in un iversities and about 5% of wome n. Allthe uni versities are private in stituti ons. Had has

23、 its own gover ning coun cils, 4 some local bus in essme n and local politicians as5 as a few academicsThe state bega n to give gra nts to them 50 years 6_ and by 1970 each uni versity derived n early all its funds from stategran ts. Stude nts have to pay fees and livi ng costs, but every stude nt m

24、ay receive from the local authority of the place _7_ helives a pers onal grant which is eno ugh to pay his full costs, uni ess his pare nts are rich._Most _8_ take jobs in the summer forabout six weeks, but they do not normally do outside 9 during the academic year. The Department of Education takes

25、 resp onsibilities for the payme nt which cover the whole expe nditure of the duty, but it does not exercise direct con trol. It can have animporta nt in flue nee _10_ new developme nt through its power to distribute fun ds, but it takes the advice of the Uni versity GrantsCommittee, a body which is

26、 mainly composed of academics.A)nu mberI) n ameB) in clud ingJ) stude ntsC)o nK) withD) whereL)byE) wellM) tiringF) workN)toG)agoO) professorsH) beforePassage 3 答案1. L.介词辨义题。由空格前被动语态和空格后动名词可以推断空格处缺少介词表示通过某种方 式,故备选项“ by”符合题意。2. A .名词辨义题。由空格前“ the 和空格后“ of students”可以推断空格处缺少名词。再由空格 后谓语“doubled ,可以推断选项

27、“ n umber符合题意,“学生人数翻了一翻还多 ”。3. N.介词辨义题。由空格前“ from 1 8和空格后“ 2 1 ”联想介词固定搭配“ from, to 可以推断 备选项“ to”符合题意,“从 1 8 岁到 2 1 岁和4.B .介词辨义题。由空格前完整的句子结构及“councils(理事会)和空格后并列的几个名词,可以推断空格处缺少介词,空格前后是包含的关系。故备选项“including 符合题意,“每个大学都有自己的理事会,包括当地商人,本地政客”。5.E.词组辨义题。由空格前并列的名词项“商人 “政客和空格后“大学老师”可以推断空格处缺少表示并列关系的词。再联想短语“as

28、well as(也)可以推断备选项“ wel. 1符合题意Passage 376. G 副词辨义题。根据上下文可以推断此处讲学校所得到的政府资助的变化过程,再由空格后“到1 970 年”可以推断空格前讲的是50 年前的事情。备选项中可以表示时间的有“ago 和和8“before, ago”是从现在算起,“before是从过去某一时点算起,故备选项ago”符合题意。7.D 关系副词辨义题。由空格前“the place和空格后“ he li ves可以推断空格处缺少连接词连接定语从句及其所修饰的地点the place,故备选项“ where”符合题意。8.J.名词辨义题。由空格前“Most和空格后

29、“ take ”以推断空格处缺少名词做主语。再根据文章第二段第二句讲学生的付费问题,可以推断此处也是讲学生的情况,故备选项“students”符合题意,“除了家境富裕的学生外,其他学生可以受到居住地政府的资助,包括食宿。9.F.名词辨义题。由空格前“ do outside 可以推断空格处缺少名词作“do的宾语。再由空格前内容“大多数学生夏天大约有六周的时间打工,”可以确定备选项“ work ”与“ job ”相对应,符合题意,“ ”但在学期中,通常不去校外打工”。10.C.短语辨义题。“have in flue nee on(对”产生影响)”,固定搭配,故备选项“ on 符合题意。Passag

30、e 49From childhood to old age, we use Ian guage as a means of broade ning our kno wledge and the world about us. Whenhuma ns 1they were like n ew-bor n childre n and un able to use this_2et toxrieY nguage developed,the possibilities for huma n kin ds future atta inments and cultural growth in crease

31、d. Many lin guists believe that the evoluti onis_3_ for our ability to produce and use Ian guage. _4_ that our highly evolved brain provides us 5 an inn ate Ian guage abilitynot found in ? r orga ni sms. Prop onents of this inn ate ness theory say that our 6 for Ian guage is inborn, but pat la nguag

32、eitself develops gradually, as a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. therefore there are critical 7 times forIanguage development. Current reviews of inn ate ness theory are mixed. However, evide nee support ing the existe nee ofsomei nate abilities is undeni able.In deed, more and

33、 more schools are discoveri ng that foreig n Ian guages are best taught in _8_ g)luneehildre n can leannseveral languagesby being _9_to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another Ianguage once the rules oftheir first Ianguage have become firmly fixed_ 0_ some aspects of Ianguage are

34、 undeni ably inn ate, la nguage does notdevelop automatically in a vacuum. Childre n who have bee n isolated from other huma n beings do not possessla nguage.Thisdem on stratethat in teracti on with other huma n beings is necessary for proper Ianguage development. Somenguists believethat this is eve

35、n more basic to human Ian guage acquisiti on tha n any inn ate cities. These theorists view Ian guage as imitative,learned behavior. I n other words, children learn age from their parents by imitating them. Parentsgradually shape their childsIan guage skills by positively rei nforci ng precise imita

36、ti ons and n egatively rein forci ng imprecise on es.A) evolvedI) informB) AlthoughJ) biologicalC) resp on sibleK) favoriteD) valuableL) pote ntialE) origi natedM) withF) the lowerN) gen eratedG)exposedO) performa neeH) confirmPassage 4 答案1.A.动词辨义题。由空格前humans可以推断空格处缺少不及物动词作谓语。动词备选项“ gen erated 生殖,繁衍

37、)”,不符合题意,“ origi nated(起源),不符合题意,“ evolved(进化) ”,符合题意,“当人类刚刚开始进化时,他们如同新生儿一样不会运用语言这种工具”。2.D.形容词辨义题。由空格前“ this和空格后“ tool可以推断空格处缺少形容词。 根据上下文判断,此处“ tool指语言,形容词备选项中有“responsible(可靠的)”,“ valuable(珍贵的),“ biological(生物学的),“favorite(最喜欢的)”,根据上下文可知,语言是在人类进化过程中慢 慢发展起来的,语言的发展对于人类未来及文化发展具有重大意义,因此是珍贵的,故备选项“ valua

38、ble符合题意。Passage 4103.C.形容词辨义题。由空格前“is和空格后“ for可以推断空格处缺少形容词。剩余形容词备选项中能够与“ for 搭配的只有“ responsible”, “be responsible for(对,,负责 )”,说明:“许多Passage 511语言学家认为进化使人们产生和具备了语言能力”。4.H .动词辨义题。由空格前“They和空格后“that可以推断空格处缺少及物动词。 根据本段 第一句话的时态可以确定此处的动词也应当用现在时态,备选项中现在时态的及物动词有“ confirm(确认)和“ i nform(通知),但“ in form用在“ inf

39、orm sb . that (通知某人某事)”,只有 “ confirm可以直接接宾语从句,故备选项“confirm符合题意,“他们认定”。5.M .介词辨义题。由空格前“ provides us和空格后关键词“ ability ”可以推断空格处缺少介词。固定搭配“ provide sb . Withsth.(向某人提供某物),故备选项“ with符合题意。6.L.名词辨义题。由空格前“our”和空格后“is可以推断空格处缺少名词。比较名词备选 项“ potential(潜力),“performance(履行)”,故备选项“ potential.符合题意,“我们语言能 力的潜能是与生俱来的”。

40、7.J.形容词辨义题。由空格前“ critical 和空格后“times 可以推断空格处缺少形容词。剩余形容词备选项中“ biological(生物学的)符合题意,“有一些生理期适合语言的发展”。& F 形容词辨义题。此处需根据上下文判断。后文讲“adults have a much harder time learning another1anguage(成年人学习另一门语言非常困难),可以推断小孩子学语言更容易,因此低年级学生学习语言会学得更好,故备选项“the lower符合题意。9.G动词辨义题。由空格前“by being 可以推断空格处缺少及物动词过去分词表被动语态。备选项中

41、符合要求又可以与“to 搭配的只有“ exposed, “ be exposed to表示“接触到”,即“通过接触,孩子们可以学会多种语言。”10.B.连词辨义题。由空格所在句子有两个完整的句子结构可以推断空格处缺少连词。前一分句“ some aspects of 1an guage undeni ably inn ate some (语言的某些方面肯定是先天的),后一分句 “1a nguage does not develop automatically in a Vacuum(语言不会在与人隔绝的状况下自行 发展),可以推断前后应为转折关系,故备选项“Although符合题意。12Many

42、 theories concerning the causes of juve nile deli nquency (crimes committed by young people) focus onthe in dividual or on society as the major con tribut ing in flue nee. Theories_1_on the in dividual suggestthat childre n en gage in crim inal behavior , 2_they were not sufficie ntly pen alized for

43、 various misdeeds or that they havelear ned crim inal behavior through in teract ions with others. Theories focus on the role of society suggest that children commitcrimes in response to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status or as a rejection of middle-class values.Most theories of

44、juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantagecfamilies, 3 fact that children fromwealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes 4 lack of adequate parental con trol. All theories, however,are ten tative and are subject to criticism.Chan ges in the social structure m

45、ay in directly 5 juve nile crime rates. For example, cha nges in the economy that leadsto fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employmentincreasinglydifficult to obtain.The resulting discontentmay 6一leads more youths into criminal behavior.Families have a

46、lso experie need cha nges these years. More families con sist of one pare nt households or two work ingpare nts; con trarily childre n are likely to have less supervisi on at home _7_ was commtoaidini onal family8 This lack of pare ntal supervisi on is thought to be an in flue nee on juve nile crime

47、 rates.Other ide ntifiable causes of offen sive acts in clude frustrati on or failure in school, the in creased _9_of drugs andalcohol, and the grow ing in cide nee of child abuse and child n eglect. All these con diti ons tend to crease the probability of achild committi ng a crim inal act, _10_ a

48、direct causal relati on ship has not; bee n established.A) affectI) expe nseB) cen teri ngJ) availabilityC) althoughK) structureD) becauseL) limitati onE) in turnM)forF) ignoringN) beforeG) un tilO) withH) thanPassage 5 答案1.B动词辨义题。根据第一段第一句中对青少年犯罪成因中提到的“focus on(强调、着重)可以 推断此处缺少与on搭配的动词,并且与“ focus on

49、意思相同或相近,再由空格所在句子结构可以推断此处应用分词作定语,故备选项“centering 符合题意。|2. D.连词辨义题。由空格前后句子结构完整可以推断空格处缺少连词。再由空格前内容“孩子们从事犯罪和空格后内容“做错事时他们没有受到足够的惩罚备选项中“ because符合题意。可以推断两者是因果关系,故Passage 5133.F.动词辨义题。由空格前句子结构完整,空格后“the fact可以推断空格处缺少及物动词分词结构作状语。再由空格前“, focused on, disadvantaged families ”和空格后“ wealthy homes 可 以推断,“贫困”和“富裕 ”

50、是鲜明的对立,则空白处的含义应当与“强调,突出对立,故备选项“ ignoring( 忽略) ”符合题意。4.M.介词辨义题。由空格前“ commit crimes(犯罪)和空格后 “lack of adequate pare ntal co ntrol(缺乏 父母的管教)”可以推断这又是一对因果关系,故备选项“for ( 因为,由于)符合题意。5.A.动词辨义题。由空格前“may和空格后“ juvenile crime rates可以推断空格处缺少动词。全文讲述内容都是有关青少年犯罪成因的理论,空格前“Changes in the social structure(社会结构的变化)与空格后“j

51、uve nile crime rates(青少年犯罪率)又是一对因果关系,故备选项“ affect(影响)”符合题意。6.E短语辨义题。由空格所在句子结构完整,可以推断此处缺少状语成分。再根据第三段第二句话“, changes in the economy that leads to fewer job opportunities , (社会经济变化导致青年失业或 难找工作)”空格前“ The result ing disc on te nt(由此导致的不满情绪)及空格后“ crimi nalbehavior(犯罪行为)”,可以判断这是一个因果关系的链条, “社会经济变化一失业一不满情绪一犯罪

52、行为”,故备选项“ in turn 符”合题意7.H.介词辨义题。由空格前“less可以推断此处是比较结构,固定搭配“1ess. . tha n,故备选项“ than 符合题意。8 K.名词辨义题。由空格所在段落第二句的“consist of(构成,组成)表明本段中心是家庭 “结构变化对青少年的影响,再由空格前“traditional fami ly 可以确定备选项“structure 符合题意,“传 统的家庭结构”。9.J.名词辨义题。由空格前“the in creased和空格后“ of drugs and alcohol可以推断空格处缺少名词。众所周知,毒品和酒品的泛滥与青少年犯罪的增加

53、直接有关,故备选项“ availability(可获得性、可得到性 )”符合题意。10.C.连词辨义题。由空格前后为两个完整的句子结构可以推断此处缺少连词。空格前“AU these conditions, (所有这些都增加了青少年犯罪的可能性 )”和空格后“ a direct causal relationship, (没 有直接的因果关系 )”,可以判断两者之间是让步关系,故备选项“ although ”符合题意。14仔细阅读:简答题Directions:In this sect ion, there is a short passage with 5 questi ons of in co

54、mplete stateme nts.Read the passage carefully. Then an swer the questio ns or complete the stateme nts in the fewestpossible words on An swer Sheet 2.Passage 1Google is a world-famous company, with its headquarters in Mountain View, California. It was set up in a SiliconValley garage in 1998, and in

55、flated (膨胀)with the Internet bubble. Evenwhe n everyth ing around it collapsed the compa ny kept on in flati ng. Google s search engine is so widespread across theworld that search became Google, and google became a verb. The world fell in love with the effective, fasci nati ngly fasttech no logy.Go

56、ogle owes much of its success to the brilliance of S. Brin and L. Page, but also to a seriesof fortunate events. It was Page who, at Stanford in 1996, initiated the academic project that?eventually became Google s search engine. Brin, who had met Page at a student orientation a year earlier, jo ined

57、 theproject early on. They were both Ph.D. can didates whe n they devised the search engine which was better tha n the restand, without any marketi ng, spread by word of mouth from early adopters to, even tually, your gran dmother.Their breakthrough, simply put, was that whe n their search engine cr

58、awled the Web, it did more than just look forword matches, it also tallied (统计)and ranked a host of other critical factors like how websites link to one another. Thatdelivered far better results than anything else. Brin and Page meant to name their creation Googol(the mathematical termfor the number

59、 1 followed by 100 zeroes), but some one misspelled the word so it stuck as Google. They raised moneyfrom prescient (有先见之明的 )professors and venture capitalists, and moved off campus to turn Google into bus in ess.Perhaps their biggest stroke of luck came early on whe n they tried to sell their tech

60、no logy to other search engin es, but noone met their price, and they built it up on their own.The next breakthrough came in 2000, when Google figured out how to make money with its invention. It had lots ofusers, but almost no one was paying. The solution turned out to be advertising, and its not an exagge


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