已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高考冲刺:事实细节题型阅读解题技巧编稿:陈玉莲 审稿:梁晓题型介绍阅读理解题是高考备考的“重头戏”,因为它占到了40分,是全卷分值最大的一道题。高考阅读理解选题体裁多样,涉及记叙文、说明文、应用文和议论文;选材新颖,材料都是选取原汁原味的英语文章,所选的材料均来源于实际生活,涉及的内容也是实际生活内容,强调语篇选材的真实性;话题广泛,涉及政治、经济、历史、地理、文化、教育、新闻报道、人物故事、科技信息、海外风情等;题型合理,在题型设计上,包括词义猜测题、细节理解题、推理判断题、主旨大意题、和意图态度题等几大题型。细节理解题是高考英语阅读理解中占比重最大的一类题型,这类题旨在考查考生对事实细节的

2、理解。主要针对who, what, which, why, how, when, where等来提问。细节题的命题方法很多,如可能是对某个细节用同义结构转换后进行考查,也可能是将文章中的几个细节(通常是四个)放在一起要求考生判断是非(选出正确的一项或选出错误的一项)或对几个细节进行排序等。解答这类试题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干或选项中的线索词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案(此时要特别注意一些常见的同义转换)。解题技巧设问特点 【链接高清】常以when, where, what, which, who, how much/many等词提问。以是非true /

3、false, not true / false或EXCEPT等词提问。 正确选项的特点 正确选项一般都会在原文基础上进行改造。常用方法就是同义词替换或释义,即把文中语言(词汇和结构)改头换面,来表达相同的意思。 干扰项特征1)无中生有:凭空捏造原文不存在的细节,以迷惑和干扰考生。2)常识干扰:干扰项是一些基本常识和我们对社会、生活等方面一些问题的一般看法和认识,虽然符合客观现实,但并非文章所提及的。3) 偷梁换柱:这是细节题干扰项最常见的方法。干扰项利用了原文的一部分结构和词汇,但在一些位置换掉个别词,造成了语义的变化。解题思路:1)返回原文。每一个选项都应力争返回原文,不能通过印象进行判断。

4、首先要找出文中哪一部分与其相关,同时要在文中找出一个词、一个句子、甚至是一组句子来直接或间接证实自己的选择,切不可用与文章无关的细节来作为证据。2)对于比较直接的细节题,有时不必通篇细看原文,而常常可采取 “带着问题找答案”的方法。先从问题中抓住关键性词语, 然后以此为线索,要快速辨认和记忆事实或细节。特别提示:细节题中,选项在意思上与原文相同的,才是正确的, 而不一定是与原文几乎一字不差的。真题再现1.About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio(影棚)to take

5、part in a crowd-scene. Although our "act" would last only for a short time, we could see quite a number of interesting things.We all stood at the far end of the studio as workmen prepared the scene, setting up trees at the edge of a winding path. Very soon, bright lights were turned on and

6、 the big movie-camera was wheeled into position. The director shouted something to the camera operator and then went to speak to the two famous actors nearby. Since it was hot in the studio, it came as a surprise to us to see one of the actors put on a heavy overcoat and start walking along the path

7、. A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were covered in "snow". Two more fans were turned on, and a "strong wind" blew through the trees. The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold.The next scene was a complete contrast (对比). The wa

8、y it was filmed was quite unusual. Pictures in front taken on an island in the Pacific were shown on a glass screen (幕). An actor and an actress stood of the scene so that they looked as if they were at the waters edge on an island. By a simple trick like this, palm trees, sandy beaches, and blue, c

9、lear skies had been brought into the studio!Since it was our turn next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us. For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the excitement of being film "stars"!64. Who is the author?A. A cameraman.B. A film director.C.

10、 A crowd-scene actor.D. A workman for scene setting.65. What made the author feel cold?A. The heavy snowfall.B. The man-made scene.C. The low temperature.D. The film being shown.答案与解析1. (T64) C。题干中问到作者身份,带着这个疑问,查找短文中能暗示身份的部分:About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a fi

11、lm-studio(影棚)to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our “act” would last only for a short time, we could see quite a number of interesting things.上述几个词“影棚”、“群众大场面”、“表演只持续很短时间”可知C项正确。(T65) B。根据题干中的关键词“feel cold”定位原文:A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were cov

12、ered in “snow”. Two more fans were turned on, and a “strong wind” blew through the trees. The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold.这里的picture即是the man-made scene。高考冲刺:主旨大意题型阅读解题技巧编稿:陈玉莲 审稿:王春霞题型介绍命题特点:考查主旨大意的题在近几年中相对稳定,一般来说每套试题都有23小题。从考查形式上看,从原来的简单的主旨归纳变得综合性越来越强;同时文章的行文跳跃性较强,次序变化大,隐含信息增多

13、;对主旨题的答案判断的干扰性越来越强,对考生综合、分析、归纳文章主旨大意的能力要求较往年有所提高。阅读理解对主旨大意的设问方式一般比较固定,测试点主要在对文章的主题(subject)或中心思想(main idea)的把握以及写作目的(purpose)、文章标题(title)的选择。尽管设问角度不相同,但是所针对的都是文章的主旨大意。干扰项的特点:【链接高清】1.以偏概全:答案只阐述了主旨的一部分,也就是局部信息,概括不够。2. 主题扩大:归纳概括的范围过大,超过了文章要讨论的东西。3. 断章取义,概括错误: 常常以次要的事实、细节冒充全文主要观点。解题技巧做此类题目时,首先要搞清题意,可利用文

14、中主要信息来把握文脉,进行综合归纳,概括文章的主题。如有标题,标题中蕴涵的信息往往是关键信息。任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多文章中最明显的特点就是有一个反复出现的中心词即主题词。抓住了它,便容易抓住文章的中心。此外,还要学会借助文章的结构来把握中心思想。段落中心思想常常由主题句(topic sentence)来表达。一篇文章的中心思想常常在开始段或结尾段点出,因此,要特别注意段首、段尾及主题句。对于没有明显的主题句的文章,必须根据文章中所提供的事实细节,进行全面考虑,综合分析,归纳出主题句进而概括出文章的中心思想,而不要将文章中出现的细节误认为是文章或段落的中心思想。略读是阅读


16、性、针对性。确定标题时既要避免概括不全,以部分代整体,或以事实细节代替具体的大意;也要避免概括过度,即脱离了文本内容的过度发挥,导致标题范围太大,缺乏针对性。标题选择如同选帽子一样必须大小合适才行。另外,标题既要简洁、突出、新颖,还要具有醒目的特点,这样才能吸引读者。抓住主线和关键,归纳文章中心要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。 领会意图,辨清写作目的每篇文章都有一个特定的写作目的,或是向

17、读者传递某个信息,或是娱乐读者,或是讲授某个道理。而这些信息通常并不被明确表达出来,而是隐含在文章之中。因此,这类试题要求在理解文章总体内容的基础上领会作者的意图。特别提示:不管主题句出现在文章的什么位置, 我们都要把这类题作为该篇文章的最后一道题去做, 因为做完其它题以后会对文章的主旨理解有帮助。真题再现【链接高清】1.(全国II卷第52题)What would be the best title for the text?A. Cultural Differences B. Smiles and RelationshipsC. Facial Expressiveness D. Habits

18、 and Emotions2. (浙江卷第50题)This article is mainly about _.A. the lives of school childrenB. the cause of arguments in schoolsC. how to analyze youth violenceD. how to deal with school conflicts 3.(福建卷第59题)What would be the best title for the passage?A. Money Is Raised by the NewspaperB. Newspaper Dist

19、ributes Money to the NeedyC. Unknown Hero Spreads Love in EnvelopesD. Robin Hood Returns to the City1. C. 中心句为每段首句频繁出现的中心词句。快速扫视全文能发现如下中心词:Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situations and relationships.Our faces show emotions, but we should not attempt to “read” people from anot

20、her culture as we would “read” someone from our own culture.It is difficult to generalize about Americans and facial expressiveness because of personal and cultural differences in the US.2. D。每段首句如下,通过搜索每句的中心词Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship foreverFirst of all, students

21、need to realize that conflict is unavoidable.Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidableAfter both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution: listening.Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing.There will always be conflict in schools3.

22、 C。通过首段尾句以及下面段落的首句确认短文的中心内容:But the donator who started sending envelopes with cash to deserving causes, accompanied by an article from the local paper, has made a northern German city believe in fairytales.The first envelope was sent to a victim support groupThe envelopes keep coming.高考冲刺:猜测词义题型阅读解

23、题技巧编稿:陈玉莲 审稿:梁晓题型介绍词义猜测题是高考必考的题型,一般占阅读理解总题量的10%左右。所猜词汇可以是生词,也可以是熟词新义,还可以是人称代词的指代内容。常见提问方式The underlined word “_”in the passage means _.What does “_” in the third paragraph stand for?The word/phrase “_” most nearly means _.The word/phrase “_” could best be replaced by _.The word/phrase “_” in Line, P

24、ara refers to_.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase/word/sentence “_”?Whats the meaning of “_” in Line , Para ?The underlined sentence in the first /second. paragraph probably means that _.正确选项的特点 【链接高清】1. 对于超纲词汇的正确解释,如果将它代入回原文,则符合逻辑,使文章通顺易懂。2. 对于未超纲的词或短语的正确解释,往往是熟词新义,是根据上下文推测的

25、一个特定场合的含义。干扰项的特点 1.字面意思:对于熟悉的词,干扰项会列出它的字面意思或常规含义。2.无关意思:除了字面意思,出题人还常用凭空杜撰出来的其它意思来干扰考生,但只要将此意思带入原文,不符合逻辑就能够排除。解题思路 1. 返回原文,结合上下文,理解该词的意思。2. 搜索时应注意同位语、特殊标点、定语从句、(表示上下文之间的逻辑关系)关键提示词及前后缀,特别注意找出其中和生词处于同一位置的词去推测。特别提示:1.不管这个词多超纲,根据上下文都能得出其意思。 2.不管这个词多熟悉,都要通过上下文得出其在特定场合的意思。解题技巧构词法 派生词:通过分析派生词,猜测划线单词的意思。Napo

26、leon, as a character in Tolstoys War and Peace, is more than once described as having “fat little hands”. Nor does he “sit well or firmly on the horse”. He is said to be “undersized” with “short legs” and a “round stomach”. undersized=under (低于) +size (尺寸、 大小),通过构词法可知以-ed结尾的派生词可作形容词 (如three-legged 三

27、只脚的), 再结合后面的short legs (短腿), 可猜出undersized意为 “身材矮小的”合成法:指由两个或两个以上单词组合成一个新词。通常情况下,合成词的词义为组成词的词义之和。He never wore ready-made clothes.ready-made由ready和made加连字符合成一个词,该词在clothes前,可知其词性为形容词,结合各个词的本意:ready“准备就绪的”,made“做好的”,可知句中的ready-made是“现成的、做好的”的意思。转化法:指单词的词形不改变,只通过词性的改变来使单词具有新的意义和作用。而这种单词叫转化词。Great cult

28、ural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic process that encourages everyone to have a say. say一般作动词,意为“说、表达”。观察句子,say前面带a,表示say在此转化为名词,意为“发言权、决定权”。语境法利用释义词(句)、举例或同位语:同位语是对所修饰词语的进一步说明和解释,若对所修饰的词语不熟悉,可通过其后同位语的“说明或解释”来确定其词义。表示释义或举例词语的信息词有for example, for instance, such as, in oth

29、er words, that is to say, namely, or, also known as, to put it differently, refer to等,符号则有e.g. (举例) 、i.e. (也就是) 。In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today. 利用生词后面的同位语an endangered wild cat,可知ocelot是一种猫。利用对比、 类比或转折词表示对比、类比或转折的常见信息词有but, yet, however, while, unlik

30、e, in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, despite, in spite of, instead, rather than, though等,有时也用破折号或冒号等符号。Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius to sell it. 由but可知genius是与fool(蠢才)相对的,由此推测其意为“有才能的人”、“天才”。利用因果关系表示因果关系的信息词有because, as, since, for, thus, so, sosuch that, hence, theref

31、ore, as a result等。That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.既然一天之内看不完所有的展品,那么 immense 的意思应该是“很大”了。利用上下文(结合生活常识、背景知识)猜测词义题在考查熟词新义以及代词指代内容时往往需要综合考虑上下文,有时也需要结合常识和背景知识。Its said that Bill Gates is the most affluent person in the world. 根据常识,Bill Gates 为世界首富,所

32、以 affluent 可能是“富有的”。高考冲刺:推理判断题型阅读解题技巧编稿:陈玉莲 审稿: 王春霞题型介绍推理题即要求考生在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题属于主观性极强的高层次阅读理解题,做这类题目时,要严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和语气,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。此时应特别注意:当问及作者的看法、意图与态度时,不要误认为是在问“你”(考生)的想法切忌主观,要通过文章内容推断作者的意图,即作者本人在字里行间所表述的观点。解

33、题技巧要通过文章的措辞、上下文关系以及文章的文体结构等来理解作者的意图和态度,领会作者的言外之意。不能用主观臆断代替文中作者的观点,不能以事实代替推理,不能以具体代替抽象、以现象代替实质。要特别注意那些描写环境以及反映作者情感、态度的语句。正确选项的特点 【高清链接】不是文中直接或明确说明的内容, 是间接表达出来的,除符合文章主旨外,还符合逻辑,让考生有推敲的余地。另外,正确选项大多含义深刻,不是常识选项。干扰项的特点 1. 夸大事实:对于原文中的细节或论断的某方面程度进行了夸大处理。2. 无中生有:捏造原文并不存在的信息,并以此作为依据进行推理。3. 掺入常识:根据考生已有的常识是正确的,但

34、是却不是基于文章。4. 推理过头:引申过度,使结论过于绝对化。推理短文出处提问方式推断文章出处的设题形式有:The passage is most likely to be taken from_.Where would this passage most probably appear?The passage is most likely a part of_.解题技巧这类问题应从文章的内容或结构来判断其出处:1. 报纸:前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。2. 广告:因其格式特殊,容易辨认。3. 产品说明:器皿、设备的使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品的服用说明会告知instructio

35、n服用时间、次数、药量等。You may think that sailing is a difficult sport, but it is really not hard to learn it. You do not need to be strong. But you need to be quick. And you need to understand a few basic rules about the wind.First, you must ask yourself,.Lets start with the wind blowing from the behind. Thi

36、s means.If the wind is blowing from the side, it is blowing across the boat. In this case, you must.Sailing into the wind is not possible. If you try, the sail will flap and the boat will stop. You may want to.48. Where can you probably find the text?A. In a popular magazine.B. In a tourist guideboo

37、k.C. In a physics textbook.D. In an official report.A。帆船运动是普通的一种体育运动,因此,本文很可能从流行杂志中节选。推断写作意图 提问方式 考查整篇文章的写作目的 The writer writes this passage in order to _. The writers purpose of writing this passage is to _. What is the purpose of writing this article? In writing the passage, the author intends to

38、_. 考查某处细节的写作意图 The writer uses the example ofto show that _. The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _. are mentioned in the first paragraph to _. 技巧点拨 一般我们可以通过分析文章的文体特点、理解作者的词句选择和识别文章的语气来理解作者的写作意图。首先,分析文体特点有助于把握作者的写作意图。如果我们对写作意图的种类做一归纳,就不难看出这一点。写作意图通常可以概括为以下四种:报道(report

39、),警告(warming),阐述(explain 概念、原理等),辩论(argument).娱乐读者的写作目的常见于故事类的文章。 说服读者的写作目的常见于广告类的文章。在这样的文章中,作者或是要推销一种产品一种服务(to sell a product or a service),或是要通过对旅游景点报刊杂志影片电视节目等的介绍来达到他的写作目的:吸引更多的游客读者或订户观众等。科普类新闻报道类文化类或社会类的文章多为阐述某种概念、原理,或就某观点进行辩论,或就某现象提出警告,了解这类文章的写作目的有利于对文章主题的正确把握,阅读时有必要找准文章的主题句,或较好地对主题加以归纳 Eating

40、too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of heart disease. But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you breathe.Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露)to environmental pollution to an increased risk of h

41、eart problem, but two analyses now show that .The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because every

42、one is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices. So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health.56. The authors purpose of writing the text is most likely to . A. inform B. persua

43、de C. describe D. entertainA。本文是一篇说明文,主要意思是说明人们所呼吸的空气和心脏病的发病率之间的关系,由此可知作者的写作目的是告知人们一个事实。推断作者态度提问方式 The writers attitude toward is_.The writer thought that _.According to the author, _. 干扰选项此类试题的干扰项通常具有以下特点:或是自己的某种看法或观点,或是社会的一种普遍的倾向,或是与本文无关或与作者相反的观点或看法等。 解题技巧推断作者态度时,要注意作者的遣词造句,是褒是贬,是赞成还是反对,

44、作者如果用certain, no doubt, surely等表示确定的语气;如果用possibly, maybe, it is said that时多表示不确定的语气。尤其要注意转折词的运用,作者常在转折词后道出自己的真实评价、观点或态度。When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City ,


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