1、话题1:建议 Making Suggestions(英汉对照)1.How about 6 o'clock this evening? 晚上6点钟可以吗?2.How about we set up a meeting at 8:30? 8点半开会可以吗?3.How about a visit to Beijing this winter holi-day?今年寒假去北京玩,如何?4.You are hungry. Why not a cake? 你饿了。为何不吃蛋糕呢?5.Why
2、not look at the hairstyle book? 先看看这本发型的书吧。6.I don't have any idea of how to study here. 我不知道在这里怎么学习。7.What would you suggest? 你建议该怎么做呢?8.What time did he suggest? 他建议在什么时候会面?9.It's cold. Will you close the window,
3、 please?天冷,请把窗子关上,好吗?10.I'd like to hear your ideas about the job. 我想听听您对这工作的建议。11.Will you please come to have dinner with me?跟我一起吃饭,好吗?12.Won't you have more coffee?再喝点咖啡,好吗?13.Can you give me some suggestions? 能给我提些建议吗?14.Do you have any suggestion in m
4、ind? 你有什么建议吗?15.Would you lend me your pen a minute? 愿意把钢笔借我用一会吗?16.Would you be good enough to do it for me? 请您帮我一下,好吗?17.Shall I get some chalks for you, Joe? 乔,我给你拿粉笔来,好吗?18.Shall we begin the meeting now? 我们现在开始开会,好吗?1
5、9.May I make suggestions? 我可以提个建议吗?20.Let's meet at the entrance,shall we? 我们在入口处见,好吗?21.Let's have some coffee, shaU we? 让我们喝点咖啡,好吗?22.Let me give you some advice. 让我给你提几个建议吧。23.I advised her not to believe Joe.
6、160; 我建议她不要相信乔的话。24.I suggest that we need to start preparing now so that we can act quickly. 我建议我们现在就开始准备以便抢得先机。25. Now,I propose a toast to our friendship! Cheers! 现在我建议为我们的友谊举杯!干杯!!终极加油站:set up a meeting(开会)hairstyle book(发型书)give some suggestions(提出建议)begin the meeting(开始开会)a t
7、oast to friendship(为友谊干杯)话题1:建议 Making Suggestions(英汉对照)1.他们建议我接受帮助。They advised that I should accept the help.2.他们建议我下周来。They suggested that I should come next week.3.建议你一定要亲自看一下 。I suggest you see it by yourself.4.我建议您再查一下电话簿。I suggest you look in the phone book again.5.我建议你买两卧室的房子。I recommend you
8、 buy a twi-bedroom house.6.我建议你升级系统。 I recommend you to upgrade your system.7.我建议你开车去观光浏览。I suggest taking your car for sightseeing.8.我们建议签两年的合同。 We suggest a two-year contract.9.医生建议我必须要慎重。The doctor said I had to be careful.10.你该按你父母的要求去做。
9、; You should do what your parents tell you to.11.乔该理发了。 Joe could do with a haircut.12.如果我能去,我会很高兴的。 If I could go,I should be glad.13.如果我是你,我会更弓争力学习。 If l were you, I'd study harder.14.销售经理提出合理的计划。 The sales manager set forth a sound plan.15.你的建议对我非常重要。 Your opinio
10、n is very important for me.16.嗯,我需要法律上的建议。 Well, I'd like some legal advice.17.如此,我同意贵方的建议。 In that case, we agree to accept your proposal.18.谢谢你的建议。非常感谢。 Thanks for your advice!I appreciate it!19.我觉得你这些建议很好啊。 I thought you had very good suggestions.20.好的,我会采纳你的建议。 OK, I&
11、#39;II take your advice.21.我乐于接受合理的建议。 I'm open to any reasonable suggestions.22.谢谢你的礼物和建议。 Thanks for your gifts and suggestion.23.保的建议似乎是合理的。 Your suggestion seems to be reasonable.24.你最好戒烟,抽烟对你的健康有害。You'd better give up smoking. It's bad
12、 for your health.25.他现在处于困境中,我们应该助他一臂之力。 He is in trouble now, and we ought to give him a hand. 终极加油站:accept the help(接受帮助)the phone book(电话簿)a two-year contract(两年的合同)set forth a sound plan(提出合理的计划)话题2:安慰 Offering Confort(英汉对照)1.Never mind. She's just upset.别在意。她只是有点心烦。2.I'm really sor
13、ry!我真的很抱歉。3.Luck will be around. you next time.幸运女神下次会陪伴你的。4.No big deal. I'II ask Joe to go.没什么我问乔能不能去。5.Better luck next time!下次一定会走运的!6.That's all right.She's just mad.没事儿,她只是有点激动。7.I'm sorry, I'm late.真对不起,我来晚了。8.It's all my fault!都是我弄错了。9.Don't blame yourself.别责备自己了。
14、10.It's not your fault. She's only angry.不是你的错。她只是有点生气。11.I feel really bad about it.那件事我做的真不好。12.Don't worry,it happens.别担心了,那是常有的事。13.It happens to the best of us.这种事谁都会遇到。14.There's no need to worry about it.不必为那事烦恼。15.Don't give it another thought.
16、0; .别再有其他的想法。16.It can't be helped. 没办法呀!17.
17、Everything will be fine. 一切都会顺利的。18.I don't want to put you our. 我不想给您添麻烦。19.The invalid found solace in music. 那个病人在音乐中获得安慰。20. Do you feel like having some company? 想不想有人陪你?21.I don't want to put you out. 我
18、不想给您添麻烦。22.Don't concern yourself. 不必为那事烦恼。23.What are you worried about?你担心什么?24.I was pretty lucky though.I only have afew broken bones.我已经很幸运了,只有几处骨折。25.And you know we'll be there for you;whatev-er you need.不管你需要什么,只要告诉我们一下就可以了。终极加油站:never mind(别在意)be around(在附近)n
19、o big deal(没什么大不了的)put sb. out(给某人添麻烦)worry about(担忧)pretty lucky(相当幸运)话题2:安慰 Offering Confort(英汉对照)1.你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?Why are you so glum ?2.我不想给您添麻烦。I don't want to bother you.3.这算什么呀。This is nothing.4.你有这么多工作要做呀。You have a lot of work to do.5.我不想给您添麻烦。I don't want to cause you trouble.6.忘记吧。我肯定老
20、板会后悔的。Forget that. I'm sure the boss will regret.7.总会有办法的。It'll work out.8.你总是能让我高兴起来。You always cheer me up.9.队里真的需要你。We really need you on the team.10.我担心你。I was worried about you.11.你该休息一会儿。You need a break.12.你该放松会儿。You should take it easy.13.你今天看上去很悲伤。You look sad today.14.你怎么了?显得这么伤心。W
21、hat's the matter?You look sad.15.你今天怎么满脸的不高兴。You don't look very happy today.16.别着急,事情都会好的。Don't worry,everything will be OK.17.别说了。我理解你的感受。Don't say that. I can understand your feeling.18.我要不要去安慰一下他?Shall I go and comfort him?19.没道理!你是优秀的经理。No reason. You are so excellent a manager.
22、20.我希望这不会使你太难过。I hope it won't make you too disappointed.21.很遗憾听到这个消息。I'm so sorry to hear that.22.我能为你做什么?Is there anything I can do for you?23.让我做。我很高兴能帮你。Pass it on to me. I feel glad to help out.24.有些孩子会容易忧虑,需要额外的安慰。Some children are more prone to worry and may need extra reassurance.25.
23、振作起来!要想着所有好女孩都排队等着见你呢。Cheer up!Just think about all the good girls who will be lining up to see you!终极加油站:cause trouble(制造麻烦)work out(找到办法)take it easy(放松)no reason(没道理)cheer up(振作起来)extra reassurance(额外安慰)话题3:同意 Agreement(英汉对照)1.If there are no other choices ,I'd have to accept it.如果别无他法,我只好同意。
24、2.I'll have to comply.When'Il we sign the contract ?我只好同意。何时签协议?3.Right you are!休说的对!4.That's a good idea.是个好主意。5.That's a very interesting idea.那是一个有趣的想法。6.I think what you said is quite reasonable.你说的有道理。7.I share the same view with you.我与你有同感。8.I am for your idea.我赞成你的主意。9.It seem
25、s to be the best solution.这好像是最好的办法。lO.Yes, I agree with you.是的,我同意你的看法。11.I'm sure we all agree with that.我肯定大家都会同意的。12.We agree to your suggestion.我们同意你的建议。13.We agree to give you a break on the price.我们同意给你减价。14.I quite agree with Joe on the point.我特别同意乔讲的那一点。15.I agree with his analysis of t
26、he situation.我同意他对情况的分析。16.We'II agree to reduce our price by lO%.我们同意降价10%。17.The price is agreed on at $ I per piece.每个l美元是你同意的价格。18.Yes,that's what we agreed on.对,那是我们所同意的。19.I'm in agreement up to that point.这一点我同意。20.Well,I agree with Joe.我同意乔的分析。21.Subject to your consent, I
27、wiU try again.你要是同意,我再试一试。22.The treaty is subject to ratification.此条约经我批准后才能生效。23.Next he undertook to pay off the debts.然后,他同意负责偿还债务。24.I am very glad to hear of your ready agreement.听你这么痛快地同意了,我很高兴。25.I'll fill in everything we've agreed on about the apartment.我会把双方关于公寓取得一致同意的内容填上去。终极加油站:
28、no other choices(别无选择)sign the contract(签协议)give a break on the price(减价)reduce the price(减价)pay off the debts(偿还债务)话题3:同意 Agreement(英汉对照)1.银行终于同意给我百万贷款。The bank finally granted me amillion loan.2.他最终会同意的。 He will come round to the idea in the end.3.我们同意你们支付30%的货款。We can only only
29、accept 30% cash payment.4.我们同意赔偿损失的要求。We agreed to compensate for your damage.5.如果大家同意,我提议工作。If everyone's in agreement, I propose tasks.6.他欣然同意我的要求。He readily complied with my request.7.我同意你的观点。I quite agree.8.乔,我完全同意你。I fully agree with you, Joe.9.我完全同意你的观点。I couldn't agree with you more!1
30、O.同意他的意见吗?Do you agree with him?11.你们同意吗?Do you have any objections?12.对这问题有不同意见吗?Are there any different views?13.我不太同意你的说法。I disagree with you there.14.抱歉,乔不同意我不能做。Sorry, I can't do that without Joe's approval.15.你能打电话给乔,请他同意吗?Can you call Joe, and get him to approve it?16.那是个糟糕的主意!What a
31、terrible idea!17.你所说的有一部分是对的。What you say is partly true.18.恐怕我明晚有事。I'm afraid I'U be busy tomorrow evening.19.我不赞成你的观点。I cannot give my support to you.20.我不太清楚你的意思。I'm not sure what you mean.21.我不这么认为。I don't see that way.22.我们永远不会同意该条件。We probably never agree to the requirement.
33、60; - .23.我可以同意,接着
34、怎么做?I can agree to that. How shall we proceed?24.如您完全同意,我今晚把协议打印好。If you totally agree, I'Il type the agreement this evening.25.他的话使我觉得他会同意我们的计划的。What he said inclines me to think that he will a gree to our plan.络极加油站:grant sb.a loan(同意给某人贷款)come around to the idea(同意这个观点)comply with the request
35、(同意要求)agree to the plan(同意该计划)话题3:同意 Agreement(英汉对照)1.银行终于同意给我百万贷款。The bank finally granted me amillion loan.2.他最终会同意的。 He will come round to the idea in the end.3.我们同意你们支付30%的货款。We can only only accept 30% cash payment.4.我们同意赔偿损失的要求。We agreed to compensate for your damage.5.如果大家同意
36、,我提议工作。If everyone's in agreement, I propose tasks.6.他欣然同意我的要求。He readily complied with my request.7.我同意你的观点。I quite agree.8.乔,我完全同意你。I fully agree with you, Joe.9.我完全同意你的观点。I couldn't agree with you more!1O.同意他的意见吗?Do you agree with him?11.你们同意吗?Do you have any objections?12.对这问题有不同意见吗?Are
37、there any different views?13.我不太同意你的说法。I disagree with you there.14.抱歉,乔不同意我不能做。Sorry, I can't do that without Joe's approval.15.你能打电话给乔,请他同意吗?Can you call Joe, and get him to approve it?16.那是个糟糕的主意!What a terrible idea!17.你所说的有一部分是对的。What you say is partly true.18.恐怕我明晚有事。I'm afraid I
38、39;U be busy tomorrow evening.19.我不赞成你的观点。I cannot give my support to you.20.我不太清楚你的意思。I'm not sure what you mean.21.我不这么认为。I don't see that way.22.我们永远不会同意该条件。We probably never agree to the requirement.
40、; - .23.我可以同意,接着怎么做?I can agree to that. How shall we proceed?24.如您完全同意,我今晚把协议打印好。If you totally agree
41、, I'Il type the agreement this evening.25.他的话使我觉得他会同意我们的计划的。What he said inclines me to think that he will a gree to our plan.络极加油站:grant sb.a loan(同意给某人贷款)come around to the idea(同意这个观点)comply with the request(同意要求)agree to the plan(同意该计划)话题4:同情 Sympathy(英汉对照)1.Don't worry.It's their lo
42、ss. 别丧气,那是他们的损失。2.Don't worry,things can only get better. 别担心,一切都会好的。3.Joe is a very sympathetic person.乔是一个富有同情心的人。4.Oh,what a shame.哦,太可惜了。5.Oh really? I'm so sorry to hear that. 不是吧?真很遗憾。6.Oh dear,I know you tried your best. 宝贝,你已经尽力了。
43、7.It must be tough for you. 那你肯定很难受吧。8.Sorry for your loss. 我为你的损失感到难过。9.You must be very upset.你肯定很伤心。10.You always have my shoulder to cry on .你总可以靠在我肩上哭泣。11.You have my sympathy. 我很同情你。12.Don't you have any sympathy for poor people?你难道对穷人没
44、有同情心吗?13.We feel your pain. 我们感受到你的痛苦。14.We understand your pain. 我们理解你的痛苦。15.We will put you in our prayers.我们为你祝福。16.We are all very sorry for your loss. 我们为你的损失感到抱歉。17.Please accept my heartfelt condolences.请接受我最真诚的慰问。18.That's awful.
45、; 真糟糕。19.That's extremely bad luck.那真是太倒霉了。20.That's really unlucky. 真的是很不幸。21.That's a real pity. 真可惜。22.What a terrible situation for you. 这可太糟糕了。23.How terrible for you. 你真够可怜的。24.Oh no, our deepest sy
46、mpathy to you and your family.我们向你和你的家人致以最深刻的同情。25.You have my deepest sympathy during this tragic time.我对你的不幸深表同情。 终极加油站:a very sympathetic person(一个富有同情心的人)have my shoulder to cry on(靠在我肩上哭泣)put sb. in prayers(为某人祝福)话题4: 同情 Sympathy(英汉对照)1.我知道那种感觉。I know how it feels.2.听说你爸爸病了,我很难过。I'm so
47、rry to hear that your dad is ill.3.你钱包被偷,我真的很难过。I'm awfully sorry your wallet has been stolen.4.听到这个消息我真的很难过。I'm extremely sorry to hear that.5.我深表遗憾。I'm very sorry to hear that.6我不需要同情我犯的错误。I don't need any sympathy for my mistakes.7.获悉这次事故,我深感遗憾。I'm deeply sorry to learn of thi
48、s accident.8.我非常同情你。I'm dreadfully sorry for you.9.他同情平民。He sympathizes with the common people .10.别担心,下次会通过的。 Never mind. Better luck next tIme.11.事情会好起来的。Everything will be okay.12.至少我可以表达爱与祝福。I can send my love and best wishes.13.我同情输了的那个队。My sympathies lie with the losing team.14
49、.为了孩子坚强。他需要你。Try to be strong for your kid. He needs you.15.谁能不同情这小孩呢?Who couldn't sympathize sith such a child?16.她对于我来说什么都不是。She didn't mean anything to me.17.在他需要的时候还责备他。You blame him in his moment of need.18.你的同情心去哪里了? Where has all your sympathy gone?19.没人教过你富有同情心?
50、0; Did anyone not teach you to be more caring?20.我很同情你。My heart goes out to you.21.我不需要你的同情。I don't want your sympathy.22.这全是你的错。It is entirely your fault.23.我忍不住会同情那些可怜的孤儿。I cannot but feel sorry for those poor orphans.24.很难同情那些对别人刻薄的人。It's hard to sympathize with someone who is so mean to
51、others.25.我们对你的遭遇表示同情。We sympathize with what you're going through.终极加油站:sympathize with.(同情)learn of(获悉,了解到)go through(经受考验,渡过难关)be mean to others(对别人刻薄)话题5:反对Opposition(英汉对照)1.That was not the case. 事实并非如此。2.That's not how I see it 我并不这么看。3.That's no
52、t what I heard. 这与我了解的情况有出入。4.You've got the facts wrong.你把事实搞错了。5.You know it isn't true. 你心里明白那不是真的。6.You must be joking. 你肯定是在开玩笑。7.You can't be serious. 你不要当真。8.Do you really think so? 你真的这么想吗?9
53、.Don't be too sure. 别那么肯定。lO.Don't speak too soon. 话不要说得太早。11.What are you talking about? 你在说什么呀?12.Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?13.I find that hard to swallow.对这一点我难以相信。14.I'11 believe it when I see it
54、我觉得还是眼见为实。15.I'm not in agreement with what Joe said. 我不能同意乔说的话。16.I'm afraid I have a different opinion.恐怕我的看法和你不一样。17.I'm afraid I don't share your opinion 我不敢苟同。18.I'm sorrybut I have to disagree. 我很抱歉,但我不同意。19.I'm afra
55、id I can't get my approval.我不敢同意。20.I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this. 恐怕我们在这点达不成共识。21.I'm sorry,but Icant agree with that. 我很抱歉,但我不能同意。22.I'm sorry,but I can't support that idea.抱歉,但我不支持那个观点。23.I can't agree with you at all.
56、160; 我完全不同意。24.I see your point but I can't really agree with you.我明白你的观点,但我的确不能赞同。25.I'm quite willing,on condition that there's no objection.只要没人反对,我非常愿意。终极加油站:get the facts wrong(把事实搞错)hard to swallow(难以接受)have a different opinion(有不同观点)see eye to eye on sth.(对某事看法一致)话题5:反对Opposition(
57、英汉对照)1.我完全不同意你的看法。I couldn't agree with you less.2.我的看法和你截然相反。I couldn't disagree with you more.3.我反对这个决定。I really disapprove of this decision.4.我认为你绝对错了。l think you are absolutely wrong.5.你的观点不值一驳。You don't have a leg to stand on.6.我再也不想听这_。I won't listen to any more of this crap.7.
58、我不会同意别跟我费口舌。I won't agree! Don't waste your breath.8.你不知道你在说什么。You don't know what you are talking about.9我从未听过如此胡说八道。I've never heard such a pile of crap in my life!lO.我不同意你的。I hate to disagree with you.11.抱歉,但我不同意。Sorry,but I can't go along with you.12.好吧,我们保留各自的观点。All ri
59、ght, let's agree to differ on this topic.13.你太言过其实了。 You're really stretching the truth.14.决不可能。That's out of the question.15.你完全搞错了。 You've got it all wrong.16.你扯得太远了。 You're just way off base.17.我很抱歉,但我不同意。 I'm sorry, but I ca
60、n't go along with that.18.我反对人类克隆。 I'm against human cloning.19.那完全是胡说八道。 That's absolute nonsense.20.你真无知。 You're clueless.21.你以为我会接受吗? Do you expect me to accept that?22.胡说八道你蒙不了我。 That's
61、bullshit.You can't fool me.23.完全捏造,没有一点真的。 It's pure fiction. There's no truth in it24.在这件事上你赞成他还是反对他?Are you with him or against him on this issue? 25好了,有八票赞成七票反对。Well, that's eight in favor of this idea and seven opposed. 络极加油站:have a leg to stand on(站不住脚)was
62、te breath(费口舌)out of the question(绝不可能)way off base(扯得太远)in favor of(赞成,支持)话题6:愤怒 Anger(英汉对照)1.Oh,no,what next?哦,天哪,你还要怎么样?2.Could you try to change this bad habit?你能不能试着改掉坏习惯?3.What are you so upset about?你对什么事生气呢?4.Don't be offended by his haste, he is very busy.别为他的轻率介意,他很忙。5.Joe cannot stoma
63、ch the violence.乔无法忍受暴力行为。6.It's about time you realize your rude behavior.你得意识到你的粗鲁行为。7.This laind of work style is extremely irritating.这工作方式真的很恼人。8.That really isn't good enough.这实在不太好。9.I really hate it when they do that.他们这样做,我真的很讨厌。IO.I can't stand this kind of talk.我受不了这样的谈话。11.I&
64、#39;m very unhappy about the service here.我对这儿的服务很不满意。12.I'm extremely displeased with the service.我对这服务太不满意了。13.I can't say I'm at all pleased that you job.对你的工作,我并不很高兴。14.I can't say I'm at all pleased about progress.你的进展并不能让我高兴。15.I can't say I'm at aU pleased by her t
65、one.她的语气让我不太高兴。16.I'm tired of your excuses.我已经厌倦了你的借口了。17.I frnd this picture extremely offensive.这个图片很讨厌。18.I hate to wait.我讨厌等人。19.I'm infuriated by Joe thoughtlessness.我为乔的缺乏考虑而愤慨。20.I'm fed up with paying too much for it.我厌烦透了,交那么多费。21.I'm furious with Joe! He's always late.我非常生乔的气,他总迟到。22.I've had just about enough of your service.我已经受够了你的服务。23.If you tease him,he becomes hot with anger.如果你戏弄他,他会生气的。24.I'm very annoyed that you come back so late.你这么晚才回来,我真的很25.I blew a fuse because he didn't do his homework。找是因为他没有做功课才发火的。终极加油站:change the bad habi
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