1、英语国家概况英语国家概况串讲串讲 主讲教师:王思南串讲模块简介串讲模块简介一英概的考纲重点及命题原则 (一)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (二)The United States of America二英概的考点精讲及命题方向 (三)The Republic of Ireland (四)Canada (五)Australia (六)New Zealand三英概的复习方法及应试技巧(一)英概的考纲重点及命题原则从英语国家概况的考核目标及2006年4月份的真题来分析,可得出如下结论:1、从国别来看,重点在英国和美国
2、部分,约占78%(英国和美国各占39分2006年试题),而澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大和爱尔兰部分只占22%。2、从某一具体的国家的的来看,在地理,历史、经济、政治、社会和文化五部分中,考察的重点在历史和政治部分。以2006年试题中的英国为例,在39分中,涉及这两部分的试题竟占了33分!综上所述,我们在复习时,应以英国和美国的历史和治部分为重中之重。下面向大家介绍一下考纲,为大家删去部分教材内容,减轻大家的负担:整章删掉的有:chapter 6: The Economy , chapter 8: Justice and Law 部分内容删减的有: chapter 1只保留:. Different
3、Names for Britain and its Parts, 其余删掉 Chapter 2 P.16 1. The Iberians和 2. The Beaker Folk , P.18 .Roman Britain chapter 3 P.29 2. Henry IIs Reforms P.37 保留 IV: The Black Death(1348-1349), 删掉The Peasant Uprising(1381) chapter 4 P.51 James I (1603-1625) and the Parliament P.52 Charles (1625-1649) and t
4、he Parliament 教材内容-删去部分(英国)chapter 5 P.73 V: Trade Unions and the Labor Party P.81, 2: Britain Between the Two World Wars chapter 7 P.116, III: The Cabinet and Ministry P.117, IV: The Privy Council P.118, V: Government Departments and the Civil Service P.120, VI: Local Government chapter 9 P.134, I:
5、 Health and Social Services P.140, II: Social Security chapter 10 P.162, 2:Periodicals P.165, 5:News agencies 整章删节 chapter 13: Geography部分删节chapter 14 P.230, 2:Hispanics,P.232, 3:Asian-Americans,P.233, 4:Indians 及 P.234,5:white ethnics chapter 15: P.243, :The War of 1812 chapter 16 P.253 倒数第二行 Pushe
6、d by the Progressive Movement,P.254章节结束 教材内容-删去部分(美国)chapter 17 P.267, : The Berlin blockade and the Founding of the NATO P.269, : U.S. Support of Chiang Kai-shek and the Korean War P.271, : The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s P.273, :The Cuban Missile Crisis P.280, :Watergate Scandal chapter 18
7、P.287, II: Natural Resources P.288, III: American Agriculture P.292, IV: American Industry chapter19 P.301, 3:Provisions for amendment P.302, 1:The Presidency P.304, 3:The executive departments P.305, 4:The independent agencies P.306, 1:A Two-chamber Congress P.307, 3:Officers of the Congress P.308,
8、 4:Functions of the Congress 教材内容-删去部分(美国)chapter 20 :无删减 chapter 21 P.343, II: Architecture P.344, III: Music chapter 22 P.350, II: Martin Luther Kings Day P.350, III: Lincoln Birthday (February 12) P.352, V: Washingtons Birthday (February 22) P.354, VII: Memorial Day (Last Monday in May) P.356, X:
9、 Veterans Day (November 11) 爱尔兰 删掉chapter 12 加拿大 删掉chapter 24, chapter 25, chapter 26 澳大利亚 删chapter 28, chapter 29, chapter 30, chapter 31 chapter 32 P.421, III: Plants and Animals 新西兰 删掉chapter 34 P.517, V: Notable New Zealanders英概的命题原则1、本课程考试的命题是根据考试大纲规定的考核目标来确定考试范围和考核标准,试卷力求最大程度地覆盖考核内容,并要适当突出课程的重
10、点。2、试卷题目的能力层次结构安排要合理,并适当突出对考生语言应运能力的考察。试卷中各种能力层次的题目所占分数比例一般为:识记占,领会占,简单应运占,综合应运占。由以上分析我们可知,试卷突出了考察学生对知识的再现能力,而不是对知识的再认能力。所以,在学习中要注重对基本知识点的理解,融汇和贯通,而不是死记硬背。3、试卷题目的难易程度分布一般为:易占,较易占,较难占,难占。但我们必须知道不是客观题就容易,主观题就难。(一)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1. Land and people (Geography &am
11、p; settlers)2. The Origins of a Nation3. The Shaping of the Nation (History)4. Transition to the Modern Age5. The Rise and Fall of British Empire6.The Economy (Economy)7.Government and Administration (Politics)8.Justice and Law9. Social Affairs (Society)10. cultural Affairs (culture)1. Land and peop
12、le (Geography & settlers)Key points:Different names for Britainthe official name of the countrythe southern part of Ireland Islandthree political divisions on the island of Great Britain and the largest and richest onethe Commonwealth of Nationsthe location of the countryThree political division
13、sthe location of the countryHistory of Great Britain The history before 1066 (original and slavery systems) The history between 1066 and 1688 (feudal system)The history after 1688The history before 1066The Iberiansthe first known settlers of Britain The Beaker FolkThe CeltsRomansthe beginning of the
14、 recorded historyThe Anglo-Saxons-the origin of the nationThe Viking and DanishNorman ConquestThe Celts(1)Key Points:the duration of the Celts arrivalthe original sources of the Celts the different names of Celts three waves the Celtic tribes are the ancestors of Scots, the Irish and Welsh and their
15、 languages are the basis if Welsh and Gaelicthe religion of the CeltsThe Anglo-Saxons(1)Key points:the duration of Anglo-saxons rule the different names of three Teutonic tribesthe original source of the Saxons and AnglesHeptarchyEgbertthe religion of Anglo-Saxons when whothe Christianization of Ang
16、lo-Saxons the first Archbishop why how the foundation of English Statesthe contributions of Anglo-Saxons: the WitanHeptarchyThe Viking and Danish(1)Key points:the original sources of Viking and Danesthe duration of the threatKing Alfred established the navy of BritainThe contribution of King Alfred
17、established schools and formulate legal system(2)Possible questions:Alfred the Great was the King of _. A Sussex B Essex C Wessex D Mercia By the middle of the ninth century, _ posed a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Essex. A. the Vikings and the Danes B. the Vikings and the Jutes C. the Jutes and th
18、e Danes D .the Danes and the NorwegianThe Norman conquest(1066) 1.when: began on October 14, 1066 2.who: Duke of Normandy, William 3.why: For the English throne Harolds troop were exhausted for the fighting for throne with the other three men Williams soldiers were the finest fighting horsemen in Eu
19、rope 4.how: William killed Harold in the battlefield and entered LondonNorman and take the throneConquest Then, conquered the southern Saxon and took brutal actions to northern Saxon because of their refusing to his rule established the feudal system in Britain Norman-French culture, language, manne
20、rs, and architecture were introduced 5.significance: The church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courtsThe history between 1066 and 1688Shaping of the NationTransition to the Modern AgeShaping of the NationWilliams Rule (1066-1087)Henr
21、y s Reformthe first King of House of PlantagenetThe Great Charter (1215)The Beginning of ParliamentThe Hundred Years War with FranceThe back Death (1348-49)the Peasant Uprising (1381) Williams Rule (1066-1087) gave land to his barons for the promise of military service and proportion of lands produc
22、e economy: scatter the estates all over the country, so the barons can not combine easily to rebelMethods Ask all the tenants to take the oath of allegiance to both the lord and the king replace the witan with the Grand Council politics: compile the property record known as Domesday Book uphold chur
23、chs power and control them no pope, bishop or Papal bull can be religion: recognized, or visit, even write to Rome without his permission The Great charter or Magna Carta1.when: in the summer of 12152.why: the reasons for the presentation of the Magna Carta3.how: the process of the presentation4.wha
24、t: the content of the Magna Carta5.limitation: It was still a feudal document, and can not guarantee the basic right and interest of the common people having been regarded as the foundation of English liberties6.significance: being a limitation of the power of the king keeping the power of the king
25、within the bound of the feudal law The reasons for the presentation against France for the protection of the territory in France 1.political- the Crusades for Holy land the abuse of the kings power Reasons high tax 2. economic- dull financial resources take barons interests 3.social - the poverty of
26、 the common people How was the charter presented?The process:Because of the threat to the interests of the barons and the unsatisfied action of the king John, the barons asked John to stop his wrong-doing, but was refused.Then, in the summer of 1215, the delegation of the barons presented a document
27、 and forced John and his advisers to acceptThe document is the Great charter.The content of the Charter 1.No tax should be made without the approval of the Grand council 2.No free men should be arrested, imprisoned, or deprived his property except by the law of the landContent 3.the church all its r
28、ights, together with the freedom of election 4.There should be the same weights and measures throughout the country, even London 5.Nothing was said to serfsThe beginning of the parliamentA. BackgroundThe Magna Carta came to the date, but king John denied it; he raised troops and ravage the north, bu
29、t he died before he cause any trouble. His son took the throne, known as Henry , and he followed the steps of his father, filled the important offices in the church and states with his favorites. This caused the anger of the baronsB. ReasonsC. Formation processD. LimitationThe reasons for the beginn
30、ing of the parliament the development of the economy demanded the harmony step of the politics the members in the Grand a. indirect reasons: Council were all the trusted followers of the king, and cannot represent the interests and the needs of the majorities of the barons b. direct reason : - the k
31、ing refused to accept the Provision of OxfordProvision of OxfordBecause of the despotism, led by Simon de Montfort, the kings brother-in-law, the barons rebelled. Ask the king and his son Prince Edward to accept the Provision of Oxford and was refused.The content of the Provision of Oxford the king
32、should reapointed a new Grand Council of 24 members, half of whom were to be nominated by the barons themselves.the king should have a permanent body of 15 nobles and bishops to advisehim, without whose authority, the king could not act.Formation processThe requirement of the baronsThe refusing of H
33、enry and Edward a civil war broke out The supporting from the Pope to deny Henry and Edward were defeated and put into prison Simon de Montfort summoned two Knights from each countrythe Grand council two citizens from each town house of Lords the earliest parliament house of commons This happened in
34、 1265. parliament only met by royal invitation its role is to advise, not to makeLimitation: decision no election, no parties, the most important part of Parliament is House of LordsThe limitation of the early parliament and the afterward affairsThe Hundred years War With France time: 13371453 econo
35、mic-fight for Flanders trading political-Edward claimed the throne of reasons France by the right of his mother territorial-Normandy and duchy of Aquitaine at first, English were brilliantly successful and gained more territory of France. Henry got process the French throne. after the death of Henry
36、, the French, encouraged by Joan of Arc, drove the English out of France consequence : by 1453 Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hand of EnglishJoan of ArcShe was an national heroine of France during the Hundred years War between Britain and France. Encouraged by her spirits,
37、the French drove the English out of their own country in the second stages of the war.the black death (1348-1349) .The modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague .Spread by rat and fleaswhat .Through the whole Europe, particularly in 1347-1350 .Killed between and 1/3 of the population in England
38、 .Untended land and the shortage of laborsresult .Produced the Statute of Labors to force the peasants to work with low wageTransition to the Modern AgeThe nature and consequence of the Wars of the RoseHenry and English reformationElizabethsDistinctive features of English RenaissanceThe Civil War an
39、d its consequenceThe Commonwealth under Oliver CromwellThe Restoration and Glorious RevolutionThe nature and consequence of the Wars of the RoseThe war of Rose (14551485)Time :1455-1485 house of Lancaster-symbolized by red roseTwo sides: house of York-symbolized by white rose indirect-lust for the p
40、owerCauses: direct:- Henry lost his mind and the government was put into the hand of a ProtectorProcess: Henry lost his mind Protector from Lancaster House Yorks lust for the position War broke out14551461( York became the winner) Edwards took the throne 1483 Edwards passed the crown to Edwards and
41、Richard became the protector Edwards was killed and Richard became the king L & Y combine to overthrew Richard and chose Henry to be the king a new House, Tudor, was produced the war ended Nature: the struggle for the power between two noble families the production of the house of Tudor Conseque
42、nce: little affect on ordinary people feudal system received its death blowHenry and English reformationWhen the crown was passed to one of the greatest king, Henry who had six wives, a well-known reformation happened. The following are the content of the reformation: tighten the control over border
43、 and IrelandPolitics change the officials in local government set an active role in foreign affairs direct-divorce problem cause weaken the wealth and indirect (nature)- privilege of the clerks getting money Religion getting rid of the connection with Rome Pope purposes: got the title of Supreme Hea
44、d of church results: protestant gradually took the place of Catholic The afterward affairThe afterward affairAfter the death of Henry, his son and daughters followed his steps to put the religion reform forward, made English change from catholic to protestant. The major contributors are Edward, Henr
45、ys son, and Elizabeth, Henrys second daughter. But the first daughter of Henry, Mary, is a cruel and devout Catholic. a devout CatholicAbout Mary: burnt about 300 protestant-bloody Mary lost the French port of Calais-the last British procession on the continent Elizabeth(15581603) came to the throne
46、 in 25Elizabeth: remained unmarried and no children the confident English nationalism and flourishing literatureA. Elizabeth and ParliamentB. Elizabeths religious reformC. Elizabeths foreign policyElizabeth and ParliamentThe relations between the king and the Parliament have been influenced by two p
47、airs of contradictions: 1. the religious contradiction between the king and the members of Parliament: Catholic king Protestant Parliamentary members 2.the political contradiction between the king and the parliament: limit the power of the king Anti-limitation For the region part: she worked the par
48、liament well because the puritans were still loyal the Queen although they demanded further religious reformFor the politics part: she treated 5 question as personal and private, the Parliament can not interfere (religion, marriage, foreign policy, succession of the throne and finance)Elizabeths rel
49、igious reformElizabeths religious reform was a compromise of view.1. broke, his sister, Marys tie with Rome and restored her father, Henrys independent Church of England.2. keep the catholic doctrine and practice but to be free of the Papals control.3. keep the throne out of the hand of Mary Stuart,
50、 her cousin, a devout Catholic.Elizabeths foreign policyFor nearly 30 years, Elizabeth successfully played off against each other the two great Catholic powers: France and Spain.1.to France: managed to maintain a friendly relationship with France through her untrue marriage alliances. Spain had a in
51、tention to invade England in 1588 to bring England to Catholicism2.to Spain: Spain was defeated and their fleets (Armada) were destructed. the destruction of Armada showed Englands superiority as a naval powerThe English RenaissanceDuring the reign of Elizabeth, another great event happened in Engla
52、nd, that was Renaissance. We will discuss this problem in two parts:A. the introduction to RenaissanceB. the Renaissance in EnglandThe introduction to RenaissanceDefinition: it was the revival of classical literature and artistic styles in European histories. The word means “rebirth”The topic: human
53、ismTime: Renaissance begin in northern Italy in early 14th century.Major representative: Typified by the universal genius of Leonardo de Vinci (1452-1519) The Renaissance in EnglandThe happening time and the reasonsFive characteristics of English RenaissanceThe major achievements and their represent
54、atives The happening time and the reasonsIn England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with the accession of the house of Tudor to the throne in 1485. the following are the reasons: Politically, this marked the end of the civil war among the feudal aristocracy. Technically, the dat
55、e was close to that ofReasons the introduction of printing into England by William Caxton Culturally, many humanists, such as More, Wyatt, were born in this period. Five characteristics of English Renaissance1.The Europeans under classics impacted the English more than the classics itself on English
56、 culture.2.The social and political history was kept well, and independent to the course of history of other European countries.3.In the duration of Renaissance, English literature was assimilating the foreign influence but not being subjected because of its vigor. 4.English Renaissance literature i
57、s primarily artistic rather than philosophical and scholarly5.the Renaissance coincided with the reformation in EnglandThe major achievements and their representatives MarloweDrama: Ben Jonson-leading writer after Shakespeare Shakespeare SpenserPoetry: Sidney-known for his sonnets and critical work:
58、 An Apology for Poetry John Donne-famous metaphysical poet Ascham-the author of School-master etc.Prose: Hooker-eminent theological writer Francis BaconMarlow and his contribution1.the founder of the modern play.2.establish the blank verse: it is a form of the poem which is unrhymed, but one accente
59、d syllables must be followed by a unaccented one3.masterpieces: Tamburlaine -帖木儿Dr. Faustus-浮士德博士The Jew of Malta-马耳他的犹太人Shakespeare and his contributions1.a dramatist and poet, the greatest writer in the English language2.the major contributions are154 sonnets, 37 plays and 2 narrative poems3.Sonne
60、ts: it is a complete lyric consisting 14 lines, divided into 3 quatrains followed by a couplet. The rhyme scheme is: abab cdcd efef ggSpenser and his contributions1.a celebrated poet in English Renaissance2.His masterpiecesShepherds Calendar牧羊人日历The Faerie Queen 仙后The creator of Spenserian which is a nine line
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