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1、Telecommunicationsn.UThe sending and receiving of messages over distance, esp. by telephone , radio and television . 电信,远距离通信The company specializes in telecommunications. 这家公司专门从事长途通信。a telecommunications satellite 长途通信卫星 the telecommunications industry 电信业dumb dma. acking the power of speaking; un

2、able to speak 哑的,不会说话的 1.He was struck dumb with fear. 他吓得说不出话来。 2.The prisoner remained dumb throughout his trial. 整个审判期间犯人一言不发。investment investmntn.C.UThe act of investing money in sth.投资investment词根记忆: invest(投资)+ment词形变换:invest 投资 investor 投资者ment后缀: assessment 评估 department 部门 ,系 improvement 提

3、升 settlement 定居 unemployment 失业utility n.1. C a service used by the public, such as an electricity or gas supply or a train service 公用事业,公用事业设施 The utility of this rescue equipment has still to be assessed in a real emergency. 这种救生设备的功用还有待在真正的紧急情况中评定。2. U the usefulness of sth., esp. in a practical

4、way 功用,效用,利用Some kitchen tools have very little utility. 有些厨房用具几乎没有什么用处。词根记忆: util(使用)+ity可使用的效用单词变形:utilize vt. 利用optical ptikla.Connect with sight or light.视觉的词根记忆:opt(视力)+ical(.的)视觉的op前缀:option 选择 opportunity 机会 opinion 观点diameter daimit n. C the (length of a) straight line that goes from one sid

5、e of a round object to another, through the center of the object 直径The diameter measures twice the radius. 直径为半径的两倍。 The pond is six feet in diameter. 该池塘直径为6英尺。 形近词辨析:diagram 图解 图表 diagnose 诊断cable keibln. C (a length of ) wire, esp. twisted into thick strong rope or used to carry electricity 缆索,电缆

6、There were cables used for telephones, lights and computers all over the floor. 地上满是电话、电灯、计算机的线。The road has been dug up in order to lay cables. 路被挖开以便铺设电缆。 transmission trnsminn.1.Uthe act or process of sending out an electronic signal or message or of broadcasting a radio or television program播送;发

7、射;传输 2.Uthe process of passing sth. from one person ,place or thing to another传播词根记忆:trans(越过)+miss(放出)+ion传送,发射trans前缀:translate 翻译 transaction 交易,业务 transfer 转移 transfrom 转换 transport 运输parade preid n. 1. C a series of people or things that seems never to end 一连串,一批2. C a line of people, vehicles,

8、 etc. moving forward in order, often as a celebration of some event (庆祝)游行,检阅When I asked him about his childhood, he remembered a parade of baby-sitters. 当我问起他的童年时,他记起了一大批保姆。 The crowd marched through town in a victory parade. 人群游行走过市中心,欢庆胜利。Urbana. of or in a city or town城市的词根记忆:urb(城市)+an(.的)城市的词

9、汇联想:nation 国家,民族 country 国家 village 村 town 镇 suburb 郊区spider spaidn. Ca small insect-like creature with eight thin legs 蜘蛛a spiders web 蜘蛛网Spiders produce fine threads which they make into webs in order to trap insects for food. 蜘蛛用细丝做网来捕捉昆虫吃。condense kndens v. 1. reduce (esp. sth. written) to a sma

10、ller or shortened form 缩短,压缩 2. (of a gas) become liquid or sometimes solid, esp. by becoming cool 冷凝 Ive tried to condense ten pages of comments into two. 我试图把十页长的评论文章缩短成两页。 Steam condenses into water when it touches a cold surface. 蒸气接触冷的表面就凝成水珠词根记忆:con+dense(密集的)变得密集的压缩con前缀: confuse 困惑 contribut

11、ion 贡献 contract 合同 contact 联系 consume 消耗 convenient 方便的intensive intensiv a. involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time 密集的,集中的,加强的 A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive. 许多农业技术因过于劳动密集而被放弃了。 形近词:intend 打算 inten

12、se 强烈的,紧张的 intention 意图 打算 extensive 广泛的 expensive 昂贵的rust rst v. become covered with a kind of reddish-brown substance that is formed on iron and steel 生锈n. Uthe reddish-brown substance that is formed on iron and steel 铁锈Years of being left out in the rain had rusted the metal chairs. 由于常年淋雨,这些金属椅子

13、生锈了。 The car was covered with rust. 车子满身是锈。antique nti:k n. C sth. made long ago that is valuable or interesting 古董The palace is full of priceless antiques. 王宫里全是价值连城的古董。 You cant give away Grannys old bookcase its a valuable antique. 你不能把奶奶的旧书架送人,那是一件很有价值的古董lick lik vt. 1. defeat, overcome 击败,克服2.

14、pass ones tongue over sth. 舔 The computer people seem to have licked the problem. 电脑人员看起来已经克服了这个问题。 The child finished the dessert and then licked the plate. 孩子吃完了甜点后把盘子舔得干干净净。strategic strti:dik forming part of a plan or an aim to achieve a specific purpose or to gain an advantage 战略的 The company h

15、as appointed a new marketing director to broaden its strategic expertise. 这家公司任命了一位新的营销主管来增加战略规划方面的人手recession risen n. C a period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment 经济衰退

16、Many businesses are failing because of the continuing recession. 由于经济持续衰退,许多公司都倒闭了。同义词 contraction depressionscratch skrt vt. cut or damage (a surface) slightly with sth. sharp or rough 抓,搔,划scratch a and find a scratch the surfaceup to scratch她的德语还不行。her German was not up to scratch.scratch ones he

17、ad儿子搔搔头皮又问: “ 要是妈妈生了第三个 呢 ? ”Son scratch ones head asks again: If mom gave birth to the third? mianland 大陆provincial prvinl province 省省的,地方的 having or showing a narrow or limited view of life and current affairs 眼界狭窄的provincial attitudes 眼界狭窄的看法 infrastructure infrstrkt 基础设施SuperhighwayCa large ,wid

18、e road on which traffic travels at high speed高速公路词汇联想: highway 公路 subway 地下通道,地铁log lg v. 1. make an official record of events, facts, etc. 记载2. cut down trees 砍伐 They have logged more than 90 complaints. 他们已经记录了90余例投诉。log 数学对数 logarithms C语言中的数学函数 double log (double x); LOG 乐队 lamb of godinvest inv

19、est v. put (money, effort, time, etc.) into sth. to make a profit or get an advantage 投(资),投入例句 They will invest 5 million in the project. 他们将为这个项目投资500万。 同根词n.vest背心,马甲;汗衫,内衣 vestment作礼拜时教士的法衣,官服 investment投资,投资额 investor n. C a person who invests sth. 投资者Importn.1.Uthe act of bringing a product ,

20、service ,etc. into one country from another进口词汇拓展:port后缀:export 出口im前缀: impose 把.强加 impact 影响stake steik n. 1.(sing.) an investment in business, with the hope of financial gain 股份,利益关系2. Ca pointed piece of wood, metal, etc. for driving into the ground as a mark, for holding a rope, etc. 桩,标桩The com

21、pany is selling off its 15% stake in the Commercial Bank. 这家公司正在出售15%的商业银行的股份。I just dont feel I have a stake in how the trial comes out. 审判结果如何,我觉得跟我一点关系也没有。One of the stakes in the fence is broken. 篱笆上的一根桩折断了。 lease li:s v. make a legal agreement by which money is paid in order to use (land, a bui

22、lding, a vehicle or a piece of equipment) for an agreed period of time 租借,出租n. Can agreement giving the use of a house, etc. on payment of rent租约We have leased an apartment for one year. 我们已租到一套公寓,租期为一年。The lease runs out in two years time. 该租约两年后到期。 ridge rid n. Ca long narrow raised part of a surf

23、ace, esp. a high edge along a mountain 脊状突起部分,(尤指)山脊We walked along the narrow mountain ridge to reach the summit. 我们沿着狭窄的山脊爬向顶峰。 词汇拓展:bridge 桥梁 fridge 冰箱 language 语言reliable rilaibl able to be depended on or trusted 可靠的,可依赖的,值得信赖的Is your watch reliable? 你的表准吗?John is very reliable if he says hell d

24、o something hell do it. 约翰很可靠要是他说要做什么他就会做的。 词根记忆:re(一,再)+ly(音似lie,撒谎)又撒谎了,不值得信赖词汇拓展:rely 依赖rely on/upon=depend on/upon tag tg n. Ca small piece of paper, cloth or metal, on which there is information, fixed onto sth. larger 标签,标牌The house has a price tag of half a million pounds. 这幢房子标价50万英镑。Whose c

25、oat is this? Look at the name tag. 这件外衣是谁的?看看姓氏标签。width wid n. Uthe distance across sth. from one side to the other 宽度,阔度,广度It is 5 meters in width. 它宽5米。 词汇拓展:widewidth 宽 longlength 长 deepdepth 深 broadbreadth 广nowhere nuhw ad. in, at or to no place; not anywhere 任何地方都不His room had a smell that coul

26、d be found nowhere else in the house. 他房间里有股味道,在房子里的其他地方都没有。These young people have nowhere (else) to go. 这些年轻人没有地方可去。 disposal dispuzl n. 1. Uthe power or authority to use freely 支配权,处置权2. U the act of getting rid of sth. 处理,消除During your visit, I will put my room at your disposal. 在你来访期间我会把我的房间给你用

27、。The young lady has entire disposal of the house. 这位年轻的小姐对这座房子有完全的处置权。Please see to the disposal of that rubbish. 请负责处理掉那堆废物。 词根记忆:dis(分开)+pos(放)+al(adj.形容词词缀)分开放词汇拓展:at ones disposal 任 sb. 处理;供sb.使用dispose v.处理;解决dispose of 去掉; 丢掉; 除掉revenue revinju: n. U the income that a government or company rec

28、eives regularly (政府的)岁入,税收,(公司的)收入The government was short of money because of falling oil revenues. 由于石油收入减少,政府感到财政拮据。The government got much revenue from taxes last year. 政府去年从税收中获得大量收入。 electron ilektrn n. C a very small piece of matter that moves round the nucleus of an atom and that by its move

29、ment causes an electric current in metal 电子 词汇拓展: electricity 电 electronic 电子的 electrical 电的 electric 电动的(be) stuck with have no choice about dealing with (sb., sth.) or doing (sth. unwanted or unpleasant) 无法摆脱,解脱不了 We were stuck with unexpected visitors.我们被迫接待不速之客。Im stuck with this job for the mom

30、ent. 我眼下被工作困住了。a matter of sth. / doing sth. sth. that needs or requires sth. else需要的问题,需要的事情Its simply a matter of letting people know in time. 这只是个让人们及时知道的问题。Some people prefer the old version to the new one. Its a matter of taste. 有些人喜欢旧版本胜于新版本。这只是品味问题。 date from have existed since (the date of b

31、uilding or origin) 始于This law dates from the 17th century. 这条法律起源于17世纪。Our friendship dates from college days. 我们的友谊始于大学时代。 be stuck in be in an unpleasant or boring situation and unable to change it or get away from it 陷入We were stuck in traffic for over an hour. 我们被交通堵塞困了一个多小时。He said his car had got stuck in the snow. 他说他的车当时陷在雪里了。 scratch the surface deal with a subject, problem, etc. in a manner that is not thorough or complete 触及表面The lec


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