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1、 Confusion?Words?Translate?Simulate?Translate the schedule!The key wordsapologize 道歉 延伸延伸: apologize to sb for sth apologize to sb for doing sth 向某人为某事道歉 apoligize for oneself 为自己辩解inform 通知、告诉 延伸延伸: inform against 告发、检举 inform of 通知、报告emphasize 强调、着重 延伸延伸: emphasize on 强调焦虑的、渴望的、急切的 延伸延伸: anxious a

2、bout anxious for 为.而担心 feel anxious 变得着急By this way!http:/ we study it?http:/ 4 1.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the trains delay. 2.I was really embarrassed when i knocked a cup of tea over him. 3.I inform my boss of my arrival in Tokyo. 4.It is emphasize that all employees in the com

3、pany should learn to make use of the Internet. 5.All of us are anxious to spend our vacation in the countryside. 6.Do you think this is a proper solu tion to the problem? 7. It is impolite to ask people such a personal question.8.He is always on time for classes. The teacher often praises him for be

4、ing punctual.9.He gave a(n) unexpected answer to the question.10.Please tell Mr.Green that i am here for the appointment.11.My secreatary typed up a schedule for me to follow on my trip.Special remind: Words according Special remind: Words according to the different contexts have to the different co

5、ntexts have different meanings.different meanings.Translate the sentences 对不起,让你久等了。(keep sb waiting)I am sorry to have to have kept you waiting. 我想约见史密斯大夫。(make an appointment)I want to make an appointment with Dr.Smith. 不敲门就进屋是不礼貌的。(impolite,knock at the door)It is impolite to enter the room witho

6、ut knock at the door.如果发生什么特别情况,要尽快通知我们。Inform us as soon as possible if anything special happen.由于你没有遵守诺言,他们很生气。They were angry because you had not kept your promise.这样的话,咱们就争取早到。In this case, we will get there early.Simulate I need your help ,who can? 他只读书但不思考,有什么用呢?(what is the use of) 庆祝新年的风俗也是如

7、此。(the same is ture with) 这样的话,你应该先告诉他你的决定。(In this case,you should) 在社会交往中,总是强调要有时间观念。(in social activities ,it is always emphasized to) 如果我们不采取行动减少无染,很难想象将会怎样?(It is hard to imagine what will it happen)Translate the schedule- 李刚的时间表李刚的时间表Translate the schedule- 李刚的时间表李刚的时间表Receiving and feelings1. We should take our initiative to our English studyi


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