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1、会计学1必修必修(bxi)五五Unit第一页,共50页。的的 _ (n.) 愉快;快乐愉快;快乐 (vt.) 使高兴,使使高兴,使快乐快乐photographyjournalistjournalphotographphotographerdelighteddelight第1页/共50页第二页,共50页。6. _ ( vt.) 获得;取得;获得;取得;学习学习 _ ( adj.) 习得的;已获习得的;已获得的得的 _ ( n.) 获得;取得;获得;取得;involveinvolvedinvolvementeditorediteditioneditorialacquireacquiredacqui

2、sition 第2页/共50页第三页,共50页。7. _ (adj.) 值得赞扬的;值得赞扬的; _ (vt.) 钦佩;钦佩; _ ( n.) 钦佩;赞赏钦佩;赞赏8. _ (vt.) 帮助帮助(bngzh);援助援助 _ (n.) 助手;助理助手;助理 _ (n.) 帮助帮助(bngzh);援助;援助9. _ (n.) 职业;专业职业;专业 _ (adj.) 专业的;职业的专业的;职业的 (n.) 专业人员专业人员admirableadmireadmirationassistassistanceassistantprofessionprofessional第3页/共50页第四页,共50页。

3、_ ( adj.) 独立的独立的assessassessmentassessordependdependence independence dependent independent第4页/共50页第五页,共50页。deliberatelydeliberatedemanddemandingconcentrateconcentrationguilty guilt第5页/共50页第六页,共50页。16. _ (vt.) 告知;通知告知;通知 _ (n.) 信息信息 17. _ (adj.) 技术的;技术的; _ (adv.) 技术上;工艺技术上;工艺(gngy)上上 18. _ (vt.) 职责;

4、控告职责;控告 _ (n.)指控指控 _ (adj.) 被控告的被控告的 informinformationtechnicaltechnicallyaccuseaccusation accused第6页/共50页第七页,共50页。19._(adj.) 正确无误的正确无误的,精确的精确的,准确的准确的 _ ( n.) 准确,精确准确,精确 _ ( adv.) 准确,精确准确,精确20. _ (vt.) 赞成赞成(znchng);认可;认可 _ (n.) 赞成赞成(znchng);许可;许可 21. _(vt.) 约会;任命约会;任命 _ (n.) 约会,任命约会,任命 approveapprov

5、alaccurate accuracy accurately appointmentappoint第7页/共50页第八页,共50页。Phrases1 find _ 弄明白;搞清楚弄明白;搞清楚2 _ photographs 拍照拍照 3 concentrate _ 集中;全神贯注集中;全神贯注4 have a nose_ 对对敏感敏感5 inform sb. _ sth. 通知某人某事通知某人某事6 keep _ mind 牢记在心牢记在心7 depend_ 对对依赖依赖8 accuse sb. _ sth. 指责指责控告某人控告某人 9 _ as to(do sth.) 为了为了(做做)10

6、 look forward_ 期待期待(qdi);期望;期望11. approve _ sb. 赞成某人赞成某人out takeonfor ofinonof sotoof第8页/共50页第九页,共50页。第9页/共50页第十页,共50页。 be delighted that (2) to ones delight adj. 快乐快乐(kuil)的;高兴的的;高兴的因因某事而高兴某事而高兴(goxng)令某人高兴的是令某人高兴的是愿意做某事愿意做某事由于由于而高兴而高兴第10页/共50页第十一页,共50页。at/byto helpdelight第11页/共50页第十二页,共50页。vt. 帮助;

7、协助帮助;协助(xizh);援助;援助【归纳拓展【归纳拓展(tu zhn)】 assist sb. with sth.= assist sb. to do sth.= assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事He was invited to assist us in designing a new bridge.The man was asked to assist the teacher with his duties.第12页/共50页第十三页,共50页。【练习】用【练习】用assist恰当形式恰当形式(xngsh)填空填空(1)Being an _

8、, he usually _hisboss with his daily work. (2) 句型转换句型转换 Do you often assist your mother with thehousework? Do you often _your mother _ thehousework? Do you often _ your mother _the housework?assistantassiststo do in doing assistassist第13页/共50页第十四页,共50页。vt. 递交递交;呈递呈递(chngd)(文件等文件等) vi.屈屈服服 Please sub

9、mit your article to the editor in time. I will never submit myself to any difficulties.【归纳【归纳(gun)拓展】拓展】 (1) submit sth. to. submit oneself to give in to 3. submit将将.递给递给.屈服于屈服于屈服于;投降屈服于;投降(tuxing)submitted/submitted/submitting第14页/共50页第十五页,共50页。submitting be submitted第15页/共50页第十六页,共50页。 Scientists

10、have found how children acquire alanguage. He acquired his master degree by publishing many articles.【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】 acquire a (good) knowlegdge of 得到得到(d do).知识知识 acquire a habit of 养成养成的习惯的习惯 acquire a good reputation获得好名声获得好名声 acquire a taste for 开始喜欢上开始喜欢上4. acquirevt. 获得获得(hud);取得;学习;取得;学习第16页/共50

11、页第十七页,共50页。5. concentratevt.&vi. 集中集中(jzhng);全神贯注;全神贯注专心专心(zhunxn)做某事做某事第17页/共50页第十八页,共50页。第18页/共50页第十九页,共50页。on into第19页/共50页第二十页,共50页。 6. assess Whats his assessment of the situation?He made an assessment of the situation which he was in. 【归纳【归纳(gun)拓展】拓展】 (1) assess sb/sth. as (2) make an assessm

12、ent of vt. 评估评估(pn );评定;评定评定评定(pngdng)/评价为评价为.评价评价/评估评估第20页/共50页第二十一页,共50页。 Mary was assessed for the best secretary in the company last year.(改错改错(i cu) as第21页/共50页第二十二页,共50页。 You should inform us of your arrival time in advance. I regret to inform you that your application was rejected. Keep me in

13、formed of the situation.【归纳【归纳(gun)拓展】拓展】 inform sb. of/about sth. inform sb. that/wh-从句从句 keep sb. informed of 7. informvt. 通知通知(tngzh);告知;告知告知某人告知某人(mu rn)某事某事通知某人通知某人(mu rn).使某人使某人(mu rn)随时了解随时了解 第22页/共50页第二十三页,共50页。【练习】语法填空【练习】语法填空(1) He informed us _his decision to leave. 他告知我们他告知我们(w men)他决定离开

14、。他决定离开。 (2) The couple _(inform)that their son had been admitted into that university. (3) 翻译:请向我提供这场比赛的最新动态。翻译:请向我提供这场比赛的最新动态。 Please keep me informed of the new development of the match. ofwere informed 第23页/共50页第二十四页,共50页。提醒提醒(t xng)某人某事某人某事通知某人某事通知某人某事使某人信服某事使某人信服某事说服某人某事说服某人某事抢劫某人某物抢劫某人某物使某人摆脱某

15、事使某人摆脱某事警告某人某事警告某人某事remind sb. of rm sb. of sth.convince sb. of sth.persuade sb. of sth.rob sb. of sth.rid sb. of sth.warn sb. of sth.第24页/共50页第二十五页,共50页。(doing) sthn charge(指控指控)sbwith (doing) sthn blame(责备责备)sbfor (doing) sth第25页/共50页第二十六页,共50页。 of withfor 第26页/共50页第二十七页,共50页。9. case n.c 情

16、况;病例;案例情况;病例;案例【归纳拓展【归纳拓展(tu zhn)】 as is often the case in any case = anyway in case +句子:句子: in case of sth in no case= on no account=by no means (句首部分倒装(句首部分倒装) 决不决不这是常有的事这是常有的事无论如何无论如何(w ln r h) 假使假使(jish);万一;万一 万一万一.,如果发生,如果发生第27页/共50页第二十八页,共50页。【练习【练习(linx)】完成句子】完成句子1. Keep an umbrella _ rain. =

17、Keep an umbrella _ it rains. 带把伞以防下雨。带把伞以防下雨。2. Anybody should _ be allowed to stay here. =In no case _ be allowed to stay here. 决不允许任何人待在这。决不允许任何人待在这。3. _, John was late for school. 约翰迟到了,这对他来说是常有的事。约翰迟到了,这对他来说是常有的事。As is often the caseshould anybodyin no casein case ofin case第28页/共50页第二十九页,共50页。10

18、.demand n.要求要求(yoqi);需求需求 vt.强烈要求强烈要求(yoqi);需要需要 Water resource is in great demand in this area. Workers demand to increase their salary. Workers demand that their salary be increased. 第29页/共50页第三十页,共50页。(n.) 搭配归纳:搭配归纳: 1) Sb./ sth. be in demand 2) meet/ satisfy ones demands for sth. 满足某人对某物的需求满足某人对

19、某物的需求(xqi)(vt.) 搭配归纳:搭配归纳: 1) demand sth. 2) demand to do sth. 3) demand sth. of/ from sb. 要求从某人处得到某物要求从某人处得到某物 4) demand + that-从句从句+sb. (should) do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事需要需要(xyo)某人某人/ 某物某物 需要需要/ 要求要求(yoqi)某物某物请求请求/ 要求做某事要求做某事第30页/共50页第三十一页,共50页。第31页/共50页第三十二页,共50页。disaster.()(should)arrive be第32页/共5

20、0页第三十三页,共50页。n/greedy/thirsty for sth.nbe eager to do sth nbe eager in sth n 渴求(kqi)某事物渴望(kwng)做某事物热衷于第33页/共50页第三十四页,共50页。第34页/共50页第三十五页,共50页。第35页/共50页第三十六页,共50页。 依靠依靠获得获得(hud)某物某物依赖依赖(yli)/指望指望做某事做某事指望指望/相信相信第36页/共50页第三十七页,共50页。to its further development. itdependencedependentindependence第37页/共50页第

21、三十八页,共50页。13. so as to do = in order to do= so that+ 从句从句(cn j) 为了为了(wi le)做某事做某事(不放句首,目的状语不放句首,目的状语) She run every day so as to lose weight. She was so tired as to be unable to walk.so as to do= _ + 从句从句(cn j)如此如此.以致于做某事以致于做某事(引导引导_)sothat结果状结果状语语第38页/共50页第三十九页,共50页。so as to in order to in order th

22、at so thatso.as to不放句首,引导不放句首,引导(yndo)(yndo)目目的状语的状语(否定(否定so as not so as not toto)可句中或句首,目的可句中或句首,目的(md)(md)状语状语(in order not in order not toto )引导目的引导目的(md)(md)状语,从句常有情状语,从句常有情态动词态动词can/could/may/mightcan/could/may/might引导目的状语,从句常有情引导目的状语,从句常有情态动词态动词can/could/may/mightcan/could/may/might引导引导结果状语结果

23、状语,意为,意为“如此如此.以至于以至于” (so as.not to)第39页/共50页第四十页,共50页。1. She saves every penny so as to buy a house of her own. She saves every penny _ buy a house of her own.2. She was so foolish as to have believed what he said. She was _ she believed what he said.so that/in order that she canso foolish that第40页

24、/共50页第四十一页,共50页。 We have to recognize and respect our cultural differences _ prevent any possible misunderstanding.sothatso that In order toin order to/so as to第41页/共50页第四十二页,共50页。 14. approve vt. 批准;通过批准;通过 vi. 赞成;赞成;同意同意 【归纳【归纳(gun)拓展】拓展】 (1) approve sth. (2) approve vi. approve of sb./ sbs doing

25、sth. 赞成;同意赞成;同意 (3) give ones approval to with approval of 批准批准(p zhn);通过通过 赞成赞成(znchng);同意同意同意;批准同意;批准经批准经批准第42页/共50页第四十三页,共50页。【练习【练习(linx)】语法填空】语法填空 1. Everybody approves _ the plan for a new library. 2. The organization gave its _ (approve )to the plan of this activity.of approval第43页/共50页第四十四页,

26、共50页。15. n.C,U约会约会(yu hu),预,预约,任命约,任命 【例句】【例句】 I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon. Although he was twenty-eight, he was appointed as mayor. appointment 第44页/共50页第四十五页,共50页。【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】 (1)have/make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人与某人(mu rn)约会约会/预约预约 have / make/fix an appointment to

27、 do 约会做约会做. keep/break an appointment 守守/违约违约 (2)appoint sb.as/to be 任命某人任命某人(mu rn)为为 sb. be appointed to 被任命为被任命为第45页/共50页第四十六页,共50页。【练习】【练习】 完成句子完成句子1. He_ the leader of the Party. 他被任命为这个党派的领导者。他被任命为这个党派的领导者。2. You should _ _in advance. 你应该与医生提前预约好。你应该与医生提前预约好。3. 翻译:一旦你与他人约定翻译:一旦你与他人约定(yudng)好,你就不该违约好,你就不该违约。 Once you make an appointment w


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