1、出国留学中介服务合同出国留学中介服务合同交与受托人。第十一条在留学申请办理过程中,如前往国家的留学政策、签证 政策或申请留学院校的入学要求发生变化,委托人应根据新的要求, 及时提供补充材料。第十二条在留学申请办理过程中,如委托人前往国家驻华使馆要 求委托人进行面试,委托人应按要求参加面试。四、违约责任第十三条受托人和委托人应履行合同中全部条款,违约方应承担 相应的违约责任。第十四条受托人违反合同条款造成合同无法履行,受托人应向委 托人退还中介服务费人民币元,并在 年月前,负责追回委托人向申请 留学院校缴纳的学费、杂费等。第十五条受托人为达成本合同目的而向委托人提供虚假文件材 料,除全额退还中介
2、服务费外,还应按中介服务费的 %勺人民币,作为 违约金支付给委托人。第十六条受托人未能在约定的时间内为委托人申请到拟留学院校 的录取通知书,委托人有权解除合同,但应及时通知受托人,受托人 应按本合同第十四条的规定承担违约责任。如委托人要求继续履行, 受托人应负责在 年月前为委托人申请到拟留学院校的录取通知书,并 向委托人支付迟延履行违约金人民币一元。第十七条委托人为达成本合同目的而向受托人提供虚假文件材料,致使合同无法履行,受托人不退还委托人缴付的中介服务费。第十八条由于委托人的违法行为,导致本合同无法履行,受托人不退还委托人缴付的中介服务费。第十九条委托人因自身原因,要求解除合同,按以下办法
3、处理:1. 委托人已向受托人提供入学申请材料,受托人尚未向外方送交该材料,委托人要求解除合同,受托人扣除中介服务费人民币元。受托人已向外方送交了委托人入学申请材料,委托人尚未得到申请留学院校的录取通知书,委托人要求解除合同,受托人扣除中介服务费人民币元,并协助委托人追回委托人已向申请留学院校缴纳的学费、杂费等。3. 委托人获得入学录取通知书后,要求解除合同,受托人扣除中介服务费人民币元,并协助委托人追回委托人已向申请留学院校缴纳的学费、杂费等。元,并协助委托人追回委托人已向申请留学院校缴纳的学费、杂费等。5. 受托人已向拟留学国驻华使馆递交了委托人申请签证材料,委托人要求解除合同,受托人应当扣
5、履行合同的一方,应尽力采取合理措施减轻可能给对方造成的损失,否则应对由此而扩大的损失承担赔偿责任。六、适用的法律及争议解决方法第二十三条本合同的履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国有关法律。第二十四条双方在履行本合同中如发生争议,应先由双方协商解决。如协商不成,同意按以下第种方式解决。第一种:提交 仲裁委员会仲裁。第二种:依法向人民法院提起诉讼。七、合同的补充、变更、修改第 3 页 共 10 页第二十五条如委托人未委托受托人进行签证服务,本合同第六条 对当事人双方无效。第二十六条对本合同的任何补充、变更、修改应采用书面补充合 同形式。补充合同在双方签署后与本合同具有同等法律效力。八、生效及
6、终止条款第二十七条本合同由委托人及其代理人、受托人、受托人法定代 表人签署,自签字、盖章之日起生效。第二十八条本合同正本一式两份,具有同等效力,委托人与受托 人各执一份。第二十九条双方履行本合同的权利和义务后,合同终止。委托人:受托人:代理人:法定代表人:签字日期:年 月日签字日期:年月日签字地点:签字地点:附送:出国留学介绍信范文出国留学介绍信范文介绍信是用以介绍被介绍人员的姓名, 身份 , 人数 , 接洽事项等情况的专用书信. 是机关团体、企事业单位派人到其他单位联系工作、了解情况或参加各种社会活动时用的函件。本文是关于出国留学介绍信范 文,一起来,希望能帮到你。出国留学介绍信范文一:To
7、 Whom It Ma Conern: As the Dean of Stoneell College, I have had the pleasure of knoing Hannah Smith for the last four ears. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our shool. I ould like to take this opportunit to remend Hannah for our graduate program. I feel onfident that she ill ontinue
8、 to sueed in her studies. Hannah is a dediated student and thus far her grades have been exemplar. In lass, she has proven to be a take-harge person ho is able to suessfull develop plans and implement them. Hannah has also assisted us in our admissions offie. She has suessfull demonstrated leadershi
9、p abilit b ounseling ne and prospetive students.Her advie has been a great help to these students, man of hom have taken time to share their ments ith me regarding her pleasant and enouraging attitude. It is for these reasons that I offer high remendations for Hannah ithout reservation. Her drive an
10、d abilities ill trul be an asset to our establishment. If ou have an questions regarding this remendation, please do not hesitate to ontat me. Sinerel, Roger Fleming Dean of Stoneell College 。第 7 页 共 10 页At the request of Mr.Xizhen Chen,m former student in theDepartment of Computer Siene,Beijing Uni
11、v.of Sienes,I am glad to rite this letter furnishing m uation ofhis XXdemi aptitude for our referene.Mr.Chen is interested in our graduate program in Computer Siene.I ame to kno him in September87 hen Mr.Chen enrolled in m lass on FORTRAN IV Programming,a three semesters ourse.In the lass he as one
12、of the most outstanding students.At the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81,hih should be A aording to our grading sstem.I also ound him good at other studies.After the lass,he had personal talks ith me several times.He indiated agreat interest in puter hardare,In m opinion,Mr.Chen has apoten
13、tial in Computer Siene,hih an be further developed.In vie of his previous ahievements in this College,I am firml onvined that Mr.Chen ill make asuessful graduate student.Your favorable onsideration of his admission ill be hi ghl appreiated.出国留学介绍信范文三:I am pleased to rite this letter for m former stu
14、dent Miss Nan Li,ho graduated from this College ith an L.B.degree in June78.Miss Li as admitted to the Department of La of this College in74 through highl petitive entrane examination hi his onduted annuall and is open to the hole nation.Even in suh aseletive group.Miss Li made herself distinguished
15、.As professor and dean of the College,I have aess to her reords of XXdemi ork and moral ondut,In her fourth ear stud,I instruted her in Anglo-Amerian Las on Trespass.So Ihave knon her quite ell.Miss Li s performane,like that in man other ourses she taken,as exellent ith asuperior grade of 86 for the
16、 first semester,and 84 for the seond semester.In our universit and in other universit here,80 is onsidered A ,the highest level.As far as Ikno,Miss Li ishes to ontinue her stud in La for an advaned degree.I am sure she has had suffiient prerequisite knoledge for the subjet and ertainl has the abilit
17、 to undertake the stud.I remend Miss Li ithout reservation and shall appreiate our favorable onsideration of her appliation.出国留学介绍信范文四:Dear Colleagues :As a teaher in Department of Biolog, Nankai Universit, a leading universit in China, I am ver pleased to take this opportunit to remend one of m fav
18、orite students to our PhD program.In September, 201X, Miss Zhang as m students in General Biolog, the first professional ourse the take in the field.She likes it ver muh. I teah her in an open and interative manner, she is ative and passionate about ansering lass questions. Miss Zhang is bright, ene
19、rgeti and enthusiasti girl ho loves speaking out her on ideas. She never esapes from those points of hih she is skeptial. Apart from that, she often puts forard her ideas upon questions and exhanges all of her innovate ideas ith me after lass.Upon ending of General Biolog ourse, I asked m students t
20、o rite an essa upon their understanding of biolog. I disovered Miss Zhang s essa as so impressive and persuasive; her areful essa es from dozens of referenes to Biolog literatures. In essa Miss Zhang strethed out her reative thinking upon status quo of biologial researh and branhes in the field of b
21、iolog. All of this speaks to her reative and logial and sientifi thinking apabilit. I am gladl to sa that Miss Zhang has a lear understanding about General Biolog, that prehension has been refleted full in her essa. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essa in her lass, and other students t
22、ook it as model essa for granted.I believe Miss Zhang s industriousness, passion and dediation ill make her an ideal andidate ou are seeking for our program, so I highl remend her ithout an hesitation to ou. And I ill greatl appreiate it if ou ould aept her into our program.Sinerel ours,第 # 页 共 10 页
23、出国留学介绍信范文五:Dear Sir or Madam:I am ver pleased to rite this remendation for Mr. W.Y. so as to support his appliation for admission into our PhD program and for our onsideration of his finanial support.Mr. W.Y. is a remarkable student in XXdemi performane in our department. Upon his request, I enrolle
24、d him into m researh team as m R.A. hen he as still a junior, hih as an exeption. This bold deision as justified b his outstanding XXdemi reord during his first to ears stud. Working as m R.A., he has proved him to be a valuable potential researher ith the qualities of self-motivation, perseverane,
25、modest and thirst for ne information and tehnolog. Though laking of experiene at the beginning pared ith the other professionals in our team, he strove to keep up ith the researh b eagerl absorbing all neessar knoledge and onstantl onsulting other members ith muh modest. Therefore, not long after he
26、 ould ondut the experiments ithout an assistane from the others orking in the lab. He even led the disussion of our journal lub that he set up from the ver beginning in m lab, from hih all of us benefited a lot./His diligene and perseveranein our lab have paid off. Within less than one ear, he got involved and finished three of m researh projets:1:第 9 页 共 10 页2:3:And he also took part in to published papers, one titled XXXX, the other XXXX. This tpe of alaim is normall reserved for graduate students and I believe that this exemplifies his mitment to furthering his eduation.Besides
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