1、EMPLO YMENT CONTRACT劳动合同This stateme nt is issued in accorda nee with the curre nt employme nt legislati on and sets out the terms and con diti ons of your employme nt with the Employer.本合同符合现行劳动法规,阐明了用工期间的各项条件条款。PART A: EMPLOYER:NAME:XJS ELECTRONCIS PRIVATE LIMITEDADDRESS: B-105, Noida Phase 2, Nea
2、r Old Noida Court Complex Noida- 201305, U. P. I ndia.地 址:PART B: EMPLOYEE:NAME: ID APPROVE AND NUMBER:ADDRESS:1. TERM OF THE CONTRACT本合同期限类型为有期限合同。The term of the con tract isyears,fromtoThe two sides agreed probati on period ends on, 3 mon ths'duration. For the outstanding Employee, the probat
3、ion period can be shorte ned by Party A, but no less tha n 1 mon th.2. JOB CONTENT AND RESPONSIBILTYJOB TITLE:From time to time the Management may consider it necessary for you to do other jobs withi n your skill and compete nee.根据现实需要,管理者有时会要求你做能力范围内的其他工作3. SALARYAccordi ng to the prin ciple of dis
4、tribute n, and equal pay for equal work, salary of Party B shall not be lower than the local minimum wage standard.3.1. Probatio n period basic salary:3.2. After probation period, salary according to the company” Salary andcommissi on system根据“按劳分配”原则,实行同工同酬,乙方的报酬不得低于当地最低工资标准。试 用期过后,工资按公司制定的薪酬管理制度执行
5、。Your Basic salary pay-day is 7 th mon thly, other part salary pay-day is 15th monthly. All salary will be paid directly into your Bank account on the last day of each mon th( Compa ny may have less tha n one week delay with adva nee no tice).工资实行每月结付,会在每月7号打入你的银行账户(公司可能会延迟少于一周支付, 但会提前通知)。4. NORMAL
6、WORKING TIMEMonday to Friday : 10 : 0018: 30Saturday : 10:0016:005. HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT:The Employee who work for employer more tha n 1 year will en titled to 5 work ing days holiday per year.工作超过1年的员工每年享有5天带薪年假。The holiday year will comme nee on 1st January and end on 31st December of the same year
7、.休假年份计算从1月1日开始到同年12月31日结束。Holidays will be paid at basic rates of pay.休假期间按基本工资计算ALL HOLIDAYS MUST BE PRE-BOOKED IN AGREEMENT WITH MANAGEMENT. 为便于管理,所有休假都必须提前申请。The Employer reserves the right to reimburseme nt by the employee for any payme nt in excess of holiday en titleme nt on term in ati on of
8、service.协议终止时,对于员工额外享有的假期福利,公司保留索取赔偿的权利。All holidays must be take n in the holiday year - no holidays may be carried forward to the followi ng year without prior agreeme nt with the man ageme nt. 所有假期都必须在当年休完,未经管理方同意,来年不再补休。Pers on al leave will be give n con siderati on by the Employer. The Employe
9、r however does not hold itself bound to make any payme nt for pers on al leave uni ess take n as part of curre nt holiday en titleme nt.公司考虑会准许事假,但一般不带薪,除非现行假期福利另有规定。Maternity leave will be subject to the guidelines laid out by theDepartme nt Social Security ("DSS") or such other releva nt
10、 gover nment authority or legislation from time to time.产假则遵循社会保障部或政府法规的相关规定。SICKNESS:病假Should you be unable to attend work due to sickness you are required to con tact your immediate supervisor by 11.00 hours on the first day of in capacity.如果因病不能工作,则必须在生病的第一天11: 00之前通知你的直接上司。All leave due to sick
11、ness must be supported by a bona fide medical certificate. This Certificate from your Gen eral Practiti oner.所有的病假都应有医学证明,前五天可以是自我证明( SC1格式),此后的由主治医 师开具。The Employer reserves the right (at its own expe nse) to have an in depe ndent medical opinion on any injury or sick ness of a long term n ature wi
12、th special regard to future fit ness for employme nt.考虑到未来工作的需要,公司保留对长期伤病独立的医学鉴定权利(费用自理)All Compa ny sick leave will be calculated from 1st January to 31st December the same year.公司所有假条从每年1月1日开始计算至同年12月31日止。6. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINESThe Employer expects employees to be punctual and r
13、egular in their atte ndance for work. It is un derstood that employees will always do their work to the best of their ability to mai ntai n good worki ng relati on ships with every one else in the Employer and preserve the reputatio n of the establishme nt.公司要求员工按时到岗工作。员工也应尽力做好自己的工作,与同事相处融洽,维护 公司荣誉。
14、Employees must report for work suitably clothed and equipped. 员工必须穿戴得当、配备整齐并加以报告。You may be required to complete a time sheet of your weekly activities which must be completed and han ded in by 17.30 hrs on Friday of that week and placed in the box provided.员工应当制定一周待办记事的时间表,并于本周周五 17: 30之前放至指定盒子内7.
15、DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES纪律处罚程序(Subject to the provisi ons re: "Serious Con duct" and "Gross Misc on duct")(规定分为“违纪”和“严重违纪”)The developme nt and prosperity of the Employer and of its employees is dependent to a large extent on its ability to achieve and preserve a high standard of
16、co-operation and discipline. The Employer believes that most employees un dersta nd and accept this and that there must be rules of con duct and behaviour if the Employer's activities are to be smooth and orderly.公司与员工共同的发展与强大很大程度上取决于能否保持高度合作并严守纪律。公司 相信每一位员工都理解并认同这个观点,为保证公司各项活动顺利进行,就必须制定 行为规范。Fi
17、rst StageThe employee will be given a formal oral warning, and advised of the reason for the warning and that this warning con stitutes the first stage of the procedure.程序第一步:员工会被给出一个正式的口头警告及其原因。Second Stage 第二步Further miscon duct or failure to resp ond to the first warni ng will lead to a further w
18、arning. This will be in writing and set out the nature of the offence as well as the likely con seque nces of further offen ces. The employee will be rem in ded that this is the sec ond stage of the procedure.如果第一次警告后仍不知悔改,则会给出一份书面警告并注明违纪行为的性质和后 果。提醒员工这是程序的第二步。Third Stage第三步Failure to improve in res
19、ponse to the procedure so far will result in the issue of a final written warning. This will state the nature of the offence and likely con seque nee should the employee's con duct con ti nue to be un acceptable, which would no rmally be dismissal.如果此时仍不知悔改,员工将收到一份书面的最后警告。这份警告将说明违纪行为的 性质,若员工继续我行
20、我素则可能带来的后果是不被允许的,通常会被解雇。Final Stage第四步Failure to meet the requirements set out in the final written warning will normally lead to dismissal with appropriate notice of termination, or payme nt in lieu of no tice.若员工未能按照最后书面警告的要求改进行为,则一般会被辞退并给予一定的解雇补 偿或补偿金。During all stages of the discipli nary proced
21、ure the employee will be give n the opport unity to state their case before a decisi on is reached.在纪律处罚的每一个步骤里,员工都有机会在决定给出前给出他们的解释。It is an employee's right to be accompa nied or represe nted by a colleague from the Employer duri ng all stages of the discipli nary procedure.在纪律处罚的每一个步骤里,员工都有权由公
22、司同事陪同或代表。All warnings both verbal and writte n will be no ted on the employee's record for a period of 6 mon ths for minor misc on duct and 12 mon ths for serious misc on duct and may be reflected in any refere nee the Employer may be called upon to submit.所有的口头和书面警告都会被记录在员工的履历里,轻微违纪保留记录6个月,严重违纪
23、12个月,并被反映在公司要提交的参考文件里。8. SERIOUS MISCONDUCT 违纪行为Where con duct occurs which the Employer regards as a serious breach of the Gen eral Rulea nd Procedures the Employer reserves the right to issue an immediate first and final written notice without issuing verbal or written warnings as in the Discipli
24、nary Procedures first and sec ond stage.若公司认为员工违犯了一般规则程序,则公司有权立即发布首次和最终书面警告通 知,而不必遵循纪律处罚程序中的第一、二步发布口头和书面警告。An example of serious misc on duct would be:部分违纪行为:Neglige nee: where an employee carelessly causes the Employer to fail to meet its sta ndards of performa nee or customer service.责任事故:由于员工的疏忽导
25、致公司工作或客户服务达不到标准。Abse nteeism: should an Employee be abse nt for a period exceed ing three con secutive days without prior arran geme nt or valid reas on the Employer will view this as serious misc on duct and immediately issue a first and final written warning.旷工:员工未经同意或无正当理由连续超过三天旷工将被认定为违纪,可立即给予首 次
26、和最终警告处分。It is emphasised that these examples are not exhaustive. 需要强调的是,这些例子并非包括了所有的违纪行为。9. GROSS MISCONDUCT严重违纪行为Misc on duct un der this head ing is regarded by the Employer to be so serious that an employee who commits it may be summarily dismissed. In such cases the Employer reserves the right t
27、o waive no tice of term in ati on and payme nt in lieu of notice. The following examples give an indication of the Employer's view of gross misc on duct. It must be stressed that this list is not exhaustive. Some of these offen ces might well en tail prosecutio n as well as dismissal, depe nding
28、 on the circumsta nces.此栏的违纪行为属于公司认为十分严重,一旦违纪就要被立即开除的范畴。在此类事 件中,公司有权更改解雇补偿或赔偿金。以下的例子就说明了公司在处理严重违纪时 的做法。需要强调的是,这些例子并非包括了所有的严重违纪行为。其中有些在被开 除的同时可能还会被起诉,视情况而定。9.1. Taking away Compa ny property, property held in trust by the Employer or the property of its employees without permissi on.未经允许带走公司财产、公司信托财产
29、或其他员工财产者。9.2. Wilful refusal to carry out a reas on able in structio n from a supervisor or member of the man ageme nt or other forms of wilful in subordi nati on. 蓄意拒绝服从上级领导合理指令或有其他蓄意拒绝形式者。9.3. Violenee, threats of violence or abuse both physical or verbal to other employees, man ageme nt or visito
30、rs. This will be deemed to in clude worki ng on site or represe nti ng the Employer away from the Employer's premises.在工作场所或代表公司的场合对其他员工、管理者或访客行为或口头上威胁、恐吓、 辱骂者。9.4. To report for work whilst un der the in flue nce of alcohol, or other substa nces, or to become unfit for work duri ng work ing hou
31、rs due to the in flue nce of alcohol, drugs or other substa nces.被举报醉酒或在其他药物影响下工作;或在工作时间内因受酒精、毒品等物质的影响 不能胜任工作者。9.5. Improper use or dan gerous use of Compa ny property. 将公司财产置于危险之中或使用不当者。9.6. Improper dan gerous or in dece nt behaviour.行为不当、行为危险或行为下流者。9.7. Breach of con fide nce: employees are not p
32、ermitted to com muni cate in formatio n of any ki nd regard ing the Employer's affairs, activities, work, tech niq ues or procedures to any pers on not authorised to receive it, be they a member of the Employer or not.泄密:员工不允许向未经授权的人(不管他是不是公司成员)谈及任何有关公司的事 宜、活动、工作、技术或程序。9.8. Knowin gly and wilful
33、ly caus ing delay to jeopardise the meeti ng of a delivery date.蓄意破坏延误交付日期会议者。9.9. Kno wi ngly and wilfully faili ng to meet the Employer's acceptedsta ndard of excelle nee and high quality of product ion.有意不符合公司所能接受的优质产品标准者。In serious cases the Employer reserves the right to suspe nd the employ
34、ee concerned with pay whilst an inv estigati on takes place.情节严重者,公司有权暂停支付接受调查员工的薪酬。10. THE CHANGE, TERMINATION AND CANCEL OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 劳动合同更改,终止和取消。10.1. Change con tract: The parties get consen sus, the con tract can be changed.10.2. Termi nate con tract: Any result as below, the con tac
35、t can be termi nated.10.2.1. Con tract period expired.10.2.2. Part B come to the statutory retirement conditions.10.2.3. All other term in ati on situati ons accordi ng to laws and regulati ons.10.3. Can cel con tract: Any result as below, the con tact can be can celed.10.3.1. The parties get consen
36、 sus.10.3.2. Part B shall inform Party A in written form 30 days advanee, so that the con tract can be term in ated(probati on period 7 days adva nee).10.3.3. Part B have any result as below, Part A can can cel the con tact immediately and will not pay any compe nsati on. During the probati
37、on period, part B be proved unsuitable for hiri ng con diti ons; Serious violate labor discipline or Part A's rules and regulati ons. Serious derelicti on of duty, caus ing sig nifica nt damage to Part A. Other results in Article 9 of the con tract.10.3.4. Part B have
38、any result as below, Part A can inform Part B 30 days adva nee or pay 1 month basic salary to can cel the con tract. If Party B is sick, or injured because work, cannot do the same work or some otherwork arrange by part A after rehabilitati on. Party B can not compete nt the work, after trai ning or adjust ingthe job title, still can not compete nt
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