已阅读5页,还剩47页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1. Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises, and the representations, warranties, covenants, and undertakings of the parties hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree among themselves as follows.鉴于上述事实和各方在下文所作的陈述、保证、立约和承诺,及其他有效的有价约因/有效对价,现各方达成协议如下

2、。 representation 陈述warranties 保证covenant 约定、契约undertaking 承诺good and valuable consideration 有效的对价约因 有效对价指足以支持当事人之间交易的对价对价(consideration)原本是英美合同法中的重要概念,其内涵是一方为换取另一方做某事的承诺而向另一方支付的金钱代价或得到该种承诺的承诺。 对价:指当事人一方在获得某种利益时,必须给付对方相应的代价。什么是约因对价一般又译为"约因",是缔约当事人之间,由于缔约行为,一方获得利益,一方遭受损失.例如,某甲同意按一定价钱出售货物给某乙,

3、约定乙得到货物后于一定期限付款,但到期后乙未付款,因而甲遭受损失,乙获得利益.在这里,乙支付一定数额的款项的约定,就是甲出售货物约定的"约因".约因是在"违约损害之诉"的基础上产生的.但是对价和约因又有不同,对价是有金钱价值的约因。约因(consideration),是指当事人签订合同所追求的直接目的,约因和对价的区别是卖家和买家的区别。2. 对价与约因之比较 作为合同法上相对应的两个概念,英美法的对价与法国法的约因具有某些相同的作用,即都是给予合同效力的确定以一个统一的标准,都能约束简单契约,使契约当事人的权利有所保障,并具有事先慎重考虑之表示。但是,

4、英美法与大陆法经历的发展道路毕竟有所不同,因而,对价与约因这对概念尽管相似,差异也是客观存在的。总的说来,对价的适用范围较狭窄,但内容较具体,约因的适用范围较宽,且具弹性。具体而言,对价与约因存在三点主要差异: 1、对价使合同当事人之间的权利对等性更为巩固,但过于强调对价之有无及技术化之后果,则多少妨碍一般交易活动的进行。由于其僵化的规定,英美法不得不于19世纪中叶发展“允诺禁反言”理论予以救济,以化解有违常理的早期判例。约因则无上述现象,比如类似英美法上过去对价及当事人间一部分债务之清偿作为全部债务之免除,在法国法上均为有效,且比较灵活。2、从作用方式看,对价从中世纪开始后,到17世纪才成为


6、后来的发展却偏离了约因的轨迹。作为基本上是一种自由竞争的商品经济的产物,对价原理在完成了它的历史使命后,便在英美合同法上渐渐退居次要地位了,有些法学家甚至要求废除对价原理。而约因理论在近代以后的法国合同法中却逐渐泛化,合意之有无对契约的效力起着最终的决定作用。对此,吉尔莫曾感叹:“如果他们(指科宾与卡多佐)的观点被采用即如果对价被定义为约因的同义语,那么,古典契约理论的衰落完全有可能被推迟一代左右的时间,并且很可能以完全不同的形式出现。”5 trade dress :商业外观,依美国判例之释义,系指“产品之整体形象或总体外貌”。此种商业外观,可涵括“尺寸、外形、颜色或颜色之组合、构造、图形,乃

7、至特殊的销售技艺”。据此文意,商业外观概可视为一种设计(Design)。依欧美立法的思路,专利、商标乃至版权法,均可保护设计;然而,立法理当避免三类保护之相互交迭。自经济学的角度而言,此种立法厘清尤显重要,盖其关涉市场配置的有效性,及自由竞争的根本信条。mask work:1984年美国半导体晶片保护条例确立了一种新的知识产权类型,这就是“屏蔽作品”(mask work),它是半导体晶片制造中主要的设备。该产品的创造者有10年期的复制和销售专有权。该法的主要目的是遏制日益猖獗的非法复制半导体晶片的行为,从而在计算机和知识产权这些高科技领域鼓励人们进一步的研究和投资。6. Know-how:专门

8、技能7 any combination thereofThe system can be configured for carbon monoxide, dew point, oxygen or any combination thereof. 跟读该系统可以特殊配置,用于一氧化碳,露点,氧气或它们的任何组合。www.e-2.However, Members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any c

9、ombination thereof. 跟读但成员应以专利制度或有效的专门制度,或以任何组合制度,给植物新品种以保护。3.The table space placement for XML data is determined by the LONG IN clause, which can be specified at partition level, table level, or any combination thereof. 跟读XML 数据的表空间位置由 LONG IN 子句决定,其可在分区级别、表级别、或它们的任何组合中指定。4.Whereas previously tags

10、and attributes could be written in uppercase, lowercase, or any combination thereof, a valid XHTML 1.0 document required all tags and attributes to be lowercase. 跟读此前的标签和属性可以是大写、小写,或者任意大小写字母的组合,而有效的XHTML1.0文档则要求所有标签和属性必须一律小写。5.Article 7. Any word or design, or combination thereof, used as a trademar

11、k, shall have distinctive characteristics so as to facilitate identification. 跟读第七条商标使用的文字、图形或者其组合,应当有显著特征,便于识别。6.The bonding metal area may have a 'L' shape, a 'C' shape, a 'J' shape, an 'I' shape or any combination thereof. 跟读该接合金属区域可以是“L”形状、“C”形状、“J”形状、“I”形状,或者是上述形

12、状的任何组合。7.Of course, this can be achieved through portion control, and you can eat what you feel like whether youre a “hunter, ” “nomad, ” “cultivator, ” or any combination thereof. 跟读当然,通过部分的控制这可能会成功,而且你可以吃一些使你觉得自己是否是一个“猎人”、“牧民”、“农民”,或者他们中的结合体的东西。7.Epidemic Failure ?Notwithstanding 虽然

13、service parts生词本修理用部件,备件,配件网 络备品;备件;维修件;修理配件报 错大家都在背:词汇量测试粘玉米怎么说?net weight 什么意思?要背就背有用单词双语例句1. Support on quality issues record, business (service &parts) forecast, ASD warranty handling!质量问题记录;业务预测(服务、备件)支持;ASD保修处理支持。来自互联网2. Accordingly it has practice significance to study the inventory manag

14、ement of car service parts.因此,对汽车服务备件库存管理的研究是很有实际意义的。来自互联网3. NOTE This requirement also applies to the availability of tools for vehicle service parts. 注:本要求同样适用于获得车辆服务件的工装。来自互联网4. Support to prepare the service parts readiness for new program and ensure successful launch on schedule. 帮助完成新项目的售后配件准备

15、工作,确保新项目准时上市。5.PURCHASE CONTRACT TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR FIXEDPRICEDSERVICES CONTRACTS IMPORTANT NOTE: 重要提示:This proposed contract is Buyer's offer to purchase the goods and services (Services) described in this offer. Acceptance is strictly limited to the terms and conditions included in thi

16、s offer. Unless specifically agreed to in writing by Buyer's Authorized Procurement Representative, Buyer objects to, and is not bound by, any term or condition that differs from or adds to this offer.本拟用合同是购买方提出购买相关货物和服务(服务)的要约。接受要约须严格遵循本要约所列条款和条件。除非购买方的授权采购代表以书面形式明确同意,否则购买方将会反对偏离本要约或对本要约作出增补的任

17、何条款或条件,并且不受该等条款或条件的约束。 1. FORMATION OF CONTRACT. 合同的形成 Vendor agrees and undertakes to supply the goods and services (“Services”) under this Contract in accordance with the standards, specifications and requirements expressed in this Contract and to the satisfaction of Buyer, and Buyer shall pay Ven

18、dor the Contract Price as specified hereunder. Unless otherwise stated in this Contract, Vendor shall supply all time, labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the Services under this Contract.供应方同意和承诺,其将根据本合同规定的标准、规格和要求,令购买方满意地供应本合同项下的货物和服务(下称“服务”),及购买方应按照本合同的规定向供应方支付合同价格。除非本合同中另

19、有规定,供应方应提供完成本合同项下的服务所需的时间、劳动力、材料、工具和设备。 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. 服务范围During the term of this Contract, Vendor shall furnish the Services set forth in this Contract, more specifically in Statement of Work attached hereof.在本合同有效期内,供应方应提供本合同规定的服务,其详情如本合同所附工作清单中所列。 3. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. 独立签约人 Vendor i

20、s an independent contractor for all purposes. Vendor shall have complete control over the performance of, and the details for accomplishing, the Services. In no event shall Vendor or its agents, representatives or employees be deemed to be agents, representatives or employees of Buyer. Vendors emplo

21、yees shall be paid exclusively by Vendor for all services performed. Vendor shall comply with all requirements and obligations relating to such employees under central government, province and local law and regulations (or foreign law, if applicable).供应方应是任何意义上的独立签约人。供应方应具备必需的能力,能够完全控制对服务的履行及服务履行的各细

22、节。在任何情况下,供应方或其代理人、代表或雇员均不得被视为是购买方的代理人、代表或雇员。供应方的雇员对其履行的各种服务应排他性地从供应方处获得报酬。供应方应遵守中央政府、省和地方法律和法规(或外国法律,如适用)要求其应对该等雇员承担的所有相关的义务。 4. STANDARDS. 标准Vendor shall assign personnel satisfactory to Buyer. At any time and for any reason, Buyer may require Vendor to withdraw the services of any person and requi

23、re that Vendor promptly provide replacements for such persons satisfactory to Buyer. Vendor shall immediately follow Buyers such instruction. In addition to the other indemnification provisions within this Contract, Vendor specifically agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from and against any

24、 liabilities, claims, charges or suits for alleged losses, costs, damages or expenses arising from Buyers exercise of its rights hereunder. 供应方应向购买方指派令购买方满意的人员。购买方可在任何时候及因任何原因要求供应方撤回其任何服务提供人员,并要求供应方及时提供令购买方满意的替换人员。供应方应迅速遵循购买方的该等指示。除了本合同中其他赔偿规定外,供应方还明确同意,对于购买方因行使其在本合同项下权利而引起的任何责任、权利主张、收费或诉讼,从而遭受的相关损失

25、、成本、损害或费用,其将向购买方作出赔偿,使购买方免受损失。 5. WARRANTY. 保证 Vendor warrants that all Services performed hereunder shall be performed by employees or agents of Vendor who are experienced and skilled in their profession and in accordance with good industry standards. Vendor further warrants that all Services perfo

26、rmed under this Contract, at the time of acceptance, shall be free from defects in workmanship and conform to the requirements of this Contract. Buyer shall give written notice of any defect or nonconformance to Vendor within one year from the date of acceptance by Buyer. Buyer may, at its option, e

27、ither (a) require correction or reperformance of any defective or nonconforming services, or (b) make an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price of this Contract. If Vendor is required to correct or reperform the Services, such correction or reperformance shall be executed by Vendor in a timely m

28、anner solely at its own expense. Any Services corrected or reperformed shall be subject to this article to the same extent as Services initially performed. If Vendor fails or refuses to correct or reperform, Buyer may correct or replace with similar services and charge Vendor for any cost to Buyer o

29、r make an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price of this Contract, for which Buyer shall have the right to make deduction from any amount payable by Buyer to Vendor under this Contract. 供应方保证,在本合同项下履行的所有服务均将由其具有丰富工作经验和精湛技术的雇员或代理人按照良好的行业标准予以履行。供应方还保证,在本合同项下履行的所有服务在被接受时均在工艺上不存在缺陷及符合本合同的要求。购买方如发现有任

30、何缺陷或不符合要求的情况的,应在其接受相关服务之日起的一(1)年内以书面形式通知供应方。购买方可(由其选择决定)(a)要求对有缺陷或不符合要求的服务予以改正或重新履行;或(b)对本合同的合同价格作出公平的调整。如果供应方被要求改正或重新履行服务的,供应方应及时地进行所述改正或重新履行服务,并独自承担所需费用。任何经改正或重新履行的服务仍应如初始履行服务时一样受制于本条的规定。如果供应方未或拒绝改正或重新履行服务的,则购买方可自行改正或以类似服务予以替代,并向供应方收取购买方为之发生的费用,或对本合同的合同价格作出公平的调整,且购买方有权从其在本合同项下应向供应方支付的款项中扣除相应的金额。 6

31、. TAXES. 税务Unless this Contract specifies otherwise, the price of this Contract includes, and Vendor is liable for and shall pay, all taxes, impositions, charges and exactions imposed on or measured by this Contract. 除非本合同另有规定,本合同的价格应含有对本合同征收或本合同预期应缴付的所有税项、税款、收费和税赋,并由供应方承担和缴付。 7. INVOICE AND PAYMENT

32、.帐单和付款a. As compensation for Services to be performed by Vendor, Buyer shall pay Vendor as set forth in this Contract (“Contract Price”). Buyer shall have no liability for any other expenses or costs incurred by Vendor. Payment due date, including discount periods, shall be computed from the date of

33、 the later of the scheduled delivery date, the actual delivery date or the date of receipt of a correct invoice. Payment shall be deemed to have been made on the date Buyers check is mailed or payment is otherwise tendered. Vendor shall promptly repay to Buyer any amounts paid in excess of amounts d

34、ue Vendor.作为供应方履行服务的酬报,购买方应按照本合同所列(下称“合同价格”)向供应方付款。购买方概不负责供应方另行发生的任何其他费用或支出。到期付款日(包括贴现期间)应从计划交付日、实际交付日或正确帐单收妥日三者中最迟之日起算。付款应在购买方的支票寄出或付款另行偿付之日视为完成。付款中如有超出向供应方应付款部分的,供应方应及时将多收部分退回给购买方。 b. Monthly Payments will be made within thirty-five (35) days from receipt and approval of Vendors request for paymen

35、t upon the above condition precedent for payment having been satisfied.在上述付款先决条件得到满足的情况下,购买方应在收到并批准供应方的付款请求后的三十五(35)日内支付月度付款。 c. The Contract Price shall be made on a fixed lump sum basis and shall not be adjusted in case of changes, variation or fluctuation in the cost of labor, materials, the exch

36、ange rate or other matters.合同价格应以固定金额一次付讫方式支付,不得因为劳动力及材料成本变化、汇率波动或其他因素而作出调整。 d.Ten percent (10%) of the final contract price due to Vendor under this Contract will be retained as retention until Vendor has fully completed its warranty obligations within the Warranty Period hereunder.购买方可保留本合同项下应向供应方

37、支付的最终合同价格的百分之十(10%)款项作为保留金,在供应方完全履行了其在本合同项下保证期内的保证义务后再支付给供应方。 8. CHANGES改变a. Buyer's Authorized Procurement Representative may, without notice to sureties and in writing, direct changes within the general scope of this Contract, including without limitation any of the following: (i) technical re

38、quirements and descriptions, specifications, statement of work, drawings or designs; (ii) shipment or packing methods; (iii) place of delivery, inspection or acceptance; (iv) reasonable adjustments in quantities or delivery schedules or both; (v) amount of Buyer-furnished property; and, if this Cont

39、ract includes services, (vi) description of services to be performed; (vii) the time of performance (e.g., hours of the day, days of the week, etc.); and (viii) place of performance. Vendor shall comply immediately with such direction.购买方的授权采购代表可在无须通知担保人的情况下,以书面形式指示对本合同总体范围内的事项作出改变,包括但不限于以下任何事项:(i)技

40、术要求和说明、规格、工作清单、图纸或设计方案;(ii)货运或包装方式;(iii)交付、检验或接受地点;(iv)数量或交付日程计划(或同时两者)的合理调整;(v)购买方提供的财产的金额;及(如本合同含有服务内容时);(vi)对将履行的服务的说明;(vii)履行的时间(例如每天的小时数,每周的天数等);及(viii)履行的地点。供应方应及时遵守上述指示。 b. If such change increases or decreases the cost or time required to perform this Contract, Buyer and Vendor shall negotia

41、te an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or schedule, or both, to reflect the increase or decrease. Buyer shall modify this Contract in writing accordingly in the form of a supplementary agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Vendor must assert any claim for adjustment to Buyer's

42、 Authorized Procurement Representative in writing within 15 days upon the occurrence of any matter which Vendor deems to constitute a change described hereunder, and deliver a fully supported proposal to Buyer's Authorized Procurement Representative within 30 days after Vendor's receipt of s

43、uch direction. Buyer may, at its sole discretion, consider any claim regardless of when asserted. If Vendor's proposal includes the cost of property made obsolete or excess by the change, Buyer may direct the disposition of the property. Buyer may examine Vendor's pertinent books and records

44、 to verify the amount of Vendor's claim. Failure of the parties to agree upon any adjustment shall not excuse Vendor from performing in accordance with Buyer's direction.如果上述改变会增加或减少履行本合同所需的成本或时间的,购买方和供应方应商洽对合同价格或时间安排(或同时两者)作出公平的调整,以反映所述增加或减少的因素。购买方应以补充协议的方式对本合同作出相应的书面修改。除非另有书面约定,供应方必须在发生了其认

45、为构成本合同项下所述改变情况后的十五(15)日内以书面形式向购买方的授权采购代表提出调整要求,并在收到要求其递交提议指示后的三十(30)日内向购买方的授权采购代表递交有充分理由支持的提议。购买方可自行酌情考虑任何要求(而无论是何时提出的)。如果供应方的提议涉及到因所述改变而成为过时或成为多余财产的成本的,购买方可指示对所述财产予以处置。购买方可审核供应方的有关帐册和记录,以核实供应方提出请求的金额。双方如未能对调整达成一致的,并不因此免除供应方须根据购买方的指示履约的义务。 c. If Vendor considers that Buyer's conduct constitutes

46、a change, Vendor shall notify Buyer's Authorized Procurement Representative immediately in writing as to the nature of such conduct and its effect upon Vendor's performance. Pending direction from Buyer's Authorized Procurement Representative, Vendor shall take no action to implement any

47、 such change.如果供应方认为购买方的行为构成改变的,供应方应立即以书面形式通知购买方的授权采购代表,说明该等行为的性质及其对供应方履约的影响。在获得购买方的授权采购代表的指示之前,供应方不得擅自行动实施任何该等改变。 d. The Contract Price and/or schedule hereunder shall not be modified in any case unless the above procedures has been strictly followed and gone through.除非严格遵循及依照上述程序,否则在任何情况下均不得对合同价格及

48、/或本合同项下的时间安排作出修改。 9. DISPUTES. 争议 Any dispute that arises under or is related to this Contract that cannot be settled by mutual agreement of the parties may be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Shanghai Branch for arbitration. The arbitral proce

49、edings shall be conducted in the English language, and the arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both parties.本合同项下引起或与本合同相关的任何争议如无法由双方通过协商解决的,可提交给中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(下称“仲裁委”)上海分会予以仲裁解决。仲裁程序应采用英语进行,及裁决应是终局性的,对双方均具有约束力。 Pending final resolution of any dispute, Vendor shall proceed with performance

50、 of this Contract according to Buyer's instructions so long as Buyer continues to pay amounts not in dispute.在任何争议最终解决之前,只要购买方仍然偿付不存在争议的应付款项的,供应方就应继续按照购买方的指示履行本合同。 10. FORCE MAJEURE. 不可抗力 Vendor shall not be liable for the excess reprocurement costs pursuant to the “Cancellation for Default” art

51、icle of this Contract incurred by Buyer because of any failure to perform this Contract under its terms if the failure arises from causes unforeseeable and beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Vendor. Examples of these causes are (a) acts of God or of the public enemy, (b) fires

52、, (c) floods, (d) quarantine restrictions, (e) strikes and (f) freight embargoes. In each instance, the failure to perform must be unforeseeable, beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Vendor. If the delay is caused by a delay of a subcontractor of Vendor and if such delay arises

53、out of causes unforeseeable and beyond the reasonable control of both, and without the fault or negligence of either, Vendor shall not be liable for excess costs unless the goods or services to be furnished by the subcontractor were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit Vendor t

54、o meet the required delivery schedules. Vendor shall notify Buyer in writing immediately after the beginning of any such cause together with detailed explanations in writing on such force majeure event and its impact on the performance of this Contract.供应方如因不可预见、其无法控制及其并无过失或过错的原因而无法按照本合同条款规定履行本合同,从而


56、并附有对该等不可抗力事件及其对本合同履行影响的详尽书面解释。 11. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE. 酌情终止Buyer reserves the right to terminate this Contract, or any part hereof, for its sole convenience. In the event of such termination, Vendor shall immediately cease all work hereunder and shall immediately cause any and all of its su

57、ppliers and subcontractors to cease work. In case of termination for convenience by Buyer of all or any part of this Contract, Vendor may submit a claim to Buyer within 30 days after the effective date of termination, and Buyer shall have the sole discretion to determine such claim asserted by Vendo

58、r. In no event shall Buyer be obligated to pay Vendor any amount in excess of the Contract Price. The provisions of this article shall not limit or affect the right of Buyer to cancel this Contract for default. 购买方保留有权自行酌情终止本合同或本合同的任何部分。在发生该等终止情况时,供应方应立即停止本合同项下的所有工作,并应立即促使其任何及所有的供应商和分包商也停止相关工作。如果购买方酌情终止本合同的全部或任何部分,供应方应在终止生效日后的三十(30)日内向购买方递交一份偿付要求,及购买方应有权自行裁量决定是否认可供应方提出的偿付要求。在任何情况下,购买方向供应方支付该等偿付要求的金额均不得超过合同价格。本条的规定并不会限制或影响购买方所拥有的因发生违约而撤销本合同的权利。 12. CANCELLATION FOR DEFAULT违约撤销a. Buyer may, by written notice to Vendor, cancel all or part of this Contract (i) if Vendor fails to deliver


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