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1、1. Place and date of ContractTHE BALTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MARITIME COUNCILSTANDARD TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT FOR HEAVYAND VOLUMINOUS CARGOESCODE NAME: “HEAVYCON” PART I2. Owners/place of business (Cl. 2.1.)3. Charterers/place of business (Cl. 2.1.)4. Vessel (name, type and other particulars; also desc

2、ription of Owners equipment) (Cl. 2.1. & 4.2.)5. Cargo (full description of cargo; indicate whether full and complete cargo or part cargo; also state minimum/maximum weight of cargo) (Cl. 2.1. & 10.5.)6. Loading port(s) (Cl. 2.1.)7. Discharging port(s) and intended route from loading port to

3、 discharging port (Cl. 2.1. & 3.2.)8. Loading method(s) (indicate alternative(s): (a),(b) or (c), as agreed) (Cl. 4.3.)9. Discharging method(s) (indicate alternative(s): (a),(b) or (c), as agreed) (Cl. 4.6.)10. First layday (Cl. 8.1.)11. Cancelling date (Cl. 8.1.)12. Notices for loading to be gi

4、ven to (Cl. 9.1. & 9.2.)13. Notices for discharging (state interval periods and to whom to be given) (Cl. 9.2.& 9.3.).14. Marine Surveyor(s) and date for transportation approval (Cl. 10.1. & 10.4.)15. Freight (Cl. 11)16. Freight and demurrage, etc. payment (currency and where payable; al

5、so state owners bank account) (Cl. 11)17. Free time for loading/discharging and canal transit (if applicable) (state total number of running hours) (Cl. 12.1. & 14.1.)18. Demurrage rate per day (Cl. 12.2.)19. Mobilisation charge (if agreed, state lump sum amount) (Cl. 13.1.)20. Demobilisation ch

6、arge (if agreed, state lump sum amount) (Cl. 13.2.)21. Canal transit costs (if any) limited to (Cl. 14.2.)22. Price per ton of bunker oil (Cl. 15)23. Termination Fee(s) (state amount(s) if agreed) (Cl. 20.1. & 20.2.)24. Liability for cargo (state whether Bill of Lading or Cargo Receipt) (Cl. 21.

7、4. or Cl. 21.5.) 25. General average shall be adjusted/settled at (Cl. 25)26. Brokerage and to whom payable (Cl. 31)27. Law and arbitration (state 32.1., 32.2. or 32.3. of Cl. 32, as agreed; if 32.3. agreed state place of arbitration) (if Box 27 not filled in, 32.1. shall apply) (Cl. 32)28. Numbers

8、of additional clauses covering special provisions, if agreedIt is mutually agreed that this Contract shall be performed subject to the conditions contained in the Contract consisting of PART I including additional clauses, if any agreed and stated in Box 28 and PART II. In the event of a conflict of

9、 conditions, the provisions of PART I and any additional clauses shall prevail over those of PART II to the extent of such conflict but no further.Signature (Owners) Signature (Charterers)1. 缔结合同的地点和时间波罗的海和国际航运协会 大重量大体积货物标准运输合同文件代码:HEAVYCON 第一部分2. 出租人/营业地(条款2.1)3. 承租人/营业地(条款2.1)4.船舶(名称、船型和其他特征以及对出租人

10、提供的设备的描述)(条款2.1和4.2)5.货物(对货物的完整描述,要写明是完整不可分的货物还是部分货物,还要写明货物的最大和最小重量)(条款2.1和10.5)6. 装货港(条款2.1)7. 卸货港和从装货港至卸货港的预定航线(条款2.1和3.2)8.装货方法(写明双方协议选择的方法是(a),(b)还是(c))(条款4.3)9. 卸货方法(写明双方协议选择的方法是(a),(b)还是(c))(条款4.6)10. 第一受载日(条款8.1)11. 解约日(条款8.1)12. 装货通知的接收人(条款9.1和9.2)13. 卸货通知(写明发送通知的间隔时间和接收人)(条款9.2和9.3)14.海事检验员

11、及其批准运输的日期(条款10.1和10.4)15. 运费(条款11)16. 运费、滞期费等的支付方法(写明支付的币种、地点及出租人的银行账户)(条款11)17. 装/卸货和穿越运河(如果有)的免费时间(写明总的营运小时数)(条款12.1和14.1)18. 每日的滞期费(条款12.2)19. 军事动员费用(如果双方同意,写明整笔运费的数量)(条款13.1)20.军事复员费用(如果双方同意,写明整笔运费的数量)(条款13.2)21. 穿越运河的费用(如果有)被限制在(条款14.2)22. 每吨燃油的价格(条款15)23. 终止合同的费用(如果双方同意,写明数量)(条款20.1和20.2)24. 货

12、物责任(表明是提单还是货物收据)(条款21.4或21.5)25. 共同海损的理算和解决应当在(条款25)26. 经纪人佣金以及该佣金应当支付给(条款31)27.法律和仲裁(表明双方同意选择条款32的32.1项、32.2项还是32.3项,如果选择32.3项,写明仲裁地点)(如果缔约双方没有填写本项,将适用321项的规定。)(条款32)28. 如果双方同意,记载特别规定的附加条款数缔约双方应当按照合同规定履行合同,本合同由第一部分和第二部分组成,如果缔约双方达成一致并在表格第28项中说明,本合同还将包括附加条款。如果合同条款之间发生冲突,在且仅在该冲突范围内,相对于第二部分而言,优先适用第一部分和

13、附加条款。签名(出租人)签名(承租人)PART II第二部分“HEAVYCON” Standard Transportation Contract“HEAVYCON”标准运输合同1.Definitions1定义In this Contract the following words and expressions shall have the mea-本合同中,下列词语将被赋予如下含义:nings hereby assigned to them.1.1. “The Owners” shall mean the party identified in Box 2.1.1 “出租人(船东)”是指表

14、格第2项中确定的一方。1.2. “The Charterers” shall mean the party identified in Box 3.1.2 “承租人”是指表格第3项中确定的一方。1.3. “The Vessel” shall mean the transportation unit(s) described in Box 4.1.3 “船舶”是指表格第4项中描述的运输工具。1.4. “Loading port” shall mean the port(s) or area(s) specified in Box 6.1.4 “装货港” 是指表格第6项中指定的港口或地区

15、。1.5. “Discharging port” shall mean the port(s) or area(s) specified in Box 7.1.5 “卸货港” 是指表格第7项中指定的港口或地区。1.6. “The Cargo” shall mean any goods or equipment or other items descri-1.6 “货物” 是指表格第5项中描述的任意商品、设备或其它项目。bed in Box 5.1.7. “The Transportation” shall mean the carriage of the cargo and

16、, as the1.7 “运输”是指货物的运送,根据具体情况,还可以包括装载、卸载以及其它与此相关的操作。case may be, the loading, discharge and all other operations connectedtherewith.2.Voyage2航次2.1. It is agreed between the Owners mentioned in Box 2 and the Charterers2.1出租人(见表格第2项)与承租人(见表格第3项)达成如下共识:根据合同条款的规定,出租人有义务使用指定的船舶(见表格第4项或附录),将货物(见表格第5

17、项)从装货港(见表格第6项)或装货港邻近的安全地点,运至卸货港(见表格第7项)或卸货港邻近的安全地点。mentioned in Box 3 that, subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract,the cargo described in Box 5 shall be transported by the Owners from theloading port(s) mentioned in Box 6, or so near thereunto as she may safelyget and lie always safe a

18、nd afloat, to the discharging port(s) mentioned inBox 7, or so near thereunto as she may safely get and lie always safe andafloat, by means of the Vessel named and described in Box 4 or in an ap-pendix.2.2. At the commencement of the voyage the Owners shall exercise due dili-2.2 在航次开始时,出租人应谨慎处理以使船舶适

19、航。除合同另有约定外,出租人应当合理速遣。gence in making the Vessel seaworthy. The Owners shall perform the voya-ge with due despatch unless otherwise agreed.3.Deviation/Delays/Part Cargo3绕航/迟延/部分货物3.1. The Vessel has the liberty to sail without pilots, to tow and/or assist ves-3.1 船舶有权在无引航员的情况下航行、有权在任何情况下托拽和帮助其他船

20、舶、有权为救助人命而绕航、有权补充燃油、有权为保证货物、船员、船舶安全以及其他合理的原因而绕航。sels in all situations, to deviate for the purpose of saving life, to replenishbunkers and/or to deviate for the purpose of safety of the cargo, crew, Ves-sel and for any other reasonable purpose.3.2. Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 25, s

21、hould the Master de-3.2 在不违背第25条规定的情况下,如果船长为保证货物安全而驶离规定的正常航线(见表格第7项),承租人应按规定的滞期费率(见表格第18项)赔偿此次绕航引起所有的船期损失。cide, for the purpose of the safety of the cargo, to deviate from the normalroute which is stipulated in Box 7, the Charterers shall pay for all time lost asa consequence of the deviation a

22、t the demurrage rate stipulated in Box 18.The time lost shall include all time used until the Vessel reaches the same or船期损失应当包括船舶抵达其开始绕航时的相同或等距离位置之前所花费的所有时间,承租人还应当偿付因此次绕航而发生的包括燃油费、港口费、引航费、拖船费、代理费以及其他一切合理支出在内的所有额外费用。equidistant position to that where the deviation commenced and the Char-terers shall

23、 also pay all additional expenses incurred by such deviation in-cluding bunkers, port charges, pilotage, tug boats, agency fees and anyother expenses whatsoever incurred.3.3. If the Vessel for reasons beyond the Owners control is being delayed at3.3 如果船舶因为出租人无法控制的原因而在装货港(地)或卸货港(地)发生迟延,包括办理入港许可、

24、海关、港口清理和其他正式手续,承租人应当按规定的滞期费率(见表格第18项)赔偿所有的迟延损失。loading port(s) or place(s) and/or discharging port(s) or place(s), includingobtaining free pratique, customs, port clearance or other formalities, suchdelays shall be paid for by the Charterers at the demurrage rate stipulated inBox 18.3.4. Unless the

25、cargo is described as a full and complete cargo in Box 5, the3.4 如果表格第5项没有把货物描述为完整而不可分,出租人有权重新堆放、装载和卸载承租人的部分货物,将货物从一处移至另一处,费用由承租人以外的其它人承担。 Owners shall have the liberty of restowing the cargo and of loading and ofdischarging other part cargo(es) for the account of others than the Charte-re

26、rs from places enroute or not enroute to places enroute or not enroute.The rotation of loading and discharging places shall be at the Owners option.出租人有权选择轮换装货和卸货地点。出租人行使该选择权的行为绝不构成绕航,即使本合同有其它规定。When the Owners exercise such option(s) this shall in no way constitute adeviation, notwithstanding anyth

27、ing else contained in this Contract.4.Loading and Discharging4装载和卸载4.1. The Charterers shall have the cargo in all respects ready for the said4.1 在装货港,承租人应当于收到第9条款规定的货物装载准备就绪通知书之日,使货物在各个方面均适于该航次的运输,但承租人不必在第十条款规定的第一受载日之前做好准备。 voyage at the loading port(s) on the date for which notice of exp

28、ected load-readiness is given by the Owners as per Clause 9, but not before the datestated in Box 10 as first layday.The precise loading area or place within the agreed loading port, which在双方协议的装货港内的准确装货地点应当一直保持安全,使船舶能够停靠并适合装载操作。此准确的装货地点应当由承租人根据第9条款之规定,在第一次收到出租人发出的通知后指定。该地点的确定必须征得出租人和船长的同意,而且承租人不能不合

29、情理地拒绝出租人和船长的要求。shall be always safe and accessible and suitable for the loading operation,shall be nominated by the Charterers upon receipt of the first notice givenby the Owners pursuant to Clause 9, always subject to the approval of theOwners and the Master. Such approval shall not be unreasonably

30、 withheld.4.2. The Owners shall provide the equipment stated in Box 4 or in an ap-4.2 出租人应当提供在表格第4项和附录中规定的设备,为提供此类装载设备而花费的时间和金钱都应由出租人自己负担。在货物被装载和固定完毕后,承租人应当提供所有的其他设备。出租人应当根据船长的要求负责绑扎和固定这些设备并承担由此产生的费用。pendix and shall in their own time and at their own expense prepare suchequipment for the loadi

31、ng. All other equipment shall be provided by theCharterers. When the cargo has been loaded and positioned, it shall beseafastened and/or lashed by the Owners at their expense to the satisfac-tion of the Master.4.3. At the loading port, the cargo shall be delivered by the Charterers with-4.3在载货港,承租人应

32、当毫无迟延地按照船长要求的顺序,在白天或夜晚包括星期六、星期日或节假日的任何时间交付货物,并且按照表格第8项规定的下列一种或多种方法装载货物:out delay in the sequence required by the Master at any time during day ornight, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays included and shall be loaded byone or more of the following methods stated in Box 8:*)(a) If agreed in Box 8 that th

33、e Owners shall load the cargo with their own(a)如果出租人同意按表格第8项的方法用自己的传动装置和设备装载货物,承租人应当将货物运 至此类装载设备可及的范围之内。出租人应当从船员或岸上人员中找出纹车手进行工作并承担费用,但是当地或工会规定要求岸上人员从事此类工作的,应当由承租人承担相应的费用。gear or tackle, the Charterers shall bring the cargo alongside within reach ofsuch loading equipment. The Owners shall procur

34、e the necessary labourand winchmen, either from the crew or from ashore and shall pay for sameexcept that any shore labour forced upon the Vessel by local or union regu-lations shall be for the Charterers account.*)(b) If agreed in Box 8 that the Charterers shall perform the loading, the(b)如果承租人同意按表

35、格第8项的规定装载货物,他应当根据船长的要求将货物运至甲板上并放置在相应位置。承租人雇佣人员载货并承担人力和表格第4项以外的一切必要设备的费用。cargo shall be placed on board and positioned by the Charterers to the fullsatisfaction of the Master. The Charterers shall procure and pay for all la-bour and all necessary equipment other than that stated in Box 4.*)(c) If agr

36、eed in Box 8 that the cargo shall be loaded by means of float-on(c)如果按照表格第8项的规定通过漂浮法装载货物,承租人应当根据船长的要求,在装货前把货物固定在距离船舶水下甲板50米或双方约定的距离之内。出租人应当将缆绳连在货物上对其进行定位,并通过使用绞盘和拖轮使货物安全漂浮进入水下甲板。出租人应当从船员或岸上人员中找出纹车手进行工作并承担费用,但是当地或工会规定要求岸上人员从事此类工作的,应当由承租人承担相应的费用。method, the Charterers shall position the cargo prior to

37、 loading at 50 metresor at an agreed distance from the Vessels submerged deck to the full satis-faction of the Master. The Owners shall attach lines to the cargo and shallposition and secure the cargo over the submerged deck by using winchesand/or tugs. The Owners shall procure and pay the necessary

38、 labour andwinchmen either from the crew or from shore except that any shore labourforced upon the Vessel by local or union regulations shall be for the Charte-rers account.The Charterers shall procure and pay for workboats and tugs required for承租人应当按照要求固定货物位置,并承担相应的人力和拖船的费用。从船舶的第一根缆绳连在货物上时起,到最后一根缆绳

39、脱离货物、出租人放弃使用拖船时止,出租人有权使用拖船进行装载操作,但要向承租人交纳实际的使用费。the positioning of the cargo. The Owners shall have the right to use suchworkboats and tugs for the loading operation reimbursing the Charterers forthe actual costs for the use thereof from the time the Vessels first line is at-tached to the cargo unti

40、l the time when the last line is released from the car-go and the workboats and tugs are dismissed by the Owners.*)Indicate alternative(s) (a), (b) or (c), as agreed, in Box 8.指出缔约双方在表格第8项中同意的可选择条款,是a项、b项还是c项。4.4. The precise discharging area or place within the discharging port and4.4在卸货港内的准确卸货地点应当

41、一直保持安全,使船舶能够停靠并适合卸载操作。此准确的卸货地点应当由承租人在船舶到达之前指定。该地点的确定必须征得出租人和船长的同意,而且承租人不能不合情理地拒绝出租人和船长的要求。which shall be always safe and accessible and suitable for the dischargingoperation, shall be named by the Charterers well in advance of the Vesselsarrival, always subject to the approval of the Owners. Such ap

42、proval shallnot be unreasonably withheld.At the discharging port the Charterers shall take delivery of the cargo with-在卸货港,承租人应当毫无迟延地根据条款4.6的要求,在白天或夜晚包括星期六、星期日或节假日的任何时间接收货物。out delay in accordance with Clause 4.6. at any time during day or night, Sa-turdays, Sundays and holidays included.4.5. Prior

43、to actual discharge the Owners shall, unless otherwise agreed, re-4.5 除合同另有约定外,出租人应当在实际卸货之前,移开所有的固定和绑扎,准备进行船舶卸载的操作。整个卸载操作过程应当根据船长的指示进行。move all seafastening and/or lashing and prepare the Vessel for the dis-charge operation. The entire discharge operation always to be done to thefull satisfacti

44、on of the Master.4.6. The cargo shall be discharged by one or more of the following methods4.6 应当按照表格第9项规定的下列一种或多种方法卸载货物:stated in Box 9:*)(a) If agreed in Box 9 that the Owners shall discharge the cargo with their(a)如果出租人同意按表格第9项的方法用自己的传动装置和设备卸载货物,承租人应当在该传动装置和设备所及范围内接收货物。出租人应当雇用必要的纹车手进行卸货并承担费用

45、,但是当地或工会规定要求岸上人员从事此类工作的,应当由承租人承担相应的费用。own gear or tackle, the Charterers shall take delivery of the cargo upon dis-charge and within reach of said gear or tackle. The Owners shall procureand pay for necessary winchmen and labour to perform the discharge ex-cept that any shore labour forced upon the

46、Vessel by local or union regula-tions shall be for the Charterers account.*)(b) If agreed in Box 9 that the Charterers shall discharge the cargo, the(b)如果出租人同意按表格第9项的规定卸载货物,他应当雇佣人员卸货并承担人力和一切必要设备的费用。Charterers shall procure and pay for the necessary equipment and labourfor the discharge of the cargo.

47、*)(c) If agreed in Box 9 that the cargo shall be discharged by means of float-off(c)如果按照表格第9项的规定通过漂浮法卸载货物,出租人将船舶下沉,使货物漂浮着被卸出。出租人应当从船员或岸上人员中找出纹车手进行工作并承担费用,但是当地或工会规定要求岸上人员从事此类工作的,应当由承租人承担相应的费用。承租人应当雇用卸货所要求的拖船并承担相应费用。从船舶的第一根缆绳连在货物上时起,到最后一根缆绳经过船边,货物处于承租人的照管之下时止,出租人有权使用拖船进行卸载操作,但要向承租人交纳实际的使用费。method, the

48、 Owners shall submerge the Vessel and float-off the cargo. TheOwners shall procure and pay the necessary labour and winchmen eitherfrom the crew or from shore except that any shore labour forced upon theVessel by local or union regulations shall be for the Charterers account.The Charterers shall pro

49、cure and pay for workboats and tugs required fordischarging the cargo. The Owners shall have the right to use such work-boats and tugs for the discharging operations reimbursing the Charterersthe actual cost for the use thereof from the time when the first line is at-tached to the cargo until the ti

50、me when the last part of the cargo passes theside of the Vessel at which time the Charterers shall take custody of thecargo.*)Indicate alternative(s) (a), (b) or (c), as agreed, in Box 9.指出缔约双方在表格第9项中同意的可选择条款,是a项、b项还是c项。4.7. All expenses associated with the Vessel such as harbour dues, pilota-4.7

51、60;与船舶有关的一切费用,诸如港口费、引航费、当地的拖轮协助费(如果需要的话)、代理费、燃油和润滑油费用,除本合同另有约定外,均应由出租人负担。ges, local tug assistance, if required, agency fees, fuel and lubricants shallbe paid for by the Owners except as otherwise provided for in this Contract.5.Permits/Licences5许可证/特许证5.1. All necessary permits and/or licences pert

52、aining to the loading and/or5.1 承租人应当提供与装货和/或卸货操作有关的一切必要的许可证和/或特许证。与货物搬移有关的许可证和/或特许证,同样应当由承租人提供。应承运人要求,出租人应当协助其取得此类许可证和/或特许证。discharging operations shall be provided and paid for by the Charterers.The same applies to permits and/or licences pertaining to the carriage ofcargo. If required, the O

53、wners shall assist the Charterers in obtaining suchpermits and/or licences.5.2. Any delay by the Charterers in obtaining the permits and/or licences re-5.2 任何由于承租人根据5.1条款为取得上述许可证和/或特许证而造成的迟延,都将被计为承租人的时间损失,承租人应当按照表格第18项约定的滞期费率支付一切船期损失。 lated to sub-clause 5.l. shall be at the Charterers tim

54、e and any time lostshall be paid for at the demurrage rate stipulated in Box 18.6.Taxes, Charges, etc.6税款、费用等The Charterers shall pay all duties, taxes and charges whatsoever levied on无论金额大小,承租人都应当支付对货物和/或装卸港发生的运费所征收的一切关税、税款和费用,还包括根据运费确定的代理人的佣金。the cargo and/or the freight at the loading port and/or

55、 discharging port irre-spective of how the amount thereof may be assessed, including agencycommission assessed on the basis of the freight.7.Quarantine7检疫Unless due to health conditions on board the Vessel, any time lost as a re-承租人应当按照表格第18项约定的滞期费率支付因办理检疫手续和/或强加或发生于航次任何阶段的健康限制而发生的船期损失,也包括在装货港和/或卸货港

56、发生的此种船期损失,但不包括因船长和船员健康问题而发生的船期损失。承租人还应当承担由于上述原因发生的一切其他费用。sult of quarantine formalities and/or health restrictions imposed or incurredat any stage of the voyage, including any such loss of time at the loadingport and/or the discharging port, shall be paid for by the Charterers at thedemurrage rate specified in Box 18. The Charterers shall also pay for allother expenses whi


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