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1、CIF Model Contract for Importation of Complete PlantCIF条件的成套设备进口合同范本Table of Contents目录Article 1 Definitions第1条定义Article 2 Scope of the Contract第2条合同范围Article 3 Price第3条价格Article 4 Payment第4条支付Article 5 Delivery and Insurance第5条交货和保险Article 6 Packing and Marking第6条包装与标记Article 7 Technical Documentat

2、ion第7条技术资料Article 8 Design and Design Liaison第8条设计与设计联络Article 9 Standards and Inspection第9条标准与检验Article 10 Erection, Test Run, Commissioning, Performance Test and Acceptance第10条安装、试运行、投料试生产、性能考核及验收Article 11 Guarantee and Warranty第11条保证Article 12 Claim第12条索赔Article 13 Termination第13条合同终止Article 14

3、Improvement and Grant-back第14条技术改进与回授Article 15 Confidentiality第15条保密Article 16 Force Majeure第16条不可抗力Article 17 Taxes and Duties第17条税费Article 18 Arbitration第18条仲裁Article 19 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous第19条合同生效及其他List of Appendices:附件目录:Appendix 1 The List of Contract Equipment wit

4、hin the Seller's Supply Scope (Omitted)1. 卖方供应范围内的合同设备清单;(略)Appendix 2 Contents of Patent and/or Know-how and Delivery Schedule of Related Documentation (Omitted)2. 专利和/专用技术的内容及相关资料的交付计划;(略)Appendix 3 Specification, Performance, Guarantee Indices and Warranty for the Contract Equipment, Contract

5、 Plant and Contract Product (Omitted)3. 合同设备、合同工厂及合同产品的规格、性能、保证指标及合同设备、合同工厂的保证期;(略)Appendix 4 The Contents of Technical Service and the Treatment for the Seller's Technical Personnel4. 技术服务内容和卖方技术人员待遇;Appendix 5 The Contents of Technical Training and the Treatment for the Buyer's Technical P

6、ersonnel 5. 技术培训内容和买方技术人员待遇;Appendix 6 The Delivery Schedule of Contract Equipment (Omitted) 6. 合同设备交付计划;(略)Appendix 7 The List of the Itemized Price for the Contract Plant (Omitted) 7. 合同工厂分项价格清单;(略)Appendix 8 The Arrangement for Design Liaison and Delivery of Design Package (Omitted) 8. 技术联络安排和设计文

7、件的交付;(略)Appendix 9 The Standard and Codes for Design (Omitted)9. 设计标准和规范;(略)Appendix 10 The Arrangement for Erection, Test Run, Commissioning, Performance Test and Acceptance (Omitted)10. 关于安装、试运行、投料试生产、性能考核及验收的安排;(略)Appendix 11 The Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for Advance Payment Iss

8、ued by the Seller's Bank11. 卖方银行开立的不可撤销的预付款保函格式;Appendix 12 The Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Buyer's Bank12. 买方银行开立的不可撤销的付款保函格式。GIF Model Contract for Importation of Complete PlantCIF条件的成套设备进口合同文本Contract No.合同编号:Date of Signature签字日期:Place of Signature_签字地点:The

9、contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the People's Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as "the Buyer"), as one party, and, a corporation organizedand existing under t

10、he laws of(hereinafter referred to as "the Seller"), as the otherparty, under the following terms and conditions:本合同是中国法人中国技术进出口总公司(以下简称“买方”)和_国法人_(以下简称“卖方”)在友好协商的基础上签署的,其条款如下:Article 1 Definitions第1条定义In the contract unless the context otherwise defines,除本合同上下文中另有规定外,下列各词语定义如下:1.1 Accepta

11、nce, means the Buyer accepts the Contract Plant after it reaches the technical performance and guarantee indices specified in Appendix 3 in the Performance Test.1.1 “验收”是指合同工厂在性能考核中达到附件3规定的技术性能和保证指标之后,买方接受合同工厂。1.2 Buyer's Bank, refers to.1.2 “买方银行”是指_。1.3 Commissioning, means the initial product

12、ion of the Contract Plant for the purpose of carrying out the Performance Test after the utilities being connected and the raw materials being put into the Contract Plant, details of which are specified in Appendix 10.1.3 “投料试生产”是指为进行合同工厂的性能考核,在公共设施已经接通并已将原材料投入合同工厂后进行的初步生产。详见附件10。1.4 Contract Curren

13、cy, means the currency in which the payment is made under the contract, namely_1.4 “合同货币”是指本合同项下的支付中所使用的货币,即_1.5Contract Equipment, means the equipment, spare parts, materials or any part thereof supplied by the Seller including those which shall be incorporated in the Contract Plant in order to ens

14、ure the designed capabilities, details of which are specified in Appendix 1 and 3.1.5 “合同设备”是指卖方提供的设备、备件、材料和其中一部分,包括为确保合同工厂达到设计能力而应包含在合同工厂的任何部件,详见附件1和附件3。1.6 Contract Plant, means the plant comprised of Contract Equipment, the licensed know-how and/or patent, design, Technical Documentation, Technic

15、al Service as well as Technical Training within the supply scope of the contract, the specification, performance and guarantee indices of which are specified in Appendix 3.1.6 “合同工厂”是指由合同供应范围内的合同设备、被许可使用的专用技术和/和专利、设计、技术文件、技术服务及技术培训组成的工厂,其规格、性能和保证指标见附件3的规定。1.7 Contract Price, means the price payable

16、to the Seller under the contract for full and properperformance of its contractual obligations, details of which are specified in Appendix 7.1.7 “合同价格”是指在卖方完全和适当地履行其合同义务后,买方根据合同规定应支付给卖方的价款。详见附件7。1.8 Contract Product, means the products manufactured in the Contract Plant, the technicalspecifications

17、and guarantee indices of which are specified in Appendix 3.1.8 “合同产品”是指合同工厂生产的产品,其技术规格和保证指标详见附件3。1.9 Destination Airport, Refers to, PRC.1.9 “目的地机场”是指中国_机场。1.10 Erection means the installation of the equipment, spare parts and materials including placing and connecting the parts to their positions a

18、ccording to the design drawings, details of which are specified in Appendix 10.1.10 “安装”是指有关设备、备件和材料的安装工作,包括按照设计图将零件放置在适当的位置并连接起来。详见附件10。1.11 Effective Date of the Contract, means the date when the contract is approved by competentauthorities of the respective Party's countries, whichever comes

19、later.1.11 “合同生效日”是指合同双方各自国家主管当局中后一方批准合同之日。1.12. Enduser, refers to, for whom the Buyer acts as the commercial agent in the negotiation and performance of the contract.1.12. “最终用户”是指_,买方作为其商务代理进行合同谈判并履行本合同。1.13 Inspection Authorities, refers to the local inspection branch of State Administration for

20、 Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of PRC located at/near the Port of Unloading and/or the Job Site.1.13 “检验当局”是指位于卸货港和/或工作现场或其附近的中国国家出入境检验检疫局的地方分支机构。1.14 Job Site, means the place where the Contract Plant is located, namely _factory,_city,_province, PRC.1.14 “工作现场”是指合同工厂座落的地方,即中华人民共和国_省_市的_工厂。1:

21、15 Performance Test, means the tests conducted pursuant to Appendix 10, in order to identify whether the Contract Plant and the Contract Product have achieved the technical performance and' guarantee indices specified in Appendix 3.1.15 “性能考核”是指根据附件10的规定进行的,用以确定合同工厂和合同产品是否达到附件3所规定的技术性能和保证指标的考核。1

22、.16 Port of Shipment, refers toport.1.16 “装运港”是指_港1.17 Port of Unloading, refers toport, PRC.1.17 “卸货港”是指中华人民共和国境内的_港。1.18 Seller's Bank, refers to.1.18 “卖方银行”是指_。1.19 Site Representative, means the representative nominated respectively by each Party, who is incharge of all the matters with resp

23、ect to the contractual obligations of the respective Party on the JobSite.1.19 “现场代表”是指合同双方各自任命的一名代表,在工作现场负责与履行各自合同义务有关的所有事项。1.20 Technical Documentation, means the technical indices, specifications, drawings and documentsrelated to design, inspection, Erection, Test Run, Commissioning, Performance

24、Test, operation andmaintenance, of Contract Plant, details of which are specified in Appendix 2, 3, 8 and 9.1.20 “技术资料”是指与合同工厂的设计、检验、安装、试运行、投料试生产、性能考核、操作以及维修有关的技术指标、规格、图纸和文件。技术资料清单详见附件2、3、8、9。1.21 Technical Service, means the technical instruction, assistance and supervision rendered 'by theSell

25、er to the Buyer with respect to Erection, Test Run, Commissioning, Performance Test, operation,maintenance and other work related to the Contract Plant, details of which are specified in Appendix 4.1.21 “技术服务”是指在合同工厂的安装、试运行、性能考核、操作、维修以及其他工作等方面卖方给予买方的技术指导、协助以及监督等。详见附件4。1.22 Technical Training, means

26、the training rendered by the Seller to the Buyer with respect to Erection, Test Run, Commissioning, Performance Test, operation, maintenance and other work related to the Contract Plant, details of which are specified in Appendix 5.1.22 “技术培训”是指在合同工厂的安装、试运行、性能考核、操作、维修以及其他工作等方面卖方给予买方的培训、详见附件5的规定。1.23

27、 Test Run, means the test conducted respectively on the individual equipment and a series ofequipment after Erection in order to check the mechanical performance of Contract Equipment, details of which are specified in Appendix 10.1.23 “试运行”是指为验明合同设备的机械性能,在安装完毕后对单台设备和一系列设备分别进行的测试、详见附件10。1.24. Warran

28、ty Period, means a period starting from the date of Acceptance, during which the Sellerwarrants the proper and stable operation of the Contract Plant and is responsible for eliminating anydefects with respect to the Contract Plant, details of which are specified in Appendix 3.1.24 “保证期”是指自验收之日起一定期间内

29、,卖方保证合同工厂的适当和稳定运行,并负责消除合同工厂存在的任何缺陷。详见附件3。Article 2 Scope of the Contract第2条 合同范围2.1 The Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer_(Contract Plant), including the Contract Equipment, licensed patent and/or know-how, design, Technical Documentation, Technical Servi

30、ce and Technical Training , contents of which are specified in Appendix 1,2, 4, 5, 8 and 9.2.1 买方同意从卖方购买、卖方同意向买方出售_(合同工厂),包括合同设备、专利和/或专用技术的使用许可、设计、技术资料、技术服务及技术培训。详见附件1、2、4、5、8、9。2.2 The Seller shall supply the Contract Equipment listed in Appendix 1. The technical specification,performance and guara

31、ntee indices of the Contract Equipment are specified in Appendix 3.2.2 卖方应提供附件1中所列的合同设备。合同设备的技术规格、性能和保证指标详见附件3。2.3 The Seller agrees to grant the Buyer a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the patentand/or know-how in order to manufacture and sell the Contract Product within the terri

32、tory of PRC, and export to(country), details of which are specified in Appendix 2.2.3 卖方同意授予买方在中华人民共和国境内生产和销售合同产品并将其出口到_(国家)而使用专利和/或专用技术的非独占的、不可转让的许可。内容详见附件2。The Seller shall not prohibit the Buyer from using the patent and/or know-how after the expiration of Contract.本合同期满后,卖方不得禁止买方继续使用专利和/或专用技术。2.

33、4 The Seller shall undertake the design work with respect to the Contract Plant, details of which arespecified in Appendix 8.2.4 卖方负责合同工厂的设计工作。内容详见附件8。2.5 The Seller shall submit to the Buyer the Technical Documentation as specified in Appendix 2, 3, 8 and 9.2.5 卖方应按照附件2、3、8、9的规定向买方提交技术资料。2.6 The Se

34、ller shall dispatch its technical personnel to the Job Site to render Technical Service, details of which are specified in Appendix 4.2.6 卖方应派遣其技术人员到工厂现场提供技术服务。内容详见附件4。2.7 The Seller shall render Technical Training in the manufacturer's workshops and/or plants similar to the Contract Plant outsi

35、de PRC and/or Job Site, details of which are specified in Appendix 5.2.7 卖方应在设备制造商的生产车间和/或中国境外与合同工厂类似的其他工厂和/或工作现场提供技术培训。内容详见附件5的规定。2.8 The Seller shall, at the Buyer's request, provide the Buyer with spare parts for normal operation of the Contract Plant at favorable prices within_years after th

36、e Acceptance of the Contract Plant. A separate agreement will be signed between the two Parties at that time. 2.8 根据买方的要求,卖方应在合同工厂验收后_年内以优惠价格向买方提供合同工厂正常运行所需的备件。届时双方将另签协议。Article 3 Price 第3条 价格3.1 The total Contract Price for Contract Equipment, license of patent and/or know-how, design, Technical Do

37、cumentation, Technical Service and Technical Training to be rendered by the Seller under the contract amounts to(say:_only).3.1 卖方在本合同项下提供的有关合同设备、专利和/或专用技术使用许可、设计、技术资料、技术服务及技术培训的合同总价为_(大写_)3.2 The breakdown price for the Contract Plant:3.2 合同工厂的分项价格如下:3.2.1 Price for Contract Equipment:3.2.1. 合同设备价格

38、:Price for equipment;设备价格Price for spare parts;备件价格Price for material;材料价格Fees for insurance and freight.保险费和运费。3.2.2 Fees for license of patent and/or know-how and related Technical Documentation:3.2.2. 专利和/或专业技术使用许可费及相关技术资料费:3.2.3 Fees for design and related Technical Documentation:设计费和相关技术资料费:Des

39、ign fee related to Contract Equipment and relevant Technical Documentation fee;与合同设备有关的设计费及相关技术资料费;Design fee related to licensed patent and/or know-how and relevant Technical Documentation fee.与专利和/或专业技术的使用许可有关的设计费及相关技术资料费。3.2.4 Fees for Technical Service:技术服务费:Fee for technical service related to

40、Contract Equipment;与合同设备相关的技术服务费Fee for technical service related to license of patent and/or know-how.与专利和/或专用技术的使用许可相关的技术服务费3.2.5 Fees for Technical Training:技术培训费a) Fee for technical training related to Contract Equipment;与合同设备相关的技术培训费b) Fee for technical training related to license of patent and

41、 /or know-how.与专利和/或专用技术的使用许可相关的培训务费3.3 The total Contract Price as specified in Article 3.1 is a fixed and firm price.合同第3.1条规定的合同总价是固定价格。3.4 The Technical Service fee specified herein is the ceiling price for all the service necessary for theperformance of the contract. In case the service actuall

42、y performed is less than estimated, the Buyer will pay the Seller the actual amount duly calculated.上述技术服务费是履行本合同所需的所有技术服务的封顶价格。如果实际提供的服务少于预计的服务,买方将按照合理计算的实际数额向卖方支付。3.5 The price for Contract Equipment as specified in Article 3.2.1 is for delivery CIF (liner term) Port of Unloading and the price for

43、 Technical Documentation as specified in Article 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 is fordelivery DDU Destination Airport.合同第3.2.1条所规定的合同设备价格为按照班轮条件运抵卸货港的CIF价格。合同第3.2.2、3.2.3条所规定的技术资料价格为目的地机场未完税交货价格3.6 The itemized price list of the Contract Plant is specified in Appendix 7.合同工厂的分项价格表详见附件7。Article 4 Payment第4条 支付4.1

44、All payments to be made by the Buyer to the Seller shall be effected through the Buyer's Bank and the Seller's Bank in Contract Currency.本合同项下买方对卖方的支付应通过买方银行和卖方银行以合同货币进行。4.2 The Buyer shall make the payment in the following method:买方应通过以下方式进行支付:Option One:选择一:The total Contract Price shall b

45、e paid by Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) according to the following installments and percentage upon presentation of the following documents.本合同项下的全部价款应按下列批次和比例并在买方提交下列单据后以电汇方式支付;Option Two:选择二:The total Contract Price shall be paid by Documents against Payment (D/P) or Documents against Acceptance (D/A

46、) according to the following installments and percentage upon presentation of the following documents.本合同项下的全部款额均按下列批次和比例并在卖方提交下列单据后以付款交单方式或者承兑交单方式进行支付;Option Three:选择三:The total Contract Price, except the advance payment and the Technical Service fee, shall be paid by Irrevocable Letter of Credit.

47、The advance payment and the Technical Service fee shall be paid byDocuments against Payment (D/P). The Buyer shall, within days after the Effective Date of the Contract, open an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, in favor of the Seller for the said amount. The Letter of Credit shall remain valid until.除预

48、付款和技术服务费外,本合同项下的全部价款均应以不可撤销的信用证方式支付,预付款和技术服务费应通过付款交单方式支付。买方应在本合同生效后_天内,开出以卖方为受益人的总额相当于前述金额的不可撤销信用证。该信用证的有效期到_为止。Option Four:选择四:The total Contract Price, except the advance payment and the Technical Service fee, shall be paid under Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee, specimen of which is specified in A

49、ppendix 12. The advance payment and the Technical Service fee shall be paid by Documents against Payment (D/P). The Buyer shall, within_days after the Effective Date of the Contract, open an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee, in favor of the Seller for the said amount. The Letter of Guarantee shall re

50、main valid until_除预付款和技术服务费外,本合同项下的全部价款均应以不可撤销的保函方式支付,其格式见附件12的规定。预付款和技术服务费应以付款交单方式支付。买方应在本合同生效后_天内,开出以卖方为受益人的总额相当于前述金额的不可撤销保函。该保函的有效期到_为止。4.2.1 advance payment预付款_percent (_%) of the price as specified in Article 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.5,i.e._(say_only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller

51、 within_days after the following documents have been received and found in order:在收到下列单据并经审核无误后_天之内,买方应当将合同第3.2.1、3.2.2、3.2.3及3.2.5条规定的价款的百分之_(_%),即_(大写_)支付给卖方:a) One (1) original and two (2) duplicate copies of the valid export license issued by relevant authorities of the Seller's and/or manuf

52、acturer's country or a statement of relevant authorities/agency certifying that no export license is required;卖方或制造商国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证或有关当局和/或机构出具的不需要出口许可证的证明文件一份正本和两份副本;b) One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of the Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by the Seller&#

53、39;s Bank in favor of the Buyer, covering(say_only), specimen of which is specified in Appendix 11.卖方银行开立的以买方为受益人的、金额为_(_)的不可撤销预付款担保函一份正本和一份副本。保函格式见附件11。c) Five (5) copies of pro-forma invoice covering the Contract Price;金额为合同总价的形式发票一式五份;d) Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indic

54、ating the amount to be paid and theportion related to license of patent and/or know-how;注明应付金额及其中专利和/或专用技术许可证部件价格的手签的商业发票一式五份;e) Two (2) copies of sight draft.即期汇票一式两份。4.2.2 Payment for license, design, Technical Training and related Technical Documentation许可证费、设计费、技术培训费及相关技术资料费的支付4.2.2.1_.percent (

55、_%) of the fees for license, design and related Technical Documentation as specified in Article 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.5, i.e._(say_only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller upon delivery of the basic design package by the Seller and within_days after the following documents have been received an

56、d found in order:本合同第3.2.2, 3.2.3和3.2.5条所规定的许可证费、设计费及相关费的百分之_(_%),即_(大写_),在卖方交付了基础设计文件包并在买方收到下列文件经审核无误后,由买方在_天内支付给卖方:One (1) original and three (3) duplicate copies of the airway bill marked "FREIGHT PREPAID" or receipt of registered airmail for the delivery of basic design package;注明“运费已付

57、”的空运提单或有关基础设计文件包的航空挂号邮件的收据一份正本和三份副本;Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid and theportion related to license of patent and/or know-how.注明应付金额及其中专利和/或专业技术许可证部分的手签的商业发票一式五份;Two (2) copies of sight draft.即期汇票一式两份。 (_%) of the fee for license, design and


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