1、ingDirections: There are 4 passageshis part. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished sements. For each of them there are four choimarked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the centre.P
2、assage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the foing passage.In a fewks, high school students face the prospect of taking the much-publicized newSAT Reasoning Test, which for thetime will require them to write a timed essay. Yet collegescontinue to send confusing signals about whether students applyin
3、ghe fall to attend collegemust take the new exam.Some schools, including Harvard, say they will accept scores from either the new test or theold SAT I, which was administered for the last time in January and did not contain a writingsection. The University of Central Florida, for example, will requi
4、re the new test, which will begiven for thetime on March 12. Still others, such as the University of Virginia, stronglymendt prospective applicants take the new test but under some circumstanalso willaccept the old SAT. A number of colleges are delaying a deci. The Colleg, whichadministers the SAT,
5、surveyed moren 1,900 four-year schools and has heard back from slightlymoren 500. Of those, 81% say they will require the new test, including schoolch asHarvardt are giving students a choice in what will be a year of transition.Anything new goes through a spel lens of evaluation, says Lee Stetson, a
6、dmiss deanat the University of Pennsylvania, which judiciously will use results from the new writing sectionuntil offilse a chance to study the revised SATs predictive validity.A number of admiss deans are skepticalt the new exam will be an improvement.Charles Deacon, dean of undergraduate admiss at
7、 Geetown University, says adding theessay will create more barriers to poor kids who are less well-prepared. The test was rushed tomarket because the University of California system, a major Collegcustomer, threatenedto stop requiring the SAT, he says. The test was developed and marketed for all the
8、 wrongreasons. Deacon, who says he has been badgered by the Collegto endorse the newexam, has refused to do so.Some schools, including Geetown, Iowas Grinnell College and Pennsylvanias Frlinand Marshall College, sayleast for now, they will not even look at scores from the writingsection when making
9、admisdecis. Wee adopted a wait-and-see attitude, saysDennis Trotter of Frlin and Marshall.Collegoffils countert based on extensive field tests, they are confident the testis as reliable a predictor of freshman-year performance as the old SAT. Moreover, they say,well-trained scorers, many of them hig
10、h school English teachers, will grade the essays, whichstudenve 25 minutes to write.Amidst all the confu, what should students do? Admiss deans and school counselorssay to be sure to check with each college for requirements.1. If a student took the SAT in October last year, he has to take another te
11、st if he appsfor.A) University of Virginia B) Geetown UniversityC) the University of Central Florida D) Harvard University2. What does the articlel us abourvard University?A) It will only accept the new SAT this fall.B) Is not made a decion whether to accept the old SAT this fall.C) It will require
12、scores from the writing section this fall.D) It will ask all applicants to take the new test a year later.3. An important reason for negative attitudes towards the new writing examination ist.A) the examination will add to the difficulty for those students from finanllyundrivileged famisB) the exami
13、nation was marketed much too quickly withoareful considerationC) the examination will cause short-term confuand lead to no long-term benefitsD) the examination was a product of the Collegand various universities4. According to the author, what should students do at the moment?A) Students should make
14、 clear whichacceptable.B) Students should contact the university for the arrangement of the test.C) Students should ask the Collegfor the latest information about the program.D) Students should get prepared for the new examination in lesst a year.5. What can we infer from the passage about the test?
15、A) Students whoe taken the old test are strongly advised not to take the new test.B) As compared with the old test, the new one requires the student to write an essay in ashorteriod of time.C) The Colleghas decided to invite university teachers to grade the essays.D) The Colleghas appealed to many u
16、niversities to support the new examination.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Would Gee W. Bushe been reelectedif the public understood how muchresponsibility his administration bears for allowing the 9/11 attacks to succeed?The answer is unknowable and, at this date, me
17、aningless. Yet it was appalling to learntthe White House suppressed until after the election a reportt exes the administration aswoefullypetent if not criminally negligent. Belatedly declassified excts from the 9/11commisreport, which focus on the failure of the Federal Aviation Administration to he
18、edmultiple warningst Al Qaeda () terrorists were planning to hijack planes aicideweapons, make cleart this tragedy coulde been avoided.For the last three years, administration apologistse tried to make the FAA the scgoatfor the 9/11 attacks. But it is thewho ultimay is responsible for national secur
19、ity.The terrible fact ist the administration took none of the stepst woulde put theof human life ahead of a diverse set of economic and politicalerests, which includednot offending our friends the Saudis and not hurting the share priof airline corporations.The warnings provided byelligenceagencies t
20、o the FAA were far clearer and morespecificn suggested by Condoleezza Ritestimony before the 9/11 commiswhen shereluctantly conceded the existence of aial briefingt warned of impending Al Qaedaattacks.Given this shocking record of indifference on the part of the administration, it is politicallyunde
21、rstandablet it tried to prevent the formation of the 9/11 commisheplace, andthen for five months prevented the declassification of key sections of the final report.Had the business-friendly administration put safety, nearly 3,000 people might novediedt day. And had theof the United Ses taken some ti
22、me from his ranch vacationt August to order a nationwide airport alert, two bloody wars abrorobably would novehappened.Instead, an administrationt resisted spending the tens of millions required to fortify airlinesecurity before 9/11 is nearing the $300-billion mark on Afghanistan and Iraq. And decl
23、assifiedse unmistakably said the latter had nothing to do with 9/11, while those countriesleast indirectly dide been let off the hook., the 9/11 commiswas not allowed to get neart story: The basic narrative onthe tragedy derives from theerrogations of key detainees whom the 9/11 commisers werenot al
24、lowed toerview. Nor were they permitted to even take testimony from the U.S.elligencenel whoerrogated those prisoners.As a result, the public is simply incapable of making informed decis on the most cruldecis we fatarting with whomleourder in chief.6. According to the author, who should shoulder the
25、 major responsibility for allowing the9/11 tragedy to happen?A) Saddam Hussein.B) FAA.C) Gee W. Bush.D) Condoleezza Rice.7. What does the word declassify (Line 3, Para. 2) most probably mean?A) To hide the importants ofB) To report or represent in a untrue wayC) To form a large groupD) Toe no longer
26、 secret8. What do we learn from the passage about Afghanistan and Iraq?A) Al Qaeda terriorists had gained support fromeast one of theernments.B) 9/11 was the chief reason for the Bushernment to initiate both wars.C) The two wars had already cost the Americans tens of millions of dollars.D) These two
27、 countries should be held responsible for 9/11.9. What can we infer from the passage?A) The Federal Aviation Administration was not to blamehis tragedy.B) Consideration of economicerests had hindered life.C) The Bushernmend paid such a high price for poor information collection.D) Someernment offils
28、 had been bribed by Al Qaeda terrorists.10. What is the authors opinion towardsBush?A) He had beenentionally misleading as to the reasons of initiating the two wars.B) He had been late in preventing the attacks because ofrsonal vocation.C) He had done everything to help the 9/11 commisdo a better jo
29、b.D) He wille probably failed to be reelected if the public had been well informedPassage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the foing passage.Polls can provide important guidance for politins, but there are times when it is foolishand dangerouly on a temporarily misinformed public for a political
30、 compass. The currentdebate over Sol Security provides one of the most compelling examplesodern history ofthtfalls of poll-driven political strategy.Yesterday two leading Democratic strategists publicly took their party to task for theirjustsay no approach toBushs program. To say there is no problem
31、 simply puts Democratsout of the conversation for the great majority of the countryt want political leaders to securethis very important retirement program, they warned, Voters are looking for reform, change, andnew ideas, but Democrats seem stuck in concrete.Stuck,. To be more exact, they are holdi
32、ng their ground and refusing to surrender to awho is once agaanufacturing a crisis for a political pure. And why should theydo otherwise, when this strategy is clearly working?Lets start with the facts. According toBush, Sol Security can pay all promisedbenefits for the next 37 years without any cha
33、nges at all. Even if nothing were done by 2043, theprogram would still pay a higher real benefitn what people receive today.And even lookingo the future of the 75-year planning period, the shortfall is lessnwhat we fixedhe 50s, 60s, and 80s. In other words, Sol Security is finanlly strongertodayn is
34、 been throughout most of its history.So this attack on Sol Security has nothing to do with the solvency ( 偿付能力) of theprogram. Nonetheless lastk, a Quinnipiac University poll foundt respondents, by a 49 to42 percent margin, bevedt Sol Security would not be able to pay them a benefit whenthey retire.
35、 But this is a ridiculous idea, based compley on misinformation. It is even more farfetched(牵强的)n the notion, which alsoded a majority before the invaof Iraq,t Saddam Hussein was responsible for the massacre of 9/11.he case of Sol Security, there is no dispute about the facts. There are just a few c
36、heapverbal and accounting tricksve been used to convince the publict Sol Security faserious problems. These are easily refuted.The same Quinnipiac poll showedt 59 percent of Americans disapprove of the way theis handling Sol Security, with only 28 percent approving. It makes no political senseto pre
37、tendt this attack on our nations most sucsful and popularernment program isactually an attempt to insure its solvency. Even in politics, there are times when honesty is the bestpolicy.11. What can we know about the Democrats, according to the author?A) They want to help secure the retirement program
38、.B) They refuse to admitt the Sol Security program has been sucsful.C) They are making efforts to solve the crisis of the Sol Security program.D) Theyanize polls in order to gain politicalerests.12. The author raise the example of Saddam Hussein in order to showt.A) the invaof Iraq represented the w
39、ills of common peopleB) no evidence had come up to prove the relationship betn Saddam Hussein and themassacre of 9/11C) sometimes the public without proper information will draw foolishsD) it was wrong for theernment to rely on the public for important political decis13. According to the author, whi
40、ch of the following is correct?A) There is no poin worrying about the solvency of the Sol Security program.B) The majority of the public will accept the Sol Security programhe near future.C) Only the baby boomers should worry about the future days when they grow old.D) The Democrats attack the Sol S
41、ecurity program in order to question its solvency.14. By saying honesty is the best policy, the author seems to disapprove of.A) the Quinnipiac University whoanized the pollB) the Bush administration who initiated the Sol Security programC) the ill-informed public who worried about their futureD) th
42、ose Democrats who wanted to gain politicalerests through this incident15. The best title for this passage should be.A) Time to Reconsider Sol SecurityB) Lets be Honest about Sol SecurityC) Sol Security is an IlluD) Embrace the Bright Future of Sol SecurityPassage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on
43、the following passage.When more and more people are thrown out of work,unemployment results,CalvinCoolidge once observed. As the U. S. economy crumbles, Coolidges sillymight appearto be as apt as ever: the number of unemploymentinsurance claims is rising, and overalljobleess is creng upward. Butoday
44、s vast and complex labor market, things arent alwayswhat they seem. More and more people arelosing their jobs but not nesarily because theeconomy appears to be in re. And old-fashioned unemployment isnt the inevitable result ofjob loss. New work,ess pay, often is.Call it new-wave unemployment: struc
45、tural changeshe economy are overlapthebusiness downturn, giving jobleess a grim new twist. Small wondert the U. S.unemployment rate is rising. Now at 5.7 percent, it is widely expected to edge toward 7 percent byof next year. But sistics alone cant fully capture a complex reality. The unemploymentra
46、te has been held down by slow growthhe labor force-the number of people working orlooking for work-since few people sense attractive job opportunities in a weak economy. Inaddition, many more people are losing their jobsn are actually ending up unemployed. Facedwithgry mouths to feed, thousands of w
47、omen, for example, are takino or more part-timeitions or agreeing to se the hours they work in serviector jobs. For better and for worse,work in America clearly isnt what it used to be. Now unemployment isnt, either.Like sour old wine in new bottles, this downturn blends a little of the old and the
48、newreflecting a decades worth of changehe dynamic U. S. economy. Yet,any respects thedecline is following the classic pattern, with new layoffs concentrated among blue-collar workershe most cyclical (循环的) industries, whose ups and downs track the economy most closely.As the downturn attracts attenti
49、on on workers-ill fortunes, someysts predictt politicalupheaval () mayahead. Real wages for the average U. S. workeaked in 1973 andebeen falling almost ever since. As a result, a growing group of downwardly mobile Americanscould soon begin pressing policymakers to help produce bettaying jobs. Just how loud theoryes will depend partly on the course of the re. Buthe long run, theres littledoubtt the bleak outlook for jobs and jobleess
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