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1、AL型浓相气力输送泵AL Type Concentration Phase Air Delivery Pump说明书无锡中冶环保科技有限公司Wuxi Zhongye Environmental Technology Co., Ltd一、概述GeneralAL型浓相气力输送泵系列引进瑞典先进技术,该设备适用于输送粉煤灰、水泥、水泥生料、矿粉、粮食等粉状物料。AL type of concentration phase air delivery pump series products adopted the advanced technology introduced from Feida Co

2、mpany, Sweden and AB Company Australia. It is applicable to deliver powder and granule materials as fly- ash, boiler bottom cinder, limestone powder, cement raw meal, breeze and grain etc. AL型浓相气力输送泵与同类产品及机械输送相比较,具有以下优点:Comparing to the similar products and mechanical conveyors, the AL type concentr

3、ation phase air delivery pump has following advantages: 1. 灰气比(混合比)高,输灰管长度在200米内可达1:4050以上。Higher ratio of ash/air (Mix ratio), it reaches more than 1:4050 with the ash delivery pipe length less than 200 meters. 2. 工作压力低(一般在0.10.2MPa)、流速低。在提高输送效率的同时,有效地减少了管道的磨损, 降低了压缩空气耗量。Lower working pressure (Usu

4、ally 0.10.2MPa), and lower flow rate. Effectively reduces the abrasion of the pipes and reduces the compressed air consumption with higher delivery efficiency. 3. 自动化程度高,操作简单灵活, 利用PLC控制对整个输送过程实行全自动控制。High degree of automation, easy and simple for operation. PLC control is used for whole delivery pro

5、cess. 4. 关键部件,如进料阀、泵体、控制元件等寿命长,且按通用规范设计, 互换性、通用性强。料位计、压力变送器、电磁阀等主要元器件都采用进口件。Key parts, such as material inlet valve, valve body and control elements are of long service lifetime, all are standard design, exchangeable and universal. Important parts and elements as material level gauge, pressure trans

6、ducer, electric magnetic valve are imported. 5. 输送管路布置灵活,能方便地实行集中、分散、大高度、长距离输送。Flexible arrangement of the delivery pipe, convenient for centralized /separate/high height/long distance delivery. 6. 由于在密封管道中输送物料, 可严格保证物料品质,使其不受潮、无粉尘污染、不受各种气候条件影响, 有利于生产和环境保护。 The materials are delivered in sealed pipe

7、s, so that the quality of the material is ensured, they are protected from moisture, dust pollution, effects of weather condition, therefore it is very helpful to the production and environment.二、主要技术参数及外形尺寸Main Technical Data and Outline Dimensions1、AL型浓相气力输送泵主要技术参数: AL concentration phase air deli

8、very pump main technical data 型号Type 参数 DataAL0.3AL0.6AL1.0AL1.5AL2.0AL2.5AL3.0AL5.0泵体内径ID of pump body(mm)700800100012001400140016002000总容积 Gross volume(m3)配用输送管径Diameter of pipe(mm)DN50DN80DN100DN125使用温度() Working temperature150最大输送距离(m) Max. delivery distance10002000最大设计压力

9、 (MPa Max. design pressure0.782、AL型浓相气力输送泵外形图(见图1)AL concentration phase air delivery pump outline sketch (Figure 1)图 1 Figure 11. 进料阀 Material feed valve 2. 气动球阀Material discharge valve 3. 泵体Pump body 4. 就地控制箱 Local control box 5. 支架 Supporter 6. 气化装置Gasifier 7. 料位计 Material level gauge 8. 压力表Press

10、ure gauge 9. 排气阀 Exhaust valve (三)、设备外形尺寸及接口尺寸表 Outline dimensions and connection size (mm) 型号Type代号Code AL0.3AL-0.6AL-1.0AL-1.5AL-2.0AL-2.5AL-3.0AL-5.0A716816102012201420142016242028B5478759059651010101010281130C680780115013501550155016002000H16252715290031653315351037604265H12400255528103020302532

11、2535103850H214301560171019902002200223002700H316001810198018952000200022602260R300360395430450450500550aDN200bDN50DN80DN80DN100DN100DN100DN100DN125cDN25DN40DN40DN40DN50DN50DN50DN50dDN40DN40DN40DN40DN80DN80DN80DN100三、设备组成 Equipment ConstitutionAL型浓相气力输送泵通常有下列几部分组成:AL concentration phase air delivery

12、pump commonly consists of following parts: 1. 进料装置 (其结构形式见图2) Material feed device (Refer to figure 2) 进料阀设置于仓泵顶部,用于对仓泵的进料进行控制。其工作原理是由外部 气缸带动轴作90°回转, 从而带动法兰盘回转,当法兰盘向上时,即关闭进料 阀,当法兰盘向下时,即打开进料阀。密封是依靠固定在阀体上密封圈(1)和 固定在法兰盘上密封圈(2)的紧密接触来实现的。Material feed device is located at the top of the storage pump

13、, it controls the material input of the storage pump. The shaft driven by an external cylinder turns around for 90°, brings the flange to turn around. If the flange is up, the material feed valve closes, if the flange is down, the material feed valve opens. The seal is realized due to the close

14、 contact between the seal ring (1) on the valve body and seal ring (2) on the flange. 图 Figure 2 1. 键 Key 2. 轴 Shaft 3. 密封圈Seal ring (1) 4. 密封圈Seal ring (2) 5. O型圈O ring 6. 法兰盘 Flange 7. 密封圈压板 Press plate for seal ring 8. 压板Press plate 9. 密封圈座Seal ring seat 2. 气动出料阀 (其结构形式见图3)Pneumatic material disc

15、harge valve (Refer to figure 3)气动出料阀设置于仓泵物料出口处,仓泵输送时,该阀打开,仓泵输送结 束时,该阀关闭,它的结构一般为气缸和阀板组成。工作时,在气缸的带动下闸板可自行开启和关闭阀门。The pneumatic material discharge valve is located at the outlet of the storage pump. When the storage pump is delivering, this valve is opened. After delivery, this valve is closed. 图 Figur

16、e 3 1.密封座 2. 阀板 3. 阀板座 4. 阀座 5. 压盖 6. 气缸3. 泵体Pump body 作为整个输送系统的发送装置,它是一个耐磨损、耐疲劳的压力容器,能长期经受气流和粉煤灰的冲刷和磨损。As a delivery device of the whole delivery system, the pump body is an abrasion proof and fatigue proof pressure vessel, which is able to endure the scouring and abrading of the air flow and fly-a

17、sh.4. 气化装置 (其结构形式见图4)Gasifier (Refer to figure 4) 图 Figure 4 1. 压板Press plate 2. 过滤板Filter plate 3. 孔板Apertured plate 4. 密封垫Seal pad 5. 气化壳体Case 5. 电气控制系统 Electric control system以微型计算机(一般为PLC可编程控制器, 也可以采用工控机)作为控制系统的核心部件, 工作程序和工作参数修改方便, 能方便地对仓泵输送中的各种参数进行控制, 并通过气动元件控制各种机械元件动作, 通过模拟屏或CRT显示器显示当前工作状态。 Th

18、e core part of the control system is a mini computer (Usually PLC programmable control, but the industrial controller also can be used). It is easy to modify the working procedure and working data, very convenient to control various data during the storage pump delivery process. Pneumatic parts are

19、used to control the movement of the mechanical elements. A simulation screen or CRT display is used to display the current working condition 控制系统由两部分组成,总控制柜和就地控制箱。The control system is consists of two parts, the master control cabinet and the local control box. (1). 总控制柜The master control cabinet::总

20、控制柜上设有模拟显示面板、压力显示仪、控制按钮等仪表。模拟显示面板上画有仓泵、灰库、及料位计等设备的工作模拟图。压力显示仪采用数字显示或光柱显示,用于对气源压力和仓泵输送压力显示。在控制柜下部,设有仪表按钮控制板。用于对仓泵的工作方式等进行设定和监控。一旦出现故障,控制系统就会针对各部位进行声光报警。There are simulation display panel, pressure display instrument and control buttons etc. in the master control cabinet. The simulated working diagram

21、s of the storage pump, ash storage and material level and other equipment are shown in the simulation display panel. Pressure indicator is a digital display or it is shown in the form of lighting column to display air source pressure and pressure for storage pump delivery. The lower part of the cabi

22、net, there is an instrument button control panel for setting and monitoring the working mode of storage pump. In case of an accident, the control system alarms in both sound and light to show the trouble part. (2). 就地控制箱Local control box:: 就地控制箱每台仓泵设置一台, 置于仓泵体上。就地控制箱内带有电气控制按钮,电磁阀与模拟面板。它一方面在控制系统的控制下进

23、行自动运行, 另一方面可以对仓泵进行就地手动操作,以适应仓泵在调试和维护等。各种工况下的运行。模拟面板用于模拟显示该泵当前工作状态。One local control box can serve one of storage pump or more sets of storage pumps. The local box is fixed on the storage pump. There are electric control buttons, electric magnetic valves and simulation panel located in the local cont

24、rol box. The automatic operation of local box is controlled by the control system, on other hand, it can manually and locally control the storage pump, make it fit to different working conditions during adjustment or maintenance. The simulation panel displays the current working state of the storage

25、 pump.6. 管路系统及阀门 (见图5) Pipeline system and valves (Refer to figure 5)在仓泵工作时,图5中的压力变送器(序号13)是用于监测气源压力,当气源压力低于一定值时,仓泵就不能进行输送。When storage pump works, the pressure transducer, (No. 13) in figure 5, is used for monitoring the air source pressure, if the pressure is lower than a preset volume, the storag

26、e pump does not work.序号6是排气阀,用于在仓泵进料时,排出泵内的余气。在进行长距离输送时,由于管道较长,阻力也大,并且管道和仓泵的几何容积也大,因此即使关闭了加压阀和吹堵阀,它的泄压时间(使泵内的压力等于外界空气的压力)仍会很长,在关闭了输送阀后,由于泵内有剩余压力(特别是长距离输送时,泵内剩余压力是很高的),使得进料阀不能顺利打开和上部不能顺利下料。故设置了排气阀,该阀在进料阀打开前首先打开,以确保进料顺利。但对于小容积仓泵和近距离输送时,一般不设置排气阀,以简化系统。The exhaust valve (No.6) is used to exhaust the res

27、t air inside the pump when material is feeding to the storage pump. When delivery is over a long distance, there is a big resistance due to long pipe, the geometric capacity of pipe and storage pump is also big, therefore even when pressure valve and blow down valve have closed, the pressure relievi

28、ng time (The time needed for making the pressure inside the pump equals to the pressure of the outside air) is still very long, after close the delivery valve, there is certain pressure left (Especially in long distance delivery, the left pressure for the storage pump is higher), this shall effect t

29、he smooth opening of the feed valve and upper storage pump discharge, therefore it is necessary to install an air exhaust valve, which opens before the material feed valve opens to ensure the smooth feeding of the material. However to make the system simpler, for small volume storage pumps or when p

30、erforming short distance delivery, it is not necessary to set the air exhaust valve. 图Figure 51就地控制箱Local control box 2.电磁阀Electric magnetic valve 3.气源处理二联件Air source cleaning coupling piece(Two parts in one) 4.减压阀Relief valve 5.加压阀Pressure valve 6.排气阀 Exhaust valve 7.进料阀 Feed valve 8.压力变送器Pressure

31、transducer 9.出料阀Material discharge valve 10.吹堵阀Blow down valve 11.泵体Pump body 12.供气软管 Air supply hose 13·气源测压用压力变送器Pressure transducer for air source pressure measurement四、 工作原理Working PrincipleAL型浓相气力输送泵采用间歇式输送方式, 仓泵每进、出一次物料即为一个工作循环。其工作过程分为四个阶段: (见图6)AL concentration phase air delivery pump ca

32、n work in modes of intermittent or multi storage pumps work together, one working cycle includes one time of material input plus one time of material output. The working process can be divided into four steps: (Refer to figure 6)1. 进料阶段Material feeding 仓泵投入运行后进料阀打开,物料自由落入泵内。当料位计发出料满信号或达到设定时间时,进料阀自动关

33、闭。在这一过程中,料位计为主控元件,加料时间控制为备用措施。只要料位到或加料时间到,都自动关闭进料阀。As soon as the storage pump is put into operation, the material feed valve opens, material falls freely in to the pump. Once the material reaches to a preset level or input time is over the preset time, the material feed valve closes automatically.

34、In this step, the material level gauge is a main control element, while the material input time is a back-up means. The material feed valve shall automatically close when either the level gauge or input time reaches the preset.2. 流化加压阶段Fluidization and forcing 进气阀打开, 压缩空气从泵体底部的气化室进入, 扩散后穿过流化床, 在物料被流

35、化的同时, 泵内的压力也逐渐上升。Once the air feed valve opens, the compressed air enters the gasification room from the bottom of the pump body, and then passes through a fluidization bed after diffusion. At the same time when the material is fully fluidizing, the pressure of the pump increases gradually.3. 输送阶段De

36、livery 当泵内压力达到一定值时, 压力传感器发出信号, 出料阀开启, 流化床上的物料流化加强, 输送开始, 泵内物料逐渐减少, 此过程中流化床上的物料始终处于边流化边输送的状态。 Once the pressure of the pump reaches a certain level, the pressure transducer will send a signal out, the material discharge valve opens, the material fluidization on the fluidization bed becomes stronger,

37、and delivery starts, the material inside the pump thus reduces, in this step, the material on the fluidization bed is always being delivered while it is fluidizing.4. 吹扫阶段Blowing and cleaning 当泵内物料输送完毕,压力下降到等于或接近管道阻力时,加压阀和吹堵阀关闭,出料阀在延时一定时间后关闭。整个输送过程结束,从而完成一次工作循环。After finish delivery, the pressure of

38、 the storage pump lowers to equal or close to the resistance of the pipe, the pressure valve and blow down valve close, after a little delay, the material discharge valve closes. Whole delivery process is finished, and a working cycle is completed.图Figure 6 在AL型浓相气力输送泵进行输送时,仓泵内的压力是不断变化的。其工作状态是否正常,我们

39、可根据泵内压力的情况变化来判断。在正常工作时,通常泵内的压力情况变化见图 7 。图中P是泵内压力,t是时间。The pressure inside the storage pump varies continuously when the AL concentration phase air delivery pump is in operation. Its working condition can be judged by the change of the pressure. The change of the pressure of the pump under normal ope

40、ration is shown in figure 7. Here P refers to pressure, and t refers to the time.从图中我们可以看出,在加压阶段,泵内压力是直线上升的;The figure shows that in forcing step, the pressure of the pump is going up in a linear way.在输送阶段,泵内压力是基本不变或变动很小。当泵内或管道内物料剩余不多时,泵内压力就快速下降,当降低至一定值,并维持在一定范围内,此时就进入了吹扫阶段;在吹扫后段,压力已经降低至一个很低值(此值应根据输

41、送距离并可通过调试来确定),就表示管道内物料已经吹扫干净,可结束输送。In delivery step, the pressure of the storage pump basically keeps constant or varies very little. If there is not much material left in the pump or in pipes, the pump pressure decreases rapidly. Once the pressure lowers to a certain value, and keeps within a certa

42、in range, the blowing and cleaning step starts. After this step, the pressure decreases to a very low level (This data can be determined according to the delivery distance or via test), this means the material inside the pipe has blown out, and delivery can be finished. 在吹扫阶段以后, 泵内压力就基本不变,此时泵内的压力是在该

43、种供气状况下管道所具有的阻力(随着供气状况的变化,泵内的压力也会变化,但此时只是P值即压力值的大小变化而已,特性曲线的形状是不变的)。若该值取得过大,泵内或管道内的物料尚未输送完毕,则会影响第二次输送;若该值取得过小,泵内和管道内的物料早已输送完毕,又会造成压缩空气的浪费,同时还延长了输送时间,降低了输送效率。After the last step, the pressure of the pump basically keeps constant, which is as same as the resistance of the pipe under this air supply con

44、dition (if the air supply condition changes, the pump pressure also varies. Although the value of P varies, the shape of this curve will not change). If this value is set too high, the material inside the pipe or storage pump will not be delivered thoroughly, which will affect the following delivery

45、. If this value is set too low, the material delivery inside the pipe and pump finishes earlier, which will waste the compressed air, prolong the delivery time and lower the efficiency.加压Forcing 输送Delivery 吹扫 Blowing and cleaning 吹扫结束End of blowing 图 Figure 7五.安装与调试Installation and Adjustment1. 设备在安

46、装前,应根据设备的安装位置制作基础,基础可采用预留螺栓孔或预埋钢板的方法。Prepare a foundation according to the installation position before installation. The foundation can be of pre-made holes for bolts or pre-burying of steel plates. 2. 设备在出厂时都附有仓泵管路系统图和设备安装图。安装时应严格按照图纸进行安装联接,注意各阀门的进出口方向,防止错位。The storage pump pipeline system diagram

47、 and equipment installation diagram shall be provided when delivering the machine. Be restrictive with the drawings for connections, and be careful of the inlet and outlet of valves to avoid mistakes. 3. 就地控制箱内电磁阀的接管在出厂时已在就地控制箱上标明各接管的用途.安装时可根据需要将气管接到相应的气控阀或气缸上,如发现气缸动作与要求相反,可交换气缸上的气管位置。 The connectio

48、n pipe of the magnetic valve inside the local control box has been installed in the machine case when shipped, and the application of these pipes is described in the local cabinet. Connect the air pipe to corresponding air control valve or cylinder as per requirements. If the movement of the cylinde

49、r is reverse to the requirement, simply change the air pipe position in the cylinder. 4. 就地控制箱接线应严格按照图纸要求联接。Connect the wire of the local box strictly according to the drawing.5. 就地控制箱进行手动操作时, 该组仓泵(同一根输灰管上的仓泵为一组)的工作方式都在“系统投入”位置上, 然后把旋钮旋到手动位置, 便可以进行进料、加压、助吹和输送等手动操作。If control via local box, the worki

50、ng mode of a group of storage pumps (Pumps in the same ash delivery pipe) shall be all at “EXIT” position, then turn the knob to manual position, operate the material feeding, forcing, blowing-access and delivery.6. 进料装置和出料装置在安装时,应保证气缸在动作时各密封部件密封良好,气缸动作应无阻滞,如有查明原因, 并应排除。When install the material fee

51、d and discharge device, be sure all the seal parts are in good condition when cylinder moves, the cylinder shall move freely, or otherwise, find the cause and solve the trouble. 7. 输送管道弯曲半径一般应为输灰管直径的5倍,如半径过大,在输送时,则会加剧管道转弯部分的磨损。The bend radius of the delivery pipe usually shall be about 750mm (DN100)

52、. This radius shall not be too big, or otherwise fast abrasion will occur at bended part of the pipe.8. 当输送距离较长时, 应考虑增设助推器(即助吹装置)。助吹装置的供气管应单独设置。When delivering special material, blowing-access devices can be added at a certain interval (About each 30m). These blowing-access devices shall use individ

53、ual air supply pipe, never use other air supply pipes for them9. 管道连接应尽量使用焊接,为便于安装维修,一般每(2030)米左右装一对法兰。Use weALing for the connection of the pipes. To make the installation and maintenance easier, install a pair of flanges at an interval of, usually, 2030m.10. 设备上的各种管路阀门在安装完毕后,必须进行气密性试验。如有泄漏则应及时修复。A

54、fter installation of all valves, perform an air-tight test. Repair the leakage on time if there is any.11. 设备在安装结束后, 必须进行各阀门的动作试验,试验时必须在油雾器内加注润滑油,润滑油一般选用10机械油,当环境温度较低时,应选用凝点更低的润滑油。After installation of the equipment, perform an action test for each valve. Add lubricant to the oil-fog generator befor

55、e test. 10# mechanical oil shall be used. When the ambient temperature is lower, select a lubricant with lower condensation point.12. 设备的供气管道在安装前应用压缩空气吹尽管道内的铁锈污垢,防止管内杂物进入设备内部影响阀门及其它部件的正常工作。 Clean the rust and dirt in air supply pipes with compressed air before installing the air supply pipes to prev

56、ent it from entering to the inner part of the machine and to ensure the normal operation of the valves and other parts.13. 仓泵在正常工作中, 不得停止供气, 当需要停止供气时, 应将正在运行的仓泵全部退出并将仓泵上部的检修阀关闭后方能停止供气。The gas feed cant be stopped when the pump storage is in operation. When need to stop the gas feed we must exit the operating pump storage and close the inspecting valve upside the pump.14. 在对系统进行操作时, 先合上电源, 再


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