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1、目录CATALOGUE一、机 组 外 观 和 机 组 结构 1Unit outlook and structure二、系 统 流 程图 .3system flow chart三、机 组 安装 .4Installation四、 调试.18Test五、使用 . 20Operation六、维养 .25Maintenance七、运 行 范围 26Run scope八、简 易 故 障 处理 .27Trouble disposal、机组外观和机组结构Unit outlook and structure1、机 组外观341吧651回风口 air inlet2出风口 air outlet3接水管排水孑L dr

2、ain pan weep hole4室内外机连接口indoor & outdoor unit connection5底盘排水孔 classic weep hole6电源线孑 L power wire hole7压力表 pressure gauge8控制面板 control panel9室外机 outdoor unit2、机组结构Un it structure1. 压缩机 Compressor2. 电加热 Electric heater3. 蒸发器 Evaporator4. 过滤网Filter9.球阀 Ball valve5. 风机Fan6. 电控箱 Electric controlle

3、r7. 电机 Motor8. 室外机 outdoor unit注:1.单冷机使用毛细管节流(50HP以下);For single cooing unit, capillary should be used lo throttleaw 5DHP)2. 热泵机使用膨胀阀节流,室内机室外机各安装一个;For heat-pump unit, expansion valve is used to throttle, installing each one both in indoor and outdoor units.3. 气液分离器安装于室内机;Gas and liquide separation

4、is installed in indoor unit.以上三点示意图上均未表示.The three points above have not been shown in the sketch map.1、风冷冷风型/电加热型空调机工作原理Work ing prin ciple of the air-cooled cooli ngor electric heating air conditionercondensor冷凝器I jointing pipeI 接管outside室外侧compressor11 pointing pipeball valveelectric heater压缩机1接管

5、1 11 11 1球阀电1 1jointevaporator接头 I加 热 器I蒸蒸I发I器1 capillary:毛I 细I管cen trifugal fan离心风机dryer-filter panel干燥过滤器joint接头ball valve球阀-Iin side室内侧2、热泵型空调机工作原理Work ing prin ciple of the heat-pump air con diti onergas and liquidseparationball valve球阀joint -接头compressorl_axial fan轴流风机ball valve I球阀electric hea

6、ter电加热器outside heat - exchanger JI室|外I换I热I器joint接头气液分离器outside室外侧四通阀Lfour way valvel-一制热循环制冷循环l_inside heat exchangercentrifugual fanexpansion valve 离心风机-_0 filter膨胀阀过滤器electric heater电 加 热 器室 内 换 热 器单向阀sigle diretion valveheat cycle refrigeration cycleinside室内侧1. 低压继电器2. 高压继电器low pressure relayhigh

7、 pressure relay、机组安装1. 安装空间:In stallation space确保机组安装位置周围有足够的空间以备操作、维修之用,同时也要保证气流循环 畅通,不受阻碍并且没有短路。安装空间尺寸参见下图。In order to en sure operatio n and maintenance convenient , eno ugh space aroundthe un itsmust be ensuredwhilein stalli ngAir must flow freely withoutresista neeand short circuit.In stallati

8、on型号modelABC3HP、5HP、8HP、10HP500500、15HP50080020HP、24HP500800100025HP、30HP、40HP、50HP5001000100060HP、70HP、80HP、100HP、110HP100015001500space size can be consultedas follows注:假设A为无连接管侧,B为连接管侧。Note: assume A not to be side of connecting pipe,2. 安装定位 In stalli ng locati on应考虑电气接线、室内外机连接、排水管布置以及风管连接的方便。确保地

9、面平整、水平,机组安装后倾斜度不应超过下图要求。Must count for the convenience of electric wiri ng, connection of in door andwhileunitoutdoor un it,arran geme nt of drain pipe and air duct connectioninstallation.Ensure ground to be flat and level, after installing,gradient can not exceed the limit showed in following chart

10、.地基应有足够的强度。机组重量和地脚螺钉固定位置参见以下各图。Foun dati on should be inten ded eno ugh. Un it weight and the foot screw fixedpositi on is showed as follow ing charts其它注意事项:Other atte ntio ns室内外机组安装位置要选择适当,必须安装在无日光照射、远离热源的地方。In door and outdoor un it must be in stalledin the placewhich has no sunli ghtilluminated a

11、nd far from heat resource.室外机组安装应考虑对建筑物外观的影响。The in flue nee on the buildi ng appeara nee must be con sideredwhe n in stallthe outdoor un it.安装安置应尽量选在管路短、弯曲少、高差小的地方。In stallatio n should be situated in places where the pipe is short,bendsare few and the height differenee is little.室外机组的位置不在地面或楼顶平面而需

12、悬挂在墙壁上时应制作牢固可靠的支架。While outside unit is not in stalled on the gro und or the top pla ne,buthung on the wall, it must use the firm support.室外机组出风口不应对准强风吹的方向,上面不应有障碍物。若顶部空间不够时 ,需安装弯曲型导风管将风导向远处,以避免气流短路而影响机组性能。The outside un it ' s air outlet could n ' t be in the directi on of strong breeze , a

13、nd there won' t be obstacles above it . If the above space is noteno ugh, please in stall bending type wind duct to guide the wind to dista nee avoidi ng that unit performa nee will be in flue need by air flow short(6) 侧出风型室内机安装在空调房内时,除考虑安装方便外,还要保证气流合理,送风均匀。While side air outlet model in dooruni

14、t ' sin stallatio nin the aireonditioner room, except eonsidering convenient installation, it shoulden sure air flow reas on ably and air supply equably.(7) 任何情况下,室内机组都不能安装在室外。In any ease, the in side unit should not be in stalled outside.3. 安装 In stallatio n示例图dem on strati on打EL/ .-a. 搬运、吊装Han

15、 dli ng, hoisti ng机组可用铲车或吊车运输,吊装时应如下图进行操作。Un it can be tran sported by forklift or hoist, please operate as the follow ing chart while hoist.必须大于60°must large than 60包装箱底架paking box chasis注意事项Atte ntio ns(1) 吊装前应检查机体吊环是否旋紧,缆绳是否安装牢固。Before hoisting, should ensure the organism rings tightened, th

16、e hawsersfaste ned.(2) 搬运或吊装过程中,应保持机体平衡,切勿突然升高、降低或剧烈晃动。dropDuringhan dli ngor hoisti ng, keep orga nismbala nee,don' t rise,sudde nly or sway viole ntly.b. 管路布置 Pipes arrangement连接管路的布置须根据现场情况参照以下原则进行:Connection pipe arrangement must according to the site' scondition and refer to thefollowi

17、ng prin ciples:(1) 尽可能缩短连接管长度,最好在 5m以内Try to shorte n the len gth of connection pipe, best with in 5m.(2) 尽可能减小室内外机高度差。Try to shorte n the altitude differe nee betwee n in door and outdoor un its.(3) 尽可能减少连接管路的弯头数。Try to reduce the joint' s amount used for connection if possible(4) 连接管长超过20米时,需检

18、查系统的润滑油是否足够,必要时,需适当增加。When pipe Ion ger tha n 20m, in spect lube whether it is eno ugh, add it when n ecessary.当室内外机高度不同时,参照下图进行管路布置。If in door and outdoor un it ' s altitudes are differe nee, arrange the pipeli ne accord ing to follow ing graph .液管(即细管) liquid pipe (thinner pipe )气管(即粗管)gas pip

19、e (thicker pipe )每46米设1个存油弯.c.室外机置于室内机之下(压缩机在室内机)室外机每46米设1个存油弯.b.室外机置于室内机之上Outdoor unit lower than indoor unit,室内外机连接管的高差、管长及弯头数按下表限制:differe nee, pipe len gth and elbow ' s amount of connection pipe of in door andoutdoor un it defi ned by follow ing table:c. 连接步骤Conn ecti on steps(1) 工具准备Prepar

20、i ng tools一切工具、备件、材料必须准备齐全,如冲击钻、真空泵、氮气瓶、配管工具、制冷剂压力表等。All tools, reserve parts and materials must be prepared all in readi ness,for example : Percussion drill, vacuum pump, nitrogen cylinder, pipe-fittools, refrigera nt gauge and so on(2) 室内机安装 In door unit in stallatio n参照前述要求安装固定室内机。In stall and fi

21、x in door unit accord ing to above dema nds(3) 室外机安装 Outdoor unit in stallati on参照前述要求安装固定室外机。In stall and fix outdoor unit accord ing to above dema nds(4) 打墙孔 Drill holes in wall在墙底部打圆孔或长方形孔,以穿过连接管、排水管、电线等。Drilling round or square holes in the bottom wall to let connecting pipe,室外机型号Outdoor unit mo

22、delSW-3NSW-3RNSW-5NSW-5RNSW-8NSW-8RNSW-10NSW-10RNSW-13NSW-13RNSW-15NSW-15RNSW-20NSW-20RNSW-25NSW-25RNSW-30NSW-30RNSW-60NSW-70NSW-80N最大管长length20203030405050505050最大高度差doffs.10101515202525252525最多弯头数(90 C )water drain pipe and wires cross(5) 管路连接 Connecting pipes申菱牌风冷系列空调机管路连接方式有 两种 :小于或等于 LF/LFD29N

23、以及 LF/LFD58N 、 LF/LFD85N 机组采用喇叭口连接,其它类型机组采用焊接方式连接。连 接时须注意以下几点:There are two methods to connect pipes of “ SHENLING” air-cooledseries airconditioner: Flared-tube connection is for units smaller than LF/LFD29N and LF/LFD58N/ LF/LFD85N. And welding connection is for the other units. The following point

24、s must be paid attention to while connecting;喇叭口连接方式Way of flared-tube connection(a) 盘管展开时采用反绕的方法缓慢进行,避免折扁铜管。Unfold coiled pipe slowly by way of twisting in reverse, so as not to bend the copper tube flatted.(b) 管道的弯曲加工用弯管器进行,弯曲半径较大时也可用手缓慢地弯曲。弯曲半径过小,容易造成管子损坏,弯曲半径限度要求不小于铜管外径的 6 倍。Use tube bender to b

25、end machinery pipe or bend by hand when the radius of curvature is larger If the radius of curvature is too little, pipes may be miner than 6 times of the pipes external diameter.(c) 松开角阀连接处螺母,卸下连接管堵头,在喇叭处涂上冷冻油,快速地将两者连接起来(要求 5 分钟内) ,喇叭口位置对好之后,再用板手紧固螺母。Loosen nut and remove the plug from eagle valve,

26、 then smear the flaredwith refrigerant oil and connect the two parts together quickly (in 5 minutes), when the flare ' sseat well, then tighten the nut usingspanner.(d) 当所需要管长超过5m时,需按要求加长铜管并补充制冷剂If connecting pipe is longer than 5m, increase the length of the copper pipe and add refrigerant.焊接方式

27、 :Way of welding connection(a) 采用硬钎焊连接所有接头。Connect all joints by braze welding.(b) 铜管切割后须清除毛刺及管内异物。Get rid of the bur and foreign matter in pipe after cutting the coppertube.(c) 焊接时管内必须充氮。Fill tube with nitrogen when welding.(6) 充氮试漏Charge with nitrogen to have leakage test铜管连接之后,从接头处制冷剂充注口(喇叭口连接式在角

28、阀上,焊接式须打开所 有室内侧球阀,再从室内机制冷剂充注口充氮)充入氮气至,用肥皂液检查连接管 各接头处是否有漏,若有漏,接头必须重新处理。注意:切勿用氧气或乙炔气试漏!After connecting copper pipe, charge with nitrogen to the pressure of through charging valve at the joint (the charge valve of flared connecting type is at the eagle valve, but as to welding connecting type, all ind

29、oorside ball valve must be opened, then charge nitrogen through the charge valveof indoor unit). And using soapsuds to check every joint of the connectionpipe to see if there is any leakage or not,if it is, the joint must be dealtwith again CAUTIONS: Be sure not to do leakage test with oxygen or ace

30、tylene.(7) 空气排除 Air discharge 充氮试漏之后,必须排除管道内空气。因系统空间较大 , 建议采用真空泵抽除管道 内空气 , 不要采用放制冷剂方法来排除管道内空气。否则由于排除不凝性气体不彻 底会造成系统高压升高和制冷性能下降。Air in pipes must be removed after leakage test. As the system space is a little large, vacuum pump is suggested to draw air from the pipe, not to get rid of the air by charg

31、ing pipe with refrigerant, or because incondensable gas can not be exhausted, the high pressure of system will rise and refrigerant rating performance descend.(8) 真空检漏 Vacuum leakage test抽真空至管内绝对压力 1300Pa, 保持 5 分钟压力无变化 , 否则接头处有漏须重新处 理。抽真空时 , 喇叭口连接式只需抽除管道内空气 , 焊接式必须开启室内侧所有球 阀后 ( 因室内机充有少量氮气, 所以必须连同室内机

32、一起抽, 但室外机球阀不能开 ),再在空调机制冷系统的高低压两端制冷剂充注口分别抽除空气 , 不能只抽一端。Achieve the vacuum in pipe (absolute pressure 1300Pa) and keep it for 5 minutes without pressure changing, and if it changed, there must be a leakage in joints, so the joints must be dealt with again. Only the air in pipe need to be vacuumed for

33、flared connecting type unit. But for welding connecting type unit all indoor side ball valves must be opened (because indoor unit has been charged with a little nitrogen, pipe must be vacuumed with indoor unit together, but ball valves of outdoor side can not be opened), the draw air separately from

34、 the charging valve of the refrigeration system in air conditioner, when vacuuming , pay attention not to vacuum one side only.(9) 放出制冷剂 Let refrigerant out 空调机出厂时制冷剂贮存在室外机内。放出制冷剂时应先打开制冷剂液路两个角阀 ( 或球阀 ), 再打开另两个角阀 ( 或球阀 ) 。开启角阀时须注意 , 必须拧开至上死点并 略拧紧 , 再盖上防漏盖帽。球阀只需将阀杆转90° ,( 阀杆上有箭头指示流动方向 )再盖上防漏盖帽。所有

35、阀都打开之后 , 须将原“全关”挂牌换为“全开”挂牌。Refrigerant is stored in outdoor unit when air conditioner leaving factory Open eagle va lve ( or ball valve), which is thinner pipe' s valve,in refrigerant liquid pipe of every system first when letting refrigerant out, then open other two eagle or ball valve While op

36、ening eagle valve,the valve rod must be opened to the top dead center and tighten a little, then leak proof cup must be fitted. For ball valve, turn the rod to the eagle of 90 ° (there is arrow indicating turning direction) and fit the leak proof cap After all valve opened, change the hanging p

37、late “ Close all ” to “ Open all ”(10) 复查接口泄漏 Check again the joints leakage阀门开启之后,用卤素检漏仪或肥皂液在接口处复查有无泄漏。After valves opened, use halide leak detector or soapsuds to check thejoints(11) 电线连接 Connecting electrical wires用多芯电缆线连接室内外机接线端子。eing to connect切勿接错branching ofUse multiple core cable with every

38、conductor' s section bindoor and outdoor terminals 注意 :每台室外机必须按序号和相对应的制冷系统的电路部分进行连接 否则空调机不能正常运行。Note : Each outdoor unit must connect with electrical corresponding refrigeration system according to the number, if in disorder, the air conditioner cannot operate normally(12) 包扎 Wrapping up连 接 铜管 包

39、好 保 温层 之后 ( 仅对 焊接 方式 而言 , 喇叭口 方式 铜管 上已套 好 保温 管 ), 将铜管、电线等用塑胶带妥善包扎并固定好。After connection copper pipe binding up the thermal insulation (only forwelding way connection for flared tube connection, the pipe has been cased with insulation layer) Then bind up pipes, wires, etc. with plastic tape and tighte

40、n them4. 制冷剂补充 Supplementing refrigerant当连接管路超过5m时,必须补充制冷剂(R22), 请用户安装时参照下表进行 补 充。停 机时补 充制 冷剂 可从角阀 冷剂充注口充 入 , 开 机时补 充 制 冷必 须 从压缩 机吸 气口 (即 低压端 ,压 缩 机较粗 的接 管 ) 冷剂充注口吸 入, 此时 冷 剂罐 不宜倒置, 以保 证制 冷剂 以 气体方 式吸 入压缩 机, 避 免压缩 机发生液击而受到 损坏。When connecting pipe is in excess of 5m, refrigerant (R22) must be suppleme

41、nted while user installing Please refer to following table. When unit is not working, refrigerant can becharged from charge plug at anglevalve, if the air conditioner is operating, refrigerant must be chargedfrom the plug of compressor's drawing side (lower pressure side, thickerconnecting pipe

42、of compressor),at this moment the refrigerant can bedrawn into compressor as gas, for preventing the compressor from damaging because of liquid shocking 室内外连接管长每增加1m时制冷剂补充量表Table of the qua ntity of suppleme ntary refrigera nt whe n connecting pipe in differe nt le ngth室外机型号SW3 NSW-3 RNSW-5 NSW-5RNS

43、W- 8NSW-8RNSW-1 ONSW-1 ORNSW-1 3NSW-1 3RNSW-1 5NSW- 1 5RNSW-2 ONSW-2 ORNSW-2 5NSW-2 5RNSW-3 ONSW-3 OR NSW-6 ONSW-7 ONSW-8 ON每米管长制冷剂量kg制冷量修正系数 Correct ing coefficie nt of cooli ng capacity当室内外机连接管长过长或两机高低差过大时会影响制冷能力,制冷量的修正系数参见下表。Cooli ng capacity will be in flue need whe n conn ect ing pipe of in doo

44、r and outdoorunit is too long or the altitude differenee of the two units is too large. Thecorrect ing coefficie nt is listed in followi ng table.制冷量修正系数correctingcoefficientof cooling capacity等效总长 equivalenttotal length5m1Om15m2Om25m3Om35m4Om45m5Om高低差 Altitude differenceOm(室内机低于室外机时)5m(When indoor1

45、OmUnit higher than outdoor15mUnit or indoor2OmLower than outdoor unit)25m高低差Altitude differe nee0m(室内机高于室外机时)5m(When indoor10mUnit lower than outdoor15m一Unit or indoor20m一Higher than outdoor unit)25m一一注:等效总长指直管总长再加上弯头及存油弯的等效长度之和。弯头及存油弯的等效 长度参见下表。Note :The “ equivale nttotallen gth ” is the straightt

46、ubes totallen gthaddedwith equivale nt of the elbows and theoil-kept ben ds. Equivale nt len gthof the elbows and the oil-kept bends refers to follow ing table.弯头和存油弯等效长度表(m)Table of equivale nt le ngth of the elbows and the oil-kept bends (m)气体连接管外径mmGas connection pipe ' s external弯头 | 存油弯Oil-

47、kept bendsElbowdiameter© (5/8 ")© (3/4© (7/8 ”)© 28(9/8 ”)© 35(11/8 ”)© 42(13/8 ”)5.排水管安装In stalli ng drai npipe接水盘排水孔和底盘排水孔接头如下:Joints of dra in pan weep hole and chassis weep hole see n as follow ingLF/LFD/RF8N LF/LFD68N /RF67N内螺纹接头G1ALF/LFD/RF8N LF/LFD58N /RF67N

48、internal screw G 1ALF/LFD85N/RF83N LF/LFD305 外螺纹接头G1ALF/LFD85N/RF83N LF/LFD305 external screw G 1A排水管安装如图所示.In stalli ng the dra in pipe as follow ing graph注意事项:Atte ntio n排水管走管位置始终不能高过达室内机排水孔位置,同时室内机另一侧排水孔必须用丝堵堵死。冷凝水排至下水道路中需加设U形弯(见图)以防臭气吸入空调机内。The dra in pipe cannot be higher tha n the water outlet

49、 hole of in door un it, andthe other side ' s drain water hole must be blocked with screw stopper. If condensed water is to be drained to sewer, the drain pipe must have U shaped bend so as to preve nt bad smell from going into air con diti oner.6、电气接线 Electric wiri ng接线示意图wiri ng dem on stratio

50、 n正确的接线按下图所示:The correct wiri ng is showed in the below chart.5CH;break空调机断路器1111In door室内机QNOFFa. 断路器选用Breaker selection机外接线最关键是断路器的选用。断路器又称自动空气开关,主要是在电路条件下不频繁接通和分断及当电路中发生超限的过载、短路及失压时能自动分断电路之用。断路器分框架式和塑料外壳式两大类。空调机安装一般使用DZ系列塑料外壳式断路器用作机组电源的接通和分断之用。Breaker, which isThe key to the out-of unit wiri ng i

51、s the breaker select ionalso n amed automatic air-breakerswitch, can be used to engage in unfrequentedconnection and breaking normal circuit condition In addition, breaker canauto-break the circuit while it happened too much overload, short-circuit andunder tension Breaker can be sorted into two typ

52、es: frame type and plasticshell type Generally, the air conditioner installation adopts DZ series shell breaker, in order to connect or break the unit power断路器选择的一般原则如下:General principles of breaker selection:(1) 断路器的额定电压不低于线路的额定电压。Breaker ' s rated voltage mustn ' t lower than the circuit r

53、ated voltage(2) 断路器的额定电流不低于通过它的计算电流。Breaker ' s rated current mustn ' t lower than its computing current which throughit (3) 断路器的类型应符合安装、设备性能和操作方式的要求。Breaker 's type must acc ord with the installation, plant performance and operation ' s demandb. 电源导线选用Selection of supply conductor导线用于连接电路 , 选用一般原则如下:Conductors are used to connect the circuit, selection principle as follows:(1) 满足发热条件 Satisfy heating term导线在通过计算电流时 , 其发热温度不能超过允许最高温度。While the computing current pass through the conductor, its temperature should not be higher than maximal tempe


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