1、Linux系统裁减指南(LiPS)目录目录 11引言 41.1 编写目的 41.2背景 41.3 定义 41.4参考资料 42总体描述 52.1硬件环境 52.2软件环境 52.3 需求规定和约束 53总体设计 63.1基本设计概念 63.2软件结构 64内核 64.1创建内核的方法 64.2内核配置 74.2.1 概述 74.2.2 Loadable module support 84.2.3 Processor type andfeatures 84.2.4 Gen eral setup 84.2.5 Plug and Play con figurati on 94.2.6 Block d
2、evices 94.2.7 Multi-device support (RAID and LVM) 104.2.8 Network ing opti ons 104.2.9 ATA/IDE/MFM/RLLsupport 114.2.10 SCSI support 124.2.11 Network device support 124.2.12 Character devices 134.2.13 File systems 144.2.14 Con sole drivers 154.2.15 USB support 154.3 提示 164.3.1 EXTRAVERSION 164.3.2 .c
3、onfig 175根文件系统 175.1根文件系统 175.2文件系统的内容 175.2.1 应用程序(applications ) 175.2.2 设备文件(device files ) 185.2.3 脚本和配置文件(scripts and con figuration files) 195.2.4 库文件(libraries ) 205.2.5 必要的目录 205.3 初始化 RAhB( initrd ) 215.3.1 操作步骤 215.3.2 引导选项 215.3.3 安装 225.3.4 改变根目录设备 235.3.5 使用场合 245.3.6 淘汰的根转换机制(change_ro
4、ot) 245.4 系统初始化(in it ) 245.4.1 init 的任务 245.4.2 SysVi nit 255.4.3 两种风格:Slackware vs. Debian 255.5 PAM 265.5.1 什么是 PAM 265.5.2 PAM 的结构 265.5.3 配置文件 265.5.4 other 275.6 再论initrd 275.6.1 根到底在哪里 285.6.2 linuxrc 285.6.3 根转换机制:新的?旧的? 305.7提示 325.7.1 文件系统目录层次结构 325.7.2 mklips.sh(制作 LiPS 的脚本) 325.7.3 lips.
5、conf( LiPS 配置文件) 325.7.4 cp - dpR 325.7.5如何判断一个程序依赖哪些文件 325.7.6带库文件复制一一lcp() 335.7.7 库文件的命名 346引导 356.1引导过程概述 356.2几种引导方式 356.3 grub 引导器 356.4 USB 引导 366.4.1 制作步骤 3 创建文件系统 3 复制文件 3 安装 grub 366.5提示 376.5.1 版本问题? 377远程串口控制台 387.1概述 387.2配置方法 387.3 提示 387.4 Lin ux远程串口控制台指南 388系统
6、安装光盘 418.1概述 418.2 boot.iso光盘的文件结构分析 411引言1.1编写目的说明Linux系统裁减的过程及解决的主要技术问题。本文档的编写是为了说明LiPS的详细设计过程,也可以作为构造一个小型化Linux系统的指南。本文档内容的组织如下所述:这一部分是引言,第2部分是对项目软、硬件环境和需求的总体描述,第3部分说明了裁减LINUX的相关基本概念。后面几个部分是具体实现方法的 详细说明,46分别详细描述了创建内核、创建根文件系统和引导系统的方法。最后的内 容可以看作附录,其中 7说明了一般Linux系统安装光盘的创建方法,8列出了相关的配置文件和源代码。1.2背景华中科技
7、大学计算机存储系统国家专业实验室,。NAS项目(2003.3 2003.8 )1.3定义O boot loader:引导器O kernel:内核O root filesystem:根文件系统O USB:通用串行总线1.4参考资料1 DIY :自己动手做一个迷你Linux 系统.IBM developerWorks中国网站.http:/ n/li nu x/embed/diy/i ndex.shtml2 Linux From Scratch. http:/clfsbook.mylab.idv.tw/i ndex.html3 Linux启动过程综述. &i=157504 The Linux
8、 Bootdisk HOWTO ( 中译版)..tw/CLDP/gb/Bootdisk-HOWTO.html5 Using the initial RAM disk (initrd). /usr/src/linux-2.4/Documentation/in itrd.txt.(译文:http:/zope.slat.Org/Project/3ybaby/discuss-area/cd-boot/cdboot_refer/i nitrd.htm) Quickmouse 于 2003.1 发表于白云黄鹤 BBS (Linux讨论区的帖子"裁减Linux
9、 ”。7 Filesystem Hierarchy Stan dard. .2.pdf8 LINUX ALLOCATED DEVICES. /usr/src/li nu x-2.4/Docume ntatio n/device.txt.或者最新的列表在 /pub/linux/docs/device-list/9 Karim Yaghmour. Buildi ng Embedded Li nux Systems. O'Reilly, April 2003.10 Alessa ndro Rubini. Take Comma nd: In it.htt
10、p:/www.li nu x.it/ker neldo cs/init/ , November 1998.11 深入 Linux PAM 体系结构.IBM developerWorks 中国网站.http:/www-90/ nu x/l-pam/i ndex.shtml . 2003.7.122总体描述2.1硬件环境开发主机:In tel 845芯片组主板,P4 赛扬 1.8GHz CPU, 256M 内存,60G IDE 硬盘,RTL8139 网卡。目标机:与主机同构。2.2软件环境开发主机:Redhat Linux 7.3 (kernel 2.4.18-3),或者 Redhat Linux
11、 9 (kernel 2.4.20-8)。可以根据需要使用其他版本的内核,比如Redhat 7.3 + kernel 2.4.20。目标机:LiPS,以及应用程序。2.3需求规定和约束我们目标系统 LiPS,即Linux Powered Storage是一个嵌入式 Linux操作系统,主要着眼于提供各种文件服务,不包括 X GUI;并且足够小,可以装入32M USB盘或者DOC/DOM等常用设备引导。3总体设计3.1基本设计概念提起“裁减Linux ”,最容易想到的方法是以一个已经安装好的系统为基础,删除掉不 需要的文件,以减小整个系统的尺寸。而事实上这个方法几乎是行不通的,因为通过光盘安装的
12、一个Redhat 9 Linux 系统,即便是只选择了比较少的软件包,其所占空间也可以轻松 达到300500MB想在这个基础上裁减到 30MB左右是比较困难的。更困难的是确定哪些东 西是可以删除的?如果删除了系统必须的文件,可能导致系统不能引导。另一个途径是从零开始根据需要构建整个系统。“Linux From Scratch ”采用的就是这种方式,一个个安装需要的软件包。类似的,更简单的方法是,安装一个完整的Linux系统, 然后将必要的软件(可执行程序)、配置文件、库文件、内核等复制出来构建一个小系统。 我们采取后一种方式。3.2软件结构LiPS包括3部分:Linux内核,根文件系统和引导器
13、。内核(Kernel )提供了一个操作系统的基本功能,如内存管理、进程调度、文件系统、 网络等,以及设备驱动程序。根文件系统(Root filesystem )是存放运行、维护系统所必须的各种工具软件、库文 件、脚本、配置文件和其他特殊文件(比如设备节点)的地方,也可以安装各种软件包。通 常根文件系统位于某个磁盘分区,而在LiPS中应用了 initrd (初始RAM盘)机制,将根文件系统放在RAM Disk中。引导器(Boot Loader )的任务是从引导设备装载内核,引导系统运行。Linux系统常见的引导器包括早期的LILO和近期的GRUB LiPS用的是GRUB4内核4.1创建内核的方法
14、Linux提供了方便灵活的方法来定制内核,主要步骤包括:下载安装内核源代码树,配 置内核,编译内核。具体方法请参考相关文档。关键指令如下:cd /usr/src/li nu x-2.4make menuconfigmake dep; make clea n; make bzImage编译成功的内核文件为 arch/i386/boot/bzlmage.4.2内核配置4.2.1 概述make me nuconfig 之后可以看到类似如下的内容(编号是为了描述方便而加上的)。根据内核版本的不同,列出的项目会有差异。而变化主要发生在发行版为标准内核打的各种补丁上面,其实标准内核是比较稳定的。如下所示,
15、我们配置的内核版本为2.4.20-8,这个“ -8 ”就是Redhat所打的补丁版本号。补丁一般是对标准内核错误的修正和新增的功能。与2.4.20内核配置选项比较会发现,10,25,30都属于 Redhat 的补丁。一般地,这些补丁选项都不是必须的,因此我们的LiPS内核中都没有包括这些选项。其实,完全可以通过直接配置一个标准的内核版本(比如2.4.20 )来产生我们所需要的内核。Linux Kernel v2.4.20-8-R2Lips Configuration1 Code maturity level options ->2 Loadable module support ->
16、;3 Processor type and features ->4 Gen eral setup -> Memory Techn ology Devices (MTD) ->6 Parallel port support ->7 Plug and Play con figurati on ->8 Block devices ->9 Multi-device support (RAID and LVM) ->10 Cryptography support (CryptoAPI) ->11 Network ing opti ons ->12
17、Telepho ny Support ->13 ATA/IDE/MFM/RLL support ->14 SCSI support ->15 Fusio n MPT device support ->16 I2O device support ->17 Network device support ->18 Amateur Radio support ->19 IrDA (in frared) support ->20 ISDN subsystem ->21 Old CD-ROM drivers (not SCSI, not IDE) -&
18、gt;22 In put core support ->23 Character devices ->24 Multimedia devices ->25 Crypto Hardware support ->26 File systems ->27 Console drivers ->28 Sou nd ->29 USB support ->30 Additi onal device driver support ->31 Bluetooth support ->32 Kernel hack ing ->33 Library r
19、outines ->Load an Alternate Configuration FileSave Configuration to an Alternate File<Select> < Exit >< Help >下面我们以2420内核为例,来详细说明内核的配置,也就是选哪些东西、不选哪些 东西。没有说明的选项,比如" Code maturity level options ”,表示不选。4.2.2 Loadable module support* En able loadable module support Set vers ion
20、 in formatio n on all module symbols* Kernel module loader可加载模块支持。虽然目前所选项目全部编译进内核,但是内核是支持模块的。可以考虑将一些硬件设备的驱动程序编译为模块,从而减小内核尺寸,同时增加适应不同硬件平台的灵活性。4.2.3 Processor type and features(Pentium-lll/Celeron(Coppermine) Processor family* Machine Check Exception< > Toshiba Laptop support< > Dell lapto
21、p support< > /dev/cpu/microcode - In tel IA32 CPU microcode support< > /dev/cpu/*/msr - Model-specific register support< > /dev/cpu/*/cpuid - CPU in formati on support(off) High Memory SupportMath emulatio nMTRR (Memory Type Range Register) supportSymmetric multi-process ing suppor
22、tLocal APIC support on uni processorsUnsyn ced TSC support处理器特性。选择一下Processor family,其余基本上都没有选。High Memory Support也可以打开,不清楚有什么用。4.2.4 General setup* Network ing support* PCI support(Any) PCI access mode* ISA bus support* PCI device n ame databaseEISA supportMCA supportSupport for hot-pluggable devic
23、es* System V IPC* BSD Process Accou nting* Sysctl support(ELF) Kernel core (/proc/kcore) format< > Kernel support for a.out bin aries<*> Kernel support for ELF bin aries< > Kernel support for MISC bin aries* Power Man ageme nt support< > Kernel support for MISC bin aries* Pow
24、er Man ageme nt support<*> Adva need Power Man ageme nt BIOS support* Ignore USER SUSPEND* En able PM at boot time* Make CPU Idle calls whe n idle* En able con sole bla nking usi ng APM* RTC stores time in GMT* Allow in terrupts during APM BIOS calls* Use real mode APM BIOS call to power off总体
25、设置。这一部分选项比较重要,包括网络、总线、进程、二进制文件格式、电源管 理等。其中APM相关的选项比较搞不清楚,有时候 halt - p命令不能关闭系统电源跟这里 有关系。4.2.5 Plug and Play configuration<*> Plug and Play support< > ISA Plug and Play support即插即用设置。4.2.6 Block devices<*> Normal floppy disk support< > XT hard disk support< > Compaq SMART
26、2 support< > Compaq Smart Array 5xxx support< > Mylex DAC960/DAC1100 PCI RAID Con troller support<*> Loopback device support< > Network block device support<*> RAM disk support(4096) Default RAM disk size* Initial RAM disk (initrd) support* Per partitio n statistics in
27、/proc/partitio ns块设备。软驱也可以不选。这里的关键选项是Loopback device , RAM disk和initrd,一定要选中。Default RAM disk size多少都没有关系。4.2.7 Multi-device support (RAID and LVM)* Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM)<*> RAID support<*> Lin ear (appe nd) mode<*> RAID-0 (strip ing) mode<*> RAID-1 (
28、mirrori ng) mode<*> RAID-4/RAID-5 mode<*> Multipath I/O support<*> Logical volume man ager (LVM) supportMD支持。软RAID和LVM的支持在这里选择,如果不使用,也可以不选。4.2.8 Networking options<*> Packet socket* Packet socket: mmapped IO< > Netl ink device emulati on* Network packet filtering (repla
29、ces ipchains) Network packet filteri ng debugg ing* Socket Filteri ng<*> Unix doma in sockets* TCP/IP networki ng* IP: multicast ing* IP: adva need routerIP: policy routi ngIP: equal cost multipath IP: use TOS value as routi ng key IP: verbose route mon itori ng IP: large routi ng tables* IP:
30、kern el level autoc on figurati on* IP: DHCP support* IP: BOOTP support* IP: RARP support<*> IP: tunneling< > IP: GRE tunn els over IPIP: multicast routi ngIP: TCP Explicit Con gestion Notificatio n supportIP: TCP syn cookie support (disabled per default)IP: Netfilter Con figurati on -&g
31、t;< > 802.1Q VLAN Support< > The IPX protocol< > Appletalk protocol support Appletalk devices ->< > DEC net SupportNetwork testi ng ->网络选项。这里选项也比较多, 义,基本上可以用缺省设置。注意IP: Netfilter Con figurati on< > 802.1d Ethernet Bridgi ng QoS an d/or fair queue ing ->如果没有什么特殊要
32、求,又不是十分理解这些选项的意 DHCP选项,如果要用到的话要记得选中这个。(跟iptables 有关)等几个子选项都没有选。4.2.9 ATA/IDE/MFM/RLL support<*> ATA/IDE/MFM/RLL supportIDE, ATA and ATAPI Block devices -><*> En ha need IDE/MFM/RLL disk/cdrom/tape/floppy support-Please see Docume ntatio n/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives Use old di
33、sk- only driver on primary in terface<*> In clude IDE/ATA-2 DISK support* Use multi-mode by default* Auto-Geometry Resiz ing support<*> In clude IDE/ATAPI CDROM support< > In clude IDE/ATAPI TAPE support< > In clude IDE/ATAPI FLOPPY support<*> SCSI emulatio n supportIDE
34、 Taskfile Access-IDE chipset support/bugfixesCMD640 chipset bugfix/supportRZ1000 chipset bugfix/support* Ge neric PCI IDE chipset support*Shari ng PCI IDE in terrupts support*Ge neric PCI bus-master DMA support Boot off-board chipsets first support Force en able legacy 2.0.X HOSTS to use DMA* Use PC
35、I DMA by default whe n availableEn able DMA only for disks AEC62XX chipset support ALI M15x3 chipset support AMD Viper support CMD64X and CMD680 chipset supportCY82C693 chipset support Cyrix CS5530 MediaGX chipset support HPT34X chipset supportHPT366/368/370 chipset support*Intel PIIX n chipsets sup
36、port*PIIX n Tu ning support PROMISE PDC20246|62|65|67|68|69|70 support ServerWorks OSB4/CSB5 chipsets supportSiS5513 chipset support SLC90E66 chipset support VIA82CXXX chipset support Other IDE chipset supportIGNORE word93 Validation BITSIDE设备支持。要用IDE硬盘,当然要选中。CDROM选项看情况也可以不要。SCSI emulation 似乎对使用USE盘
37、有影响。剩下的很多都是跟IDE chipset 有关的。最好是用dmesg命令找出目标系统主板芯片组,然后选中对应的芯片组支持,这样相当于安装了 IDE芯片组的驱动程序。如果没有指定应该也可以,只是性能可能会受到一些影响。4.2.10 SCSI support<*> SCSI support-SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)<*> SCSI disk support(40) Maximum nu mber of SCSI disks that can be loaded as modules< > SCSI tap
38、e support< > SCSI On Stream SC-x0 tape support< > SCSI CD-ROM support<*> SCSI ge neric support-Some SCSI devices (e.g. CD jukebox) support multiple LUNs En able extra checks in new queue ing codeProbe all LUNs on each SCSI deviceVerbose SCSI error reporti ng (kernel size +=12K)SCSI
39、 loggi ng facilitySCSI low-level drivers ->SCSI支持。如果要用到 SCSI硬盘等SCSI设备,这里当然要选。目前我们的目标系统 其实没有SCSI硬盘,但是为了使用 USE盘,也要选中 SCSI支持。SCSI low-level drivers子选项中是一些 SCSI卡,都不用选。4.2.11 Network device support* Network device supportARC net devices ->< > Dummy net driver support< > Bonding driver s
40、upport< > EQL (serial line load bala ncing) support< > Uni versal TUN/TAP device driver supportEthernet (10 or 100Mbit) ->* Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)* EISA, VLB, PCI and on board con trollers<*> EtherExpressPro/100 support (eepro100, origi nal Becker driver<*> RealTek RTL-8
41、139 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter supportEthernet (1000 Mbit)->FDDI driver support< > PPP (po in t-to-po int protocol) support< > SLIP (serial li ne) supportWireless LAN (non-hamradio) ->Toke n Ri ng devices ->Fibre Channel driver supportWan in terfaces ->网络设备支持。主要选择网卡类型,Ethernet
42、 (10 or 100Mbit)子选项中列出了内核可以支持的10/100M以太网卡,这里仅列出了我们选中的2种。其他子选项都没有选。4.2.12 Character devices* Virtual termi nal* Support for con sole on virtual term inal<*> Sta ndard/ge neric (8250/16550 and compatible UARTs) serial suppo rt* Support for con sole on serial portExtended dumb serial driver optio
43、nsNon-sta ndard serial port supportUni x98 PTY supportI2C support ->Mice ->Joysticks ->< > QIC-02 tape supportWatchdog Cards ->< > AMD 768 Ran dom Number Gen erator support< > In tel i8x0 Ran dom Number Gen erator support< > AMD 76x n ative power man ageme nt (Exp
44、erime ntal)< > /dev/ nvram support< > Enhan ced Real Time Clock Support< > Double Talk PC internal speech card support< > Siemens R3964 line discipline< > Applicom intelligent fieldbus card supportFtape, the floppy tape device driver ->< > /dev/agpgart (AGP Sup
45、port)Direct Ren deri ng Man ager (XFree86 DRI support)< > ACP Modem (Mwave) support以支持虚拟终端字符设备。这里主要就是选择了最前面4个跟终端和串口有关的选项,(远程登录要用到),支持标准串口,支持串口控制台。4.2.13 File systems* Quota support< > Kernel autom oun ter support<*> Kernel autom oun ter version 4 support (also supports v3)<*>
46、 Reiserfs supportEn able reiserfs debug mode* Stats in /proc/fs/reiserfs<*> Ext3 journ alli ng file system supportJBD (ext3) debuggi ng support<*> DOS FAT fs support<*> MSDOS fs support< > UMSDOS: Un ix-like file system on top of sta ndard MSDOS fs<*> VFAT (Win dows-95)
47、 fs support< > Compressed ROM file system support* Virtual memory file system support (former shm fs)<*> ISO 9660 CDROM file system support* Microsoft Joliet CDROM exte nsio nsTran spare nt decompressi on exte nsion< > JFS filesystem support< > Minix fs support< > FreeV
48、xFS file system support (VERITAS VxFS(TM) compatible)< > NTFS file system support (read only)< > OS/2 HPFS file system support* /proc file system support< > QNX4 file system support (read only)< > ROM file system support<*> Second exte nded fs support< > System V/
49、Xe ni x/V7/Cohere nt file system support< > UDF file system support (read only)< > UFS file system support (read only)Network File Systems ->< > Coda file system support (adva need n etwork fs)<*> NFS file system support* Provide NFSv3 clie nt supportRoot file system on NF
50、S<*> NFS server support* Provide NFSv3 server support<*> SMB file system support (to mount Win dows shares etc.)Use a default NLS< > NCP file system support (to mount NetWare volumes)Partitio n Types ->Native Lan guage Support ->Default NLS Optio n: "iso8859-1"<*
51、> Codepage 437 (Un ited States, Can ada)<*> Simplified Chi nese charset (CP936, GB2312)<*> Traditi onal Chin ese charset (Big5)文件系统。这部分内容比较多, 也很重要。首先是Quota,如果目标系统支持这个功能, 这里就要选中。然后是选择要支持的文件系统,常用的有Reiserfs ,Ext3,FAT, ISO9660,JFS等等,可以根据情况选择。/proc和ext2 一定要选中。还有Network File Systems子选项,可以选择
52、是否支持NFS和SMB Native LanguageSupport子选项跟所支持的语言有关,这里没有全部列出来,我们选中了英语和简体、繁 体中文字符集。4.2.14 Console drivers* VGA text con soleVideo mode select ion support控制台驱动。调试的时候可以给目标系统接显示器看一下,实际系统应该可以 不选。4.2.15 USB support<*> Support for USB USB verbose debug messages-Miscella neous USB optio ns* Prelimi nary US
53、B device filesystemLong timeout for slow-resp onding devices (some MGE Ellipse UPSe -USB Host Con troller Drivers<*> UHCI Alternate Driver (JE) support<*> OHCI (Compaq, iMacs, OPTi, SiS, ALi, .) support-USB Device Class drivers< > USB MIDI support<*> USB Mass Storage support*
54、 USB Mass Storage verbose debugFreecom USB/ATAPI Bridge supportISD-200 USB/ATA Bridge support Microtech CompactFlash/SmartMedia support< > USB Modem (CDC ACM) support< > USB Printer support-USB Human In terface Devices (HID)<*> USB Human In terface Device (full HID) support-In put
55、core support is needed for USB HID in put layer or HIDBP /dev/hiddev raw HID device support-USB Imagi ng devices< > USB Kodak DC-2xx Camera support< > USB Sca nner support< > Microtek X6USB scanner support-USB Multimedia devices- Video4L inux support is n eeded for USB Multimedia d
56、evice support-USB Network adap tors-USB port driversUSB Serial Con verter support ->-USB Miscella neous drivers< > Texas In strume nts Graph Li nk USB (aka SilverL ink) cable support< > USB LCD device supportUSB支持。如果没有使用 USB设备,这部分可以不选。要使用USB盘,一定要选中USBMass Storage support。其余很多选项我也不清楚是干什么用的。4.3提示4.3.1 EXTRAVERSION在系统中使用uname可以获得系统版本信息。比如Redhat 9 :rootlips root# un ame -r2.4.20-8rootlips root#返回结果表
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