1、LocationFamily backgroundCondition of dwellingHistory & PoliticsTimeLocation: brown,noisy ;scrub oak;greygreen willow;chokecherry bushes; We can infer that the Tonnerre lived in a severe natural environment where water was polluted not as clear as before and tall trees are replaced by the scrub
2、oak ,greygreen willow and chokecherry. These trees could take roots and spread under such a severe condition, In fact ,the trees stand for Metis(加拿大的原住民的加拿大的原住民的一个族群一个族群,是原住民与早期法裔加拿大人的混血儿是原住民与早期法裔加拿大人的混血儿) who are dogged(顽强的) enough to adjust their life to any severe environment.Condition of Dwellin
3、gSmall square cabin made of poplar poles and chinked with mudTime Jules had only intended to Jules had only intended to stay the winter in the Wachastay the winter in the Wachakwa kwa Valley,but the family was still Valley,but the family was still there there in the thirtiesin the thirties,when I wa
4、s ,when I was a child.a child.History & Politics1、Jules Tonnerre came back from Batoche(巴托什,加拿大地名)some fifty years before2、 Riel was hung and Metis entered their long silenceRiel Canadian insurrectionary (起义者) who was organized the metis settlers in a rebellion over their land rights(1869)Eventu
5、ally ,he was captured and executed by Canadian authorities. Red River Rebellion(红河暴动)A A new governmentnew government Canadian ConfederationCanadian Confederation(加拿(加拿大联盟)大联盟) was formed in 1867.The was formed in 1867.The Canadian Canadian governmentgovernment appointed an appointed an EnglishEngli
6、sh-speaking -speaking governor, governor, William McDougallWilliam McDougall.The Mtis, led by .The Mtis, led by Riel, prevented McDougall from entering the Riel, prevented McDougall from entering the territoryterritory. .The Mtis created a provisional government, The Mtis created a provisional gover
7、nment, Riel being the leader of the government.He Riel being the leader of the government.He undertook to negotiate directly with the Canadian undertook to negotiate directly with the Canadian ernment.Meanwhile, Riels men arrested members of Meanwhile, Riels men arrested members of a p
8、ro-Canadian faction who had resisted the a pro-Canadian faction who had resisted the provisional government. They included an provisional government. They included an Thomas ScottThomas Scott. Riels government . Riels government triedtried and and convicted Scott, and convicted Scott, and executedex
9、ecuted him for him for threatening to murder Louis Riel.threatening to murder Louis Riel.In 1870, the legislature passed the In 1870, the legislature passed the Manitoba ActManitoba Act(曼尼托巴法案), allowing the , allowing the Red River settlement to enter Red River settlement to enter ConfederationConf
10、ederation as the province of Manitoba. as the province of Manitoba. The Act also incorporated some of Riels The Act also incorporated some of Riels demands, such as provision of demands, such as provision of separateseparate French schools for Mtis children and French schools for Mtis children and p
11、rotection of the practice of protection of the practice of CatholicismCatholicism(天主教)(天主教). .After reaching agreement, Canada After reaching agreement, Canada sent a sent a militarymilitary expedition to Manitoba expedition to Manitoba to enforce federal authority. Now to enforce federal authority.
12、 Now known as the known as the Wolseley ExpeditionWolseley Expedition(沃尔(沃尔斯利出征)斯利出征) . . O Outrage grew in Ontarioutrage grew in Ontario(安大略省)(安大略省).Riel fled and the .Riel fled and the arrival of troops marked the end of arrival of troops marked the end of the Rebellion.the Rebellion.The North-Wes
13、t Rebellion(西北叛乱)(西北叛乱)During a time of great social change in Western Canada, the Mtis believed that the Dominion of Canada had failed to address the protection of their rights, their land and their survival as a distinct people.At that time,the Mtis were alarmed that the buffalo were hunted by int
14、ruders(闯入者)(闯入者).Buffalo were regarded as a chief source of food they depended on for generations. In addition,native birdsloons were also threatend . Family background 1 As the Tonnerres had increased,their settlement had been added to,until the clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of
15、lean-tos,wooden packing cases,warped lumber,discarded car tyre,ramshackle chicken coops.tangled strands of barved wire and rusty tin cans. 坦纳瑞家人丁兴旺,他们的木屋慢慢地扩建,越来越大,到后来,那片林中空地上小披屋林立,到处乱七八糟地堆放着木板包装箱、晒翘了的木材、废弃的汽车轮胎、摇摇欲坠的鸡笼子、一卷一卷的带刺的铁丝和锈迹斑斑的洋铁罐 For a long time,the family For a long time,the family had l
16、abored,lived multiplied on had labored,lived multiplied on the land ,surviving generation and the land ,surviving generation and gerenation.Time passed,however,the gerenation.Time passed,however,the dwelling was only slightly changed dwelling was only slightly changed not catching up with the scale
17、of not catching up with the scale of growing family.growing family.It is referred that It is referred that the Tonnerre were still the Tonnerre were still struggling to survive in deep struggling to survive in deep waters.waters.Family background 2Detail 1:.their English was broken and full of ob sc
18、enities(粗话).(Language)Detail 2:.their men were not working at odds or as section hands on the C.P.R(Canadian Pacific Railways 加拿大太平洋铁路公司) .(Job)Detail 3:.get mixed up in a Saturday-night brawl(吵架,打架).and would hit out at whoever was nearest or howl drunkenly(酗酒闹事,见人就打,狂呼乱叫).(Behaviors)It is referred that they are low-educated through the language they use.Besides, Piquettes father and brother, often drunk and being sent to the prison.They were unable to exist indepen
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