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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上楚州区教育教学第三协作片期中统考八年级英语学科试卷 命题人:潘福平一、选择题。(20分)( )1. Its UFO.A. a B. an C. the D./( )2. Is there in todays newspaperA. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything( )3. a day do you feed your pet Twice a day.A. How often B. How long C. How

2、many D. How many times( )4. My dog is animal of all.A. clever B. cleverest C. cleverer D. the cleverest( )5. - Is the English book yours - No, it _ Simons.A. can B. can be C. maybe D. might is ( )6. -Why dont we _ - Its a good idea .A . going fishing B . to go fishing C . go fish D . go fishing ( )7

3、. The woman enjoys _. A. sing and dance B. sings and dances C. singing and dancing D. singing and dances( )8. It took _ half an hour _ his homework. A. her, do B. him, do C. him, to do D. him, doing( )9. _ interesting story it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an( )10. A person cannot sneeze and

4、_ his eyes _ at the same time. A. lets, open B. keep, open C. lets, close D. keep, close( )11. Remember to_ your homework to school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. buy D. worry( )12. _ is important _ fish fresh water. A. That; to give B. It; to give C. That; giving D. It; to giving ( )13. You _ be pol

5、ite to the old man. A. should B. can C. need D. may ( )14. Must I return the book right now No, you _ . A. mustnt B. dont have to C. neednt and C( )15. Timmy plays with his pet for _ every day. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes D. some time ( )16. Dont read _ the sun and its bad _ your eyes. A.

6、 under; for ; for C. with; for D. in; to ( )17. Why dont you tell her _ A. how to do B. what to do C. to do what D. what to do it ( )18. Heres a book. It belongs to .A. he B. his C. him ( )19. Lei Feng always _ others first. A. thought of B. thought about C. thought over D. thought up( ) man usually

7、 has_ unhealthy food, so he is_ unhealthy. A. too much, too much B. much too, much too C. too much, much too D. much too, too much二、完型填空。(10分)There is a story about a clever dog. It was a seeing-eye dog. A seeing-eye dog can help blind(瞎的) people walk along the streets and do many other things. One

8、day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man 1 on bus together. The bus was full of 2 and there were 3 seats left. But one man soon stood up and left his seat. The dog 4 the blind man to the seat, but there was little space(空间) for two people. The dog began to push the people on each side 5 his nose. He pus

9、hed and pushed until the people moved and 6 there was 7space for two people. The blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side. The dog 8 down and put his head on the leg of the 9 man. He was very comfortable and soon felt asleep. Everyone on the bus 10 at the dog. ( ) 21. A. go

10、t B. went C. came D. put ( ) 22. A. foreigners B. policemen C. people D. farmers ( ) 23. A. no B. not many C. enough D. some ( ) 24. A. told B. asked C. carried D. took ( )25. A. for B. to C. with D. at ( ) 26. A. at first B. still C. at last D. last ( ) 27. A. less B. enough C. few D. little ( ) 28

11、. A. went B. put C. lay D. jumped ( ) 29. A. old B. blind C. young D. first ( )30. A. smiled B. watched C. hated D. saw 三、阅读理解。(30分,每空2分) AOnce there was a little girl in a village. She spent summers on her grandfathers farm. The year she was four, she knew some ducks. The ducks were white with oran

12、ge feet. They lived in a little wooden house near the road. The little girl liked these ducks very much. Every day they walked down the road to the pond(池塘). The ducks went into the water. The little girl sat on the bank(岸) and saw them swimming in the pond. The little girl talked to the ducks and t

13、hey quacked(嘎嘎叫) back. Then one day the ducks were gone. No one would say anything about them. The little girl was afraid to ask where they were. One night everyone sat down for dinner. The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didnt want to eat. Can you guess why ( )31. The story is mainly ab

14、out _. A. eating chicken B. sitting by the pond C. living on a farm D. ducks and a little girl ( )32. The ducks were _. A. yellow and orange B. yellow and white C. white and orange feet D. white and black ( )33. First the little girl _. A. didnt eat B. sat on the bank C. walked to the pond D. talked

15、 to the ducks ( )34. At the end of the story,maybe the ducks were _ A. under the water B. on the plate C. in the wooden house D. swimming in the pond ( )35. The little girl didnt eat because _ A. she wanted nice cakes B. the food was ducks C. the food was too hot D. the plate was empty BMany people

16、like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important(重要的) activities(活动) of the day. TV brings the outside closer to peoples homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before-because of TV.Whats going on in the other countries How do people live in places far away Is there a good sports

17、game somewhere(某个地方) Whats the life like in the deepest(最深的) part of the seaIf you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through(通过) reading or listening to the radio. But with

18、 TV they can learn better and more easily. Why Because they can hear and watch, too.TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds(思想).TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something. ( ) 36. Some people say the world is smaller than before because_.A. TV m

19、akes the earth smaller and smaller B. all people like to watch TVC. watching TV is one of the most important activities of the dayD. TV brings the outside world closer to people ( ) 37. We can _ when we watch TV. A. go to live in the other countries B. answer TV many questions C. get a lot of inform

20、ation(信息) D. ask TV some questions ( ) 38. People learn better through TV than through radio because_. sets are bigger than radios B. people can not only hear but also watch C. without TV people cant open their eyes D. its easier to turn on TV than to turn on radio ( ) 39. The sentence “TV also help

21、s to open our minds” means:A. our minds can only be opened by TV. B. something is wrong with our minds.C. it can help us to increase our knowledge(知识) D. TV is new to us. ( ) 40. This article(文章) tells us_. A. its good to watch TV B. not to watch TV any more.Cstudents shouldnt watch TV at any time.

22、D. to stop reading to watch TV. CAirlineFlight number DestinationDeparture timeGateAir Canada137Beijing10.12a.m.24Japan Airlines320Tokyo10.30a.m.18British Airways405Paris11.00a.m.20Pan American226London11.20a.m.12Pan American 12Beijing11.43a.m.15Air Canada178Tokyo Kong If you want to fly to Paris, y

23、ou should take_.A. Flight 137 B. Flight 320 C. Flight 226 D. Flight 40542. Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at_.A. 11.43a.m. B. 10.12a.m. C. D. 10.12a.m.43. A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing, she should go to Gate_.A. 14 B. 15 C. 12 D. 1844. Flight 226 to London is from _.A. Pan American B. Ja

24、pan Airlines C. Air Canada D. CAAC45. A man is at Gate 18. Hes going to_.A. Tokyo B. Hong Kong C. London D. Paris四、 用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)46. Many _ come to see interesting places in Beijing. (visit)47. My father is fond of to music. (listen)48. We should listen to the teacher _ in class. (care ) 49、My m

25、other _ me a new T-shirt yesterday afternoon. ( bring ) 50、Daniel is a clever boy. He can learn things _ (quick).51、Whats the_ between the two girls (different)52、A cat is running after the two _(mouse).53、Who is the _ of the car in front of the shop (own)54、Im looking forward to _ you at my birthda

26、y party. (see)55、Thank you very much for _ to me . (write)五、句型转换。(17分)56、Ann did her homework yesterday evening(提问) Ann yesterday evening57、We need some potatoes and carrots (改为否定句)We need potatoes carrots58、Did you enjoy yourselves(改为同义句)Did you a 59、The film is very exciting. (改为感叹句) Exciting film

27、 it is!60、I can look after my little dog. (改为同义句)I can my little dog.61、Please bring me a cup of coffee. (改为同义句)Please a cup of coffee .六根据中文完成下列句子。(13分)62、格林先生去年居住在中国Mr Green China last year.63、昨天那个男子在街上发生了什么事What the man in the street yesterday64、你能教我怎样游泳吗Can you teach me 65、有些人害怕蛇。Some people snakes.66、扇尾金鱼和其他的金鱼不同Fantail goldfish other goldfish.七、书面表达。(共10分) 请以“My favourite pet”为题,写一篇文章。 提示:什么动物、外貌、性格、食物、喜好,以及你是如何照料它的。 学校 班级 姓名 考号 (


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