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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上七年级英语(下)Unit 3检测卷满分:120分听力部分(25分).听句子,选择符合题意的图片。每个句子听一遍。(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子听两遍。(5分)( )6.A.He is fine. B.He is eleven years old. C.He walks.( )7.A.Five dollars. B.Every week. C.Ten kilometers.( )8.A.At 6 oclock. B.Every day. C.In a school.( )9.A.To Beijing. B.In Beijing.

2、 C.From Beijing.( )10.A.About ten miles. B.Two kilometers an hour. C.About thirty minutes.听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5分)( )11.A.By car. B.By bus. C.On foot.( )12.A.Fifteen minutes. B.Twenty minutes. C.Thirty minutes.( )13.A.Two miles. B.Six miles. C.Eight miles.( )14.A.Too short. B.Too long. C.Very goo

3、d.( )15.A.40. B.55. C.37.听短文,完成表格信息。短文听两遍。(10分)笔试部分(95分).单项选择。(15分)( )21.I often go to work _.A.ride my bike B.by bike C.by a bike D.on bike( )22.Can their dream _?A.come in B.get to C.come true D.think of( )23._ do you get to Beijing? By train.A.How B.What C.When D.Where( )24._ is it from your home

4、 to school? Its only about two _.A.How far;kilometer B.How long;kilometersC.How long;kilometer D.How far;kilometers( )25.P is _ O and Q.A.next B.like C.between D.near( )26.How long does it take? It takes _.A.half an hour B.a hour C.two hour D.half a hour( )27. _does it take you to get home from scho

5、ol? Thirty minutes.A.How long B.How manyC.How much D.How old( )28.There is a river between his school and home, so he takes a _ to school every day.A.bus B.subway C.boat D.train( )29.Jingjing often takes a boat _ the river.A.cross B.to across C.to cross D.through( )30._ is it from here to the TV sta

6、tion? About twenty minutes walk.A.How much B.How far C.How long D.How many( )31.Do you go to school by bus or by train? _.A.Yes, I go to school by busB.No, I dont go to school by trainC.I go to school by busD.No, I dont( )32.It takes about 10 minutes _ and 15 minutes by bus.A.walk B.walks C.to walk

7、D.walking( )33.Mr. Black is _. He has an _ son.A.forty years old;eight-year-oldB.forty-year-old;eight-year-oldC.forty years old;eight-years-oldD.forty years old;eight years old( )34.There are nineteen _ students in Sonias school.A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of( )35._ easy _ me to pla

8、y the piano.A.It;for B.Its;for C.It;to D.Its;to.完形填空。(10分)Dear Jane,How are you? 36 your last e-mail. You want to know 37 I get to school, right? Well, my home is far 38 school. Its about 15 kilometers. I must get up very 39 every morning. First I walk to the 40 . It takes me about five minutes. Bec

9、ause I have 41 time to eat breakfast at home. I always eat it 42 the bus stop. Then I take the bus. The bus ride always 43 about twenty minutes. And then I take another(另一辆) bus or the subway. It takes me 20 minutes by bus 44 10 minutes by subway. I hardly ever(很少) take the subway. 45 the subway sta

10、tion is far from school.What about you? How do you get to school?Yours,Jack( )36.A.Thank for B.Thanks you for C.Thanks for( )37.A.what B.how C.where( )38.A.of B.for C.from( )39.A.early B.late C.quick( )40.A.bus B.bus stop C.subway station( )41.A.not B.much C.no( )42.A.at B.in C.of( )43.A.take B.to t

11、ake C.takes( )44.A.or B.and C.for( )45.A.So B.Because C.But.阅读理解。(20分)ALin Fei is my best friend. He is very busy on school days. His home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six oclock,then has a quick breakfast. He leaves for school at about six thirty. First, he rides his bike to th

12、e bus station. That takes about ten minutes. Then the early bus takes him to school. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. After that, he walks to school from the bus stop. When he gets to school, its always about seven thirty.In the morning,he has four classes. Lunch is from twelve oclock to

13、 one oclock. He always eats fruit and vegetables for lunch, because he likes them. In the afternoon,he has two classes. His classes finish at four oclock. Usually he plays basketball for half an hour after school and then gets home at about five oclock. When he gets home, he always does his homework

14、 first. He has dinner at about seven oclock. After dinner, he either watches TV or plays computer games for an hour. At nine oclock, he goes to bed.How about you? Are you busy on school days?( )46.What time does Lin Fei get up?A. At six thirty. B.At six a.m. C.At six p.m.( )47.How long does it take

15、Lin Fei to get to school?A.About half an hour.B.About one hour.C.About two hours.( )48.How many classes does Lin Fei have every day?A.Six classes. B.Four classes. C.Seven classes.( )49.Does he like fruit and vegetables?A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesnt. C.I dont know.( )50.Which of the following is true

16、(正确的)?A.In the morning, Lin Fei usually walks to the bus station.B.Lin Fei always does his homework after dinner.C.Lin Fei plays basketball for half an hour after school. B( )51.Toms home is _ his school. He usually _ to school with Jack.A.near;walks B.far from;takes a busC.near;takes a bus D.far fr

17、om;rides his bike( )52._ usually goes to school by bus.A.Tom B.Jack C.Lucy D.Mary( )53.It takes Mary about _ minutes and Lucy about _ minutes to get to school.A.15;30 B.30;15 C.30;45 D.45;30( )54.Lucy usually goes to school by _, but on rainy days she goes by _.A.bike;bike B.bus;bus C.bike;bus D.bus

18、;bike( )55. dont live far from their school.A.Tom and Mary B.Mary and LucyC.Jack and Mary D.Lucy and Tom.根据句意及提示写单词。(5分)56.There is a new _(桥) in our village.57.Mr. John often _(开车) a car to work.58.It is three _(公里) from my school to your home.59.The bus _(旅程) is never boring for me.60.The girl oft

19、en goes there by _(自行车).句型转换。(10分)61.The old man rides to the park every day.(改为同义句)The old man goes to the park _ _ every day.62.My father goes to work by bus every day.(对画线部分提问) _ _ your father go to work every day?63.I think the subway is very quick.(对画线部分提问)What _ you _ _ the subway?64.It takes

20、me 20 minutes to get to school by bike.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ it take you to get to school by bike?65.ride,their,bikes,do,school,friends,your,to(?)(连词成句)_.任务型阅读。(10分)The bar chart(长条图) shows the ways(方式) students in Mr. Wangs class how to go to school.提示词:how many多少;different不同的;most popular最流行的根据表格内容,简略回答下列问题。66.How many different ways to go to school do the girls have?_67.How many students go to school by bike?_68.What is the most popular way to go to school?_69.There


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